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探讨新建本科院校应从实际出发,倡导自主学习的同时关注应试需求。以大学英语四级考试为短期目标,培养学生自主学习能力为长期目标,进行学习策略指导和训练,将课堂教学与网络自主学习、第二课堂活动与第一课堂教学有机结合,让学生学会应试学习中的自主学习,并逐步扩大学习范围,促进学生反思,使自主学习活动发生质变,做到真正的自主学习。  相似文献   

Learner autonomy is a primary learning outcome of Higher Education in many countries. However, empirical evaluation of how student autonomy progresses during undergraduate degrees is limited. We surveyed a total of 636 students’ self-perceived autonomy during a period of two academic years using the Autonomous Learning Scale. Our analysis suggests that students do not perceive themselves as being any more autonomous as they progress through University. Given the relativity of self-perception metrics, we suggest that our results evince a “red queen” effect. In essence, as course expectations increase with each year, each student’s self-perceived autonomy relative to their ideal remains constant; we term this the “moving goalpost” hypothesis. This article corroborates pedagogical literature suggesting that providing students with opportunities to act autonomously and develop confidence is key to developing graduates who have the independence that they need in order to be successful in the workplace.  相似文献   

Classroom management practices were studied in middle school classrooms with positive interpersonal classroom climates, high levels of student engagement, and high levels of autonomy support. Students' motivational responses to autonomy-supportive instructional interactions were explored to understand variability within classroom management practices identified and described in this study as providing autonomy support. Our findings suggest proactive classroom management is enacted through instructional interactions wherein teachers scaffold students' autonomous self-regulatory capacities that sustain student engagement in classroom activities by supporting students' strategy use, transferring responsibility to students, encouraging students' to structure physical and social contexts to support learning, and promoting prosocial behavior.  相似文献   

This article argues that whatever the 2015 OECD report says about the value of ICT in relation to PISA results, our research has shown that using ICT in the education of students with Learning Difficulties has great value in interesting, enthusing and inspiring these students, so leading to better educational outcomes. The term ‘Learning Difficulties’ (LD) is used to refer to a condition of a large group of children who need extra assistance with schooling and arises from a vast range of cognitive and physical impairments. The reported research was conducted in two Special Schools in metropolitan Melbourne with the goal of investigating whether, and if so how, ICT could be used to support school communities involving students with learning difficulties, and whether it could help these students with their learning. This research found that ICT certainly does improve LD students’ attitude to learning and equips them with adequate skills to allow them to enter the workforce or continue with further study through various pathways. It provides evidence that for LD students, a significant attainment in skills and academic knowledge is facilitated by the adoption of ICT in the classroom.  相似文献   

A new virtual learning environment (VLE) was developed to provide structured support to distance education students undertaking postgraduate study on a core study module of the Master of Education degree at the University of Dundee. Students were offered the option of receiving support via the VLE as opposed to the existing methods, that included face-toface meetings, letters, emails and telephone contact. Of the 47 students in the study sample, 31 opted to receive support via the VLE and 16 opted to receive support through the existing methods. These groups became self-selecting sample and control groups respectively. The article details investigations into the nature of the online learning community that developed as a result of these initiatives. It explores the patterns of use of the VLE by students in the sample group. It also explores the ‘connectedness’ of the students who engaged in study via the VLE using a validated instrument. Results indicated that students who actively engaged with online learning via a VLE reported a heightened sense of feeling connected as part of a wider learning community. Results also indicated that these students had higher successful academic completion rates than students who did not receive support via the VLE.  相似文献   

深度学习的课堂教学是培养高职学生核心素养的重要途径,基于UbD模板的机制专业课堂教学设计案例,通过基本问题设计、表现性任务设计、教学活动安排将学生的能力训练、测评明确指向核心素养培养,是一种以教学目标为设计起点,而非教学内容为起点的逆向教学设计,其将课堂教学的重点从教材知识和技能的传递转向对知识的运用、分析、综合与评价的深度学习,对以学生为中心的教学改革具有实质性的指导作用。  相似文献   

There is a growing body of research indicating that students who can self-regulate cognitive, motivational, and behavioral aspects of their academic functioning are more effective as learners. We studied relations between the self-regulation strategies used by a group of Italian students during the final years of high school and their subsequent academic achievement and resilience in pursuing higher education. We used the self-regulated learning interview schedule, which focuses on cognitive, motivational, and behavioral strategies used during academic learning in both classroom and non-classroom contexts. The cognitive self-regulation strategy of organizing and transforming proved to be a significant predictor of the students’ course grades in Italian, mathematics, and technical subjects in high school and in their subsequent average course grades and examinations passed at the university. The motivational self-regulation strategy of self-consequences was a significant predictor of the students’ high school diploma grades and their intention to continue with their education after high school.  相似文献   

