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从书籍阅读看曾纪泽思想的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘薇 《湘南学院学报》2006,27(6):20-22,54
曾纪泽是晚清著名外交家,他在出使前几年及出使期间,广泛阅读中外书籍,内容涉及儒家经典、中外纪闻、边疆史地、自然科学、外语、国际法等诸多方面。这些书籍培养了曾纪泽的爱国品质,开拓了曾纪泽的视野,成为曾纪泽思想得以形成和发展的重要来源之一,为其进行外交活动奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

曾国藩、曾纪泽同为清政府高官,在近代中国历史上都是有一定影响的人物。他们虽是父子,但他们对近代中国社会发生的一些重大历史事件却有着根本不同的认识和看法,如对办洋务的认识和对待外国侵略的态度以及他们的爱国观并不完全相同。曾纪泽在中华民族面临着被帝国主义瓜分的危机面前,坚决主张抵抗外来侵略、坚持国家主权独立的对外思想与曾国藩的卖国投降主义路线形成鲜明的对比。因此,曾纪泽更应该得到后人的肯定和推崇。  相似文献   

曾纪泽(1839—1890年),字劼刚,乳名甲三,湖南省双峰县人,曾国藩的长子.曾纪泽是中国近代史上洋务派的重要成员之一.他博览中国群书.致力于经世致用之学,大力提倡学习西学时务与西方科学技术,热切盼望中国迅速赶上西方,摆脱落后的境况和屈辱的地位.曾纪泽毕生的思想和活动,闪耀着爱国主义的光辉,在晚清史上据有重要的地位.  相似文献   

为纪念恽代英同志英勇就义五十周年,《恽代英日记》即将由中共中央党校出版社出版。《恽代英日记》(1917—1919)原珍藏在中央档案馆、中国革命博物馆。日记真实地记录了恽代英和林毓兰、黄负生等同代人的学习、思想、生活,记录了他们探索救国道路的重要实践。其中,关于“互助社”的活动,以及恽代英和武汉青年学生在五四运动期间进行的爱国斗争,都有具体生动的记载。日记为研究二十世纪初期中国的社会状况和恽代英的思想发展,提供了可贵的第一手材料。  相似文献   

爱国主义作为民族的美德,作为一种巨大的精神力量,给中华民族历史的发展以重大的影响,它是一种伟大的向心力。对我们祖国的统一、巩固和发展,作出了伟大的贡献。而司马迁的爱国思想又以它特有的光辉彪炳于世。 司马迁生活在汉武帝时代,他的爱国思想在历史上起着承先启后的作用,因此,对司马迁的爱国思想作出正确的评价,对于我们继承民族的这一宝贵精神财富,无疑是大有好处的。 下面对司马迁爱国思想中几个突出的方面,作一简单的评述。  相似文献   

在近代中国走向世界的形势下,曾纪泽很早就接触、学习过国际公法知识。1878年准备出使期间和出使途中,他加强了学习,对国际公法的作用、规则有了一定了解。出使抵欧洲后,通过继续学习,他对国际公法的由来、精神、作用及原则有了进一步认识。曾纪泽不仅关注国际公法,还在处理中国和巴西建交、改定伊犁条约、中法越南问题交涉时积极运用国际公法维护国家民族权益。曾纪泽注意学习、运用国际公法与中国传统外交近代转型、他对时局的认识及国际公法对弱小民族的维权价值、国际公法洋溢的人文精神有关。  相似文献   

饮馔是周作人散文中非常重要的一个方面,这在他早年日记中便有充分展现。通过日记中的饮馔记叙,可以看到周作人往往将饮馔与时政事件、人生选择并置,不仅为一段大历史留下了极富个人特征的存证,同时也蕴含了其日后文学与人生选择的若干线索。日记中"杂记"体例的创制,更成为"五四"以后周作人在散文文体方面拓展与转向的基础。此外,风俗观察、语言学兴趣与名物考证也是周作人少年时代饮馔兴味的三个着眼点,而这些同样成为他日后学术兴趣与思想批判的资源。周作人早年日记中看似平淡琐屑的饮馔细节,对其文体选择与思想变迁有着重要意义,值得人们耐心咀嚼。  相似文献   

把自己当天的生活、工作和思想等情况,以及见闻感受记录下来,就是日记。它是个人内心世界的真实剖白,生活状况的真实记录。平凡的日记具有不平凡的德育功能。因为通过写日记,想一想一天是怎样度过的,能使自己生活更充实、更有意义,能提高自己观察和分析事物的能力,从而陶冶思想情操,形成科学的世界观、人生观。如何有效地发挥日记的德育功能呢?我在长期的实践中,从以下几个方面进行努力,收到良好效果。一、利用节日写爱国日记。结合"五四"青年节、"七一"党的生日、"八一"建军节、"十一"国庆节以及有关历史人物与事件纪念日等,对…  相似文献   

