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随着机构仓储(IR,Institutional Repositories)的发展日益成熟,越来越多的图书馆利用协会或是区域关系为机构仓储的发展提供资助、方法、专门技术.对于那些没有专门的机构、时间或者基础的组织来说,采用这种方式建立机构仓储是可行的.犹他州数字仓储计划(http//harvester.lib.utah.edu/utan_ir/)由ISTA提供基金支持,目的是建立一个全州范围的仓储模型.项目主要研究犹他州大学图书馆机构库的发展和增长情况,项目建立在西山数字图书馆(MWDL,Mountain west Digital Library)现有框架基础上.犹他州数字仓储计划提供了一个图书馆员操作的工具箱、培训机制和技术支持,在这个过程中,试验点(pilot sites)发展成为IR.对任何规模的图书馆这个框架模型都可以为他的机构仓储工作的开展提供支持.用户在一个网站上就能对多个数据库的数据进行集成检索.文章除了为读者提供了开发过程中的调查资料和统计资料外,主要目标是为了让图书馆都参与到资源共享的过程中来.  相似文献   

2002-2009年国外机构仓储评价研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
机构仓储评价是指运用一定的方法对机构仓储从系统建设、内容组织、服务管理等方面进行多角度的评价,找出机构仓储在实践或服务管理方面的不足,以推动机构仓储向良性轨道发展的过程。其经过了评价先导期与评价实践期的发展历程,主要采用问卷调查法、观察研究法、层次分析法等研究方法。其评价指标为系统指标、内容指标和管理指标3个维度。评价内容包括相关者对机构仓储的认知态度及其存储行为评价、基于机构仓储的电子出版评价、机构仓储的自存档评价、机构仓储的系统化评价等。  相似文献   

机构仓储系统(IR)的建设与组织实施要在对机构仓储的概念、意义充分了解的基础上进行规划,从而制定保证机构数据库持续健康发展的政策。文章介绍了机构仓储的概念及规划与政策对于机构仓储建设的重要性;重点探讨了IR规划建设中的政策框架,包括:IR建设的目标与作用,IR建设的组织保证,IR的建设模式、内容管理政策、服务模式、软件选择,IR的宣传推广和经费支持等。  相似文献   

机构仓储可持续发展关键问题研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据目前机构仓储的发展现状,总结出影响机构仓储规划、建设和管理过程中的五个关键因素,包括社群参与、质量控制、经费问题、法律政策和人力资源;对每种因素进行深入分析,制定有利于机构仓储长期发展的规划方案,为国内机构仓储工作的研究和发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

区域联合机构仓储建设初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述建设区域联合机构仓储的重要意义,分析影响其建设及可持续发展的主要因素,以广东地区为例,提出构建区域联合机构仓储的几点思路.  相似文献   

云仓储环境下图书馆联盟数字资源长期保存合作模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李卓卓  沈妍 《图书情报工作》2013,57(14):45-49,113
在分析云仓储环境对数字资源长期保存影响的基础上,探讨图书馆联盟合作方式的转变;归纳出包括数字资源合作保存前置化、存储与保管并重的长期保存、跨系统的宽领域资源保存在内的云仓储环境下图书馆联盟数字资源长期保存合作模式;最后提出图书馆联盟长期保存合作的三种实现方式,即建设支持多种移动终端的资源整合和利用平台、构建私有云平台和提供个性化服务、整合机构库资源和实现联合保管。  相似文献   

机构仓储及其在数字图书馆服务中的应用模式研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
简要介绍机构仓储的概念、产生动因和相关软件。在分析国外众多机构仓储实例的基础上,归纳出机构仓储在数字图书馆服务中的6种应用模式并指出其对国内数字图书馆建设具有的借鉴意义。指出通过机构仓储在学术交流、数字长期保存、教学等领域的应用,数字图书馆的服务内容更加丰富,图书馆职能也会得到改善。  相似文献   