对网络自主学习、多媒体教学与传统教学这三种学习环境下的听力学习进行实验对比,结果表明网络自主学习学习环境的效果要优于多媒体教学与传统教学,亦即网络自主学习是可行的,但在学生自主学习能力发展初期教师要发挥正确引导作用。  相似文献   

元认知策略是促进自主学习的关键,而网络英语自主学习模式已成为大学英语教学改革的主要渠道。基于此,以职教新干线为平台,设计了一学期的教学实验,以期以元认知策略培训的方式来提高学生英语自主学习能力。结果表明,在空间课程资源共享、师生群组交流互动、空间作业以及课程考试等多元化网络自主学习环境下,元认知策略培训有助于高职学生提高英语学习成绩和自主学习能力。  相似文献   

The self-regulation of learning behavior is an important key competence for university students. In this presented study, we aimed at fostering students’ self-regulation of learning by means of a standardized learning journal. In two of four courses that were included in the study, students had to keep a structured learning diary and/or received further intervention on self-regulated learning through a weekly course. Students who received these interventions were compared to students who received no treatment whatsoever in their self-regulation and learning achievement. The study reports pre–post measures as well as process analyses. Results revealed that keeping a structured learning diary without any further intervention did not improve students’ self-regulation. Those students who only kept learning diaries even showed a decrease in their motivation. Students who kept the learning diary and at the same time received further information on self-regulation showed increases in their strategy use and their self-efficacy. However, no improvements were found for students’ academic performance. It can be concluded that in order for students to profit in keeping a structured learning diary, they should be informed on the benefits of self-monitoring to increase their motivation.  相似文献   

"以学为中心"依据学情设计教学的起点、方法和策略,构建了小学数学教学的新样态:我尝试、我提问、我出题等新的话语方式体现了课堂自主权的转移;问题式导学、拼图式合作、指导式发现、自主式交流等新的学习方式让每一位学生都得到发展;新的课堂结构,实现学生自主地学、主动地学、创造地学。建构"以学为中心"的数学教学新样态,要以学的基础定教的起点,让教学过程更高效;以学的目标定教的活动,让教学路径更准确;以学的规律定教的内容,让教学资源更优化;以学的需要定教的策略,让教与学更和谐。  相似文献   

This paper examines how the design and implementation of a core teacher education course develops pre-service teachers’ information communication technology (ICT) in education competencies in a mainland Chinese university. This course adopted a four-component instructional design system to develop its curriculum, incorporated an inquiry-based learning approach to develop pre-service teachers’ pedagogical competencies, and used an online learning platform to facilitate the sharing of experiences of using ICT for teaching and learning. This case study demonstrates that innovative pedagogies together with more relevant course content supported by an online learning platform may enhance the effectiveness of a core ICT in education course.  相似文献   

大学英语课程在实行了教学改革后,提高了师生教与学的兴趣,极大地强化了学生学习英语的积极性,取得了令人欣慰的教学成果。自主性、开放式学习以及自主学习作为大学英语自主学习体系已经深入到学生的学习活动中,对学生的评价方式也日趋多元化,由原来单一的终结性测试发展到今天的听力、口语和书面作业等多种评价方式。笔者阐述基于校本大学英语课程设置体系而构建的评价体系,目的是为了更好地促进学生的英语学习,帮助他们达到学以致用的语用目的。  相似文献   

The aim of the study is to examine undergraduate students’ awareness of metacognition, the metacognitive strategies they use in their learning and their learning performance in pre-class asynchronous activity in a flipped classroom. The sample consisted of 47 undergraduate students. Eleven students were not included in this study since they did not participate in all quizzes and most of the metacognitive strategy activities. Metacognitive Awareness Inventory and Metacognitive Strategies Evaluation Activities were used as data collection tools. The results showed that Computer Education and Instructional Technology students’ metacognitive awareness was at a high level and their metacognitive strategy levels and learning performances differed weekly. Post hoc results indicated no difference between metacognitive strategy and learning performance in the first three weeks. However, the results of the first 3 weeks differed from those of the 4th and 5th weeks. In addition, our regression analysis result indicated that using metacognitive strategies predicted 80% of students’ learning performance. This rate shows the importance of using metacognitive strategies for the learning process in pre-class asynchronous activity in the flipped classroom.  相似文献   

