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特许学校改革是美国择校运动发展到近期出现的教育改革运动,是美国公立教育改革的重要组威部分.然而从美国第一所特许学校诞生的那天起,特许学校就受到来自各方面的争议,其中最大的担忧就是改革可能造成教育的分化与不公.本文从社会学视角出发,指出经过近20年发展,特许学校一方面促成了基于不同教育理念的社会分化,另一方面也更好地满足了不同社会群体的教育需求.特许学校改革的复杂性和未来的不确定性对我国教育改革有一定的启发意义.  相似文献   

美国特许学校运动历经17余年的发展,在提高学生学习成绩、为家长提供更多教育选择方面取得了一定的成就.在新的形势下,需要通过创办新学校、关闭表现欠佳学校等策略将特许学校的发展方向转移到提高质量上来,从而推动整个公立教育系统追求卓越化的进程.  相似文献   

针对美国特许学校的十项辩论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
特许学校是美国公立教育改革的产物,围绕特许学校的产生和发展一直有赞成和批评两种截然相反的态度。通过对特许学校的辩论,可以了解特许学校办学机制和内外部条件。  相似文献   

特许学校是美国20世纪90年代兴起的一种新型的公立学校形式。它的运行给美国公立教育的改革带来了一种全新的思路。本文以"三角协调模式"为基础,围绕政府、市场、学校三要素之间的关系运动深入剖析特许学校的运行机制。  相似文献   

特许学校是美国公立教育改革的产物,其设立要经过州立法机关认可,申请人提出申请,签订契约,并在办学中承担绩效责任等程序,在现实中,特许学校在资金紧张,校舍狭小等各种问题,作为美国教育改革的重要成果,特许学校的一些基本经验值得我国借鉴。  相似文献   

特许学校是20世纪90年代初期在美国教育改革中出现的一种新型公立学校。本文对特许学校在经费来源与使用、绩效责任制、教师聘用、课程设置与教学等方面的特点进行了介绍和分析,剖析其特点能为我国公立中学办学提供一些启示。  相似文献   

美国的学校选择运动可追溯至建国前追求自由意志的理论构想,之后相继演变为白人逃避种族融合和课程创新的遁词、种族融合的推手.在学校选择运动来临之际,选择性学校又变成追求"优异"的补习机构,直到特许学校重塑了学校选择的名声.在不同历史时期,"学校选择"一词被不同的团体利用和再创造,学校选择运动未能坚守其初衷,而基本呈现为一场"脱轨"的运动.  相似文献   

自1992年第一所特许学校创建以来,美国的特许学校改革已经走过了20多个年头。在这20多年的发展历程中,特许学校选择的有效性问题、争夺公立教育资源的问题以及制造种族隔离的问题一直拷问着美国的教育公平。特许学校20年历程是增加了教育选择的机会、促进了教育公平的发展,还是人为地制造了公立教育系统内的新的不平等的藩篱?这是文章探讨的重点。  相似文献   

金添 《辽宁教育》2012,(6):87-88
近日,美国多个州通过了扩大特许学校数量、支持家长选择学校的政策。自从美国总统奥巴马将特许学校作为撬动公立学校改革的支点,要求解除对特许学校数量的限制,并将之纳入教育拨款的竞争标准,这项肇始于20世纪90年代初的学校教育改革犹如注入了一针兴奋剂,再次成为美国社会关注的焦点。  相似文献   

作为美国基础教育改革运动的产物,特许学校近年来发展迅速,规模不断扩大。得克萨斯州是美国特许学校改革最为成功的实践者之一,通过对该州特许学校的类型、规模和绩效三个方面进行探讨,以期展现得克萨斯州特许学校的发展现状,对我国学校制度的改革和创新有所启发。  相似文献   

法国社会学家布迪厄认为,文化资本在社会各阶层间的分配是不平等的,而通过教育机制,文化资本又可以实现其再生产过程,从而实现社会等级的再生产。这一文化资本再生产理论有助于理解当前我国农村转移人员文化资本生成与提高。城乡二元体制造成了农村转移人员与城市市民在文化资本分配起点上的不公平及农村转移人员在城市的持续性边缘地位。  相似文献   

Research studies have shown clear and persistent differences between the French and English systems of education. Given that England and France are in many ways very similar societies, sharing a European heritage, of approximately the same population profile, with comparable levels of socioeconomic and technological development and facing the same financial imperatives in a global market, the question arises as to why their educational arrangements should be so different. In this paper it is argued that the differences arise out of deeply embedded cultural traditions through which contrasting fundamental value orientations are mediated and that these fundamental value orientations can be traced back to and now represent secularised educational versions of French Catholicism and English Protestantism. Evidence is put forward to suggest that structures of consciousness and forms of social organisation which originally developed in an ecclesiastical context for religious purposes have been transformed over time into secular equivalents for educational and economic purposes and that it is in the continuing societal commitments to the two dissimilar sets of underpinning moral values that an explanation for the observable contrasts between French and English primary education needs to be sought.  相似文献   

法国社会学家布迪厄认为,文化资本在社会各阶层间的分配是不平等的,而通过教育机制,文化资本在实现其再生产过程的同时又复制着其层级结构。布迪厄的这一文化资本理论有助于探寻当前我国农村转移人员的文化资本与社会地位之间的关系。中国几十年来的城乡二元体制使得农村转移人员与城市市民在文化资本分配起点上处于不公平状态,而农村转移人员早期文化资本的贫乏使其难以累积新的、更多的文化资本,由此导致农村转移人员在城市处于持续性边缘地位。  相似文献   

