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通过对2002—2011年四大网球公开赛的发球进行长期跟踪研究,结果表明:世界网球运动在过去的十年中发生着很大的变化。发球速度在不断增加,ACE球数量不断增多,双误的数量持续减少;运动员的发球速度与身高呈正相关,获胜方平均身高一般比对手高1~2cm,发球时速平均快2~4km;在所有的场地上,运动员的发球局优势越来越明显,尤其是温网,出现抢七的几率最高,每盘打的局数最多;法网的发球速度在大幅增加,但ACE球的数量少于其它3个大满贯网球赛事。  相似文献   

2008年澳网中外网球女子单打选手技战术统计分析与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用录像观察、数理统计等方法,对中国女网在2008年澳网单打比赛中的技、战术指标进行统计与分析。结果表明:与国外选手相比,中国女网选手在身体形态、发球速度、一发得分率等方面存在明显差距;中国选手比赛的攻击性与技术稳定性尚待进一步提高。比赛名次与技术指标的相关分析表明:二发平均速度、二发得分率等指标对比赛名次的影响程度较大。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、数理统计法对ATP官方网站所公布的世界排名前100名的优秀男子网球运动员的技术数据及总积分进行描述性统计、相关性分析和逐步回归统计分析,建立积分回归方程,研究世界优秀网球男子单打比赛制胜技术因素。研究表明,反映发球局的指标:平均每场比赛ACE个数、一发得分率、二发得分率、挽救破发点、发球局胜率成非常显著性相关;反映接发球局的指标:接一发得分率、接二发得分率、成功破发率也成显著性相关。反映发球局与接发球局的指标成显著性相关的均为负相关。影响世界优秀男子网球单打比赛总积分的制胜技术因素是平均每场ACE球个数、二发得分率、接一发得分率。  相似文献   


We propose a new performance measure for table tennis players: the mutual point-winning probabilities (MPW) as server and receiver. The MPWs quantify a player’s chances to win a point against a given opponent, and hence nicely complement the classical match statistics history between two players. These new quantities are based on a Bradley-Terry-type statistical model taking into account the importance of individual points, since a rally at 8–2 in the first set is less crucial than a rally at the score of 9–9 in the final set. The MPWs hence reveal a player’s strength on his/her service against a given opponent as well as his/her capacity of scoring crucial points. We estimate the MPWs by means of maximum likelihood estimation and show via a Monte Carlo simulation study that our estimation procedure works well. In order to illustrate the MPWs’ versatile use, we have organized two round-robin tournaments of ten respectively eleven table tennis players from the Belgian table tennis federation. We compare the classical final ranking to the ranking based on MPWs, and we highlight how the MPWs shed new light on strengths and weaknesses of the players.  相似文献   

通过文献资料和临场技术统计,对拉斐尔·纳达尔在北京第29届奥林匹克运动会网球比赛中的六轮数据,分别进行统计与分析,揭示西班牙天才少年纳达尔在比赛中所施展改朝换代之方略。希望中国的男子网球运动员以他为楷模,发扬“不放弃,不抛弃”,认真对待球场上的每一分的精神,在今后的比赛中能够根据对手情况及时调整策略,减少非受迫性失误的次数,提高对机会球和关键球的得分能力。在最短的时间缩小与世界顶级选手的差距。  相似文献   

中外优秀女子网球运动员的基础形态特征比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对中国和世界优秀女子网球运动员的身高、体重、克托莱指数、年龄和体型等基础形态指数进行了统计分析和比较,结果表明:我国的女子网球运动员和世界的优秀女子网球运动员在基础形态方面存在着差距,建议应尽快完善、构建与世界优秀女子网球运动员身体形态模式相适应,而又符合中国国情的女子网球运动员选材模式和评价标准。进而,又对世界和中国的优秀女子网球运动员的身高和体重指数进行了回归分析,构建了回归模型,旨在为女子网球运动选材与运动训练提供理论参考。  相似文献   

