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专业康复训练,可以补偿和改善学龄前自闭症谱系障碍儿童的身体功能,提高其生活、学习质量,帮助其融入社会。山东省淄博市周村区特殊教育中心与两所幼儿园合作开展学龄前自闭症系障碍儿童融合教育的研究,通过具体案例,进行双模块课程设计实践研究,寻求学龄前自闭症谱系障碍儿童的问题行为的解决策略,做沟通幼儿园教师和家长的桥梁。实践证明,康教结合的训练模式是有效的。  相似文献   

家长参与教育是提高自闭症谱系障碍儿童教育成效的关键因素,而教育参与程度是多种因素综合作用的结果。文章根据已有研究分析了自闭症谱系障碍儿童自身的特征、家庭因素、学校和其他社会支持因素对家长参与教育的影响。基于对影响因素的综合分析,提炼了有助于提升自闭症儿童家长教育参与度的因素。  相似文献   

本实验比较了12位自闭症谱系儿童和12位年龄及非语言智商匹配的聋童、12位年龄及语言智商匹配的智力障碍儿童手势模仿能力.研究发现:(1)自闭症谱系儿童手部模仿能力明显落后于聋童,略高于智力障碍儿童;(2)身体部位定向的困难可能是自闭症谱系儿童无意义手势模仿的主要障碍;(3)运用自我一他人投射理论可以有效地解释自闭症谱系儿童的模仿缺陷和特异性的错误类型.  相似文献   

调查发现,自闭症谱系障碍儿童数量呈增长趋势。通过对一名自闭谱系障碍儿童一年时间的跟踪研究,观察、记录、分析其典型行为,并同步争取家长的配合,营造接纳的环境,以游戏提高其认知能力。事实证明,有效的干预措施能够促进研究对象的社会认知和人际交流能力的发展。  相似文献   

从全国幼儿园大班儿童入学成熟水平标准化测量数据库中的四万多个样本中随机抽取100名普通儿童,同时选取47名自闭症谱系障碍儿童入学成熟水平的有效数据,探究自闭症谱系障碍儿童与普通儿童在入学成熟水平方面的差异。结果表明,自闭症谱系障碍儿童在视知觉能力、听知觉能力、运动协调能力、知觉转换能力、数学准备能力、语言沟通能力、社会适应能力、学习品质八个入学成熟水平维度上均显著低于普通儿童。参照本研究结果,可为随班就读的自闭症谱系障碍儿童做好全面科学的入学准备提出合理建议。  相似文献   

2018年6月,世界卫生组织发布了新的国际疾病分类手册(ICD-11),此手册与2013年美国发布的《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》(第五版)(DSM-V)一样,将自闭症谱系障碍的核心症状定义为"社交障碍"和"狭隘刻板的行为"两类,而将之前与它们并列的"语言障碍"归入"社交障碍"范畴下。有相当部分的自闭症谱系患者具有理解语句表面含义的能力,却无法和他人有效沟通,因此把"语言障碍"归入"社交障碍"这一类,标志着社会性功能的缺失将是今后研究自闭症谱系患者语言问题的核心方向。社会交往互动的第一步就是区分人物间的关系,正确使用人称代词是体现语言社会功能的基础。正常发育的儿童在三岁前就能正确掌握人称代词的使用,而即使是高功能自闭症谱系障碍儿童在进入学龄期时依然会出现人称代词误用的现象。教师通过对一名高功能自闭症谱系儿童进行了为期三个月的以应用行为分析为基础的密集训练,达到了提高其人称代词使用的准确性的目标。研究结果表明,受试使用人称代词的准确性得到了提高,社交能力也随之有了一定的提升。单一受试虽然具有局限性,但对今后语用干预的开展有一定的启发作用。  相似文献   

在普通儿童语言发展的早期阶段就具有将新异词语与所指事物进行“快速映射”的词语习得能力,但有明显语言发展障碍的自闭症谱系障碍儿童是否也存在这种“快速映射”能力呢?本文回顾并评析过去15年间国外关于自闭症谱系障碍儿童在基本映射条件下、社会性映射条件下和非社会性映射条件下词语习得能力的相关研究,发现自闭症谱系障碍儿童不能像普通儿童一样灵活自如地运用各种线索、技能或策略来学习词语.  相似文献   

