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以《中文社会科学引文索引》(CSSCI)数据库为础数据来源,对1998–2010年温州地人文社科文产出情况进行计量分析.研究发,温州地人文社科文年度发文量呈明显增长势,高校为发文构主体,教育学、经济学为发文主要学科,以独立研究为主,主要作者与主要载文期刊明显,金资助比例与他引率偏低,论文影响力有待提高.  相似文献   

通过核心期刊数据库Web of Science,收集了1956年以来我国高校人文社会科学领域走向世界的几乎全部的核心期刊研究成果.截取大陆高校38所高校(60篇以上的产出量)和9所香港澳门高校(90篇以上的产出量)作为我国人文社会科学研究走向世界的核心机构,对其发文量、高层次文献比例、发文较多的学科领域/主题以及合作研究等方面进行详细分析,以期更好地反映我国高校在人文社会科学研究国际化方面所做出的努力和取得的成果.  相似文献   

为了客观地分析与预测我国经管类学科的国际地位,尤其是在科学研究方面的情况,文章以ESI 和InCites 主要工具,针对ESI 经济学与商学学科领域2007-2017 年间InCites 数据库中论文总被引频次排名国内前10 位的高校。通过分析其论文发表的数量、被引用情况、年代分布和国际合作等情况,发现对我国高校而言,论文发表数量是影响总被引数量的主要原因,进而影响ESI 学科排名。通过回归分析,得到总被引数与论文发表数之间的关系方程,并预测到2020 年,10 所高校中大多数高校将进入ESI 经济学与商学领域世界前1%行列。  相似文献   

区域经济学是改革开放以来国内发展最为迅速的新型应用经济学学科之一,《区域经济学》课程内容体系建设是目前高校教学急待加强的一个重要领域。文章论述了高校本科专业《区域经济学》课程内容体系建设的必要性和原则,以此为依据提出了高校本科专业《区域经济学》课程内容体系构想。  相似文献   

我国经济学学科经过多年的发展,已经形成完善的学科体系。本研究将从成果产出的视角,对比我国经济学学科在国际上的影响力。我们选取科睿唯安公司2017年数据库指标,包括论文发表数量、发表所占比例、被引频次、高被引论文数量以及国际合作论文数量作为主要的衡量指标,探讨中国大陆的经济学学科发表成果在国际发表中的位置。同时,我们还对比国际上不同高校/机构的经济学成果状况,以期为我国高校的经济学学科建设提供经验支持。  相似文献   

潘虹  唐莉 《复旦教育论坛》2023,21(4):105-113
随着科技全球化进程的深化,人才的国际流动日益频繁。那么海外经历能否提升科研论文产出?本文聚焦我国高层次人才“长江学者奖励”计划,以1998-2017年入选的1782名长江学者特聘教授为研究对象,构建长江学者特聘教授履历数据库与科研数据库,从学习、工作两个维度实证研究了海外经历对高层次人才科研论文产出的影响效应。研究发现,海外经历正向影响国际科研合作与国际科研生产力。具言之,不同类别的海外经历对科研论文产出的正向影响具有差异性,海外学习经历的正向效应远远大于海外工作经历的正向效应,海归学者在科研论文产出上的优势因学科领域与高校平台的不同而差异性显著。  相似文献   

短期海外访学是高校人才培养国际化的组成部分,在培养本科生的国际视野、学习专业领域的国际前沿发展方向、促进学术交流、提升创新能力等方面发挥着重要作用。本文探讨了高校在本科生短期海外访学项目建设与实施中存在的问题,分析并提出了海外短期访学项目建设工作中的一些思考与举措。  相似文献   

经济学学科是上海师范大学商学院的主要研究领域之一。目前拥有政治经济学、产业经济学、国民经济学3个硕士学位及经济学学士学位授予权。经过多年的培养和努力,学科形成了一支文理结合、多学科交叉、结构合理、学历层次较高的师资队伍。在学科建设和发展中一贯注重国际学术交流,鼓励教授参加国际学术会议,积极支持青年教师出国进修。  相似文献   