唐代伟大诗人杜甫的诗表现出强烈的、深沉的爱国思想。在当时封建社会历史条件下,他把忠君、忧民、反对非正义战争与爱国思想融合在一起,形成了杜诗爱国思想的特色,并使杜诗的爱国思想达到了时代的最高峰。  相似文献   

曾纪泽(1839——1890年)字劼刚,湖南湘乡人,曾国藩长子,是中国近代史上少有的爱国外交家。在他出使欧洲的七年间(1878—1885年),除正常的外交活动外,还曾于1880—1881年与沙俄谈判,索还了被沙俄侵占达十年之久的我伊犁广大地区。中法战争中,他以公使身份,与法国政府进行唇枪舌剑的斗争,实践了他“待凭口舌巩山河”的誓言,不愧为一个爱国者。  相似文献   

This case study investigates how an ESL teacher’s activity of self-directed journal writing can facilitate learning and function as a mediational tool for teacher professional development. The participant for this study is a native English speaker who taught an ESL freshman writing course in an American university. Since he had little time to consult with teaching experts, he decided to engage in his self-directed journal for reflecting on his teaching practices. A sociocultural perspective on human cognitive development is utilized as an analytical framework for tracing his development and capturing the transformative power of narrative within his developmental trajectory. Using grounded theory, his journal entries are analyzed to identify a series of stages that trace his professional development, supported by face-to-face interview data designed to co-construct an interpretation of his journal and to serve as a member check. The data analysis suggests that his journal became a powerful mediational space where he critically reflected on and systematically examined his teaching practices. By externalizing his thoughts and feelings, as he first recognizes his loss of self-regulation and then works toward regaining his sense of professional expertise, he begins to develop alternative ways of thinking about his current teaching practices and starts to embrace new modes of engagement in his L2 classroom.  相似文献   

On June 14, 2011, the world of higher education lost a great editor and scholar. D. Barry Lumsden passed away that morning, leaving behind three excellent journals and a legacy of scholarship. Dr. Lumsden had edited the Community College Journal of Research and Practice since he founded it in 1976, and we feel his loss keenly. Our sympathies go out to his family, friends and colleagues for their loss.

I have had the pleasure of working with Barry since joining Taylor & Francis (T&F) in 1984. He was one of the more colorful characters I have come across in 30 years of publishing. He referred to me, as you will see below, as Brother Kevin. He always brought a smile to my face when I would pick up the phone (he is from a generation that still picks up the phone and talks to people) and hear him say hello. He cared deeply about the journals he worked on and the contribution he was making to the field. His legacy has been established by the contributions that he has made and, for me, he will always bring a smile to my face when I think of him.

In early 2011, on Dr. Lumsden's recommendation, we appointed Deborah L. Floyd as his successor. Dr. Floyd has worked on the journal for several years, both as an editorial board member and a guest editor, and we know she will do a fine job in her new role as editor-in-chief. We are saddened by Dr. Lumsden's passing, but look forward to working with Dr. Floyd as she continues the work he started three decades ago. The following editorial was to be his farewell to the Community College Journal of Research and Practice, the journal he edited for 35 years.

Kevin Bradley, President

Taylor & Francis US Journals Program  相似文献   

John Dewey has been portrayed as a sort of villain in Rosenow's (1997) article which appeared in this journal, apparently because he was unfairly opposed to God and to religion, and also because he deliberately usurped religious language to 'camouflage' his secular ideas. By drawing mainly upon similar sources but with some important additions, I wish to challenge the four major concerns raised in Rosenow's article and in doing so aim to offer an alternative interpretation. It is understood here that Dewey's approach to religion was not so much religious as it was 'spiritual' and while developing and changing throughout his writings, his ideas on spirituality nevertheless were thoroughly entwined with his other views, especially those dealing with education, science and democracy.  相似文献   

Wilhelm Ostwald was among the pioneers of chemistry in the early 20th century who was largely responsible for establishing physical chemistry as an acknowledged branch of chemistry. In the early part of his research career, he investigated the chemical affinities of various acids and bases. Subsequently, he broadened his horizons and performed path-breaking work in the field of chemical catalysis. An outcome of this work was the famous Ostwald process which continues to be a mainstay of the modern chemical industry. For his work on catalysis, chemical equilibrium relationships and rates of reactions, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in the year 1909. In addition to these colossal pieces of work, he performed very interesting research on the sidelines in various fields. This includes identifying the growth phenomenon of sol particles which is popularly called Ostwald ripening, development of a viscometer, a theory of colours and even philosophy. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, the first ever physical chemistry journal was founded by Ostwald in 1887. Also, he wrote several textbooks of chemistry which mirrored his extraordinary teaching capabilities. Quite aptly, for his immense contributions, he is called the Father of Physical Chemistry. This article will discuss the work of this great scientist.  相似文献   

