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现代技术对社会与传统伦理的挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代技术就其规模与影响而言巳有了质的变化。同时给人类社会提出了诸多方面的挑战。为了更好地把握对技术的哲学反思,有必要把技术首先看作是包括社会在内的人的行为,以便将其置于一定的伦理原则之下。  相似文献   

从某种意义上说,环保技术可以看作是社会伦理生态转向的产物,然而,环保技术的使用却受到了个人利益、群体利益、国家利益以及代际利益冲突的影响,在伦理实践过程中陷入了困境。  相似文献   

技术哲学在当代西方获得了较大发展,形成了一些技术哲学研究的问题域,技术伦理便是其中之一.而且,随着现代技术的广泛应用和技术问题的凸现,欧美技术哲学界开始了技术的"伦理转向",着力探讨技术的伦理问题,以便达到对技术进行有效控制的目的.技术伦理在技术社会中有着不同的表现形式,它涉及新技术的发展和伦理标准问题是如何被新的技术力量所改变、人们对自然的认识和人们对技术破坏伦理的思考路径等等问题.总体而言,伦理是随着技术的进步而不断发展的,研究技术伦理问题就是要促进技术与伦理之间的良性互动,最终达到通过伦理来规约和控制技术的效果.  相似文献   

高科技企业非伦理技术行为不仅局限于企业与冲突方之间的关系相背离,还影响着社会、自然等生态圈平衡。而技术伦理原则寻求的是平衡和谐,实现整个环境的融洽稳定。本文从技术伦理原则的十二个指标研究高科技企业的非伦理技术行为,具体分析核伦理、太空伦理、生态伦理、基因伦理等方面,最后从宏观与微观两个层面提出了发展型伦理意识。宏观层面从整体上关注企业与自然、企业与技术、企业与未来之间的关系;微观层面具体地考察企业与人之间的技术伦理关系。  相似文献   

技术的生态伦理规约是指在技术系统中相关技术主体的技术活动要受到生态伦理准则的规范与约束。技术主体在技术活动中应遵守以下生态伦理原则:尊重并保护生态环境,保护生物多样,合理应用技术开发和利用资源,经济价值与生态价值并重,促进人与自然和谐发展等。实现技术的生态伦理规约,要加强技术主体的生态伦理自律控制和他律控制。要通过建立健全技术评估和预警制度,从源头上杜绝违反生态伦理原则的技术产生。  相似文献   

论技术与伦理的冲突和整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从理解“技术伦理”的含义出发,从技术发展的整个历史的视角阐释了技术与伦理之间产生冲突的历史必然性和客观性,并在此基础上从人类文化的整体性以及技术与伦理相互作用的历史和现状出发,分析了技术与伦理存在着整合的必要性和可能性。  相似文献   

现代技术伦理规约的制度安排   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对现代技术进行伦理规约已经成为某种共识,但在技术活动中如何有效实现伦理对技术的合理规约却是亟待解决的理论和现实问题,文章从对现代技术伦理规约过程中“技术应然”与“技术实然”的分析入手,论述了制度安排是连接“技术应然”与“技术实然”的桥梁,描述了现代技术伦理规约过程中的制度缺陷现象,提出了针对技术过程的不同阶段进行制度安排的建议。  相似文献   

当技术伦理发生冲突时,技术主体就面临着在多种伦理或伦理原则中选择优先适用何者的问题,这就涉及了技术伦理位阶问题。技术伦理冲突是技术伦理位阶存在的逻辑前提。技术伦理位阶可以根据技术主体的身份、技术活动的类型进行判别。在技术活动中优先适用的伦理或伦理原则称为上位技术伦理,次优适用的伦理或伦理原则称为下位技术伦理。作为恒定上位技术伦理的普世伦理因其是人们最基本、最低限度的共同价值、标准和态度,故任何技术活动都必须优先适用它。判别技术伦理位阶可以解决技术伦理冲突,从而帮助专业技术人员解决伦理困惑,使得技术活动合目的性地进行。  相似文献   

借助于现象学思想与方法的视角,人们能够进一步面向现代技术"本身",从技术知识、意向结构以及伦理关系等方面推进技术伦理建设,构建现代技术基础上的生活世界与和谐伦理关系,促进技术与人相互协同,推动现代技术健康发展。  相似文献   

为充分了解前沿技术对技术伦理研究范式演化路径的推动作用,在Web of Science平台检索国际技术伦理研究领域相关文献,根据文献逐年分布情况,运用CiteSpace信息可视化软件绘制3个阶段的文献共被引网络知识图谱,在聚类分析的基础上展现国际技术伦理研究主题的演化路径:根据库恩范式转换理论,国际技术伦理的发展经历了从无统一范式的前科学时期到具体技术领域的伦理研究范式的常规科学时期,并从"一般意义的技术的伦理思考范式""单一技术领域伦理研究范式"向"多元技术领域伦理研究范式"转换。通过可视化分析,以期及时、准确把握国际技术伦理研究动态,促进中国技术伦理研究健康、持续发展。  相似文献   

This paper is as much about surveillance as about persuasive technologies (PTs). With regard to PTs it raises the question about the ethical limits of persuasion. It will be argued that even some forms of self-imposed persuasive soft surveillance technologies may be considered unethical. Therefore, the ethical evaluation of surveillance technologies should not be limited to privacy issues. While it will also be argued that PTs may become instrumental in pre-commitment strategies, it will also be demonstrated that the use of persuasive surveillance technologies in order to influence the users to become more compliant, to get their consent more easily or making it harder to opt out of the system does give rise to ethical issues.  相似文献   