硕士研究生学位论文的质量不仅是衡量研究生培养质量的重要依据之一,也是对学生掌握专业知识、分析和解决专业领域问题综合能力的检测。近年来,硕士学位论文的质量明显呈下降趋势。在本文中,笔者对硕士研究生毕业论文的现状进行分析,提出通过实验提升硕士研究生毕业论文水平的措施和建议,希望对毕业论文水平的提高起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

作为教育科学与经济科学的交叉学科--教育经济学,产生于20世纪60年代,70年代末从西方传入我国.北京师范大学是国内最早开展教育经济学教学与研究的高校,并最早获教育经济学硕士、博士授予权.20余年来,培养了大批研究生和进修教师,出版了国内广泛使用的教材,承担并完成了一批国家和省部级科研项目,发表和出版了一系列学术专著和学术论文,其中部分研究成果被政府采纳,获国家和省部级优秀研究成果奖.为我国教育经济学学科的理论建设、国家教育改革与发展发挥了重要作用.今后将进一步加强和整合学科队伍,加强学科理论与应用研究,保持在国内学术上的领先地位,在国际学术界进一步扩大影响,成为国家教育经济学学术研究与人才培养的重要基地.  相似文献   

Much has been studied regarding university reforms and their impacts on scientific development worldwide. This paper aims to enrich current perspectives on university reform by developing a distinct concept of social science development in the context of the emergence of academic social sciences in Indonesia. Using a bibliometric method, this paper finds a significant increase in the volume of international scientific publications focusing on socio-economic and political issues. However, two issues that presently color the landscape of social scientific publications are the bifurcation of academic dependencies and limited extension of Western social theories. The future of the social sciences in Indonesia will be determined by interrelationships between the state, universities, and networks of academics who can address the former issue and ensure that academics publish in mainstream international journals emphasizing the prominence of the latter. In doing so, the social sciences will have the potential to improve future university teaching and engagement in public policymaking in Indonesia.  相似文献   

1916年创办的福建协和大学始终重视出版发行专著、小册子和报刊等各类文献。协大教授所撰写的学术专著是其主要出版物,这些专著不仅是协大学术研究成果,而且还代表着中国某一学术领域的最高水平。此外,协大出版了大量的报刊,其中,约占总数30%的报刊为学术期刊,因而“颇受国内教育界的欢迎”。协大出版物的著述者不再是一心传播福音的神职人员,而是以郑作新等为代表的大学教授与接受现代知识教育的学生。由于教会大学出版物的世俗化,所以,其影响范围较之其他教会出版物更为广泛。  相似文献   

Despite considerable international literature acknowledging issues associated with the effectiveness of university academic boards (also known as academic senates or faculty senates), there is little current empirical research exploring why difficulties might exist and what (if anything) might be done about them. This article reports the findings of case study research conducted in Australian universities, which examined fulfilment of academic board terms of reference and perceived academic board strengths and weaknesses. Based on the data, the article then considers the characteristics of one particular “effective” academic board. It concludes by highlighting some potential implications of the research for those universities seeking to enhance the future role and function of their academic board, which include discussing the apparent importance of latent or tacit functions of university academic boards, versus those functions or responsibilities which are formally documented, and the building of intellectual and symbolic capital for their respective universities through a focus on the substantive quality of core academic programmes.  相似文献   

