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聚焦跑步时髌股关节生物力学特征,探究穿着不同极简指数(MI)跑鞋对髌股关节接触力、应力等的即刻影响。选取15名习惯后跟着地的健康男性跑者,分别穿着两种MI跑鞋(MI 86%极简跑鞋和MI 26%缓冲跑鞋),使用Vicon红外运动捕捉系统、Kistler三维测力台同步采集3.33 m/s(速度变化范围±5%)跑速下的膝、踝关节运动学和地面反作用力,通过逆向动力学等计算股四头肌肌力、髌股关节接触力、髌股关节接触面积以及髌股关节接触应力。结果显示:两种跑鞋条件下的冲击力峰值和蹬地力峰值均无明显差异。与缓冲跑鞋相比,穿着极简跑鞋跑步时,膝关节最大屈曲角度显著降低(P<0.01);髌股关节接触面积显著减小(P<0.01);膝关节伸肌峰值力矩显著下降(P<0.01);髌股关节接触力和应力峰值均显著减小(P<0.05)。研究表明,相比缓冲跑鞋,穿着极简跑鞋在未影响触地后冲击力峰值的同时,通过降低伸膝力矩大幅度减少髌股关节接触力(下降17.02%)、降低髌股关节接触应力,从而有效改善支撑期髌股关节负荷,为进一步减小髌股关节疼痛综合征风险提供可能。  相似文献   

髌股关节不稳定是一种常见的髌股关节疾病,长时间反复的伤害累积将继发髌骨软化或髌股关节骨性关节炎,最终影响患者生活质量,为患者和社会造成巨大的负担。了解髌股关节不稳定的危险因素,对于预防发生是十分重要的。关于髌股关节不稳定的治疗,手术治疗的方法和方式研究已相对成熟,而非手术治疗方面的研究较少。本文从其危险因素和非手术治疗方面出发进行一个简单综述。  相似文献   

1.力量训练的方法 1.1沙地跑训练 沙地跑训练对中长跑运动员的益处很多,不少世界级优秀中长跑运动员都曾将沙地跑做为力量训练计划的一个重要内容。在沙地跑的训练中,运动员以较慢的速度就能使心血管系统和股肉系统同时承受力竭负荷,这也是其他训练不可能具有的功能。因此运动员只要做较少的练习便可取得明显的效果。如果运动员谨慎地对待沙地跑训练,那他们还能在受伤可能性较小的情况下以多种练习形式进行训练。沙地跑训练能使运动员的身体更加强,从而有利于运动员掌握一种能使跑步动作产生更好的生物力学效果的跑步技术。而且,在草地、沙地和泥土地上进行跑步训练具有力量训练的功能。中长跑运动员都应在训练和比赛后,赤脚在松软的地面上进行一些慢跑练习,  相似文献   

目的 探究佩戴2种膝关节护具对羽毛球运动员完成蹬跨步动作时髌股关节载荷的影响。方法 选取12名羽毛球高水平运动员佩戴无护具、佩戴髌骨带和佩戴护膝模拟,正手蹬跨步、正手被动蹬跨步动作,使用4块Kistler三维测力台、8台Qualisys红外高速摄像头同步采集受试者右侧下肢动力学与运动学数据,以对比佩戴膝关节护具前后跨步足落地阶段股髌关节力、关节应力、关节力矩和关节角度等参数。结果 与无膝关节护具相比,佩戴护膝能够显著减少正手蹬跨步、正手被动蹬跨步动作落地阶段的膝关节峰值屈曲角度(p<0.05)、显著减少膝关节峰值伸膝力矩(p<0.05)、显著减少髌股关节峰值力(p<0.05)、显著减少髌股关节峰值应力(p<0.05)。结论羽毛球运动员佩戴护膝完成蹬跨步动作时,均有较低的股髌关节峰值应力、股髌关节峰值力及股四头肌峰值力,同时发现佩戴护膝可以缓冲膝关节压力,对髌骨以及膝关节韧带等组织起到保护作用。鉴于此,运动员佩戴护膝能够减少膝关节疼痛、提高膝关节稳定性、降低运动损伤风险,以预防股髌关节疼痛综合症。  相似文献   

