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浙江省少年田径运动员身体形态指标的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用测量、数理统计、比较等方法,探讨少年田径运动员身体重心高度、身高、下肢长A等指标在不同生物年龄段的变化特征及各指标间的内在关系。结果表明,少年田径运动员身体重心相对高度与下肢长A/身高×100%指数基本上是随着生物年龄的增长而下降,身体重心绝对高度、身高、下肢长A年增长值总体的变化趋势较为一致;少年男、女田径运动员身体重心绝对高度与身高、下肢长A之间为高度相关,身体重心相对高度与下肢长A之间为不相关。  相似文献   

9-19岁男性青少年身体形态和下肢爆发力的发育特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解青少年身体形态和下肢爆发力的发育特征、规律,给运动员科学选材和运动训练科学化提供依据。对上海市74名9-19岁男性青少年身体形态和下肢爆发力发育状况进行了2年的追踪调查,结果发现,样本男性青少年在青春期身高发育速度高峰年龄为11岁;身高增长最快速的年龄段是11-13岁,这与其他研究结果相比稍有提前。体重与身高在16岁以前呈较快上升趋势,体重的增加略滞后于身高的增长。青少年身体形态的发育,长度指标先于围度、量度指标,体脂率的变异度很大。男性青少年垂直纵跳能力在11-17岁为快速增长期。下肢爆发力在青春发育前期(9-14岁),随身体形态的增长发育,呈自然增长趋势,两者之间为正相关关系。RDJ指数是一个比较稳定的,受青春期发育影响比较小的指标。  相似文献   

随着排球运动不断发展,网上争夺得愈发激烈,对运动员身高的要求也尤为重要。由于身高对排球的行为产生影响,所以教练员会考虑到如何才能增长身高的问题。青少年排球运动员正处在一个身体与心理变化较大的时期,本文对青少年排球运动员在身高增长时期的饮食方法等进行了说明。  相似文献   

预测身高是运动员选材的重要内容之一。一个人的身体高矮,很大程度上受遗传因素的影响。然而遗传是比较复杂的问题,要想从遗传方面来预测身高,就目前条件看,困难较多。父母身高只能作参考。人体的生长发育,包括身高的增长是有一定规律的。因此,可以根据生长发育规律来预测孩子的最后身高。就是说,利用年龄身高增长百分比进行预测。用这种方法预测时还必须考虑到:第一,人体的生长发育规律可能因自然环境条件及人种等因素的影响而具有地区差别。例如世界各大洲、各人种有差别、我国南方、北方也稍有不同。所以最好采用本地区人  相似文献   

目的:通过对2010年澳门儿童青少年体质监测数据与全国学生体质调研数据进行分析、比较,以期探讨两地儿童青少年生长发育的变化规律,为政府及时了解澳门、内地儿童青少年生长发育的特征,为促进两地学生体质健康发展以及体育教学改革提供科学的依据。方法:选择2010年澳门、内地儿童青少年体质监测对象为研究对象,年龄为7~22周岁在校学生,采用分层随机整群的原则抽取样本。严格遵守统一的测试细则对研究对象的身体形态、机能和素质等指标进行测试,利用SPSS15.0统计软件对测试数据进行统计分析。结果:两地学生的生长发育既有共性的规律,也有特征的差异。共性的规律主要表现为1)澳门、内地儿童青少年身体形态、机能和素质的生长发育水平均表现出明显的阶段性特征,其中,体格指标尤为典型,身高、体重在整个生长期内表现为四个阶段,即匀速增长期、快速增长期、缓慢增长期和相对稳定期;2)两地儿童青少年身体形态生长水平均呈现出"二次交叉"现象,女生快速增长期约比男生提前2~4年;3)两地学生生长水平的发展呈现出不均衡特征,通常身体形态优先发展,机能居中,机能、素质的快速增长落后于形态的快速发展。两地的差异特征主要体现在:1)两地学生生长发育水平的非均衡性特质存在明显的地域差异,澳门儿童青少年身体形态指标最大高峰年龄均早于内地1年,同时最大速度高峰、最大年增长值也明显高于内地;2)澳门儿童青少年身体形态、素质的几乎所有指标的整体水平在全年龄段里低于内地,但澳门儿童青少年形态、机能、素质指标的生长发育速度和突增的幅度高于内地。  相似文献   

新疆塔吉克族13-17岁中学生三项身体形态指标现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料与数理统计法,对新疆塔吉克族13—17岁中学生身高、体重、胸围三项身体形态指标及体重/身高、胸围/身高指标进行分析。结果表明,三项形态指标均随年龄的增长而增长,其增长速度因年龄、性别的差异而不同。  相似文献   

本文对上海市74名9-19岁男性青少年身体形态和下肢爆发力发育状况进行了2年的追踪调查,在调查时,考虑到青少年不同年龄阶段的发育特点,根据年龄把样本分为青春发育前期组(9岁-14岁,33人)和青春发育后期组(15岁-19岁,41人)。测量指标包括:身高、体重、下肢长、小腿长+足高、跟骨高、大腿围、小腿围、体脂率、瘦体重、腓肠肌内侧肌腱长、腓肠肌外侧肌腱长、跟腱长、垂直纵跳、RDJ指数。根据测试结果发现:(1)样本男性青少年在青春期身高发育速度高峰年龄为11岁。身高在9岁-16岁增长较快,身高增长最快速的年龄段是11岁-13岁,这与其他研究结果…  相似文献   