目的:探索不同落点(T内角、Body追身和Wide外角)网球侧上旋发球技术动作的运动学规律。方法:采用2台三维高速摄像机拍摄10名网球运动员侧上旋发球技术动作,使用北京体育大学视讯解析系统采集运动学参数,对原始数据进行平滑和归一化处理等(Fc=10)。结果:1)抛球引拍阶段:抛球时左肩水平投影角呈显著性差异,左肩、右肩和左膝关节角速度变量呈显著性相关(R=0.82),站位方式无显著性差异;2)"挠背"阶段:不同落点发球时发力顺序协调一致,由下至上逐步将力量传递至击球点;3)挥拍击球阶段:击球时刻不同落点间分速度和击球角度差异性显著,外角侧旋>追身侧旋>内角侧旋,内角上旋>追身上旋>外角上旋,外角Angle>追身Angle>内角Angle。击球点高度与身高的倍数为外角(1.32)、追身(1.25)和内角(1.21),击球点由内至外逐渐向右偏移;4)随挥阶段:击球后重心位移和速度分量未出现显著性差异,膝关节角度变化均值39.7±1.8°。结论:我国高校网球二级运动员亟需储备发球隐蔽性、击球点空间位置、挥拍轨迹和击球速度分量等方面的意识体系。应当继续以运动生物力学为手段加强网球各类型发球技术动作、各环节运动特征和发球所致损伤因素等进行系统化和精细化研究。  相似文献   

Official rankings are the most common measure of success in professional women’s tennis. Despite their importance for earning potential and tournament seeding, little is known about ranking trajectories of female players and their influence on career success. Our objective was to conduct a comprehensive study of the career progression of elite female tennis talent. The study examined the ranking trajectories of the top 250 female professionals between 1990 and 2015. Using regression modelling of yearly peak rankings, we found a strong association between the shape of the ranking trajectory and the highest career ranking earned. Players with the highest career peak ranking were the youngest when first ranked. For example, top 10 players were first ranked at age 15.5 years (99% CI = 14.8–15.9), 1.2 years (99% CI = 0.8–1.5) earlier than top 51–100 players. Top 10 players were also ranked in the top 100 longer than other players, holding a top 100 ranking until a mean age of 29.0 years (99% CI = 27.8–30.3) compared with age 24.4 years (99% CI = 23.7–25.2) for top 51–100 players. Ranking trajectories were more distinct with respect to player age than years from first ranking. The present study’s findings will be instructive for players, coaches, and administrators in setting goals and assessing athlete development in women’s tennis.  相似文献   

优秀网球运动员身高、体重和克托莱指数特征的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对ATP、WTA年终排名前50名的优秀网球运动员的身高、体重和克托莱指数特征进行了统计分析,探讨世界优秀网球运动员身高、体重和克托莱指数置信区间的特点及其身高与体重的回归方程,旨在为网球运动选材与运动训练提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Purpose: The net height in tennis (0.91 m) is approximately 50% of a professional tennis player’s height. Children are also expected to play with this net height, even though it is approximately 70% of the average 10-year-old’s height. This study examined the immediate effect of lowering net height on the performance characteristics of skilled junior tennis players aged 10 years and younger. Method: Sixteen players were matched in 8 pairs of even tennis ability and same sex. Each pair played 25-min singles matches in 4 conditions that varied in net height (0.91 m, 0.78 m, 0.65 m, and 0.52 m). Match-play characteristics were analyzed via video replay. Results: Results showed that lowering the net height to 0.65 m and 0.52 m led to players adopting a more attacking style of play, as evidenced by a significant increase in the number of winners without a commensurate increase in errors and more shots struck inside the baseline. Lower nets also led to a greater percentage of successful first serves. The lowest net (0.52 m), however, reduced rally length significantly and therefore decreased hitting opportunities. Conclusion: These results offer support for equipment scaling to enhance match-play performance for skilled junior tennis players. We propose that current net height recommendations for junior tennis should be revised.  相似文献   

随着网球运动在中国飞速发展,网球运动的研究也成为体育领域中关注的论题。对网球运动员目标定向与归因方式的研究还比较缺乏。鉴于研究应用心理测量法对网球运动员的目标定向和归因方式进行探讨。了解中国网球运动员的目标定向及归因方式的现状,丰富运动员对目标定向和归因方式的认识。研究结果显示:网球运动员的目标定向在性别上存在显著性差异;网球运动员基本归因类型,在成功情境下为:内部的、稳定的、可控的;在失败情境下为:内部的、稳定的、不可控的;网球运动员在成功情境下的归因方式没有性别差异,在失败情境下内外源、稳定性存在性别差异;网球运动员的目标定向与归因方式的相关性不高,存在着低度相关。  相似文献   