从元佑元年到元佑八年的八年时间里,秦观先后度过了蔡州教授和汴京为官两个时期。蔡州教授时生活孤单寂寞,汴京为官又在升迁与黜免中大起大落,他的心灵饱受磨折,归隐之思十分强烈。与熙宁、元丰时期多是山水纪游、诗歌相比较而言,这一时期的诗歌内容更多是写他日常生活的点点滴滴、与友人酬唱赠答,此外还增加了对政治的关心等。作品风格也更倾向于雄放沉郁。  相似文献   

论文等待发表时间的长短即发表时滞不仅与论文的质量有关,还与投稿技巧有关。要缩短论文的发表时滞,提高论文的录用率,除要了解所要投向的期刊及其对稿件的要求外,还应遵守法律法规,提供有效的联系方式等。  相似文献   

In his daily journal on the founding of the public experimental school, a “community school” at the Berliner Tor in Hamburg between spring 1919 and September 1921, Lottig describes the everyday issues confronting the principal of the “new school” at that time. These concern classroom instruction, teachers, parents, external pressures on the Berliner Tor-School, the relationship with the school administration, political issues prevalent in Hamburg at that time, ideological and philosophical debates as well as personal and family relationship problems, all of which Lottig describes in his journal. Lottig also noted the reasoning underpinning the development of the school experiments: the “old” schools in Hamburg had been closed, and the state had in their place established experimental schools. The journal clearly records the difficulties, issues and successes of a principal of one of the newly established community schools (Lebensgemeinschaftsschulen), which had been established as experimental schools. A perusal of the diary indicates that Jakob Robert Schmid’s sole and up to now only one known analysis of the journal comes off as biased and misleading. Schmid, professor of education at the University of Berne, had, at the beginning of the 1930s, only perused and analysed those portions of Lottig’s journal in which Lottig describes the rather turbulent if inspiring – and yet chaotic – operation of the community school in its first two years. While Schmid analysed these portions, he did not consider Lottig’s other, more favourable and constructive comments. Schmid also did not explain his one-sided selection of journal passages. Schmid brands Lottig and his team of teachers as educational novices and classifies the Berliner Tor-School as an “anti-authoritarian” institution, an experimental school like any other school experiment which overshoots the mark, not being educationally and institutionally meaningful. A more objective and principled approach in examining Lottig’s journal would have revealed that Lottig and his teachers were well aware of the main issue confronting the school, an issue that Schmid would also have found relevant: the relation of freedom and compulsion, within a setting that Lottig wanted to revitalise, to productively equilibrate without employing the customary disciplinary instruments. Lottig furthermore again and again points emphatically to the “growing pains” of all alternative schools (even when regulated by the state as an experimental school), whose goal it had been, to establish, even under difficult circumstances, a “new school-type” not utilising the traditional instruments of discipline, instruction and school management. This proves that Lottig was neither an educational ignoramus nor unaware of the basic issue of classroom instruction: how one can instruct with or without compulsion. Lottig’s goal had always been – and this Schmid also disregarded – to replace traditional, imposed, mandated or even self-imposed rules and regulations by new, commonly worked out rules. Lottig’s journal is a good example of the steadfast, unrelenting and energy-sapping aspiration of a school principal to balance the relation of school management versus a school’s self-development under the given circumstances. In addition, Schmid’s misinterpretation is a good example of how an observer, who hardly knew the Berliner Tor-School, would misuse this historical source by means of a biased interpretation to further his own views on scholastic education, views that Lottig himself would have preferred to provocatively examine – Schmid’s “authoritative pedagogy”, which goes beyond all authoritarian and non-authoritarian educational policies. What, then, would Lottig have recorded in his journal about a meeting with Schmid?  相似文献   

Since July this year, the Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research has been reorganized as a result of a proposal made by the journal's long‐time Managing Editor, Prof. Johs. Sandven (see cover page 2). As it was his main goal with the new administrative model to place the responsibility for the journal in new hands, he felt that at the same time it was timely to retire both as editor and as a member of the board. We would like to underscore both this special happening and Sandven's unique contribution to our journal by the following comments.  相似文献   

教学日志是指教师对自己的教学经历予以归纳、概括、反思和评价,从中觉察存在的问题,明示改进思路和措施。它是反思性教学最主要和最便利的形式。教学日志的内容不是预设的,而是经过教学实践和反思后生成的。教学日志的生成应遵循具体性、客观性、经常性和批判性原则。分析教学设计、回顾教学过程、观摩同行教学和反复教学实践,可使教学日志得以进一步丰富和升华。  相似文献   

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