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Children's developing conceptions of what is right or proper are commonly studied without reference to concomitant changes in their understanding of beliefs, just as studies of young people's maturing grasp of the belief entitlement process ordinarily proceed separately from any examination of the value considerations that invest beliefs with meaning. In an effort to reverse these isolationist practices, a case is made for rereading the fact-value dichotomy that currently works to divide the contemporaneous literatures dealing with children's moral reasoning development and their evolving theories of mind. Findings from two research programs, in which children's beliefs about truth and rightness are combined, serve to illustrate the natural interdependence of these moral and epistemic matters.  相似文献   

真理论是西方哲学的核心问题。 2 0世纪前半期既是真理符合论、真理实用论和真理融贯论三大真理观在当代哲学基底上重新铸造和蓬勃发展的辉煌时期 ,又是三大真理观鼎足而立、激烈论战的时期。这场论战 ,既使三大真理论都获得了最大限度的发展 ,同时也使它们的固有缺陷充分暴露。这场论战昭示了这样一个逻辑 :试图以任何一种真理论解决意义和真理问题都是不可能的。  相似文献   

试论真理的模糊性和精确性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在模糊学研究成果和相关研究资料的基础上,进一步探寻真理的模糊性和精确性的概念内涵和根据,揭示二者之间的辩证统一关系,以利于推 动真理认研究的深化,指导实践活动获得成功。  相似文献   

The complexities of the ethics and truth in archival research are often unrecognised or invisible in educational research. This paper complicates the process of collecting data in the archives, as it problematises notions of ethics and truth in the archives. The archival research took place in the former Czechoslovakia and its turbulent political history influenced the way data were accessed and collected. The article analyses the productive power of archival institutions and their guardians, and examines the ethical dilemma of discovering sensitive information. Archival institutions hold the secrets that, once uncovered, can have powerful ramifications. It will be argued that the nature of truth in the archives is complex, and the author complicates and challenges the perception that archives are ethically neutral research spaces that do not need to consider approval from research ethics committees.  相似文献   

真理问题是一个古老而常新的哲学难题。现代逻辑创始人弗雷格以独特的方式追求真:他从语言分析角度出发,运用逻辑分析方法得出真是无法定义的基始概念,真与句子紧密相关,他把真化归为句子的真,并借助句子和真来说明什么是思想,真存在于断定句中,句子的意义是思想,句子的意谓是真值。  相似文献   

从整体性的角度和根本性上来讲,中国化马克思主义的精髓是实事求是.实事求是是中国化马克思主义哲学基础的根本点,是中国化马克思主义思想路线的核心,与解放思想、与时俱进、求真务实是内在统一的.把握了这个精髓,就把握了中国化马克思主义最本质的东西.  相似文献   

什么是真理?如何理解真理范畴?为了回答这两个问题,已出现了真理范畴的符合论、融贯论和实用论.而符合论本身又有几种类型,马克思主义符合论是其中的一种.如何区分马克思主义符合论与其他符合论?关键在于辩证理解马克思主义真理范畴的符合论.  相似文献   

In this article it is argued that metaphors can be useful in explaining the ways academics and teachers can work inter-dependently, using action research, to achieve different, but mutually beneficial outcomes. The authors explore several metaphors used by other writers to capture some of the essential characteristics of research partnerships, while playfully advancing their own biological metaphor of mutualism to emphasise the importance of inter-dependence and reciprocity in collaborative partnerships. They then draw on their experiences working in several major Australian projects, which employed collaborative action research as a reform mechanism. They discuss – with separate school and university (voices) – three issues that have emerged from their participation in these projects; the difficulties of establishing mutually beneficial partnerships, the different cultures of universities and schools, and using action research as a school reform process. The authors' reason for highlighting these issues is to demonstrate that participants' perceptions of project events and processes differ, and that perspective taking – being able to ‘see’ others' points of view – is a key component of collaborative work.  相似文献   