为了给不同障碍程度的自闭症儿童开发适宜的早期干预训练脚本,本研究运用自编的儿童社会事件图式调查问卷,对随机选取的浙江省和上海市的78名自闭症儿童家长进行了调查.结果显示:影响ASD儿童社会认知的典型核心事件以家庭、学校、公共场所三个环境中共有的与人互动的事件为主;ASD儿童社会事件图式构成的复杂性程度和使用规则影响着人们对其认同度;本研究的12项社会事件图式可以为下一步虚拟现实的制作提供很好的材料支持.  相似文献   

近年来,人们越来越多地推动自闭症儿童家长有意义地参与科学研究。这种参与式研究能够更好地满足自闭症谱系障碍儿童及其家庭的评估和干预需求。从自闭症儿童自身特征、家庭因素、研究课题本身等方面分析影响家长参与课题研究的因素,基于对影响因素的综合分析,分别从家长及研究者层面提出相关对策建议,以促进家长更积极、更深入地参与课题研究,从而为自闭症儿童的干预提供更多机会。  相似文献   

分析一例自闭症谱系障碍儿童接受"地板时光"治疗的过程,观察治疗前后个案在社会互动、情绪表达以及亲子关系的改变,并以自闭症疗效评估量表、功能情绪发展量表、社会交往问卷等测评结果比较训练的成效。  相似文献   

The focus of the study was to explore parental experiences of raising a child with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). A mixed‐method approach consisting of questionnaires and semi‐structured interviews was used in order to elicit parental perspectives of raising a child with ASD. Two semi‐structured interviews were conducted with parents of children with ASD. Questionnaires were sent to parents of children with ASD in two special schools. The findings indicate that although each of the parents had a child with ASD, their experiences were all different. Many interesting accounts were documented and a wealth of information regarding the characteristic traits that children with ASD portray was recorded. The findings suggested that the majority of the parents experienced a low level of support from agencies and professionals. The general verdict was that of poor communication and a lack of understanding of parents' needs following formal diagnosis. Finally, a series of coping strategies were discovered ranging from family support to paid help.  相似文献   

采用问卷法对501名自闭症儿童父母进行调查研究,考察自闭症儿童父母歧视知觉和群际关系的特点,并重点考察歧视知觉对群际关系的影响及自尊的调节作用。结果表明:(1)自闭症儿童父母歧视知觉和群际关系在部分人口学变量上存在差异;(2)歧视知觉对自闭症儿童父母的群际关系具有显著负向预测作用;(3)自尊在歧视知觉和群际关系间具有调节作用,歧视知觉对高自尊水平自闭症儿童父母群际关系的预测力显著,而对低自尊水平自闭症儿童父母群际关系的预测力并不显著。  相似文献   

The transition from primary to high school can be a challenging process for students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). During this time, research-based practices like home–school collaboration are crucial in facilitating a smoother transition. However, existing research indicates that the transition from primary to high school is a period of anxiety and reduced support for students with ASD and their families. This article describes the experiences of parents of students with ASD in regard to this transition and home–school collaboration. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 15 parents of children with ASD who attended mainstream government high schools in metropolitan Sydney. Through content analysis, parents were found to have received varying levels of transition support. Their experiences of home–school collaboration were, however, generally positive. Overall, it is recommended that parents’ knowledge of their children with ASD should be prioritised and utilised in transition planning. Findings also suggest that a greater implementation of practices including mandated transition planning and home–school collaboration in schools would contribute to more authentic inclusion of students with ASD.  相似文献   

Improving early intervention in Portugal for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) requires parents and professionals to collaborate in assessing and planning intervention programmes. This article analyses parental and professional assessments of children with ASD, in the dimensions of social communication, repetitive behaviours and restricted interests, and sensory processing. The study presents contrasting perspectives from professionals and parents from a range of socio‐academic backgrounds. The sample consists of 136 Portuguese children (aged three to six years old) with ASD and involves children, parents and professionals from across the country. All children, at the time, were in preschool and receiving early special education intervention. Parents and professionals used the Assessment Scale for Children with ASD to complete the assessments. The results show that parents rate children's development and learning more positively compared to professionals; and that this difference is more significant in the field of social communication. Further, parents with higher academic qualifications showed statistically significant differences in comparison with professionals in the social communication dimension. These findings are discussed in relation to the literature and some suggestions are made regarding certain practices related to intervention in early childhood.  相似文献   

