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7月5日,2008年环法自行车赛将从法国西北部的布雷斯特出发开始。19天后,选手们将到达终点——巴黎的香榭里舍大街。环法组委会主席普吕多姆向外界宣称:"新赛季的环法将和过去彻底告别,我们将在未来提倡浪漫主义。"历年环法的线路图上,车手们途径的都是一座座美丽的小镇和一片片布满薰衣草的原野。新赛季的环法继承了这一传统,又在线路图上增加了阿尔卑斯山险峻的山路,我们希望本年度的环法真的是一次发现浪漫的旅程。  相似文献   

环法自行车大赛是家百年老店,它的地位相当于足球界的欧冠赛,篮球界的 NBA,棒球界的大联盟。在欧洲,自行车是最受民众欢迎和参与的运动之一。令人痛心的是,环法老字号进入二十一世纪后,王小二过年,一年不如一年。今年的环法,大家只能捏着鼻子看。  相似文献   

曾经的环法之王阿姆斯特朗终于耐不住寂寞,宣布在今年复出,参加环法与环意自行车赛。  相似文献   

一年一度的环法,不断制造出车坛明星。德国人乌尔里希、意大利人潘塔尼、美国人阿姆斯特朗、西班牙人康塔多……他们都是曾经的环法总冠军,也都与兴奋剂有牵连。在一系列兴奋剂丑闻接连爆出,尤其是当阿姆斯特朗的“七冠王”神话最终也轰然倒塌之后,很多人担心世界顶级的公路自行车赛环法大赛将面临发展危机。不过,现实似乎没那么悲观。  相似文献   

阿姆撕特朗:阿姆斯特朗曾经在1999—2005的环法比赛中连续7次夺冠,不过去年美国反兴奋剂机构(USADA)经过调查之后,证实他曾服用兴奋剂,随即剥夺了他的7个环法冠军并处以终身禁赛处罚。去年10月,国际自盟认可了USADA提供的证据,对阿姆斯特朗处以剥夺环法7冠王头衔的裁决。美联社1月15日报道称,在一期访谈节目中,阿姆斯特朗亲口承认了自己使用禁药的事实。  相似文献   

在中国,人们一提起环法大赛,便会想到去年连续第5次夺得这项重大自行车赛冠军的西班牙车手安杜兰。然而在环法赛所在的法国和欧洲其他国家,有一个人的名字与安杜兰一样如雷灌耳。是他在操纵着整个环法赛期间每天3000人的运转,是他使环法赛近几年来成为世界上最有影响,最重要的比赛,将环法赛车手与群众、厂家与新闻媒界共同参与如火如荼、热闹非凡的景象推向了顶峰。他就是环法公司主席勒布朗。  相似文献   

2007年环法大赛落下了帷幕。24岁零7个月的探索频道车队西班牙车手阿尔贝托·康塔德以91小时0分26秒的成绩获得了总冠军!同时他也获得了2007环法大赛的新人王头衔。在一片因禁药问题而生的质疑声中,在前所未有的车手和车队的退赛事件中,环法跌跌撞撞地走完了第94个征程。在丑闻中开始,又在丑闻中结束,恐怕是事前谁也没有料想到的。而一个个服用禁药提升成绩的个体案例也给历经百年洗礼的环法带来了空前的信任危机。没有前途。也没有"钱"途,曾经是金字招牌的环法比赛现如今被砸得支离破碎。  相似文献   

环法自行车大赛是东道主法国每年夏天最壮丽的风景线。1998年,应该是法国体育最值得骄傲的一年,法国足球队在万众瞩目的第16届世界杯足球大赛中一举夺魁,成为本世纪最后一个绿茵盟主;法国人本想再接再厉,在紧接其后的环法大赛上巩固自己在体坛的声望,可不幸的是,法国人一向引以自豪的环法大赛,今年在药物丑闻中遭到了前所未有的危机,沦落为人们的笑柄,被欧洲媒介称为“荒诞的大赛”。 丑闻由来已久 自行车是最艰苦、对运动员体  相似文献   

刘柯 《新体育》2006,(9):54-55
当环法大幕再次落下,我们的记忆中除了兴奋剂还有什么?自行车,人类自身能时产能产生速度的极限,环法就是极限中的极限,当英雄离去,我们只能够以一颗平常心来品味这项运动,对于那些在23天内骑完3657.1公里的人普通人来说,也许他们才是英雄。  相似文献   

