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张圆 《考试周刊》2009,(2):39-41
英美文学中存在着一个影响广泛、持续发展的哥特传统。英国哥特小说最早产生于17世纪后半期,作为一个流派真正产生影响并形成高潮是在18世纪90年代到19世纪初。哥特小说对英国文学创作产生了巨大影响。本文简要阐释了哥特小说形成于英国的原因和背景,论述了其历经19世纪和20世纪的发展在现当代的再度繁荣。  相似文献   

吴静 《海外英语》2013,(21):232-233
哥特传统广泛地存在于英美文学中。该文首先探讨了英美文学中哥特小说的起源,进而分析其在美国文学中发展壮大的原因,而后梳理出美国文学中哥特式小说的代表作家及其代表作,最后指出,哥特小说致力于揭露人类如何去面对善恶以及深刻的道德探索。  相似文献   

在英美文学的发展过程中,有过很多具有影响力的小说流派,而其中影响力最为持久的,当属哥特小说。哥特小说来自于古老的英美文学,最早产生于17世纪后半期,而其真正作为一个文学流派,并且产生巨大的影响时在18世纪末到19世纪初这段时期。本文就主要对哥特小说的产生与发展进行简单的阐述。  相似文献   

英国哥特小说是十分具有英格兰民族特色的鬼怪小说。它在英国史上称不上主流文学,因此对它的研究相对较少。但它却对后世的英国文学创作产生了较大影响。因此,对哥特小说进行研究是有着重要价值的。  相似文献   

作为几乎同时期出现的文学作品,哥特小说与浪漫主义诗歌虽然一"俗"一"雅",但二者无论在内容上还是在审美旨趣上多有重合,在布莱克、柯勒律治以及济慈的作品中可以清晰的看到哥特小说的影子,而其地位上的殊异更多的来自于语言形式上的不同以及浪漫主义意识形态的有意运作;作为一种通俗的非现实主义小说,哥特小说的诸多技巧和情节也在维多利亚时期现实主义作家的作品中得以重现,勃朗特姐妹的《简爱》和《呼啸山庄》以及狄更斯的《荒凉山庄》等小说中都可以清晰地发现哥特小说的痕迹。可以看出,哥特小说的出现拓宽了当时文人的创作思路和审美趣味,并不断把其身的影响渗透到各种文学形式中去。  相似文献   

本文以浪漫主义时期为着眼点,对哥特建筑与哥特小说进行跨学科比较研究,探寻哥特复兴建筑与哥特小说具有的共同意识形态,以便我们更深入地理解这两种艺术形式的时代内涵.  相似文献   

国内哥特小说研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
布尼塞·享尼塞在其专著《哥特式小说》中指出:“哥特式”这个术语有三种主要含义:野蛮,如象中世纪的哥特部落;中世纪,和与之相联的城堡、带甲武士和骑士精神;超自然,和随之而来的恐怖、未知与神秘。[1]在18世纪60年代以来的英国、美国文坛,哥特小说成为一个引人注目的文学现象,从1764年第一部哥特小说发表至1820年的60来年间,英国大约出版了5000部哥特小说。而且近两个世纪以来的英美主流文学也因吸收了哥特式的艺术表现手法而变得丰富起来了,从而出现了“心理哥特小说”、“科幻哥特作品”、“美国南方哥特流派”、“女性哥特”等现代哥特…  相似文献   

西方哥特主义萌芽于18世纪晚期,在当代和现代作品中仍然盛行。哥特主义是西方浪漫主义的一个特殊分支,被评论家称作“黑色浪漫主义”。文章介绍了哥特小说的起源、背景、发展和影响。作为一种写作手法,哥特小说在18世纪晚期兴起,19世纪30年代衰落。尽管流行时间较短,哥特小说对19世纪和20世纪西方的许多作家产生了深刻的影响。  相似文献   

哥特小说探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对“哥特”本词含义及哥特小说历史进程探究的基础上,就典型的哥特小说作了分析。受哥特小说影响,英美学中逐渐形成了持续发展、影响广泛的哥特传统。  相似文献   

宋寒冰  刘颖  刘悦  程莲 《海外英语》2013,(1):194-196
哥特文学本身具有悠久的历史,但是却一直处于被批评的地位,特别是在中国。哥特小说不仅曾经红极一时,而且其本身具有许多积极向上的特点,对现代文学产生了深远的影响,具有很高的研究和借鉴价值。在对哥特式文学的分析中,黑暗因素是哥特小说的主要色彩。黑暗因素通常包括恐怖的因素、黑暗的时间以及梦境。恐怖与恐惧是一个哥特式小说作者广泛采用的主要的黑暗因素。在许多哥特小说中,哥特小说的作者通过对自然现象的细致的描绘表达出黑暗的世界,吸引读者进入充满紧张恐怖气氛的环境,这种写作手法十分适合现代读者的口味。梦境是哥特小说的另外一种黑暗因素。当人们感觉到噩梦或梦中的情景经常在现实中发生时,会感到恐慌,也使读者处于极度紧张的状态。黑暗的时间是哥特文学的另一个黑暗因素。  相似文献   

Gothicism budded from late eighteenth century to nineteenth century and it is still flourishing in modernist writing and even contemporary works.Gothicism is a special branch in the western Romantic Movement and is entitled by the critics as the"dark romanticism".This article introduces the origin,background,development and influence of the Gothic fiction.As a kind if writing style,Gothic fiction has been prevailed for quite a long time.It came into being in the late 18th century and declined in the 1830s.Though it exists so short a period,it prospered for a time and influenced many writers of 19th and 20th centuries deeply.  相似文献   