Starting school is a critical event in a child’s life and successful transitions to school have been posited as key indicators for future academic achievement. For children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the process is complicated by difficulties in social communication and social interaction. Parents of children with ASD can experience their child’s transition to school as a stressful and challenging time. In this study a qualitative methodology, Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), was used to elicit the experiences and perceptions of six parents whose children with ASD were starting school in Ireland. Semi-structured interviews were carried out and a cross-case analysis was conducted. Three common overarching themes were identified which reflected participants’ experiences of the transition process; these were (a) “I think they need to believe, believe what we’re telling them”, (b) “Experience of ASD/it’s a very labelling thing”, and (c) “Preparing for school and feelings about the future”. Implications from the research are discussed with reference to the role of the educational psychologist (EP) in supporting parents of children with ASD in the transition process.  相似文献   

With the increasing prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), clinicians and schools are receiving a larger number of assessment referrals for eligibility or diagnostic clarification of ASD in children who are deaf and hard of hearing (D/HH). Meeting this increasing demand is often difficult given not all assessment professionals seek specialized ASD training and even fewer have experience working with D/HH children. Therefore, families are disadvantaged because of the lack of assessment professionals who specialize in both these areas. School psychologists without such experience are at-risk for misinterpreting or missing key diagnostic information. This study explored the assessment experiences of four families of D/HH children who have ASD. Hearing parents’ and D/HH parents’ perspectives were gathered to explore the family needs. An open-ended survey asked parents to recall the assessment techniques utilized during the process and relate how their child's language skills were accounted for by the clinician. Parent responses revealed interpreters were utilized for various reasons unique to each family. Families expressed difficulty finding ASD specialists who had experience working with D/HH children. This study highlights the importance of selecting a trained interpreter and emphasizes the need of more professionals who have experience assessing ASD in D/HH children.  相似文献   

Many parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have reported general discontent with the services offered by the education system and have advocated for increased ASD‐specific services to better meet their children’s educational needs. The elements of best practice offer an ideal model for educational support. There are, however, limitations to advocating ASD‐specific services. This paper describes how best practice for ASD as an educational model fits within what is described as authentic inclusion. Further, it is suggested that the ASD community align with the greater inclusive education reform movement. With the use of this unified model of education, all children will receive the educational support they require.  相似文献   

Parents of children waiting for a diagnostic assessment for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience distress and anxiety while they wait. The present small-scale study took place in a multi-disciplinary therapeutic service in Ireland for children with ASD and was run between April and September 2011. The first author, an educational psychologist on a multi-disciplinary team, designed a qualitative, three-staged study to look at ways of supporting parents of children on the waiting list for assessment. Focus group discussions were analysed using thematic content analysis to identify themes to facilitate the development and evaluation of a pilot parent education group. Findings suggested that the ASD “journey” begins when the disorder is first raised as a possibility. Parents want information about ASD and the diagnostic process at this point. Parents reported benefits from the pilot group through meeting professionals involved in assessment, being supported by other parents, and learning strategies to help their children.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the development of symptomatology and academic growth of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) attending a special needs education school in the Netherlands as well as to explore the relationship between academic achievement and symptom reduction of those children. To this end a three-year follow up study was conducted by using multiple informants. The group of children with autism was compared with a group of children having other diagnoses but attending the same school. Results showed that teachers’ and parents’ perceptions about children’s symptomatology development differed significantly. Even though teachers reported a significant symptom reduction of ASD symptoms after two years of school attendance the parents of the same children did not. Furthermore, it was found that both groups of children had gains in different aspects of school-based cognitive skills; however, no association was found between symptom reduction and academic growth of the children. Implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

This study on sensitivity and attachment included 55 toddlers and their parents. Samples included children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), mental retardation, language delay, and typical development. Children were diagnosed at 4 years of age. Two years before diagnosis, attachment was assessed with the Strange Situation procedure, and parental sensitivity and child involvement during free play were assessed with the Emotional Availability Scale. Parents of children with ASD were equally sensitive as parents of children without ASD, but their children showed more attachment disorganization and less child involvement. More sensitive parents had more secure children, but only in the group without ASD. Less severe autistic symptoms in the social domain predicted more attachment security. Autism challenges the validity of attachment theory.  相似文献   

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