髌腱腱围炎是指骸尖下极髌腱附着点及髌腱、腱围部疼痛的创伤病变。分为以髌尖起点处疼痛为主的髌尖型即“髌尖末端病”和以髌腱部症状为主的“单纯髌腱腱围炎。也有两者同时存在。 近几年武术套路的发展趋势是难度不断增加,比赛中突出表现为快、高、飘,落地稳。想要达到高水准就要加倍地去训练,因此造成膝关节负荷不断加大。 生物力学证明:伸膝运动是由股四头肌通过骸骨与髌腱来完成的。当运动员起跳时髌尖、髌腱承受的拉力是很大的。据William等人记述,体重91kg(一侧腿负重45kg)、双膝134半蹲时,每侧髌腱受牵拉…  相似文献   

跑步运动是相当复杂的能量转换和动力学过程。建立跑步时能量转换的数学关系对于运动训练乃至运动生物力学都具有积极意义,可惜至今还未获圆满解决。Keller于1973年建立了跑步动力学方程,提出了跑动动力、跑动速度、地面阻力和空气阻力之间的关系。后来有人以此为依据,建立了跑  相似文献   

四月的早春,跑步成为人们再适合不过的运动。但你还在漫无目的的“瞎跑”吗?不!你可能会说我已经制定好了训练计划:今天跑400米,一周后将距离提升至800米。有训练计划是再好不过的一件事,但是你的训练计划够详细吗?它又被执行了吗?adidas智能私人跑步训练系统——miCoach将会帮助跑步者完善训练计划,同时,在跑步过程中监督计划的执行情况。跑步者运动结束后,还可以将自己的跑步数据上传到miCoach的网站上,与世界各地喜欢跑步的人们进行交流与比拼。  相似文献   

前言探求不同性别、不同年龄(青少年)、不同运动水平短跑运动员百米跑时的有关步频、步幅参数;研究百米全程步频、步幅变化的规律与特点;了解百米跑时有关步频、步幅参数与年龄、运动水平变化发展的关系,是运动生物力学研究工作的重要内容,也是短跑选材与训练工作必要的参考。为此本文通过田径比赛的现场,测得不同性别、不同年龄、不同运动水平共数百人次的百米全程步频、步幅等数据,研究分析如下:  相似文献   

无论你是刚刚踏上“跑步不归路”的初级跑者,还是早已上了“跑步贼船”的发烧友,冬季跑步对你来说都是一场考验。穿着厚重的冬装绝对会让你举步维艰,跑后的大汗淋漓也是非常糟糕的经历。李宁跑步秋冬装为跑者提供了不锚韵解决方案,它既不会让你在跑步中感觉沉重,又不会让冷风吹透你的外套。  相似文献   

<正>针对如何有效提高短跑速度的问题,笔者认为,在短跑训练中,利用"软着地、硬起步"的跑步方法进行训练以提高步频,并缩短一个跑动周期的时间是提高短跑速度的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

Compared to competitive runners, recreational runners appear to be more prone to injuries, which have been associated with foot strike patterns. Surprisingly, only few studies had examined the foot strike patterns outside laboratories. Therefore, this study compared the foot strike patterns in recreational runners at outdoor tracks with previously reported data. We also investigated the relationship between foot strike pattern, speed, and footwear in this cohort. Among 434 recreational runners analysed, 89.6% of them landed with rearfoot strike (RFS). Only 6.9 and 3.5% landed with midfoot and forefoot, respectively. A significant shift towards non-RFS was observed in our cohort, when compared with previously reported data. When speed increased by 1 m/s, the odds of having forefoot strike and midfoot strike relative to RFS increased by 2.3 times and 2.6 times, respectively. Runners were 9.2 times more likely to run with a forefoot strike in minimalists compared to regular running shoes, although 70% of runners in minimalists continued to use a RFS. These findings suggest that foot strike pattern may differ across running conditions and runners should consider these factors in order to mitigate potential injury.  相似文献   