本文以1979年天津市7—25岁青少年共6803人的形态、机能、素质材料为依据,分析研究身体发育不同阶段的体型特点、运动能力特点以及某些形态指标与运动能力的关系;绘制能反映上述特点的体型图和体能图,介绍体型图在运动员选材中的应用。一、不同发育阶段体型的变化1、形态的自然增长和分期在7~25岁青少年生长发育过程中,[15项形态注1]指标数值均随年龄增长而增长。男生13岁增长率最高,女生身高、坐高、小腿加足高等长度指标10岁时增长最快,其余也是13岁增长最快(图1)。男生从16~17岁,女生从15~16岁以后增长速度逐渐缓慢。男生19岁,女生18岁增长基本停顿。根据上述形态增长的快慢可将男12~15,女10~13岁称作生长发育加  相似文献   

许多研究表明:经常从事体育锻炼的青少年其身高、体重以及其它身体形态学指标均比不经常锻炼的群体要明显改善。青少年正处于旺盛的生长发育期,体育锻炼又加速了机体的物质能量代谢过程,使得各营养素的需要量发生了一定的变化。如果不能科学地摄入合理的营养 ,除了会干扰正常的生长发育外,还会抑制机体免疫功能,造成青少年患病率升高、病后恢复延缓、机能恶化,其所导致的危害远比成年人要大。因此青少年更应注意科学合理的平衡膳食。 1.热能需要量和供给量 青少年处于旺盛的生长发育期,如果热量摄入过少就会影响身体…  相似文献   

通过测量法收集广州市特殊学校1002名7~17岁残疾人儿童青少年的身体形态数据,并将残疾学生和普通学生进行比较,普通学生和3类残疾学生之间的比较,以及3类残疾学生之间的比较,结果认为:1)残疾儿童青少年形态指标随年龄增长呈现出连续性和阶段性特征,并呈现出性别差异,一般男性身体形态指标高于女性.2)残疾儿童青少年身体形态指标同普通儿童青少年存在差异,总体上普通儿童青少年在身高,体重和胸围等身体形态指标上一般优于残疾儿童青少年.3)不同类型的残疾儿童青少年身体形态存在差异.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the contribution of experience, body size and maturity status to variation in sport-specific skills of adolescent soccer players. The participants were 69 players aged 13.2-15.1 years from three clubs that competed in the highest division for their age group. Height and body mass were measured and stage of pubic hair development was assessed at clinical examination. Years of experience in football was obtained at interview. Six football skill tests were administered: ball control with the body, ball control with the head, dribbling with a pass, dribbling speed, shooting accuracy and passing accuracy. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to estimate the relative contributions of age, stage of sexual maturity, height, body mass and years of formal training in soccer to the six skill tests. Age, experience, body size and stage of puberty contributed significantly but in different combinations to the variance in four of the six skill tests: dribbling with a pass (21%; age, stage of maturity), ball control with the head (14%; stage of maturity, height, body height x body mass interaction), ball control with the body (13%; stage of maturity, years of training) and shooting accuracy (8%; stage of maturity, height; borderline significance, P = 0.06). There were no significant predictors for the tests of dribbling speed and passing accuracy. In conclusion, age, experience, body size and stage of puberty contributed relatively little to variation in performance in four of the six soccer-specific skill tests in adolescent footballers aged 13-15 years.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the contribution of experience, body size and maturity status to variation in sport-specific skills of adolescent soccer players. The participants were 69 players aged 13.2?–?15.1 years from three clubs that competed in the highest division for their age group. Height and body mass were measured and stage of pubic hair development was assessed at clinical examination. Years of experience in football was obtained at interview. Six football skill tests were administered: ball control with the body, ball control with the head, dribbling with a pass, dribbling speed, shooting accuracy and passing accuracy. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to estimate the relative contributions of age, stage of sexual maturity, height, body mass and years of formal training in soccer to the six skill tests. Age, experience, body size and stage of puberty contributed significantly but in different combinations to the variance in four of the six skill tests: dribbling with a pass (21%; age, stage of maturity), ball control with the head (14%; stage of maturity, height, body height × body mass interaction), ball control with the body (13%; stage of maturity, years of training) and shooting accuracy (8%; stage of maturity, height; borderline significance, P?=?0.06). There were no significant predictors for the tests of dribbling speed and passing accuracy. In conclusion, age, experience, body size and stage of puberty contributed relatively little to variation in performance in four of the six soccer-specific skill tests in adolescent footballers aged 13?–?15 years.  相似文献   

第29届奥运会男篮运动员身高、体重及年龄特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用数理统计法,对第29届北京奥运会男子篮球运动员的身高、体重及年龄特征进行分析研究。研究结果表明:高水平男篮运动员身高和体重的发展更加协调,高大强壮是现代篮球运动员的身体特征;高水平的男篮球动员年龄跨度较大,但成熟的运动员集中在25-29岁之间;不同位置上的男篮运动员年龄呈现一定差异;组织后卫是所有位置中年龄相对比较大的群体。  相似文献   


