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试论元认知能力培养的教学策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
方红  曹心对 《山东教育》2003,(14):37-38
如何让学生学会学习,学会解决问题,成为一名解决问题的高手,是学校教学的目标之一。影响学生问题解决能力的因素有许多,其中元认知水平是一个重要的因素。一、元认知在问题解决中的作用元认知就是关于认知的认知,是个体对自己认知活动的自我意识、自我体验、自我调节和监控。它包括元认知知识、元认知体验和元认知监控三个部分。(1)元认知知识就是有关认知的知识。它包括:关于个体的知识,如个人的兴趣、爱好和能力,与他人的差异等;关于认知任务的知识,如问题中有关信息特点的知识、问题的要求和目的;关于认知策略的知识。(2)元认知体验是指…  相似文献   

自主阅读能力就是教学生“学会怎样学习”,元认知的监督与调控在“学会学习”中扮演重要的角色。元认知是对认知的认知,包括元认知知识、元认知体验和元认知监控。针对学生自主阅读中存在的问题,结合元认知概念,在自主阅读中对学生进行训练,能提高学生自主阅读的元认知水平,培养和训练学生自主阅读的元认知能力,创设一个师生、生生良好互动的环境。  相似文献   

赵娜  王磊  原凌虹  杨丽然 《考试周刊》2011,(90):196-197
现代教育目标要求学生“学会学习”.元认知理论被认为是学生学会学习的理论基础,学生元认知能力的培养离不开教学过程。元认知理论根植于学校教育.服务、指导于教学,不仅需要从受教育者的角度探讨元认知与主体性和有效学习的关系,而且需要从教育者的角度探讨元认知与有效教学的关系。元认知理论的教学分为课前、课中、课后三个阶段,对教学具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

元认知能力指的是学生对自身学习过程的认知。元认知训练的目标与核心素养中的“学会学习”高度契合。大量研究表明元认知对提高教学效果、发展学生思维能力具有十分重要的效果,提高元认知水平是促进学生“学会学习”的有效途径。本文基于课堂实践,探究在核心素养视域下初中心理课中开展元认知训练的有效路径,通过元认知知识的教学、元认知监控的训练以及元认知体验的提升,提高学生元认知水平,并迁移到其他学科学习中,促进学生核心素养的发展。  相似文献   

培养元认知能力 教学生学会学习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重视学生元认知能力的培养,对“教学生学会学习”有着重大意义。可通过丰富学生的元认知知识,唤起学生的元认知体验,提高学生的元认知监控水平来发展学生的元认知能力。  相似文献   

近些年来,元认知成为了心理学研究热点之一,并对教育事业发展产生了一定的影响.元认知是一个人对自己的思维活动和学习活动的认知和监控,其核心是对认知的认知.在高中物理的实践教学中,许多学生解题能力差、学不得法,学习效果不佳.元认知理论认为,学生在学习过程中,要学会根据具体的学习内容和学习任务灵活地选用适当的学习方法和策略.实践调查表明,在知识储备相当的学生中,物理学习中解决问题能力强的学生,元认知水平一般较高.所以,学生在具备一定知识基础的条件下,加强对学生的元认知水平的训练,提高其元认知水平,利于学生解决物理问题的能力.  相似文献   

元认知是美国心理学家弗拉维尔提出来的,它是指个体对自身认知过程的认识和意识,即对认知过程的再认识。元认知包括三种成分:元认知知识、元认知体验、元认知监控。具体到物理学科,元认知知识,即知道物理学习,包括慨念、规律、实验、方法、应用的几个方面的学习;元认知体验,具体表现为在学习前意识到自己在学习中可能成功或失败,在学习过程中意识到学习内容的难易程度和自己对学习内容的掌握程度等,在学习后则产生由成功或失败带来的喜悦、自信、效能感或焦虑、无力感等;元认知监控,具体表现为学生根据自己的能力水平、知识掌握程度、学习方式、学习内容的数量和难度、学习任务及要求等而制定出缜密的学习计划,采取有效的学习策略,积极地反馈,灵活地应用学习方法,使自己尽快达到学会学习的目的。  相似文献   

元认知包含元认知知识、元认知体验和元认知监控三个基本要素.元认知水平和元认知能力对学习具有重要的作用.物理教学应丰富学生的元认知知识,诱发学生的元认知体验,强化学生的元认知监控,从而有意识地培养学生的元认知能力,促进物理教学质量的提高.  相似文献   

教师元认知教学的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
元认知教学包括用元认知知识去教学和为培养学生元认知知识去教学两种.用元认知知识去教学是指教师思考自己的教学过程;为培养学生元认知知识去教学则是指教师思索他们该如何才能激活和培养学生自己的元认知知识,即学生作为学习者思索他们的学习过程.国内对前者研究的人甚少,因此笔者将主要探讨用元认知知识去教学,然后根据元认知理论进行尝试性的元认知教学,从而提高教师的元认知能力及水平.  相似文献   

元认知及其在教学中的运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
元认知是关于认知的认知,是个体对自己的认知加工过程的自我意识、自我体验、自我调节和监控,它包括元认知知识、元认知体验和元认知监控三个成分,它们相互联系、密不可分。元认知的发展水平直接制约着个体智力的发展,影响着个体的学习效率,因此教师应该加强元认知在教学中的运用,对学生进行元认知培养,提高学生的元认知水平,增强学生的元认知能力,从而教会学生学习、促进学生智力发展。  相似文献   