Frankenstein was written in 1981 by Mary Shelley. For a long time, it has been regarded as the forerunner of science fiction in the world. However, its horrible and mysterious elements and violent and suspenseful plot also indicate its Gothic style. As a matter of fact, Frankenstein is a Romantic novel with Gothic traits. This paper discusses the Gothic elements and their effects on this novel and the English Gothic novels as well.  相似文献   

Raters of Georgia's (USA) state-mandated college-level writing exam, which is intended to ensure a minimal university-level writing competency, are trained to grade holistically when assessing these exams. A guiding principle in holistic grading is to not focus exclusively on any one aspect of writing but rather to give equal weight to style, vocabulary, mechanics, content, and development. This study details how raters react to “errors” typical of African American English writers, of ESL writers, and of standard American English writers. Using a log-linear model to generate odds ratios for comparison of essays with these error types, results indicate linguistic discrimination against African American “errors” and a leniency for ESL errors in writing assessment.  相似文献   

Rebecca Luce-Kapler writes poetry and short fiction. She has been an English teacher for ten years and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Secondary Education, specializing in writing from the perspective of both writers and teachers  相似文献   

林少云 《海外英语》2012,(5):201-202,204
In the late 18th century and the beginning of 19th century,there appeared an important literary trend named Gothic as a part of Romanism.Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin Shelley(1797-1851) is a famous novelist of the Romantic period.Her masterpiece,Franken stein,is considered one of the best Gothic novels as well as the first science fiction in the modern sense.My thesis is engaged in the study of this work from psychological perspectives:that is the fear of desolation and irrational human ambition.Frankenstein not only adopted the traditional Gothic elements but also modified and added new ones.Thus it yields a great influence on the successive literature.  相似文献   

Drawing upon a research study on lifelong learning, citizenship, and fiction writing, this paper explores issues around identity and learning in becoming a fiction author. Five main thematic areas are discussed: (1) envisioning a writing career, (2) compelled to write, (3) learning the craft, (4) getting published, and (5) online identity. The challenges, hurdles, and motivational factors in pursuing a career in a field as tenuous as fiction writing are explored. The paper argues that fiction writers, like many people who work in the creative sector, have a strong desire to engage in work that they consider to be meaningful. Those who succeed demonstrate great perseverance. As the impact of new technologies and social media shape and change the publishing sector, there are new challenges as well as opportunities that writers will need to learn about and address as they develop their career trajectories.  相似文献   

20世纪末中国小说的流变和自由写作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发轫于“五四”新文化运动的中国现代文学以小说为主流,在启蒙意识和功利思想的作用下,一直承担着时代的使命。而20世纪末中国小说发生了极大的流变,逐渐淡化了“五四”启蒙立场和社会功利意识,日常情感和个人体验成为小说叙事的重要内容。20世纪80年代的伤痕反思文学使长期禁锢的文艺政策逐步解冻,寻根文学、先锋文学在摆脱文学过重的负荷,回归文学自身的努力中受挫。在严肃文学被冷落的沉寂中,被商品化思潮左右的大众文化直接影响了文学,使之退居边缘,小说现代叙事在回归故事的通俗性、个性化写作过程中成为日常化、个人化自由写作的具体表现。商业化境遇使20世纪末的小说流变形成了90年代小说很突出的边缘化自由写作的形态。“新写实”小说、新生代作家、女性写作,以及其他小说创作的不同努力,构成了90年代小说的多元格局,使20世纪末的自由写作成为可能,文学的多元自由发展在一定程度上得以实现。  相似文献   

美国的牛仔研究,始于与牛仔有关的传说故事及牛仔小说等文学形式。牛仔小说,作为美国西部文学的重要组成部分,根植于广袤的美国西部大地,渊源于美国社会形成的特殊环境,积淀着美国社会发展中深厚的历史和文化底蕴。牛仔小说通过牛仔小说作家的笔塑造了一个个鲜活的牛仔形象,以独特的文学形式在直接或间接地反映着美国西部发展的历史,20世纪以来,史学界和文学评论界对于牛仔小说的研究和评价始终揭示了这一点。  相似文献   

This article explores what teachers and students can learn about contemporary story‐telling from a study of fan fiction – that is, stories created by readers and viewers out of the canonical material of previously published fictions. Drawing on the example of Pirates of the Caribbean, it investigates ways in which fan fiction writers develop codes and conventions to govern themselves. For example, online litmus tests establish when a writer is self‐indulgently writing ‘Mary Sue’ characters into a story; the self‐styled Protectors of the Plot Continuum patrol the fictional limits of an imagined world to make sure that canonical information is not violated by fan fiction writers. This article makes use of such examples to investigate how quality control in fan fiction is codified, and to explore what teachers can learn from such enterprises about contemporary writing, reading and viewing. It compares these possibilities with issues of online literacy outlined by Henry Jenkins under three headings: the participation gap, the transparency problem, and the ethics challenge.  相似文献   

威廉.福克纳是20世纪美国文学史上最伟大的作家之一,他的作品卷帙浩繁,而《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》是其短篇小说的代表作。本文通过分析发现:这篇小说融汇了福克纳现实主义、象征主义、"多角度"叙述以及哥特式小说等不同写法,综合了多种语言手段和修辞手法。  相似文献   

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