Research suggests that young children may see a direct and one-way connection between facts about the world and epistemic mental states (e.g., belief). Conventions represent instances of active constructions of the mind that change facts about the world. As such, a mature understanding of convention would seem to present a strong challenge to children's simplified notions of epistemic relations. Three experiments assessed young children's abilities to track behavioral, representational, and truth aspects of conventions. In Experiment 1, 3- and 4-year-old children (N = 30) recognized that conventional stipulations would change people's behaviors. However, participants generally failed to understand how stipulations might affect representations. In Experiment 2, 3-, 5-, and 7-year-old children (N = 53) were asked to reason about the truth values of statements about pretenses and conventions. The two younger groups of children often confused the two types of states, whereas older children consistently judged that conventions, but not pretenses, changed reality. In Experiment 3, the same 3- and 5-year-olds (N = 42) participated in tasks assessing their understanding of representational diversity (e.g., false belief). In general, children's performance on false-belief and "false-convention" tasks did not differ, which suggests that conventions were understood as involving truth claims (as akin to beliefs about physical reality). Children's difficulties with the idea of conventional truth seems consistent with current accounts of developing theories of mind.  相似文献   

现实问题及其社会意识、从“革命”理论到建设理论的转换、马克思主义理论的层级性问题,都可能构成对中国特色社会主义理论体系与原典理论逻辑关系的遮蔽.共产主义社会理想、无产阶级立场、超越资本统治观点、唯物辩证研究方法是原典理论精神实质所在.中国特色社会主义理论体系的民族复兴、人民幸福基本目标是共产主义社会理想在当代中国的具体展现,其人民立场是对无产阶级立场在新的时空下的继承和发展,其利用资本、制衡资本逻辑的观点是超越资本统治观点的具体化,其解放思想、实事求是方法是唯物辩证研究方法在认识和工作中的贯彻和发扬.  相似文献   

海德格尔从“存在论”出发,提出了建立在“此在”分析基础上的生存论的真理观,对传统的真理观进行匡正,以寻回“存在”的真正意义,指出真理的本质乃是“此在的展开状态”和“自由”。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the prominence of rationalism in the major Western pedagogical theories of Plato, Rousseau, and Dewey, all of whom conceptualize formal teaching, as the inculcation of rationality in individual learners. After each of their theories has been described, the argument turns against the tradition of pedagogical rationalism to question what happens in the education of artists, quasi-artists, and creative designers. The answer given is that imagination must be paramount and strongly encouraged in the education of such students, despite the problematic fact that imagination – seeing the truth – cannot be taught the way that rationality can, relying instead on the analysis of successful works of art and design as exemplary and allowing students to freely pursue their own individual inspirations.  相似文献   


Introductory students regularly endorse naïve skepticism – unsupported or uncritical doubt about the existence and universality of truth – for a variety of reasons. Though some of the reasons for students’ skepticism can be traced back to the student – for example, a desire to avoid engaging with controversial material or a desire to avoid offense – naïve skepticism is also the result of how introductory courses are taught, deemphasizing truth to promote students’ abilities to develop basic disciplinary skills. While this strategy has a number of pedagogical benefits, it prevents students in early stages of intellectual development from understanding truth as a threshold concept. I argue that we can make progress against naïve skepticism by clearly discussing how metadisciplinary aims differ at the disciplinary and course levels in a way that is meaningful, reinforced, and accessible.  相似文献   

普特南在建立自己的指称和真理理论时,认真探究了罗素的相关理论,并且从达米特的反实在论真理观中获得了重要的启示。普特南的指称理论强调了社会和环境的重要作用。在指称理论的基础上,他提出了理想辩护的真理观,即:真理是在理想辩护的意义上与辩护同一的,他的观点引起了人们的广泛关注。  相似文献   

Is it possible to manage human ‘resources’ in an ethical way? What does ‘being ethical’ mean as related to the human resources function? In my paper – which also reflects upon my own experiences of two co-operative inquiry projects done with human resource management (HRM) practitioners – I wish to argue that action research could be an exciting and novel way of exploring the meaning and practice of ethical HRM and also an appropriate tool with which to facilitate and develop individual and group ethical action learning: a learning process based on real action, collective real-case solutions and reflection. After introducing practical details pertaining to the two projects (in group ‘A’, I worked with members of the HRM department of a bank as co-researchers; for group ‘B’, I invited along HRM professionals from different companies), I need to stress some ‘learning points’. First, I would like to demonstrate how co-researchers explored their own definition of ethics, learned about the ethical diversity of their group and how they probed and re-shaped theories held via action and reflection. Second, I wish to show how collective ‘solutions’ of co-researchers’ own real-time and ethically dilemma-holding cases acted as a bridge between theory and practice – and then see how the process of case resolution developed by the group become an important individual- and group-level learning point.  相似文献   