环法自行车赛环法自行车赛是世界上距离最长、比赛最艰苦、也是最负盛名的职业自行车赛。第78届环法自行车赛于7月6日至28日举行,它历时23天,全程4004公里、共有来自世界各地的160多名选手参加。今年的比赛由7月6日在法国中部城市里昂举行的5.4公里的排名赛作为序幕。整个比赛分为22个计时赛程,参赛选手蹬车环绕法国一周,于7月28日到达终点——首都巴黎香榭丽舍大街。比赛结果,27岁的西班牙名将米·安迪兰以101小时1分20秒的总成绩获得冠军称号。意大利选手吉·比尼奥和克·希阿皮西以3分36秒和5分56秒之差分获第二、三名。  相似文献   


Road cycling ranks among the most intense endurance exercises. Previous studies and mathematical models describing road cycling have not analysed performances per se. We describe the evolution of road cycling performance over the past 116 years. We studied the top ten cyclists' mean speeds in eight famous classic races and three European Grand Tours, using a previously published multi-exponential model that highlights the different progression periods of an event during the century. In addition, we measured an indicator of difficulty for the Tour de France by calculating the climbing index (i.e. the total altitude climbed over total distance). The eleven races' mean speed increased progressively from 23.13 km · h?1 in 1892 to 41.19 ± 2.03 km · h?1 in 2008. Road cycling development, like other quantifiable disciplines, fits a piecewise progression pattern that follows three periods: before, between, and after the two World Wars. However, a fourth period begins after 1993, providing a speed progression of 6.38% from the third one. The Tour de France's climbing index also provided insight into a recent paradoxical relationship with speeds: when the climbing index increased, the winner's speed also increased. Our results show a major improvement (6.38%) in road cycling performance in the last 20 years and question the role of extra-physiological parameters in this recent progression.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2019,22(2):263-275
The purpose of this study was to identify the antecedent and outcome variables of host city image perceptions, and to analyze how these perceptions impact behavioral intentions from the residents’ viewpoint. To this end, the authors constructed a structural model, distributed questionnaires to residents in Saitama City for the Tour de France Saitama Criterium held in Japan from 2014 to 2016, and collected 636 usable responses. The results verified that the fit between host city and sporting event is a useful antecedent variable of city image. Furthermore, place attachment to host city was identified as an outcome variable. Development of these two variables could benefit behavioral intentions, suggesting that residents play an important role in sporting event development. In addition, the authors found that hosting a sporting event leads to place attachment among residents through fit between host city and sporting event and city image perceptions. Thus, hosting a sporting event has two potential impacts—one each on the event organizer and the host city—from the residents’ viewpoint. It benefits the organizers by developing the residents’ behavioral intentions and has a social impact on the host city through an enhancement in their place attachment.  相似文献   

以 2 0 0 3年第 2届环青海湖国际公路自行车比赛成绩资料为样本 ,运用相关分析、离差比较、聚类分析等研究方法 ,研究了自行车公路竞赛技术 ,探讨了公路竞赛技术和组队比赛的策略问题。结果表明 ,环湖赛的比赛成绩与赛道难度有关 ;运动队的团体成绩不是仅靠个别优秀运动员 ,而取决于队内运动员成绩的差异。中国队要在环湖赛中取得良好成绩 ,建议最好采用每人每赛段争先 1km的比赛策略  相似文献   

The Vuelta Ciclista a España, whose 75th anniversary will be celebrated in 2010, is one of the three big stage races in the world, alongside the Tour de France and the Giro d'Italia. It is arguably a major yearly sporting event with a wide popular appeal and media coverage, not only at a national level but also increasingly at a global one. Yet, unlike the Tour and the Giro, it remains unexplored from a socio-scientific perspective. This article aims, therefore, at breaking some new ground while analysing the socio-political dimension of this long-lasting, successful sporting event's first instalment in 1935, putting it against the backdrop of the turbulent Second Republic and the path leading to the Civil War. The media-confected nature of the Vuelta is highlighted, which brings it close to its fellow races of the Big Three Tours (also set up and managed by daily newspapers), but a major difference is pointed out: the first Vuelta's predominant political-ideological rationale, its overwhelming propagandistic aim put to the service of Spanish reactionary forces, compared to the mainly commercial purposes of the first Tour's and Giro's marketing-driven organizers.  相似文献   

利用文献资料法、swot分析法等探讨中国田径街头巡回赛发展态势及推广路径。研究显示:赛事具有形式新颖、兼顾专业性与娱乐性、促进夜间经济发展等优势,同时存在缺少优质赞助商、赛事宣传不足、赛事品牌尚未建立等问题,在时代发展和政策机遇下,对中国田径街头巡回赛的推广提出如下建议:以名人、名胜、名城“三名”赛事体系提高赛事名气;以精彩的比赛过程、精准的赛事受众、经典的赛事品牌“三精”赛事理念凝聚人气;以知名度、美誉度、忠诚度“三度”赛事品质提高内涵。  相似文献   