化学学案设计中的学习任务分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学习任务分析是促进、优化学案设计的一门重要技术,它帮助学生将新知识与已有知识经验形成联结,为新知识提供附着点,也为学案中学习顺序的安排和导学情景的创设提供了心理依据。  相似文献   

基于学生元认知能力可以通过教育手段加以培养与促进的基本前提,选取中学信息技术课堂教学作为基本研究环境,以学生元认知培养作为研究目标,提出了在信息技术课程教学中促进元认知发展的“反思——问题解决”和“监控——问题解决”教学模式,并对该模式的应用效果进行了教学实践检验.  相似文献   

Humans have the ability to monitor and control their conscious cognitive processes. This ability, called metacognition, implies that people can learn to optimize their cognitive processes. Recent research in metacognition provides new ways of accelerating learning and skill transfer through an improvement in the decision-making, problem solving, and attentional skills of trainees. This paper provides a critical review of recent research in metacognition and presents recommendations for assessing and facilitating metacognitive skills in trainees, using cognitive-based techniques for task analysis and instructional design.  相似文献   

论学习策略及其培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学习策略是学习为了提高学习效率和效果而有目的,有意识地制定的有关学习过程的复杂的方案,它主要是由认知策略,情感策略,元认知策略和资源管理策略上因素构成,培养学生的学习策略,使学生真正学会学习,需从提高教师的策略教学意识,优化学生的策略学习动机,增强有效策略的可操作性,重视学生元认知能力的培养等方面入手。  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to investigate and discover whether going through the process of reflection by keeping reflective design journals (RDJ) enhances architecture students’ metacognition and whether this enhanced metacognition improves their design understandings and skills. The study was a mixed‐methods design and utilised content analysis method to identify the metacognitive actions of the participants. The study also investigated participants’ attitudes towards RDJs and their views regarding the effect of enhanced metacognition on their design understandings and skills. Twenty college students registered to an undergraduate course offered by the department of Architecture participated in the research. The findings of the study revealed that by writing in their RDJs, participants were able to progressively enhance their metacognitive skills and performed several metacognitive actions by using the four main metacognitive strategies: awareness, organisation and planning, monitoring, and evaluation. The results also disclosed that participants found RDJ keeping exceptionally effective and stated that their enhanced metacognition improved their design understanding and abilities.  相似文献   

How do adults learn from self‐paced, technology‐based corporate training, which they select based on its relevance to their current employment responsibilities? Specifically, how do adults use the following learning strategies: prior experience, reflection, metacognition, conversations, generative learning strategies, and authentic experiences? Based on a recent dissertation research investigation, the author found that learning starts with, and is sustained by, metacognition which was defined as self‐assessment and self‐correction. While learners using metacognition is by no means a new phenomenon, learners using metacognition significantly more often than other learning strategies has important implications for the design of new generations of online distance instruction. Similarly, that learners frequently use conversations to learn from self‐paced, technology‐based training strongly suggests that dialogs and discussions are important in the design of these new ways of learning.  相似文献   

三种学业成绩水平学生元认知、学习动机的比较   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对学业成绩优、中、差三类学生的元认知、学习动机水平进行比较发现:与学习优秀生相比,学习中等生的元认知水平明显落后,其学习动机水平则与学优生基本相当,未表现出显著偏低的态势。而学习困难生在元认知与学习动机这两因素上都显著低于学习优秀生。与学习中等生相比,学习困难学生有着与中等生较为一致的元认知水平,但学困生的学习动机水平显著偏低。这对教育的启示是:对学困生的干预补救应以激发和培养学习动机为重点,而对中等生的促进则应以元认知水平的提高为关键。  相似文献   

Cognitive conceptions of human learning are discussed with regard to their implications for instructional-design theory. These cognitive conceptions of learning view learning as an active, constructive, cumulative, and goal-oriented process in which the learner plays a critical role. The nature of meaningful learning and the importance of affective and motivational - as well as cognitive - engagement are discussed. It is suggested that in order for students to learn from instruction, various psychological functions (attention, monitoring, etc.) must be engaged by either the instructional agent (e.g., teacher, textbook, etc.) or the student. One characteristic of these learning functions is that there is not a single best way to perform a given function; each may be accomplished in a number of equally appropriate and effective ways.  相似文献   


A Playable Case Study (PCS) is a hybrid learning experience where students (1) participate in a fictional narrative that unfolds through an immersive, simulated environment and (2) engage in classroom activities and lessons that provide educational scaffolding and promote metacognition through in-game and out-of-game experiences. We present the Microcore PCS to illustrate the potential of this new type of experiential simulation that incorporates aspects of Alternate Reality Games (ARGs) to increase immersion and teach workplace literacies in the technical communication classroom. We explore results from a pilot test of Microcore with an undergraduate technical communication course, identifying design strategies that worked well and others that led to improvements that are currently being incorporated. We also provide questions to prompt future research of playable case studies and discuss our findings in a broader context of technical communication pedagogy.  相似文献   

网络课程里的任务驱动教学还在探索阶段,大多数人文社会学科的网络课程往往对教学设计重视不够,只是列举每个时期的重点现象进行一定的点评,缺乏自主学习创设。将任务驱动教学法在文学类网络课程中加以应用,激励学生自主学习。  相似文献   

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