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对我国运动员进行心理表象训练新程序的理论探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
表象训练是体育运动实践中运用最广泛的训练方法之一。我国在此领域远远落后于日本,其主要因素包括表象训练的方法、个体差异和情境因素:日本新近开发的心理表象训练程序(简称MITP),几经实践运用,不仅训练效果良好而且在运动训练和比赛心理的理论方面产生了积极的影响,检验了有关表象训练的理论问题,认为动觉表象、视觉表象和想象表象有机结合是提高心理训练效果的良好途径;对MITP作一些理论探讨,目的在于为我国体育运动心理学理论建设提供一点参考。  相似文献   

1.表象训练的解意表象训练也称为念动训练或回忆训练。是运动员有意识地积极地利用自己头脑中已形成的运动表象进行训练的一种方法,包括视觉表象和动觉表象。飞碟双向射击是射手对来自两个不同方向交叉飞行的碟靶进行单个和同时射击。双靶的连贯动作一般在1.2-1.5秒内完成。在这么快的时间里射击单双靶,需要运动员的反映对空间感、时间  相似文献   

该研究以视觉表象的操作速度和准确性为反应变量,对210名不同运动技能学习水平者进行了测试.结果表明:(1)运动学习者的技能水平对其视觉表象操作能力的发展具有重要影响,前者高后者也高,反之亦然;(2)运动学习者的视觉表象操作能力与所从事的运动专项有关,田径、球类、游泳、武术和体操在大类项目的学习者,以体操运动员的表象操作速度和武术运动员的操作准确性发展水平较高,而其他运动员之间未表现出有关的显著性差别;(3)运动技能的学习者在视觉表象的操作速度和准确性方面优于一般文化知识的学习者;(4)视觉表象操作能力的发展水平与人的年龄、性别和文化知识水平没有必然的联系.  相似文献   

运动表象是在运动感知觉的基础上所产生,在头脑中重现出来的动作形象或运动情境。对动作形象或运动情境的清晰、生动的表象常常包括视觉、听觉、动觉甚至情绪方面的信息。一般来说,视觉表象和动觉表象是运动表象的主要成分。运动表象是表象训练的基础,其在运动技能形成和运动技能表现过程中具有定向作用,并能促进运动技能的完善和巩固,最终使运动员在比赛中达到最佳竞技状  相似文献   

本文运用视觉表象训练的实验方法,探讨其对乒乓球运动的动作姿态结构原理认知能力、动作技能感知协同认知能力和运动竞技控制认知能力影响.实验证明,视觉表象训练可在很大程度上能够提高乒乓球运动的动作姿态结构原理认知能力、动作技能感知协同认知能力和运动竞技控制认知能力.为此,对视觉表象训练的效果进行了理论分析,认为视觉表象训练是通过加强大脑皮层兴奋与抑制的快速转化能力、改善注意力的聚合能力、提升核心肌肉群位移的协同能力等知觉因素,使其对乒乓球运动的认知、判断、应变和控制能力均得到了不同程度提高.  相似文献   

体操动作技能再认的信号检测论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林呈生 《体育科学》1993,13(2):78-83
以四种不同的学习方式(视觉表象、动觉表象、视觉表象伴随言语指导、动觉表象伴随言语指导)及三种不同的实验对象(教育系学生、体育系普修体操学生、体育系专修体操学生)从体育动作技能形成的角度,以信号检测理论手段,探讨若干体操动作再认的特征。结果表明:(1)对体操动作再认的辨别力d′值随专业水平的提高而提高。(2)四种学习方式所得 d′值比较,动觉表象学习方式所得 d′值最高。(3)三种对象关于动觉表象学习所得 d′值 F 检验呈显著性差异证明。动觉表象因学习程度不同存在着水平和层次的差别。(4)动觉表象学习方式所得 d′值与体操成绩呈显著性正相关。d′值可作为衡量体操成绩好差的间接指标。  相似文献   

目的:旨在考察表象能力如何影响网球中运动表象训练后的运动能力提高。方法:将熟练的网球运动员按照他们的运动表象问卷(MIQ)得分被分为三组(强表象组、弱表象组、对照组)。在前测中,被试者对特定的目标接十五个发球。在十五个回合中,身体训练中穿插了运动表象训练。每个回合都由两组实验构成,十五个想象性实验和十五个身体的实验。一部分被试者被要求使用内部视觉表象(强表象组和弱表象组)。而另一些被试者则接受了阅读任务(控制组)。结果:被试者们在48小时后,接受了一项与前测相似的后测。结果显示,运动表象训练提高了接发球的能力,而这种提高在强表象者身上比在弱表象者身上的效果更加明显。  相似文献   