"网球肘",即肱骨外上髁炎,是一种以肘关节外侧疼痛为特征的肱骨外上髁部前臂伸肌总腱附着处的慢性损伤性肌筋膜炎,因网球运动员最易患此病而得名。"网球肘"的主要外在表现是肘部隐隐的酸痛感以及持拍击球时产生的强烈疼痛感。网球肘妨碍了运动员的日常生活、训练、比赛,严重者甚至影响运动员的职业生涯。本文从病理特征、致病原因、致病机理、诊疗标准、诊疗措施、预防等方面对"网球肘"这一职业病进行深入分析,以期对该病的治疗、网球运动员的正确训练起到指导作用。  相似文献   

Shots are an essential part of the language of tennis yet little is known about the distinct types of shots in the professional game. In this study, we build a taxonomy of shots for elite tennis players using tracking data from multiple years of men’s and women’s matches at the Australian Open. Our taxonomy is constructed using model-based multi-stage functional data clustering, an unsupervised machine learning approach. Among 270,023 men’s and 178,136 women’s shots, we found 13 distinct types of serves to both the Ad and Deuce court for male players and 17 and 15 types to the Ad and Deuce for female players. More variety was found among serve returns and rally shots compared to the serve; with less variety on the backhand than forehand. There was also more overlap in the physical characteristics of groundstroke shots between male and female players than on serve. Shot type was strongly associated with winning points and shots in the highest speed and lowest net clearance categories tended to be the most effective. This data-driven dictionary of shots provides a framework for analysis of elite player performance, characterizing playing style, and designing more representative practice.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the impact of a male opponent's pre-match body language and clothing (general vs. sports-specific) on how his performances were judged by an observer. Forty male tennis players viewed videos of a male target tennis player warming up and then observed playing footage of the target. Each participant viewed the target player warming up displaying one of four combinations of body language and clothing (positive body language/tennis-specific clothing; positive body language/general sportswear; negative body language/tennis-specific clothing; negative body language/general sportswear). Participants rated the performance of the tennis player and gave their perceptions of the likely outcome of a tennis match with the target player. Analyses of variance indicated that clothing and body language had an interactive effect on both outcome expectations and ratings of performance. The findings support the contention that the initial impressions athletes form of their opponents can influence the way in which they judge the performances of opponents and their perceived likelihood of success against the same opponents.  相似文献   


In this study, we examined the impact of a male opponent's pre-match body language and clothing (general vs. sports-specific) on how his performances were judged by an observer. Forty male tennis players viewed videos of a male target tennis player warming up and then observed playing footage of the target. Each participant viewed the target player warming up displaying one of four combinations of body language and clothing (positive body language/tennis-specific clothing; positive body language/general sportswear; negative body language/tennis-specific clothing; negative body language/general sportswear). Participants rated the performance of the tennis player and gave their perceptions of the likely outcome of a tennis match with the target player. Analyses of variance indicated that clothing and body language had an interactive effect on both outcome expectations and ratings of performance. The findings support the contention that the initial impressions athletes form of their opponents can influence the way in which they judge the performances of opponents and their perceived likelihood of success against the same opponents.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to identify whether the relative shape and size characteristics of elite male tennis players have changed over time, and in addition whether any anthropometric parameters characterise the more successful players in Grand Slam tournaments. The height and body mass of the players qualifying for the first round in all four Grand Slam tennis tournaments during the period 1982–2011 was obtained, and successful players defined arbitrarily as those reaching round 3 or beyond. Body mass index (BMI) and the reciprocal ponderal index (RPI) were used as our measures of body shape. Multilevel modelling was used to explore the trend over time using non-linear polynomials. The results suggest that the body shape of elite tennis players has changed over time, with a non-linear (cubic polynomial regression model) increase in BMI and a similar non-linear decline in the RPI. BMI, reflecting greater muscle mass rather than greater adiposity, has emerged as an important factor associated with success, identified by a significantly positive (steeper) “successful player”-by-“year” interaction term. The evidence that the RPI of elite tennis players has also decreased over time, together with a significantly negative “successful player”-by-“year” interaction term, suggests that a more linear (ectomorphic) body shape is a less important factor in terms of success. These results suggest that elite male tennis players are becoming more power trained athletes as opposed to endurance athletes, with greater muscle mass being an important factor associated with success in all Grand Slam tournaments.  相似文献   


