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学生是学习的主体,教学不仅包括教师科学的教法,还包括学生科学的学法。在英语学习中,教师应指导学生培养良好的学习方法,以收到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

中职阶段作为学生从幼稚走向成熟的时期,是培养学生学习力的关键阶段。教师要深入贯彻新课改的精神,在教学中坚持“以人为本”教学理念。在教学中,教师一定要充分尊重学生,指导学生用正确的学习方法展开学习,培养学生的自主学习能力。为了培养学生的学习力,教师在教学中要充分发挥学生的主观能动性,认清学生在教学中的主体地位,在中职英语教学中以学生自主学习为主、教学为辅,让教师成为学习的合作者而不是主导者。  相似文献   

在语文教学中,教师应该注重学生探究性学习思维能力的培养。在实际的语文教学中,教师通过指导学生启发性学习、创设情境、激活学生思维、激发学生兴趣、教给学生探究的方法,引导学生开展探究性学习,对提高学生语文综合素质具有至关重要的意义。  相似文献   

学习方法指导是指教师在教学过程中通过各种方法与途径,引导学生掌握选择、应用一定的学习方法以提高学生的学习效果和学习能力的一种教学活动。中学思想政治课的教学是教师与学生共同参与的活动,要求教师既要注意教法的应用,又要注意对学生学习方法的指导,让学生在教师的指导下,树立 正确的学习目的,掌握正确的学习方法,充分发挥学生在教学中的能动作用,从而使教法与学法同步。    一、学习方法指导的内容    学生在学习活动中,根据学习内容、学习途径和目标的不同,可以采用不同的学习方法。教师对学生思想政治课的方法…  相似文献   

高中教师不仅要传授知识,更要加强对学生自主学习能力的培养和学习方法的指导。要使学生能够掌握一套适合自己的学习方法,教师在教学中应当给学生讲清以下几点。  相似文献   

一、研读教材,培养学生梳理教材知识体系的能力授之以鱼,不如授之以渔。新课程提出了自主学习理念,培养学生的自主学习能力是各科教学中必须遵循的原则。高中地理教学应根据地理学科特点,在教学中改进教法,指导学习方法,培养学生初步的地理阅读能力。教师要指导学生提  相似文献   

学法指导是提高学生素质,培养学生具有终身学习的可持续发展能力的重要措施之一。古人云:授之以鱼,不如授之以渔。著名教育家陶行知也强调:“教师的责任不在教,而在于教学生学。”国外有些学者曾预言:未来的文盲是那些没有学习能力的人。因此,我们在研究教的同时应注重研究学生的学,让学生在学习知识的过程中掌握学习方法,引导学生由“学会”向“会学”发展。进行学法指导的途径和方法很多,下面谈谈我的几点做法:一、通过教学过程,教给学习方法小学生掌握学习方法和掌握知识一样,离不开教师的指导。所以在教学过程中,教师应该…  相似文献   

教师在教学过程中指导学生的学习方法 ,培养学生的自学能力 ,是当前教学改革的重要课题 ,是时代发展的客观要求。为此 ,笔者结合生物教学 ,对于如何指导学生的学习方法进行研究和探讨。1 指导学生科学地阅读 ,培养自学能力。指导学生阅读 ,是学生主动学习课本知识的过程 ,既能改变“满堂灌”的注入式教学 ,又能培养学生科学用脑 ,掌握良好的学习习惯和学习方法 ,开发智力 ,提高能力。在教学中指导学生科学地读书 ,以培养自学能力 ,具体做法是 :根据教学内容、教学目标以及教学重点、难点、提出自学提纲 ,让学生带着问题去读。指导学生对重点…  相似文献   

在体育教学中.必须大力推进素质教育。实施素质教育首先是教育观念、教学指导思想的更新,要从传统的以体育知识技能的灌输、传授转向培养学生自主学习、自主锻炼、发展独立思考能力和创造能力的教育,在教学设计上,要从学生主动活泼地学习锻炼、激发学习智慧与能力的角度,来考虑和设计教学。在方法手段上,从过去以教师单纯教、灌的方法转向由教师指导,启发和学生以学为主的学法。  相似文献   