黄国彬  王涛 《图书情报工作》2021,65(21):131-140
[目的/意义] 缺乏科学数据元数据知识与高效易用的元数据创建服务阻碍了科研人员科学数据的共享与重用,综合型科学数据仓储因数据存储量大、面向用户广,其所提供的元数据创建服务对改善上述困境具有借鉴意义。[方法/过程] 以Springer Nature和Scientific Data推荐的6个综合型科学数据仓储为样本,从服务的内容构成与服务的实现模式两个方面对其元数据创建服务进行调研分析,归纳其服务特点与先进经验。[结果/结论] 综合型科学数据仓储所提供的元数据创建服务具有沿袭传统并有所创新、力求简洁并凸显自身特色、重视元数据知识普及与能力转化、充分保证数据民主、注重关联资源组织并鼓励数据引用五大特点,其服务模式既重视服务的易用性、有用性又注重元数据知识普及,对我国图情机构数据仓储建设及元数据创建服务开展具有重要启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 对生命科学领域的科研数据仓储进行调研与分析,探讨生命科学领域的科研数据管理服务。[方法/过程] 利用re3data.org开放数据仓储目录与注册系统,分析生命科学领域科研数据仓储的建设年代、国家、机构、学科领域、开放程度等分布情况,并选取Genbank、Dryad、ArrayExpress、Purdue University Research Repository、Biosharing和dbGaP 6个典型的数据仓储,从数据获取、重用、存储等方面深度分析其服务内容和模式。[结果/结论] 美英两国引领着生命科学领域科研数据仓储的建设与共享,在国家层面和资助机构层面均制定了科研数据相关政策;国内可借鉴美英两国成熟的建设经验,加快制定战略规划和政策体系;资助机构应发挥引导作用,在服务内容及模式上推动数据管理与共享,建设具有领域特色的高影响力的数据仓储并集成数据管理服务。  相似文献   

建设机构仓储有利于促进学术交流和资源共享。文章从加强资源建设、促进资源共知、方便资源共享和克服机构仓储建设和共享的障碍四个方面展开探讨,阐述机构仓储的发展对策。  相似文献   

罗莹 《图书情报工作》2012,56(7):98-102
统计“211”高校以及广东省高校文库(含机构知识库)的建设情况,分析特色个案,认为本校原创智力产品的收集和开发利用尚未成为高校图书馆普遍、常规的工作。提出要建立既有国际通用功能又有中国文化传承特色的机构知识库群落(或者联盟平台),而现有的数字文库可以成为机构知识库建设的资源基础。基于免费、共享理念的机构知识库有利于打破国内学术资源被部分数据商垄断的困境,值得从国家到高校自上而下的高度重视和行政推动。  相似文献   

While repositories’ efforts to build trustworthy digital repositories (TDRs) led to the establishment of ISO standards, much less research has been done regarding the user’s side, despite calls for an understanding of users’ trust of TDRs. In order to learn about users’ perspectives on trust in digital repositories, the present study investigated users’ definitions of trust and factors that influence users’ trust development, particularly addressing the users of three data repositories in the United States. A total of 19 participants were interviewed in this study. The results of this study indicate that users’ definition of trust is largely based on a lack of deception, when it comes down to the specific context of data repositories. Regarding factors influencing the development of users’ trust in repositories, organizational attributes, user communities (recommendations and frequent use), past experiences, repository processes (documentation, data cleaning, and quality checking), and users’ perception of the repository roles were identified.  相似文献   

目的:提高数字仓储对作者名字的识别。方法:分析在数字资源,特别是在数字仓储中现有的姓名授权及现有仓储应用的一些特性。成果:本文发现作者姓名的变异会对数字仓储的检索带来负面影响,并提出了两种解决途径:一是采用融合了作者姓名、出版日期及作者所属机构的复合标识符;二是要求作者在把论文存放到仓储的同时,输入姓名的各种变异形式意义:首次提出了作者自行存放其姓名变异形式的方法,这将有助于减少姓名识别中存在的模糊性。  相似文献   

在数字图书馆建设中,不同资源库和平台使用独立的技术框架、资源格式和应用程序,导致存在"孤岛"问题,不同机构在资源共享上存在障碍,尽管近年业界就数字资源集成开展了一系列研究和实践,但这些研究和实践主要面向发现服务,读者在资源使用和管理上仍然受"孤岛"问题制约。国际图像互操作框架(IIIF)是由国际图书馆、博物馆、档案馆等机构推出的一项技术标准,用于定义一组规范的资源传输接口(API),促进异构平台和资源库对图像资源的交换和共享。文章引入IIIF技术,讨论如何促进用户一站使用和多来源集成资源,并就改进发现服务的性能进行探讨。文章采用文献调研法、访谈法、案例分析法等方法对IIIF在数字图书馆中的应用展开研究。首先就IIIF的特点进行分析,包括:独立于系统环境;开放的应用建设;保存与使用分离。在此基础上,提出IIIF在数字资源集成中的应用设想。在数字资源集成中,IIIF的主要应用包括:搭建一站资源使用环境;为用户安装专业浏览器;为用户集成资源创造条件;建设虚拟特色数据库。  相似文献   