影响我国高等教育价值观的文化变迁因素探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球化背景下世界范围内出现了两种并行不悖的文化变迁现象,即文化的冲突与趋同,它对各国高等教育价值观的转变有着深刻的影响。我国高等教育的价值体系在这背景中,经历了两次大的演变,期间虽因冲突而带来一定的价值观危机,但必将有利于现代人文认知的高等教育价值观的确立。  相似文献   

法国是发达的资本主义国家,其继续工程教育也很发达.由于法国独特的文化与历史背景,继续工程教育发展呈现出鲜明的特色:政府高度重视继续工程教育的立法工作;确立教育休假制度;确保继续工程教育经费;建立继续工程教育组织;高校和社会团体积极参与继续工程教育;采取实用性教学.  相似文献   

John Dewey and Emile Durkheim are philosophical giants in the field of moral education. This paper compares and contrasts their respective visions for moral education and contextualizes the comparison in the profound intellectual and social changes modernity was casting throughout the world. They were transitional figures that attempted to make education responsive to those novel conditions and forces. Toward this end, Dewey and Durkheim, though they differed in key areas, articulated the moral sources and authority on which their respective visions for education depended. In as much as the contemporary discourse on moral education lacks this articulation, there is much to be learned from examining their work. Though the current cultural context differs from that of Dewey and Durkheim, their approach to addressing these questions can inform our task in the present.  相似文献   

This article begins by looking at two reports, commissioned in the second half of the 20th century to investigate the impact of social change on education and to propose strategies for tackling new challenges arising from this. The first report, published in 1972, was the so-called Faure report (named after French lawyer and politician Edgar Faure), and the second one, published in 1996, was the so-called Delors report (named after French economist and politician Jacques Delors). Using these two reports as their starting point, the authors of this paper consider the effects of modern information technology on our cultural environment. Today we are experiencing an increasingly virtual world with very real effects. This paper argues that Edgar Faure already foresaw the emergence of a new cultural world in which virtuality would both add to and compete with reality. The authors stress that now, more than ever, access to lifelong education needs to be ensured for everyone, permanently enriched by research and innovation, addressing creativity and entrepreneurship, in addition to continuously evolving skills and competences.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, two heavily funded initiatives of the Federal government of Australia have been founded on two very different and seemingly conflicting (if not antithetical) visions of education. The first, the Australian Values Education Program (AVEP, 2003–2010) enshrines what may be called an ‘embedded values’ vision of education; the second, the National Assessments Program-Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN, 2008-present) enshrines a ‘performative’ vision. The purpose of this article is to unpack these two seemingly conflicting visions and to argue instead for their possible consilience, bringing together apparently incompatible phenomena to coalesce into a single, more expansive vision of schooling. Against the historical context that gave rise to AVEP and NAPLAN in Australia, the article argues that the visions of education rendered in these abrupt policy shifts are vestiges of a history of dichotomous and dualistic thinking in western educational philosophy. Underpinning this dualism is a fundamental schism between cognition and emotion and a Cartesian separation of mind from body that can no longer be sustained. Our increased understanding of the neural substrates of cognition, the ‘intertwined’ nature of cognition and emotion, combined with a philosophy of mind that does not dissociate propositional knowledge from the disposition of the learner, points to an alternative vision of education. A vision that is thoroughly values embedded, concerned with the educational wellbeing of each child, while also giving value to and prioritising educational performance and achievement, and the intellectual liberation these can offer each and every child.  相似文献   

In this essay David Labaree examines the tension between two competing visions of the purposes of education that have shaped American public schools. From one perspective, we have seen schooling as a way to preserve and promote public aims, such as keeping the faith, shoring up the republic, or promoting economic growth. From the other perspective, we have seen schooling as a way to advance the interests of individual educational consumers in the pursuit of social access and social advantage. In the first half of the essay Labaree shows the evolution of the public vision over time, from an emphasis on religious aims to political ones to economic ones and, finally, to an embrace of individual opportunity. In the second half, he shows how the consumerist vision of schooling has not only come to dominate in the rhetoric of school reform but also in shaping the structure of the school system.  相似文献   

This study in social cognition has been focused on exploration of ways in which cultural contexts shape formation of knowledge about art in early childhood years. Focusing of the connotative rather than denotative meanings of the term art, this study was designed to examine how this concept functions in a variety of cultural contexts. The method of structured interviews was used to elicit answers of four- and five-year-old children in Canada, France, and Taiwan to questions regarding the nature of art and its salient characteristics. In particular, this study addressed questions about portability of culture and the effects of heritage and enculturation in the formation of social knowledge among individuals whose cultural identity is negotiated in the context of a ‘transplanted’ culture. Responses of francophone children in the Canadian province of Quebec were contrasted with those of their French counterparts, as well as their Canadian peers from European ancestry other than French living in the province of British Columbia. Similarly, responses of interviewees in Taiwan, ROC were compared to the reported beliefs about art of young Chinese-Canadians. The results of this study bring support to the theory of modified cultural pluralism that emphasizes the interplay between the original cultural beliefs and values and those prevalent in the societies that become new home for a transplanted culture. Implications of the study findings to art education are discussed. Research reported in this paper has been supported by a grant from the Social Studies and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the France-Canada Accord.  相似文献   

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