Persuasion and argumentation are possibly among the most complex examples of the interplay between multiple human subjects. With the advent of the Internet, online forums provide wide platforms for people to share their opinions and reasonings around various diverse topics. In this work, we attempt to model persuasive interaction between users on Reddit, a popular online discussion forum. We propose a deep LSTM model to classify whether a conversation leads to a successful persuasion or not, and use this model to predict whether a certain chain of arguments can lead to persuasion. While learning persuasion dynamics, our model tends to identify argument facets implicitly, using an attention mechanism. We also propose a semi-supervised approach to extract argumentative components from discussion threads. Both these models provide useful insight into how people engage in argumentation on online discussion forums.  相似文献   

Racism on the Web: Its rhetoric and marketing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Poster (1989) and Schiller (1996) point out that electronic communications have the power to change social and political relationships. The ‘new’ discourse of the Internet has political uses in spreading neo-Nazi ideology and action. I look at two kinds of online neo-Nazi discourse: hate speech itself, including text, music, online radio broadcasts, and images that exhort users to act against target groups; and persuasive rhetoric that does not directly enunciate but ultimately promotes or justifies violence. The online location of these discourses poses urgent questions. Does information technology make the re-emergence of prejudicial messages and attitudes swifter and more likely? Does the Internet's wide range of distribution make for more followers and finally more persuasion?  相似文献   

许一明  李贺  解梦凡 《现代情报》2009,40(1):91-100
[目的/意义] 几乎所有互联网中的信息系统和服务都在试图改变用户的态度或行为。尽管社会心理学中的部分理论已被用于研究用户的意图和行为,但这些理论绝大多数都是从用户而非系统设计的视角来提供解决方案。[方法/过程] 通过对信息说服技术和说服系统相关研究的梳理,使用说服系统设计模型,以知乎为案例对说服系统在社会化问答平台中的应用进行分析。[结果/结论] 除喜欢、社会角色、第一印象、权威性、可检验性和竞争六项原则外,说服系统模型提出的不同系统特性中的说服原则均在知乎中有所体现。未体现的原则中,喜欢和第一印象原则有待进一步调查,而其他原则或可成为知乎下一步的改进方向。  相似文献   

Chief Digital Officers (CDOs) play a multitude of roles as they facilitate digital transformation. In this opinion paper, we draw on an interview that we undertook with the CDO at a major Chinese software and technology services firm to highlight the intricacies and idiosyncrasies of digital transformation work both within the organization and externally to clients. We characterise the nature of the CDO’s role as ‘the art of digital transformation’, recognising the blend of business and technology knowledge with superior communication and persuasion skills.  相似文献   

跟踪研究发达国家实施制造业振兴战略对中国对外直接投资制造企业创新产生的政策效果及影响机制.从逆向技术溢出的视角,将发达国家制造业振兴战略的政策冲击视为一次准自然实验,基于2003-2017年"走出去"的中国上市制造公司样本,主要采用双重差分法、有调节的中介模型进行分析.研究发现:发达国家制造业振兴战略总体上对中国制造企...  相似文献   

In our high-tech society, the design process involves profound questions about the effects of the resulting goods, and the responsibilities of designers. In the philosophy of technology, effects of “things” on user experience and behaviour have been discussed in terms of the concept of technological mediation. Meanwhile, what we create has moved more and more towards services (processes) rather than products (things), in particular in the context of information services. The question is raised to what extent the concept of technological mediation is adequate to understand effects and responsibilities in information services as well. Therefore, this paper discusses differences between product aspects and service aspects of our creations, and evaluates the applicability of the concept of technological mediation to information services. Specific features of a notion of technological mediation for information services are highlighted, in particular with respect to the different relation between production and consumption. Finally, the paper focuses on the ethical consequences of service impact, and recommendations for service providers, especially in terms of the possibilities for second-order mediation by inviting users to change service properties.  相似文献   

为揭示创业网络嵌入对科技创业能力的作用机制,构建一个基于创业学习中介作用的创业网络嵌入作用机制模型,采用调查问卷和实证分析,探讨创业网络嵌入、创业学习与科技创业能力之间的关系和作用机制。研究结果显示,创业网络嵌入对科技创业能力的作用路径不是唯一的,创业网络嵌入对科技创业能力既存在直接作用也存在间接作用;关系嵌入对创业学习、科技创业能力的影响大于结构嵌入;创业学习在创业网络嵌入和科技创业能力之间发挥着显著的中介作用,创业网络嵌入通过创业学习传递给科技创业能力的间接作用较其直接作用更加显著。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to explore how mobile payment services can be used to assists in co-creating value for both consumers and merchants from the view of service-dominant logic (S-D logic). This study adopts the view of S-D logic by considering mobile payment an application of technology by which both consumers and merchants integrate their own operant and operand resources to accomplish payment task and thus create desirable value. It builds a conceptual framework to describe such a value co-creation process by applying the expectancy-value theory as a mediation between customers' resources and value created, and by using task-technology fit as a mediation between merchants' resources and value created. In this way, a value co-creation between consumers and merchants can possibly be achieved. No past studies have been found to combine S-D logic with the extant theories to describe mobile payment use behavior. The framework this study builds, therefore, becomes the major contributions of this study.  相似文献   

在精细加工可能性模型(ELM)的框架下,引入涉入度这一新的变量,通过深入探讨涉入度的调节机理,解释了过去研究对单、双面广告信息的说服效果存有争议的内在原因.研究结果表明:与单面信息广告相比,双面信息广告对高涉入者的说服效果明显增强;但对低涉入者,二者的说服效果没有显著差异.论据数量作为边缘线索之一可以提高双面信息广告对低涉入者的说服效果.研究同时证明双面信息广告对高、低涉入者的说服路径不同.研究结论为企业通过广告沟通方式来重新赢得消费者信任、建立品牌效应提供了一条经济有效的新思路.  相似文献   

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