The main controversy as a result of the commercialisation of international education markets is that international students especially those from China are unable to perform as well as UK students in UK universities. So far, research has yet to identify the influence of placements on the academic performance of Chinese students from entry to graduation. Using four cohorts of accounting and finance students in a UK university, this present work is the first to find that Chinese students who undertake placements in the third year are seven times more likely to achieve good degrees (2.1 or 1st) than those who opt out of work placements. It is also found that Chinese students who have a high prior academic achievement and better academic results from years 1 and 2 are likely to undertake placements. Finally, the results show that the academic performance of international students is influenced by domicile.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the academic performance of adults who entered the University of Glasgow via the Scottish Wider Access Programme (SWAP) between 1988–1993. Approximately half of the total number who entered with such qualifications also attended the Pre-University Summer School. This is a course, run by the university, which provides preparation and access for non-traditional students most of whom have backgrounds of socio-economic disadvantage. Initially the groups of students were separated into those who attended summer school and those who did not to determine what effects, if any, attendance at the summer school had had on academic performance. There were found to be few differences between the two groups (summer school and non-summer school). The students who attended the summer school dropped-out at largely the same rate as those who did not. A closer review of the number of passes in degree examinations gained in first year by students who eventually dropped-out was then undertaken. At this point the review of the passes gained indicated that considerably fewer of those who had had the benefit of the summer school preparation left having gained no passes in degree examinations. From the initial review it appeared to be possible to predict the probable future performance of those involved in the analysis that had yet to complete their degrees at that stage. Therefore, in 1999 the academic performance of those students who had not completed previously were examined together with the early prediction model. The results indicated that a pattern of prediction could be formulated on the basis of first year performance which, if tested on a larger scale, might provide the basis for a programme of intervention with academic support for those students whose progress after first year degree examinations is in doubt.  相似文献   

论大学教育国际化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大学教育国际化是当今大学教育发展的趋势。推行大学教育国际化的主要途径包括增设国际教育课程,扩大人才相互交流,加强科研多边合作,举办国际学术会议,培养国际人的素质,各国相互承认学历,推行中外合作办学,加强国际互联网建设,实行网上交流与合作。推行大学教育国际化要正确处理与民族化的关系,国际化要依赖于民族化而存在,民族化又借助于国际化而发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore ways in which students' experiences during the writing process can contribute to their academic integration. Students ( n = 46) were surveyed on their experiences before, during and after completion of their first major writing assignment. They were also interviewed in focus groups. Data indicate that students perceived several factors that may potentially inhibit their academic integration—some within the broader university context and others pertaining to completion of the written assignment. Findings suggest that interactions with staff and peers during the assignment writing process can provide significant opportunities for integration, provided these interactions are supportive. The study has implications for those who plan, support and deliver first year university courses, particularly those courses involving academic writing assignments.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the academic performance of students who transferred from a suburban community college to a private, moderately selective urban university. The purpose was to determine if certain easily ascertainable student characteristics and academic behaviors at the community college would be associated with degree persistence and completion at the university. Results indicated that the best predictor of academic success at the university was community college grade point average (GPA): As a group transfer students who entered with a GPA of 2.5 or more were able to maintain a 2.3 at the university, whereas those who entered with less than a 2.5 had an average university GPA of 1.9.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of entrepreneurial initiatives within universities on scientific careers. Based on the career accounts of university‐based bioscientists involved in a government‐sponsored entrepreneurship training initiative, the paper explores the concept of academic entrepreneurialism. Three groups were identified in the data. First, academic entrepreneurs, who tended to be more experienced scientists and were now able to capitalise on their science. Second, those interested in technology transfer, who saw their career path taking them away from science, and finally a group of younger scientists who were trying to develop their career capital but were unsure what direction their career would take. The implications of these different groups for the management of universities and the development of knowledge are considered.  相似文献   

越来越多的用人单位要求应聘毕业生"名牌高校、高学历",这些要求使普通高校毕业生就业中遭受到学校档次和学历层次的歧视。大部分用人单位将毕业生的学历层次和毕业院校无限放大,却忽视毕业生的综合能力和发展潜力。落后的用人理念不但会让毕业生丧失公平竞争的机会,而且造成用人上的"高消费",这是对我国人力资源的巨大浪费,也使用人单位丧失选拔优秀员工的机会。  相似文献   

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