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The Late Ordovician Mass Extinction was the earliest of the ‘big’ five extinction events and the earliest to affect the trajectory of metazoan life. Two phases have been identified near the start of the Hirnantian period and in the middle. It was a massive taxonomic extinction, a weak phylogenetic extinction and a relatively benign ecological extinction. A rapid cooling, triggering a major ice age that reduced the temperature of surface waters, prompted a drop in sea level of some 100 m and intr...  相似文献   

The key to saving the life of a person suffering from a malignant tumor lies in early diagnosis and surgery. Chinese scientists have developed a new method of diagnosing cancer by analyzing a person's urine. This feat was acclaimed by a panel of experts at a meeting under the auspices of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in July 30 in Dalian, in northeast China's Liaoning Province.  相似文献   

For today‘s civilized world,with its dotcoms, sitcoms. ATMs,and ATVs.the first 3.5 billion years of life on Earth are a bit of an emharrassment.It was only a few hundred million years ago that trilobites prowled the seas, More primitive life subscribed to two or three basic lifestyles: algal mat spineless worm, or bacterial blob. Before that, in the Archean Eon more than 2. 5 billion years ago-well, that kind of life is what Lysol is for.  相似文献   

<正>WANG Xiaofan,a distinguished researcher in pharmacology and cancer biology from the School of Medicine,Duke University,was conferred the CAS Award for International Science and Technology Cooperation on January 9,2014.Prof.WANG was recognized for his"key advisory role"in promoting the academy’s ST reform,by organizing international peer-based evaluation for more than a dozen CAS institutes in the field of life sciences,to help establish a scientific,balanced and effective research evaluation system.During a phone interview with BCAS reporter XIN Ling in May,Prof.WANG pointed out that international evaluation proved to be a good place to start,but CAS still faces challenges in making the best of such evaluation to push forward its overall reform.  相似文献   

As a research professor at the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Miguel Esteban is the first non-Chinese scientist to chair a major scientific research program in China. Born and educated in Spain and the UK, he worked in Madrid and London as a scholar and physician before joining GIBH in January 2008. Just two years after his arrival, in 2010, Professor Esteban was named by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology as the chief scientist of a five-year major research program on stem cell study with a grant up to 28 million yuan (about 4.4 million US dollars). The following is a brief interview between BCAS reporter XIN Ling and the Professor about his work and life in China.  相似文献   

<正>On 21 February 2014,almost 15%of China(mostly in the east)was enveloped by haze with hazardous PM2.5 pollutants(particulate mater with size smaller than 2.5μm).his is a problem that had also requently occurred in 2013.During the subsequent meeting of the Chinese parliament in mid-March 2014,a national batle against air pollution in future years is proposed‘in order to accelerate the overall environmental initiatives and improve people’s quality of life’.Zhongli Ding,Vice President of Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)and  相似文献   

<正>1.Possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial life Life is one of the most fascinating mysteries of nature.With the advances in space science and technology,life science has developed to the stage of exploring the possibility of existence of life outside the Earth system.In other words,by assessing the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial life,its possible existence forms and regions can be determined roughly and the relevant theories and models can be also established.Combined with the development and application of the relevant detecting methods,it would be well-targeted to search for extraterrestrial life and various clues and evidences of its existence[1,2].The belief in the existence of extraterrestrial life has supported by a simple fact——the existence of  相似文献   

<正>RNA is perhaps the most mystical molecule in life.As a single molecule endowed with both informational and catalytic capacities,it was proposed by Alexander Rich 52 years ago to be the irst molecule that self-replicated at the origin of life,to be taken over by DNA only later.Although this‘RNA world’(vividly phrased by Walter Gilbert in 1986)remains an enticing yet unproven hypothesis,the crucial roles of messenger RNAs(m RNAs),transfer RNAs(t RNAs),and ribosomal RNAs(r RNAs)in transcribing and translating genetic information into proteins  相似文献   

In daily life, we move our eyes frequently to search for or fixate a target of interest with the retinalfovea. Usually, the eyes would dart from one position to another in the visual field at velocities higher than 500 degrees per second. This rapid eye movement is called a saccade.  相似文献   

徐会艳 《科教文汇》2014,(27):15-16
随着社会竞争的日益激烈,大学生就业压力的增加,许多学生在自我约束、人际交往、心理调节等方面反映出来的问题和迷惘日益突出。为了了解“90后”大学生人生观、价值观以及对生命教育的认知状况,对淮安市周边高校做了问卷调查。笔者试图寻找一种适合高校生命教育的内容与方式来实施生命教育,帮助学生树立正确的生命观、人生观,促进学生身心健康发展。  相似文献   

