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消费者使用在线平台时会留下隐私信息,是否应当收集消费者隐私并从中获利成为平台企业面临的重要问题。本文通过构建多阶段动态博弈模型,研究政府对隐私泄露施加惩罚的情况下在线平台的最优隐私收集策略。研究结果表明,如果不存在隐私泄露风险,在线平台总是选择收集消费者隐私,且“隐私占比”随着单位隐私价值递增,随着消费者隐私敏感度递减;相反,如果因为发生隐私泄露而遭受惩罚,则仅当惩罚力度较小时平台才有收集消费者隐私的动机。福利分析表明,当隐私泄露的惩罚相对较小时,收集消费者隐私是帕累托改进的。研究结果对于在线平台的隐私收集策略选择和利润来源的聚焦提供了一定的借鉴,也为相关部门制定隐私监管政策提供了参考。  相似文献   

现有LBS位置隐私保护以K匿名为主要思想。为解决其对攻击者背景知识估计不足而无法构造完全有效的隐私保护模型问题,引入差分隐私将位置信息作为差异特性实体,构造出新的MBG算法。算法结合现有相关系统的定位算法,以用户自组织网络为基础,在构造匿名组时,通过设置距离参数以过滤不符合Geo-indistinguish ability的用户,从而达到提升用户隐私保护目的。实验证明在保证用户服务质量的前提下,该算法提升了用户隐私保护效果。  相似文献   

云计算环境下的用户隐私问题浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用户隐私包括身份信息、敏感信息以及一些可用的数据。本文主要就当前云计算面临的用户隐私信息的安全性进行详细探讨,并从法律、技术等方面给出具体的保护措施。  相似文献   

黄静 《教育技术导刊》2016,15(1):155-158
针对移动社交网络中用户通过社交平台分享位置信息时存在可信社交关系和不可信陌生人的攻击等问题,提出了一种面向社交关系的位置隐私保护模型。该模型通过对社交关系进行分类和对位置隐私进行分级,让不同级别的用户看到不同精度的位置信息,从而实现对位置的隐私保护。其中,对社交关系的分类包括对用户的好友类别按亲密度分级和对陌生人类别按信任模型计算值分级。相较于L intimacy模型,该模型具有较低的时间复杂度和隐私泄漏率,且能有效保护用户位置隐私。  相似文献   

个人信息处理者提供的隐私政策协议虽然形式上满足了知情同意规则的要求,但仍存在诸多不合理之处,影响个人信息控制权的行使,损害了用户的合法利益。行为法律经济学基于对用户理性选择的研究,描述了授权行为的真实意思表示,将个人信息控制权的基础、核心内容阐释为“决定权”与“删除权”,明确个人信息处理者相对个人信息控制权的应然义务,构建了知情同意的运作框架。根据个人信息控制权的权利内容分析,立法应围绕明确控制权适用范围、规范选择框架、完善信息信义义务、明确个人信息用益权等方面,为个人信息保护提供优化的路径与制度解决方案。  相似文献   

信息技术的快速发展使得信息产业公司收集用户信息变得更加容易,国内外发生个人隐私信息泄露事件屡屡发生,为个人的生活和学习带来很大的伤害和麻烦.本文结合自己的研究方向,综述了国内外隐私保护的相关文献,主要探讨传统数据库领域的隐私泄露及其保护技术.  相似文献   

随着计算机处理能力、存储技术以及网络技术的迅速发展,信息电子化程度得到了极大的提高,这也使得XML信息共享更加广泛地深入到人们的生产和生活的方方面面.但是,随之产生的隐私泄露现象屡见不鲜,所以,如何保护XML隐私数据和防止敏感信息泄露成为当前面临的巨大挑战.而信息共享中隐私保护研究的目标就是在保护数据隐私的同时又不影响数据应用.本文对隐私保护领域已有的研究成果进行了总结,对各类隐私保护技术的基本原理、特点进行了阐述,并介绍了各类技术的典型应用.在对已有技术深入对比分析基础上,指出了隐私保护技术的未来发展方向.  相似文献   