Fedora仓储体系研究及其扩展案例分析*   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
数字仓储作为数字内容管理的解决方案之一,被广泛地应用于信息交流、文献出版、数字图书馆、长期保存等领域。在众多的仓储技术中,Fedora以其灵活性、扩展性引起了研究人员的广泛关注。本文针对该系统的体系结构,详细解析了数字对象及其仓储框架的概念和基本原理,并针对Fedora系统组件化的特性分析了该系统的扩展应用,最后以Tufts大学数字图书馆为例进行了具体分析。  相似文献   

Digital repositories have been with us for more than a decade, and despite the considerable media and conference attention they engender, we know very little about their use by academics. This paper sets out to address this by reporting on how well they are used, what they are used for, what researchers' think of them, and where they thought they were going. Nearly 1,700 scientific researchers, mostly physical scientists, responded to an international survey of digital repositories, making it the largest survey of its kind. High deposit rates were found and mandates appear to be working, especially with younger researchers. Repositories have made significant inroads in terms of impact and use despite, in the case of institutional repositories, the very limited resources deployed. Subject repositories, like arXiv and PubMed Central, have certainly come of age but institutional repositories probably have not come of age yet although there are drivers in place which, in theory anyway, are moving them towards early adulthood.  相似文献   

The article discusses how the Indian agricultural libraries have transformed through various innovative projects in the recent past. Libraries in the National Agricultural Research and Education network have connected and collaborated to deliver information resources as per the changing needs of the academic community. The author describes the initiatives made through projects for upgrading libraries and moving them to virtual environment and digital platforms like IDEAL and central digital repositories like Krishikosh. Collaborative projects like CeRA–consortiums and union catalogue–AgriCat developed on Koha have made a breakthrough in transformation. Sustainable development of digital platforms is important; how the various platforms have been sustained and continued is interesting. Some of the challenges and constraints in institutional repositories, open access, and digital accessibility of e-resources for new, developing universities and bridging the digital divide are also addressed. Through describing these transformations, the author concludes that attention of academicians and librarians is required to facilitate and popularize use of e-resources and bring greater dependency on e-text in light of the changing technological scenario.  相似文献   

机构知识库发展的动力机制与动力模型研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
在分析不同学者对机构知识库内涵界定的基础上,提出机构知识库是对机构内成员智力产品进行收集、存储、管理并提供开放利用的知识传播与知识服务系统,探讨了机构知识库发展的六大动力因素,即长期保管与存取数字资产的需求、开放获取运动、科学信息与知识的共享及创新、数字化信息技术与标准、机构主体以及理论与实践进展,并分析了机构知识库发展动力因素互动机理,构建了机构知识库发展动力模型。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to study a broad set of journal papers related to metadata and quality in digital repositories and libraries, and to provide a quantitative analysis of the relevant research. It also aims at identifying open issues and future directions for research. A detailed search was carried out in relevant journals of information science, computer science, and library science; mainly, that allowed us to identify an extensive corpora of relevant work. The identified papers were classified based on an existing framework and a statistical analysis was carried out on the main classifications used within the framework. The analysis of the 702 papers identified, led to a series of statements for the field examined, focusing on the type of research carried out, the research methods deployed, and the research claims made. In addition, the papers were classified based on their target audiences, disciplines, as well as institutional and geographical origins. The article identifies areas in the literature that have not been addressed, as well as areas for future research. It also provides a clear image of the areas already researched, analyzing scientific literature that covers 20 years of repository/library deployment. This article makes an original contribution for researchers, practitioners, and managers of digital repositories and libraries alike as it provides a set of specific recommendations for the metadata and quality in digital repositories and libraries research agenda, along with a thorough analysis and classification of the research carried out so far.  相似文献   

Because of its commitment to keeping the digital contents accessible, institutional repository plays an important role in the long-term preservation of intellectual output of the institution. However, digital preservation in institutional repository is faced with severe legal issues, especially the intellectual property problems. This paper focuses on the copyright issues involved with long-term preservation of digital resource in institutional repositories. It begins with a brief introduction to the relationship between the institutional repository and digital preservation. Based on this background information, the paper analyzes the related laws and regulations in China that affect the long-term preservation of digital resource in institutional repository. Then the authors discuss in details what kind of the copyright risk there may be, if we realize the long-term preservation of digital resource in institutional repositories. There may be different legal hazards, according to the various types of the digital output collected by institutional repository. The paper ends up with several suggestions to avoid the legal risk in digital preservation of institutional repository. Firstly, to utilize fair use is a feasible way. Secondly, also most safely, is to get the permission from the copyright owner. This is involved in the long-term preservation contract and open license.  相似文献   

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