幼儿日常生活中的生成课程是隐性的,隐藏在幼儿的一日生活中,也是待挖掘的课程。幼儿的一日生活是生成课程的“根”,不断地在幼儿日常生活中汲取养分。在幼儿日常生活中捕捉具有教育价值的事件或情节,有利于教师准确掌握幼儿的兴趣点。对吉林省长春市S幼儿园进行观察调研时,发现教师能够针对幼儿生活中的事件,不断引导幼儿,试图探索幼儿已有经验的边缘。探索幼儿园教师如何对幼儿一日生活的教育契机进行课程的生成,检验幼儿对已有经验的组合运用,能最大限度地发挥幼儿的创造力与想象力,进而使幼儿具备独立解决现实生活中问题的能力。  相似文献   

王平 《科教文汇》2011,(17):70-71
《蜗居》是在2009年热播的电视连续剧,以其人物塑造的典型性和贴近生活的现实性引发了观众的纷纷议论。尤其是郭海萍这个典型形象令观众难以忘记。她是一个对生活充满信心的奋斗型女性形象,其在现实生活中的际遇反映了社会转型时期底层人民面对日益飙升的房价的无奈及为了生活不得不沦为"房奴"的悲惨现状,同时也深刻地揭露了一些社会问题,具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

调查了解研究生生活方式现状以及与心理健康的关系,采用生活方式自评量表和自测心理健康评定量表,随机调查了114名研究生。研究表明,目前研究生的生活方式总体处于良好状态。从不同群体研究生生活方式特点看,存在性别差异,女研究生的生活方式总体上比男研究生好,尤其是在酒精和药物、饮食习惯、安全这3个维度上。不存在年级差异。研究生生活方式与心理健康水平呈正相关,即生活方式越健康的研究生,其心理健康水平越高。  相似文献   

大学生的生命有四维,即自然生命、精神生命、社会生命和超越生命。大学生四维生命的特殊性表现为:自然生命——发育基本成熟的体格和抵达巅峰的体质;精神生命——过渡性、定向性、智力抵达巅峰、自我意识逐渐成熟和情感体验日趋深刻;社会生命——角色转变巨大、承载无限希望和背负重大使命;大学生超越生命——超越自我、超越时间和超越现实。  相似文献   

史晓文 《科教文汇》2014,(25):127-128
第十八王朝国王哈特谢普苏特,是古埃及历史上第一位女法老[1];武周王朝皇帝武则天,则是中国历史上唯一一位女皇帝。她们的生平经历有着惊人的相似,不仅如此,就连她们的公公、丈夫、儿女等主要家庭成员都似乎因为与她们命运相系而有着极为相似的生平经历,本文将探寻其中的相似性并加以比较。  相似文献   

Knowledge management (KM) is crucial for organizations to enhance competitive advantage. While the issues of KM have been widely discussed by numerous researchers, there is a paucity of studies pertaining to KM adoption and practice for the life insurance industry. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the main factors affecting the life insurance business in adopting and applying KM. An exploratory field study utilizing an inductive methodology involving a multiple-case study approach was undertaken by conducting interviews with 10 key knowledge workers from life insurance enterprises in various stages of KM development and use. We utilized content analysis techniques to identify the factors with their associated variables and further developed a research model. This study offers a comprehensive model for future KM research and provides managerial implications for organizations, particularly life insurance enterprises, to better realize the worth of KM and the possible impediments involved in the processes of adopting and implementing KM.  相似文献   

在创新集群内涵基础上引入知识溢出熵作为集群生命周期划分标准和分析依据,从内部知识溢出要素有序性视角研究了集群各个发展阶段的特点,给出了各阶段特点和定量跃迁条件与路径。较之传统生命周期研究方法更加强调了创新集群技术创新驱动的本质和知识溢出的重要作用。  相似文献   

Dick SJ 《Endeavour》2006,30(2):71-75
Almost from its beginnings in 1958, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) set up a life-science program. Because one of the priorities of the organization is to search for life beyond Earth, NASA began designing spacecraft to unravel the mysteries of Mars. The effort to search for life on Mars culminated in the landing of two Viking spacecraft on the surface of the planet in 1976. Although the biology experiments conducted as part of these missions provided some evidence for the possibility of life, the scientific consensus was that they drew a blank. In 1996, however, the 'Mars rock' rekindled interest in life in our solar system. The discovery of an ocean on the Jovian moon Europa, of organic molecules on the Saturnian moon Titan and persuasive evidence that water once flowed on Mars suggests that the solar system is still of considerable exobiological interest. In addition, since 1995 approximately 175 planets have been found beyond our solar system. Although these discoveries are gas giants, NASA spacecraft might soon detect Earth-sized planets. The search for life in the universe continues.  相似文献   

闫红 《科教文汇》2011,(27):134-135
陶行知先生说过“生活即教育”一切化学知识皆来源于生活.也就是说.我们要让学生从生活中获取化学知识。反过来,化学知识可以指导人们更好地生活.也就是在生活中理解化学知识将更加形象生动。作为一名化学教师.我们要让化学与生活互相渗透相互作用.这样才能更好地提高化学教学质量.  相似文献   

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