由于社交网络图结构具有动态变化的特性,为此需要采用有效的动态隐私保护方法.针对现有动态社交网络中数据发布隐私保护方法中存在的攻击者背景知识单一、对图结构动态变化适应性较低等问题,提出一种个性化数据图发布隐私保护技术.该方法考虑了图结构信息和对于时空信息的隐私保护.根据用户关联社交关系计算出可信度,基于用户的可信度对用户...  相似文献   

互联网空间中青少年的信息安全问题已然成为社会“痛点”,亟待解决。提升对于隐私保护的认知能力和行为能力,是青少年网络素养培养、解决网络信息安全问题的重要方面。个人层面,青少年要自主提高网络隐私保护意识和能力;家庭层面,家长要建立“关注”“沟通”“支持”的良好氛围;学校层面,要拓展网络素养类课程范畴、关注负面隐私事件援助引导,共筑青少年网络隐私安全防护林。  相似文献   

移动社交网络隐私保护问题是目前社交网络应用领域的前沿性课题.现有关于移动社交网络用户隐私保护的研究主要集中于隐私保护数据发布和访问控制等方面,对用户隐私信息间的关联关系研究的很少,不便于进行个性化隐私保护策略设计,增加了用户隐私保护设置的复杂性.为此,该文以大数据分析工具为技术手段,重点研究用户隐私信息间的关联关系,以便为进行个性化隐私保护策略设计提供数据支撑.  相似文献   

隐私权的保护范围可以从广度和深度两个方面加以分析,建立起一个隐私权保护范围的平面图。在美国法中,实际上将肖像、姓名都置于隐私权中加以保护。而隐私权在我国为具体人格权已为通说,不加更改直接移植美国隐私权制度必然造成隐私权范围的扩大,最终因与其它权利冲突而造成体系上的重叠和混乱。欲将隐私权作为具体人格权加以准确规范,就必须对隐私权与相近具体人格权的区别与联系进行充分的了解和研究。其它具体人格权实质上构成了隐私权的制度背景,也可以说是隐私权的外部范围。加强对隐私权范围的广度和深度进行立法规范,对于我们这样一个法官业务素质差异较大的国家实现适用法律的统一具有更加重要的意义。  相似文献   

信息披露和后续侵害是人肉搜索中的核心法律问题,在私法上主要涉及到对人格利益的侵犯。在我国现行人格权法体系下,基于名誉权、肖像权的救济具有局限性,基于隐私权的救济则更具普适性。现行法上对隐私利益的二元保护模式构成了对人内搜索侵犯人格利益之主要救济方式。  相似文献   

The role that family communication patterns (FCPs), sex, and Facebook® use play in young adults' decisions to “friend” their parents on Facebook was examined, as well as whether students who friend parents adjust their privacy settings. Results from an online survey of college students (N = 189) indicated that young adults who friend their parents are more likely to be female and report higher conversation FCPs than those who do not friend their parents. In addition, young adults who adjust privacy settings after friending parents (25.3%) update their profiles more often and report lower conversation and higher conformity FCPs than young adults who do not adjust privacy settings.  相似文献   

In this study, alexithymia was tested as a moderator of the relationship between individual tendencies toward privacy (i.e., personal privacy orientation and anticipation of boundary turbulence) and the decision to reveal and conceal. Using structural equation modeling, results showed that both personal privacy orientation and anticipation of boundary turbulence were positively related to alexithymia. Alexithymia, in turn, moderated the relationship between personal privacy orientation and concealing, anticipation of boundary turbulence and concealing, and personal privacy orientation and revealing. Implications and directions for future research will be discussed.  相似文献   

Although privacy violations can be uncomfortable and disruptive, they have the potential for positive outcomes in relationships if addressed. Using Communication Privacy Management theory as a framework, this study surveyed a community sample of 273 adults to examine their retrospective accounts of privacy violations in personal relationships. Results showed that less than half of the sample offered explicit rules for information management, and the majority of participants blamed the confidant for the privacy turbulence. Findings indicated that people often do not share similar information with the violator in the future, but if they do, less than half offer explicit privacy rules during the privacy recalibration process. Confrontation efficacy was positively associated with initiating a conversation about the privacy turbulence and that people who engaged in privacy recalibration were more likely to report forgiveness and relational improvement and less likely to report relational damage than those individuals who did not.  相似文献   