This longitudinal study analyses the development and predictability of static strength and their interactions with maturation in youth. Of 515 children followed annually from age 6 to 18 years, 59 males and 60 females were measured again at age 35. Early, average, and late maturity groups were established. Body height and mass were assessed. Static strength was measured using handgrip dynamometry. Pearson correlations were used as tracking coefficients. From 6 to 12 years of age, no static strength differences were found to exist between the maturity groups of both sexes. Static strength is significantly higher in early than in average and late maturing boys (age 13–16). In girls, a dose–response effect exists (age 11–14). Adult static strength predictability is low in early maturing boys and late maturing girls. It is moderate to high (50–76%) in the other maturity groups up to age 14. Predictors for adult static strength are childhood and adolescent handgrip dynamometry (in females only), medicine ball throw, sit-up, hockey ball throw, and 25-m sprint. Handgrip is a fair predictor of adult static strength at most ages in early and average maturing females; in average maturing males, it is a predictor at age 11. Other indicators of strength (e.g. hockey ball throw) are predictors in males.  相似文献   

身高、体重对大学男生身体机能和素质影响的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
身高、体重是反映人体形态结构和生长发育水平的重要指标之一。依据浙江省大学男生体质监测数据库身高、体重2项指标数据,计算其派生指标,分析其与身体机能和身体素质内在的本质联系,以揭示大学男生这一群体在生长发育中所表现的特有的客观规律,为大学男生的健康教育提供可借鉴的科学参考依据。  相似文献   

Longitudinal changes in height, weight and physical performance were studied in 33 Flemish male youth soccer players from the Ghent Youth Soccer Project. The players' ages at the start of the study ranged from 10.4 to 13.7 years, with a mean age of 12.2 +/- 0.7 years. Longitudinal changes were studied over a 5 year period. Peak height velocity and peak weight velocity were determined using non-smoothed polynomials. The estimations of peak height velocity, peak weight velocity and age at peak height velocity were 9.7 +/- 1.5 cm x year-1, 8.4 +/- 3.0 kg x year-1 and 13.8 +/- 0.8 years, respectively. Peak weight velocity occurred, on average, at the same age as peak height velocity. Balance, speed of limb movement, trunk strength, upper-body muscular endurance, explosive strength, running speed and agility, cardiorespiratory endurance and anaerobic capacity showed peak development at peak height velocity. A plateau in the velocity curves was observed after peak height velocity for upper-body muscular endurance, explosive strength and running speed. Flexibility exhibited peak development during the tear after peak height velocity. Trainers and coaches should be aware of the individual characteristics of the adolescent growth spurt and the training load should also be individualized at this time.  相似文献   

1997年中国成年人体质监测公报   总被引:46,自引:3,他引:43  
监测未用随机整群取样方法,监测对象是 19个省、区、市的年龄为 18~60岁(女 55岁)的公民,最终参加运算的样本为 105 328人,获得 3 007 142个有效数据。主要结果为:男子平均身高为169.2 cm,女子为 158.6 cm;男子平均体重为 66.5 kg,女子为 56.8 kg。50岁前体重、相对体重随年龄增大,50岁后略减;北方人身材高大,南方人身材瘦小;东部地区人群体质好于中、西部。中国成年人体质方面存在的问题主要是有28.6%的人未达测定合格标准、开始向肥胖型发展等。提出改善中国成年人体质状况的主要措施主要有加强宣传,提高认识,扩大监测,吸引成年人参加体育活动等。  相似文献   

通过抽样调查、测试和分析新疆1 500名锡伯族成年人城乡男、女身体形态7项指标,揭示了新疆锡伯族成年人身体形态的变化规律、发展趋势,与全国指标差异及其原因等,为研究锡伯族成年人体质变化规律和制定各项体质评定标准提供科学依据。结果显示,锡伯族成年人男、女身高、体重均高于全国均值,且已经有了明显的肥胖趋势。  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of maturity timing in selection procedures and in the specialisation of playing positions in youth male basketball. Forty-three talented Dutch players (14.66 ± 1.09 years) participated in this study. Maturity timing (age at peak height velocity), anthropometric, physiological, and technical characteristics were measured. Maturity timing and height of the basketball players were compared with a matched Dutch population. One-sample t-tests showed that basketball players were taller and experienced their peak height velocity at an earlier age compared to their peers, which indicates the relation between maturity timing and selection procedures. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) showed that guards experienced their peak height velocity at a later age compared to forwards and centres (< .01). In addition, positional differences were found for height, sitting height, leg length, body mass, lean body mass, sprint, lower body explosive strength, and dribble (P < .05). Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) (age and age at peak height velocity as covariate) showed only a significant difference regarding the technical characteristic dribbling (P < .05). Coaches and trainers should be aware of the inter-individual differences between boys related to their maturity timing. Since technical characteristics appeared to be least influenced by maturity timing, it is recommended to focus more on technical characteristics rather than anthropometric and physiological characteristics.  相似文献   

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