Although the biomechanical properties of the various types of running foot strike (rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot) have been studied extensively in the laboratory, only a few studies have attempted to quantify the frequency of running foot strike variants among runners in competitive road races. We classified the left and right foot strike patterns of 936 distance runners, most of whom would be considered of recreational or sub-elite ability, at the 10 km point of a half-marathon/marathon road race. We classified 88.9% of runners at the 10 km point as rearfoot strikers, 3.4% as midfoot strikers, 1.8% as forefoot strikers, and 5.9% of runners exhibited discrete foot strike asymmetry. Rearfoot striking was more common among our sample of mostly recreational distance runners than has been previously reported for samples of faster runners. We also compared foot strike patterns of 286 individual marathon runners between the 10 km and 32 km race locations and observed increased frequency of rearfoot striking at 32 km. A large percentage of runners switched from midfoot and forefoot foot strikes at 10 km to rearfoot strikes at 32 km. The frequency of discrete foot strike asymmetry declined from the 10 km to the 32 km location. Among marathon runners, we found no significant relationship between foot strike patterns and race times.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of step length and foot strike pattern along with their interaction on tibiofemoral joint (TFJ) and medial compartment TFJ kinetics during running. Nineteen participants ran with a rear foot strike pattern at their preferred speed using a short (?10%), preferred, and long (+10%) step length. These step length conditions were then repeated using a forefoot strike pattern. Regardless of foot strike pattern, a 10% shorter step length resulted in decreased peak contact force, force impulse per step, force impulse per kilometre, and average loading rate at the TFJ and medial compartment, while a 10% increased step length had the opposite effects (all P < 0.05). A forefoot strike pattern significantly lowered TFJ and medial compartment TFJ average loading rates compared with a rear foot strike pattern (both <0.05) but did not change TFJ or medial compartment peak force, force impulse per step, or force impulse per km. The combination of a shorter step length and forefoot strike pattern produced the greatest reduction in peak medial compartment contact force (P < 0.05). Knowledge of these running modification effects may be relevant to the management or prevention of TFJ injury or pathology among runners.  相似文献   

Research has focused on the effects of acute strike pattern modifications on lower extremity joint stiffness and running economy (RE). Strike pattern modifications on running biomechanics have mostly been studied while runners complete short running bouts. This study examined the effects of an imposed forefoot strike (FFS) on RE and ankle and knee joint stiffness before and after a long run in habitual rearfoot strike (RFS) runners. Joint kinetics and RE were collected before and after a long run. Sagittal joint kinetics were computed from kinematic and ground reaction force data that were collected during over-ground running trials in 13 male runners. RE was measured during treadmill running. Knee flexion range of motion, knee extensor moment and ankle joint stiffness were lower while plantarflexor moment and knee joint stiffness were greater during imposed FFS compared with RFS. The long run did not influence the difference in ankle and knee joint stiffness between strike patterns. Runners were more economical during RFS than imposed FFS and RE was not influenced by the long run. These findings suggest that using a FFS pattern towards the end of a long run may not be mechanically or metabolically beneficial for well-trained male RFS runners.  相似文献   

This study investigated the normal and parallel ground reaction forces during downhill and uphill running in habitual forefoot strike and habitual rearfoot strike (RFS) runners. Fifteen habitual forefoot strike and 15 habitual RFS recreational male runners ran at 3 m/s ± 5% during level, uphill and downhill overground running on a ramp mounted at 6° and 9°. Results showed that forefoot strike runners had no visible impact peak in all running conditions, while the impact peaks only decreased during the uphill conditions in RFS runners. Active peaks decreased during the downhill conditions in forefoot strike runners while active loading rates increased during downhill conditions in RFS runners. Compared to the level condition, parallel braking peaks were larger during downhill conditions and parallel propulsive peaks were larger during uphill conditions. Combined with previous biomechanics studies, our findings suggest that forefoot strike running may be an effective strategy to reduce impacts, especially during downhill running. These findings may have further implications towards injury management and prevention.  相似文献   