表象训练的理论探索已有近百年的历史,随着其效果得到逐步确认,表象训练作为一种有效的辅助教学、训练手段已成为体育实践中较为广泛的心理训练方法之一。表象是在知觉的基础上,头脑中所 呈现出来的事物形象。运动表象是指在运动感觉、运动知觉的基础上,在头脑中重现出来的动作形象,它反映动作在一定时间、空间和力量方面的特点,如对身体的位置、动作的幅度、方向、速度的表象。在运动技能学习的初级阶段视觉表象起主要作用,而后视觉表象与动觉表象相结合,逐步形成运动表象。在运动训练中一般都采用示范后的模拟练习,只有教练的示范动作在学生的头脑中形成准确而清晰的运动表象,才有可能准确地掌握动作技能。在这里我们将运动表象这一理论运用于走步式跳远教学当中去,探讨表象训练法对走步式跳远教学效果的影响如何。  相似文献   

【运动表象】指在运动感觉、运动知觉的基础上,于头脑中呈现出来的动作形象。它反映动作在一定时间、空间和力量方面的特点。如对身体的位置,动作的力量、幅度和方向速度等的表象。可分为视觉表象、动觉表象及动觉与视觉的综合表象三种,并在运动知识与技能的掌握中有不同的作用。【视觉表象】指过去看到过的动作在大脑中的再现。如一个人拿一只小球系上一根线,闭上眼睛,当一手牵线把球提起来,想象小球沿着一个圆周滚动时,即很快发现球果然沿着一定圆周滚动。这是由于产生小球滚动的表象时,手臂微弱的运动而引起视觉表象在掌握知  相似文献   

在高校足球专项的教学中,运动表象训练的前提是视觉表象的形成,视觉表象建立以后.再通过时间、空间等要素发生一定的改变,最终实现动觉表象与视觉表象的结合。通过运动表象训练在高校足球技术教学的理论研究,为实现高校足球教学的目标,提高学生对足球技术的认识、练习的兴趣和练习的效果创造有利的奈件。  相似文献   


Based on literature identifying movement imagery, observation, and execution to elicit similar areas of neural activity, research has demonstrated that movement imagery and observation successfully prime movement execution. To investigate whether movement and observation could prime ease of imaging from an external visual-imagery perspective, an internal visual-imagery perspective, and kinesthetic modality, 36 participants (M age = 20.58; SD = 3.11; 18 women and 18 men) completed an adapted version of the Movement Imagery Questionnaire-Revised under four modes of delivery (movement prime, external observation prime, internal observation prime, and image-only). The results revealed that ease of imaging was significantly greater during the movement and observation prime conditions compared to the image-only condition (p < .05). Specifically when priming external visual imagery and internal visual imagery, observation facilitated ease of imaging only when the perspective was congruent with the imagery perspective. The results support the use of movement and observation to facilitate ease of imaging, but highlight the importance of considering the visual perspective when using observation.  相似文献   


The present study investigated the relationship between two of the most common measures of motor imagery ability, self-report ratings, and chronometric assessment. This was done for three types of imagery modalities: external visual imagery (EVI), internal visual imagery (IVI), and kinesthetic imagery (KI). Measures of imagery ability (i.e. self-report and mental chronometry) were also compared across skill levels. Participants (N?=?198) completed the Movement Imagery Questionnaire-3 (MIQ-3) to generate self-report ratings. Chronometric assessment was obtained by recording the duration of each MIQ-3 movement imaged and physically performed and then calculating a discrepancy score. There were no significant correlations between self-report and mental chronometry for any of the three motor imagery types (p?>?.05). When assessing the different types of motor imagery ability using self-report ratings, elite athletes had significantly higher KI than IVI, which was in turn significantly higher than EVI (p?<?.05). When assessing motor imagery ability using mental chronometry, there were no significant differences in imagery type (p?>?.05). Findings suggest both measures address different components of MI quality and should be used together to obtain a more comprehensive assessment of motor imagery ability.  相似文献   

In two studies, we examined the strength of relationship between internal and external visual imagery with kinaesthetic imagery. In Study 1, 56 participants completed the Vividness of Movement Imagery Questionnaire and the Movement Imagery Questionnaire. Pearson's product–moment correlations failed to reveal a significant correlation between external visual imagery and kinaesthetic imagery. However, the correlation between internal visual imagery and kinaesthetic imagery approached significance. In Study 2, the instructional set of the Vividness of Movement Imagery Questionnaire was changed to make the participant the ‘agent’ of the external visual perspective images rather than somebody else. Sixty-four participants completed the two questionnaires. The results indicated a significant correlation between external visual imagery and kinaesthetic imagery (r?=?0.60, P?<0.01). However, the correlation between internal visual imagery and kinaesthetic imagery was non-significant (r?=?0.23, P?>0.01). The results are discussed in relation to who is the agent of the image and the processes that may underlie kinaesthetic imagery. The implications for researchers trying to establish the functional, behavioural and neurological differences within, and across, imagery modalities are considered.  相似文献   