为了培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,笔者认为应在学科教学中渗透研究性学习这一新的学习方式,其中教师的指导是关键.以物理教学为例,在研究性学习中教师的指导策略有:选题指导策略;课题实施的指导策略;研究成果表达、交流与评价的指导策略。  相似文献   

Many mathematics teachers opt for a strictly teacher‐centred curriculum and/or instructional strategy. Given the well‐documented evidence noting the benefits of student‐centred instruction, it is easy to see that teacher‐centred learning on its own cannot best meet the needs of students. On the other hand, some teachers, aware of the importance of a student‐centred mathematics curriculum, adopt an exclusively student‐centred approach to curriculum and instruction. What is less obvious is that this approach can put some students who belong to certain ethnic groups at a disadvantage. Hence, to be more inclusive, mathematics educators need to take a balanced instructional approach. This paper outlines an inclusive instructional strategy that resembles the structure of and exemplifies the values promoted by the Aboriginal model of the Medicine Wheel.  相似文献   

This research investigates the perceptions of first‐year Bachelor of Teaching students (primary and secondary) and Diploma of Education students (secondary) about their peer teaching experience in a postgraduate subject called Curriculum and Assessment. Peer teaching is a learner‐centred approach to teaching and learning that is intended to provide significant benefits for learners' knowledge, skills and metacognition. However, concerns have been raised over the quality of the learning and teaching and the risks associated with such a pedagogy. In the present study, student responses to questionnaires and semi‐structured interviews were analysed, using a mixed methods approach, with respect to three broad and somewhat interconnected categories: process, people and product. These responses suggested a wide range of reactions to peer teaching, but overall students feel they benefited from the experience. The findings of this study should be of interest to lecturers and students in pre‐service teacher education courses, especially. Knowledge about peer teaching, learning and assessment would be especially valuable for both education lecturers and beginning teachers seeking to design and manage learner‐centred pedagogy in their own primary, secondary and tertiary classrooms. However, the results of this research would have far‐reaching appeal for all teaching and learning contexts.  相似文献   

在“以人为本”的新课程教学理念下,如何营造宽松、自主、有个性的课堂教学环境是体育教师在新课程教学中应努力的方向,而创设自主、合作、创新的教学方式正是体现了新课程改革中转换师生角色,重视学生个体发展的教学新理念。它将改变过去以接受性学习为主、以记忆模仿为主、以书面知识为主和间接经验为主的传统教学模式,融学习于活动中,寓快乐于教育中,是适应新时期教育的一种以人为本的新型学习方式。  相似文献   

Educational researchers have suggested that the tension between the learner‐centred and teacher‐centred pedagogies represents a real classroom issue that influences teaching and learning. This issue may be particularly significant in East‐Asian countries such as Taiwan due to some cultural influences. For example, teacher authority is highly valued in the culture. Accordingly, the present study aims to develop a questionnaire—the Teacher Authority Survey (TAS), with actual and preferred versions—to explore students’ perceptions/preferences regarding teacher authority in the earth science course. The relationships among students’ perceptions/preferences for teacher authority, learning attitudes, and learning achievements were investigated. Six hundred and seventeen Taiwanese high school students were administered the TAS, the earth science attitudinal questionnaire, and achievement assessment. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses indicated that the TAS developed in this study has satisfactory validity and reliability measures. Correlation analysis indicated that the classrooms more oriented to learner‐centredness were correlated with more favourable attitudes toward learning. Moreover, three clusters of preferred teacher authority—namely, teacher‐centred authority, uncertain authority, and sharing authority—were identified. Students who preferred sharing authority tended to have more favourable learning attitudes, whereas students in the uncertain authority group seemed to have lower earth science attitudes and achievements.  相似文献   

在外语语言教学中,教师与学生是一对交互关系组合体。现代外语课堂教学要求以教师为 中心转向以学生为中心,减少教师在学生语言学习过程中的干预,培养学生主动参与意识, 有针对性、有目的、有步骤地开展交际法教学,使师生之间最大限度融为一体,最终实现学 生语言交际能力的提高。  相似文献   