电子商务消费者隐私问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着电子商务的应用和普及,消费者在网上的个人隐私权保护问题受到关注,如何加强对消费者网上个人隐私权的保护,成为电子商务发展道路上的一大难题。从电子商务隐私权的定义以及产生的原因分析出发,探讨消费者在电子商务中的隐私权保护内容和解决对策,可望为我国电子商务的健康发展提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

随着无线网络技术、移动通信技术以及手持智能终端的迅猛发展,移动学习逐渐成为现代人学习不可或缺的学习方式。它在给人们学习带来极大便利的同时,其学习资源提供方(服务方)和学习者的私密及其知识版权等却遭到了极大的威胁和损害。如何进行身份认证并保证各种学习资源和重要信息在传输中的安全,是移动学习系统必须面对和解决的问题。数字认证是主动防御攻击的重要技术,可保护数据的完整性和信息的不可抵赖性。基于认证的移动学习私密保护模型将加密存储数据和访问控制二者结合起来,既最大限度地享用网络资源,又有效保护服务方和学习者的私密。身份认证是移动学习安全体系的基础。从长远看,口令方式将逐渐淡出市场,基于生物特征的身份认证将有助于提升移动学习私密保护的安全性,但是需要克服传统方式占据较大存储空间的缺点。采用模糊身份鉴别的认证技术,可以不存储生物特征而实现基于生物特征的身份认证技术,因此可以在移动学习远程考试、在线选举等方面进行应用。  相似文献   

Online privacy may critically impact social presence in an online learning environment. This study examined how online privacy affects social presence in online learning environments and whether e-mail, bulletin board, and real-time discussion affect online privacy. Mixed methods were used to examine the relationship between social presence and privacy. The participants rated computer-mediated communication (CMC) with a high degree of social presence, but the quantitative correlation between social presence and privacy failed to reach significance. Participants shared personal information on CMC knowing that it was risky because the medium lacked security despite the perceived high levels of social presence. This contradictional phenomenon can be explained as “risk-taking” behavior. Among three CMC systems, e-mail was ranked as the most private and followed by one-to-one real-time discussion, then many-to-many real-time discussion. Bulletin board was considered to afford the least privacy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In light of public concern about the dangers to young people from maintaining online journals or "blogs," this exploratory paper examines whether bloggers are at increased risk for online sexual solicitation or harassment. METHOD: A national telephone survey of 1,500 youth Internet users, ages 10-17, conducted between March and June 2005. RESULTS: Sixteen percent of youth Internet users reported blogging in the past year. Teenagers and girls were the most common bloggers, and bloggers were more likely than other youth to post personal information online. However, bloggers were not more likely to interact with people they met online and did not know in person. Youth who interacted with people they met online, regardless of whether (AOR=2.42, p<.01) or not (AOR=2.36, p<.001) they blogged, had higher odds of receiving online sexual solicitations. Bloggers who did not interact with people they met online were at no increased risk for sexual solicitation (AOR=1.41, ns). Moreover, posting personal information did not add to risk. However, youthful bloggers were at increased risk for online harassment, regardless of whether they also interacted with others online (AOR=2.65, p<.01) or not (AOR=2.55, p<.01). CONCLUSION: Prevention messages about blogging need to directly address the risks of interacting with people youth meet online and the risk of online harassment.  相似文献   

网络技术飞速发展的今天,人们享受着网络方便同时也承受着网络隐私权受到侵害所带来的苦恼。鉴于国家法制的缺失、网络行业自律的不善以及网络用户个人保护意识不强等成为滋生网络隐私侵权行为的温床,必须积极应对,探索出规制性与自律性措施良好契合的系统化保护策略,以在当今网络行业高速发展环境下更为有效地维护网络用户的合法权益。  相似文献   

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