The factors that influence whether an athlete chooses to engage in imagery are largely unknown. One reason may be the amount of confidence athletes have in their ability to image. The aim of this study was to examine the relationships among efficacy in using imagery, imagery use and imagery ability. Consistent with Bandura's (, ) theory, it was hypothesized that there would be a positive correlation between efficacy in using imagery and imagery use, and that efficacy in using imagery would mediate the relationship between imagery ability and imagery use. Participants were 74 female athletes from various sports. The instruments we used were the Movement Imagery Questionnaire?–?Revised (Hall & Martin, ) for imagery ability, the Sport Imagery Questionnaire (Hall, Mack, Paivio, & Hausenblas, ) for imagery use, and a modified version of the latter questionnaire for efficacy in using imagery. Correlations showed that the more athletes were confident in their ability to use a certain image, the more they used it. Efficacy in using imagery was found to mediate only the relationship between imagery ability and cognitive imagery use.  相似文献   

通过对大量文献的整理与分析,对表象训练及其相关概念、表象训练的内在机制和应用模式的研究进行了评述,分析并讨论了表象训练实证研究的现状,指出了表象训练未来研究的主要方向.对表象训练的理论与实践具有一定的借鉴价值.  相似文献   

表象训练的概念、理论及主要研究领域:现状与分析   总被引:47,自引:1,他引:46  
漆昌柱  徐培 《体育科学》2001,21(3):76-80
研究对表象训练及相关概念、表象训练的理论进行了评述;对表象训练的功能与作用研究及影响因素研究这两个表象训练研究的主要领域的研究现状进行了综合分析;讨论了表象训练研究中存在的问题,并指出了表象训练研究的主要方向。  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to investigate the role of imagery in the short term retention of complex, visually-presented movement sequences. Twenty-eight high visual imagers (HIGHS) and 29 low visual imagers (LOWS) viewed and subsequently reproduced movement sequences consisting of eight component moves. Subjects reproduced six such sequences in each of two randomly ordered retention conditions: (1) rehearsal and (2) distraction. Half of the HIGHS and LOWS received instructions to employ imaginal processing strategies, while the other half received no such instructions. Analysis of the data indicated that HIGHS exhibited significantly higher free recall scores than LOWS. In addition, free recall of movement for all subjects was significantly disrupted following performance of a visual distraction task. The findings suggest that visual imagery may have played a functional role in the free recall of modeled movements. However, there was no indication that imagery was involved in the retention of serial information. The findings were explained in terms of the differential processing requirements of free and serial recall memory tasks.  相似文献   


In two experiments we examined the effectiveness of ideokinetic imagery and flexibility combined with abdominal strength training as methods for improving the spinal angles of lordosis and, kyphosis and reducing low back pain. Ideokinetic imagery is a postural development technique that involves using movement images to gain subcortical control over the spinal musculature. Experiment 1 investigated the effectiveness of these treatments for males with a previous history of low back pain. Findings indicated that only ideokinetic imagery had a positive effect on the spinal column and low back pain. Experiment 2 extended these findings by investigating males and females using a noninvasive video analysis technique to record changes in spinal angles. The study further supports the effectiveness of ideokinetic imagery as a postural development technique in males with acute spinal angles. In these subjects spinal angles improved significantly, and the subjects reported compute cessation of low back pain. The research supports the use of ideokinetic imagery as an inexpensive and. noninvasive technique to improve poor posture and reduce low back pain.  相似文献   

用实验法,对表象训练负荷量的构成因素,包括每周表象训练的次数,每次训练的持续时间、表象练习的强度和表象内容形式的变化与表象训练的效果的关系进行了研究。结果显示这些关系有一定的规律。这些结果为科学地进行表象训练提供了部分理论依据。  相似文献   

胡玮  赵国明 《体育科研》2011,32(6):65-67
在查阅大量关于表象训练的研究文献基础上,选取国家跳水队10 m跳台运动员林跃作为研究对象进行个案研究,根据需要为其设计了表象训练的心理训练方案。研究结果显示,表象训练对运动员的表象能力、难点技术动作操作的质量和稳定性都有显著的促进作用。  相似文献   

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