Students in part‐time courses were interviewed about their perceptions of good teaching and tutoring. The perceptions differed markedly between those with reproductive conceptions of learning and students holding self‐determining ones. The former preferred didactic teaching but disliked interaction, whereas the latter had almost diametrically opposite perspectives by finding student‐centred approaches consistent with their conceptions of learning. The findings have implications for the evaluation of teaching, as ratings are likely to be influenced by the predominant conceptions of learning of a class. It is common for individual instructors to be regularly evaluated by teacher evaluation questionnaires, which often have a teacher‐centred bias, and for the ratings to be used for appraisal. It is argued that this leads to conservatism as teachers fear that students with reproductive conceptions of learning will reduce their ratings if they innovate in their teaching. As the degree of bias from this ratings‐lowering phenomenon may be quite large, the findings are a caution against the common practice of using absolute rating values from both teacher evaluation questionnaires and programme‐level evaluation by instruments such as the Course Experience Questionnaire. Results need to be interpreted together with other evidence and take into account contextual factors including students' conceptions of learning.  相似文献   

Education reforms from teacher‐centred to student‐centred courses usually come with the adoption of new teaching strategies. However, following the growing design and development of student‐centred teaching and learning innovations in many fields of study, not many efforts have been found in the field of software application teaching. Therefore, this study aims to develop a new strategy for creating a student‐centred learning environment for software applications, in which students learn in a more active, collaborative environment with reduced reliance on teachers. This study puts forward a teaching innovation, called Expert Panel, designed in three stages of activities: exploration, experimentation and reflection. Thirty‐eight college students and one teacher participated in the implementation of the innovation. This article describes the design specifications of the innovation, and reports the preliminary findings of the implementation. The findings show that the teacher derived a certain degree of pleasure and surprise at being a true ‘facilitator’ rather than solely an instructor. Students felt engaged in the activities and motivated throughout the learning process. However, the student‐centred learning method challenged the students’ understanding of the traditional teacher's role. Therefore, accommodating not only teachers but also students in the acquisition of new concepts of teaching and learning was suggested. Several possible solutions for the drawbacks and pitfalls in the strategy were drawn up at the end for further development of the strategy.  相似文献   

如何在有限的时间内,通过听、说、读、写、译的基本训练,使学生掌握日语的基本知识,具有初步的语言运用能力,提高教学效果。本文根据以往的教学经验,提出初学阶段要克服害羞的心理;在教学方法上运用TPR返身教学法和对比教学法以交际教学法带动传统教学法;在课堂上正确处理教学秩序与教学方法,教师与学生的关系问题,组织灵活多样的教学活动;从而正确地引导学生建立起学习日语的目的和兴趣,学好日语知识。  相似文献   

This article shares teachers’ conversations within teacher inquiry groups and considers how this reflective approach has potential for transforming teachers’ practices. Conversations took place at the early stages of a longer teacher inquiry project and centred on the critical interrogation of social justice-oriented children’s literature. These conversations served as a forum to help teacher professional learning communities and to reconcile understandings about social justice, action and agency within larger political and cultural forums of teaching. The teacher inquiry sessions shared in this paper explore teachers’ beginning struggles with conceptualizations of social justice, and the teacher’s role in imparting values to students. Teacher participants imparted their experience and practice as they negotiated their own understanding and implementation of social justice education in their schools. The teacher inquiry groups provided a needed supportive space where classroom teachers’ struggles were shared alongside their beliefs and pedagogical approaches so that a social justice agenda could be achieved.  相似文献   

教学方法是教法和学法的辩证统一。教法与学法相互制约与联系,两者重在学法,并可相互转化。要提高教学质量,既要重视教法又要重视学法。然而长期以来,受传统教学观念“教师中心论”的影响,我国教学改革的重点过分集中在教师的教法和教学观念的更新和变革方面,学校和教师将太多的注意力放在教法方面,忽视对学法的研究和指导,从而造戍教法和学法脱节,教学质量达不到预期效果。要扭转这种教法与学法脱节的局面,师生就要在教法与学法问题上形成良性互动。教师要让学生了解教法,引导和指导学生探索相应学法,充分发挥学生的主体性,达成教法与学法的统一,从而促进教学。  相似文献   

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