This study constructed a technique effectiveness evaluation formula for table tennis players based on the relationship between the scoring rate and usage rate of techniques and established the evaluation criteria through the examination of 224 matches of the world's top 35 players. It also built a competition performance formula with the score difference theory for the exploration of the correlation between player technique effectiveness and competition performance. The results showed the three indices – the technique effectiveness of the first and third strokes (TE1,3), the second and fourth strokes (TE2,4) and the after fourth strokes (TE>4) – could help better evaluate the technique effectiveness of elite players. The comparative analysis of Chinese elite table tennis players and players from other countries and regions revealed that Chinese players as a whole were “excellent” in all the examined techniques except in the male's “first and third strokes”; while players from other countries and regions were overall “general”. The case analysis of two world top players further indicated that correlation analysis of technique effectiveness and competition performance could help identify the technique indices highly correlated with player competition performance.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、数理统计法,对参加2006年德国世界杯足球比赛运动员的身高、体重、年龄等指标与运动成绩相关性进行比较分析。结果表明:运动成绩最好的欧洲各队是平均身材最高、体重最重的队伍,而运动成绩最差的亚洲各队运动员则平均体重最轻、克托莱指数较低;不同位置运动员在平均身高、体重、年龄和克托莱指数方面存在显著性差异,其中守门员的各项指数最高;参赛运动员平均年龄差异不明显,都维持在较高的年龄水平上;前8名球队和亚洲日、韩球队的运动员在平均身高、体重和克托莱指数方面存在显著性差异。此结果可为中国足球运动的科学选材和训练提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the pre- and post-impact three-dimensional kinematics of the ball and racquet during first and second serves performed by elite tennis players. Data were collected from four male and four female right-handed professional players during competition using two high-speed cameras (200 Hz). For each player, one first serve and one second serve from the 'deuce' or right service court that landed within the specified target area were analysed. To test for significant differences between the first and second serves, Wilcoxon tests (P < or = 0.05) were performed on selected parameters. The results indicate that the ball travelled forward and to the left during the flight phase of the toss in all but one trial. The average pre-impact ball forward location for the first serve was significantly more in front and had a higher associated forward ball velocity than the corresponding values for the second serve. On average, the decrease in post-impact ball speed from the first to the second serve was 24.1%. No significant differences between the first and second serves were found in the pre-impact racquet head speed and orientation, which was represented as a unit vector perpendicular to the racquet face. The major adjustments made by the players when going from the first to second serve were a decrease in pre-impact ball forward location (P < or = 0.01) and an increase in the pre-impact racquet vertical and lateral velocities (both P < or = 0.05). This implies that the players tossed the ball closer to the body and imparted topspin and sidespin on the ball by changing the racquet vertical and lateral velocities when going from the first to the second serve.  相似文献   


This study is a systematic review of match analyses of table tennis that can be used for reference in China. Using the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) as the search tool and “table tennis” as the keyword, we searched for all papers on table tennis published in Chinese core sports journals between 1980 and 2016. Then, we read through 1209 papers and divided them into different categories according to their publication types and main topics. Among them, 128 papers on match analyses met three inclusion criteria, and hence they were chosen as the reviewed studies. The results show that match analyses of table tennis in China have a sound research foundation, with the “three-phase evaluation method” and research on different topics playing an active role in helping coaches and players understand table tennis matches. Computer-aided match analysis not only enhanced the capacity and speed of data processing, but it also facilitated coaches’ and players’ understanding of tactical features by video feedback and multimedia presentation. Although match analyses of table tennis based on different theories or models are still in a preliminary stage, these studies are indeed pushing the development of this field.  相似文献   

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