Academic writing is a social practice in which the writer interacts with both texts and people and uses the interaction as a learning resource. While academic interaction in the classroom setting has been extensively investigated, student interaction that takes place without teacher supervision remains largely unexplored. Since autonomy is a key component of academic interaction, autonomous peer feedback practices among postgraduate students may be of some interest. This paper reports on an exploratory case study of peer feedback among a small group of postgraduate students in a master’s programme in translation studies in a prestigious Chinese university. The findings offer insights into the role of peer feedback in advancing academic literacy and forming scholarly communities in an emerging discipline. The case study provides an opening into the research area of autonomous peer feedback and suggests avenues for further, more substantial research.  相似文献   

文章首先聚焦于"自我导向学习"和"智慧学习空间",设计了智慧学习空间支持的师范生自我导向学习模式。之后,文章在某高校"现代教育技术"实验课中开展了为期18周的实证研究,探讨了自我导向学习对师范生自主学习能力、学业成绩和在线学习行为的影响,结果发现:自我导向学习对学习者策略、资源利用两个维度的自主学习能力提升效果明显,但在态度维度提升不明显;自我导向学习整体提升了学业成绩,尤其是对低自主学习水平者的学业成绩和自主学习能力提升效果更明显,但其在在线自主学习行为方面表现欠佳。最后,文章提出给予情感支持、设计多元智能活动组合策略和提供及时高效反馈的适切策略,以期在智慧学习空间中有效开展自我导向学习。  相似文献   

李广风 《学科教育》2014,(2):94-101
运用典型相关分析方法对大学英语课堂环境与英语自主学习能力的关系进行研究,结果显示二者显著相关,课堂环境对自主学习能力的影响作用大于自主学习能力对课堂环境的影响作用,课堂环境是影响自主学习能力的一个重要因素。课堂环境的九个因子中,主要是课堂参与、学生责任、任务取向、教师支持影响自主学习中的所有维度,即评估过程、制订计划、明确要求、监控策略和使用策略。课堂环境感知和自主学习能力之间存在匹配类型(感知好能力强、感知中等好一能力中等强)和不匹配类型(感知好能力中等强、感知中等好能力差)。根据以上研究结果,建议要创建和谐课堂,促进学生情感和认知的积极发展;重视课堂互动,促进学生对课堂活动的积极参与;加强“任务”教学,提高学生对“任务”的积极认识;强化策略培训,提高学生使用策略进行学习的水平。  相似文献   

Teachers’ use of ICT has mainly focused on their use in classroom context and few studies have focused on their use elsewhere. Attempting to fill this gap, this paper presents a case study of 12 secondary teachers characterising their use of ICT in and out-of-the-classroom. Results show that teachers use these tools inside the classroom for presentations and support some instructional strategies and outside the classroom for lesson preparation, administration and communication, and design of students’ assignments with ICT. However, the analysis of the specific characteristics of these activities shows that beyond these apparently good purposes of ICT use, the quality of the characteristics of the activities is heterogeneous, which can have implications in the effectiveness of the use of ICT in teaching and learning. Based on this, we suggest that in order to take full advantage of the teaching and learning opportunities associated to use of digital tools in education, there is a need to develop teachers’ and students’ digital skills, specifically those associated to searching and selecting information available in the Internet, and developing and presenting information products.  相似文献   

The flipped classroom is becoming more popular as a means to support student learning in higher education by requiring students to prepare before lectures and actively engaging students during lectures. While some research has been conducted into student performance in the flipped classroom, students’ study behaviour throughout a flipped course has not been investigated. This study explored students’ study behaviour throughout a flipped and a regular course by means of bi-weekly diaries. Furthermore, student references to their learning regulation were explored in course evaluations. Results from the diaries showed that students’ study behaviour in the flipped course did not appear to be very different from that of students in a regular course. Furthermore, study behaviour did not appear strongly related to student performance in both the flipped and the regular course. Exploration of student references to their learning regulation in the course evaluations showed that some students experienced the flipped course design as intended to support their learning process. Other students, however, demonstrated resistance to changing their study behaviour even though changing study behaviour is expected in order to benefit from the flipped classroom. Further research on the relationship between students’ learning regulation and actual study behaviour and course results is necessary to understand when and why implementing the flipped classroom is successful. Recommendations that may help more effective flipped classroom implementation include considering the prior history between students and instructor(s), the broader curriculum context, and frequent expectation communication especially with large numbers of students and non-mandatory lecture attendance.  相似文献   

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