Although the biomechanical properties of the various types of running foot strike (rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot) have been studied extensively in the laboratory, only a few studies have attempted to quantify the frequency of running foot strike variants among runners in competitive road races. We classified the left and right foot strike patterns of 936 distance runners, most of whom would be considered of recreational or sub-elite ability, at the 10 km point of a half-marathon/marathon road race. We classified 88.9% of runners at the 10 km point as rearfoot strikers, 3.4% as midfoot strikers, 1.8% as forefoot strikers, and 5.9% of runners exhibited discrete foot strike asymmetry. Rearfoot striking was more common among our sample of mostly recreational distance runners than has been previously reported for samples of faster runners. We also compared foot strike patterns of 286 individual marathon runners between the 10 km and 32 km race locations and observed increased frequency of rearfoot striking at 32 km. A large percentage of runners switched from midfoot and forefoot foot strikes at 10 km to rearfoot strikes at 32 km. The frequency of discrete foot strike asymmetry declined from the 10 km to the 32 km location. Among marathon runners, we found no significant relationship between foot strike patterns and race times.  相似文献   

BackgroundForefoot strike (FFS) and rearfoot strike (RFS) runners differ in their kinematics, force loading rates, and joint loading patterns, but the timing of their muscle activation is less clear.MethodsForty recreational and highly trained runners ran at four speeds barefoot and shod on a motorized treadmill. “Barefoot” runners wore thin, five-toed socks and shod runners wore neutral running shoes. Subjects were instructed to run comfortably at each speed with no instructions about foot strike patterns.ResultsEleven runners landed with an FFS when barefoot and shod and eleven runners landed with an RFS when barefoot and shod. The 18 remaining runners shifted from an FFS when barefoot to an RFS when shod (shifters). Shod shifters ran with a lower stride frequency and greater stride length than all other runners. All FFS runners landed with more plantarflexed ankles and more vertical lower legs at the beginning of stance compared to RFS runners. FFS runners activated their plantarflexor muscles 11% earlier and 10% longer than RFS runners.ConclusionThis earlier and longer relative activation of the plantarflexors likely enhances the capacity for the passive structures of the foot and ankle to store elastic energy, and may also enhance the performance of the active muscle by increasing the storage of elastic strain energy in the cross-bridges and activated titin.  相似文献   

Despite the growing interest in minimalist shoes, no studies have compared the efficacy of different types of minimalist shoe models in reproducing barefoot running patterns and in eliciting biomechanical changes that make them differ from standard cushioned running shoes. The aim of this study was to investigate the acute effects of different footwear models, marketed as “minimalist” by their manufacturer, on running biomechanics. Six running shoes marketed as barefoot/minimalist models, a standard cushioned shoe and the barefoot condition were tested. Foot–/shoe–ground pressure and three-dimensional lower limb kinematics were measured in experienced rearfoot strike runners while they were running at 3.33 m · s?1 on an instrumented treadmill. Physical and mechanical characteristics of shoes (mass, heel and forefoot sole thickness, shock absorption and flexibility) were measured with laboratory tests. There were significant changes in foot strike pattern (described by the strike index and foot contact angle) and spatio-temporal stride characteristics, whereas only some among the other selected kinematic parameters (i.e. knee angles and hip vertical displacement) changed accordingly. Different types of minimalist footwear models induced different changes. It appears that minimalist footwear with lower heel heights and minimal shock absorption is more effective in replicating barefoot running.  相似文献   

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