Sport tourism experiences are subjective and emotional, laden with symbolic meaning. This study explores the experiences of participants who adopted the multiple roles of both an active participant and event spectator, within the parameters of one chosen sporting event. A professional cycling race event, the Tour Down Under in South Australia was chosen for this investigation, and 20 face-to-face individual interviews were conducted with cycle tourists. The three main themes emerging from the data were the interaction of people and temporary spaces on a sport tourism ‘stage’; the co-creation of authentic personal experiences and meanings; and identity reinforcement and the development of a sense of belonging. Consequently, a model for understanding sport event tourism experiences is proposed. The findings suggest that providing tourists with authentic and memorable experiences lies at the heart of what constitutes sport tourism. Whilst the results demonstrate that cycling events provide the individual with a sense of belonging or membership to a wider social group, they also illustrate that there is a continued need for more focused and nuanced approaches towards understanding sport tourism experiences that reflect the ever-increasing diversity and complexity of the interaction between sport, events and tourism.  相似文献   

This study analysed the evolution of the physical potential of a twice top-10 Grand Tour cycling finisher (Tour de France and Vuelta a España) whose training was monitored between the ages of 18 and 23 years. The world-class cyclist’s power output (PO) data and training indices were analysed over six years to determine the evolution of his record power profile and training load (TL), which were estimated by using the session rating of perceived exertion (RPE) method. The total annual duration and TL increased through six seasons by 79% and 83%, respectively. The record POs in all exercise intensity zones improved over the six years. The increases in TL, monotony (+34%) and strain (+162%) from the junior category to the world-class level significantly correlated with an improvement in his aerobic potential, which was characterised by an increase in the record POs between 5 min and 4 h. This case study of the performance level and training parameters of a world-class cyclist provides comprehensive insight into the evolution of a cyclist to the top level. Furthermore, determining the record power profile of this athlete over six competitive seasons illuminates the maturation of the physical potential of a top-10 Grand Tour finisher.  相似文献   


Cyclists in the Tour de France are endurance specialists. Twin and family studies have shown that approximately 50% of the variance in a number of performance-related phenotypes (whether measured at baseline, i.e., natural talent, or in response to training) including those important to cycling can be explained by genetic variation. Research into the specific genetic variants that are responsible has identified over 200 genes containing common genetic variants involved in the genetic predisposition to physical performance. However, typically these explain only a small portion of the variance, perhaps 1–2% and collectively they rarely explain anything approaching the 50% of the variance identified in the twin and family studies. Thus, there is a gap in our understanding of the relationship between heritability and performance. This gap may be bridged by investigation of rare variants or epigenetic variation or by altering study designs through increased collaborations to pool existing cohorts together. Initial findings from such efforts show promising results. This mini-review will touch on the genetics and epigenetics of sporting performance, how they relate to cyclists in the Tour de France and where best future efforts may be directed as well as discuss some preliminary research findings.  相似文献   

奇观体育与体育奇观:罗兰·巴尔特的符号学体育赛事观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任文  魏伟 《体育科学》2011,31(11):85-93
法国思想家和符号学家罗兰.巴尔特对观赏性强、影响力大的体育赛事和体育公共事件情有独钟,曾多次撰文对奇观体育所展示出来的体育奇观进行符号学分析。在其代表作之一《神话集》中以《摔角世界》开篇,初步构建了体育游戏的微观符号学分析体系。之后,他在"作为史诗的环法大赛"一文中,通过对环法自行车赛事无巨细的符号学分析,论述了这项法国现象级赛事的一般符号学意义。在为加拿大电视纪录片《体育与人类》创作的台本《什么是体育》中,通过对五种具有国家身份性质的体育运动内涵的解读,巴尔特集中论述了自己的体育符号思想,展示了其相对完善的体育赛事观。  相似文献   

体育赛事的举办是城市发展的需求,一个城市大型体育赛事的成功举办,不仅能积极提高城市的知名度和影响力,还能展现出主办城市的文化建设发展风貌,增强城市对外的吸引力。本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等研究方法,以2019国际篮联三对三世界巡回大师赛(成都站)为研究对象,探索大型赛事对提升赛事传播力和形象上的提升,进而研究助力成都市城市形象优化路径的方法。建议:搭建多元化的传播策略,扩大宣传辐射面;激发全民参与运动的热情,增加全民健身设施;聚焦赛事文化创意产业,带动经济多样化发展。  相似文献   

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