人类发展的历史离不开对真理的执著追求。在众多真理理论中,罗素的真理符合论(Correspondence Theory of Truth)是影响较为广泛的一种理论。不过,罗素的真理理论在其学术生涯中也经历了几次变化和研究侧重的转变,因此,梳理罗素的真理观有助于厘清其真理理论牵涉的若干问题,有助于从罗素关注的基本问题入手认真思考语言与事实之间的对应关系,并进一步探索符合论真理观的不足与意义。  相似文献   

Science and religion exhibit multiple relationships as ways of knowing. These connections have been characterized as cousinly, mutually respectful, non-overlapping, competitive, proximate-ultimate, dominant-subordinate, and opposing-conflicting. Some of these ties create stress, and tension between science and religion represents a significant chapter in humans’ cultural heritage before and since the Enlightenment. Truth, knowledge, and their relation are central to science and religion as ways of knowing, as social institutions, and to their interaction. In religion, truth is revealed through God’s word. In science, truth is sought after via empirical methods. Discord can be viewed as a competition for social legitimization between two social institutions whose goals are explaining the world and how it works. Under this view, the root of the discord is truth as correspondence. In this concept of truth, knowledge corresponds to the facts of reality, and conflict is inevitable for many because humans want to ask which one—science or religion—gets the facts correct. But, the root paradox, also known as the problem of the criterion, suggests that seeking to know nature as it is represents a fruitless endeavor. The discord can be set on new ground and resolved by taking a moderately skeptical line of thought, one which employs truth as coherence and a moderate form of constructivist epistemology. Quantum mechanics and evolution as scientific theories and scientific research on human consciousness and vision provide support for this line of argument. Within a constructivist perspective, scientists would relinquish only the pursuit of knowing reality as it is. Scientists would retain everything else. Believers who hold that religion explains reality would come to understand that God never revealed His truth of nature; rather, He revealed His truth in how we are to conduct our lives.  相似文献   

写出人生的血和肉来--鲁迅关于文艺真实性的辩证思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲁迅的文艺真实论是以哲学认识论为基础的现实主义真实论,他对文艺与现实,艺术真实与生活真实,真实性与理想性的关系,进行了辩证的分析.他那"取下假面,真诚地,深入地,大胆地看取人生并写出它的血和肉来”的文学观念,是救治当下各种文艺创作流弊的药石,是20世纪最宝贵的文学传统.  相似文献   

Studying mobile learning – the use of personal electronic devices to engage in learning across multiple contexts via connections to media, educators, peers, experts, and the larger world – is a relatively new academic enterprise. In this special issue, we interrogated the promise and unexamined expectations of mobile learning, the theories and ideas developing around it, and the devices that afford it. The articles introduce mobile and wearable technologies as key components of empirical research and demonstrate ways that learning conducted with such devices (1) affects the process and products of learning via interactions with other psychological constructs; (2) affords new opportunities to directly influence learning process or outcomes; and (3) provides opportunities to collect previously unobtainable data that improve understanding and modeling of the learning process. In this introduction, we overview the emergence of mobile learning theory and its contemporary conceptualization. Then we highlight ways that mobile technologies can be used to enhance learning processes and an understanding of them. All special issue contributors conceptualize and align their work with both psychological theories of learning and instruction as well as emerging theories of mobile learning. The commentary authors appraise mobile learning research critically and analytically, and recommend ways mobile learning theory might build upon research methodology and knowledge grounded empirically in psychological and sociocultural theories of learning. Overall, we believe this special issue achieved our goal to produce a balanced consideration that highlights the advancements in learning and learning theory mobile devices might afford, and to temper any premature enthusiasm about these potential benefits.  相似文献   

马克思主义理论本质上是一门生活科学,它与自然科学和人文社会科学有着不同的范式。本文把“真理”界定为确凿可靠的真实理论,由此着重探讨自然科学理论和人文社会科学理论中的真理观与思辨的真理观的区别,并在此基础上提出了马克思主义生活科学的真理观。  相似文献   

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