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班级文化是一种集体文化,它体现了一个集体的价值观、思想、和行为准则.班级文化是构建和谐班集体,实现学校有效教育的重要途径之一.教育工作者应加强班级文化建设,充分发挥班级文化无形的教育功能,使班级文化建设成为推动学生成长与成才行之有效的强大力量.  相似文献   

冯晓燕 《生活教育》2012,(20):77-79
班级是学校的细胞,班级文化建设是提升集体品味和境界的关键。陶行知先生倡导的民主教育、集体自治和创造教育等理论,对当前构建民主和谐、自主创造、充满活力的班集体,建设班级特色文化,促进学生健康和谐发展具有重大的指导价值。  相似文献   

班级建设是在学校办学理念下的实践,其制度、文化、评价内容能够有机融合,是和谐班级的重要元素,是班级个体成长的前提。如何实现班级共同目标、内涵文化建设是构建和谐集体的主旨。  相似文献   

阅读是班级文化积累的重要阵地。班主任应当重视以班级为单位的集体阅读,以此构建德育的阵地。  相似文献   

黄树楠 《教师》2016,(4):112-113
将积极心理学的理念融入班级文化中,使学生能够利用积极的心理体验,感受到集体的温暖和团体的力量,进而培养自信心和幸福感。本文从积极心理学的基本内涵入手,浅析基于积极心理学理念构建特色班级文化的重要意义,并提出了构建特色班级文化的相关措施。  相似文献   

季爱云 《学子》2013,(1):22-23
一、构建集体生态“润物无声”的教育功能 班级文化是班级内部所承载的价值形式和物质形态,它主要体现在师生的精神面貌、班风、学风、集体舆论、班级精神等诸多实质内涵,从而在班级中形成健康、融洽、充满温暖和友好的和谐人际关系,并促使学生在和谐的生态环境中产生安全感、幸福感、友谊感、责任感和荣誉感。  相似文献   

班级是学校的一个小集体,班级文化是这个小集体的灵魂。班级文化主要指班级内部形成的具有一定特色的思想观念和行为规范的总和,是一个班级内在素质和外在形象的集中体现。班级文化的主要内容是班级形象、班级精神、班级凝聚力、班级目标、班级制度、团队意识、班级文化活动等。班级文化的核心是班级精神和价值取向。建立好了班级文化,学生才会受益匪浅。  相似文献   

理解型班级文化,是班集体在教师指导下,采用一系列理解的方法、途径、措施,进行创造性自我管理、自我教育,形成班级成员间平等沟通、真诚交往、合作共享的相处态度和集体的做事方式,是具有集体知识经验、集体制度规范和集体价值取向的班级共同体的集体文化。理解型的班级生活,以真诚的沟通、和谐的默契,使班级中的每一个成员都浸润在班级文化的氛围中,团结在班级文化周围,产生认同感,找到“家”的归属感,从而更好地激发创造潜能。故而,建构理解型班级文化,创建理解型班集体,成为班主任工作的理想追求。  相似文献   

班级文化建设是随着时代的发展人们对教育提出的一个新的理念,健康积极的班级文化氛围能滋润学生心田,陶冶学生情操,塑造学生灵魂,还能培养学生强烈的向心力和群体意识,使之形成高度的班级凝聚力,制约着学生的言行举止,使其合乎规范,并最终激发和调动学生的积极性、主动性和创造性.所以,我们可以通过布置一个温馨的班级环境,积极开展集体活动,采用新方法,构建合理的班级制度文化,构建浓郁的班级精神文化,培育好班风来加强班级文化的建设,并在实践中思考.  相似文献   

学校是个大集体,年段、班级是构成学校这个集体的细胞,学校的各种文化、各项活动,要通过各个小集体具体落实。在我园构建"快乐、和谐、发展"的校园文化课题的大前提下,我们根据年段特点,在实践中摸索了一些年段团队文化建设的做法。  相似文献   

班团工作在中学处于十分重要的地位,是学生集体和个人成长进步的保证。班团工作的具体目标在课堂之外,它主要针对学生集体和学生个人两个方面展开工作;最根本的目标是班级成员个人素质发展的目标。班级建设、班级成员个体全面发展和校园明(或校园氛围或软环境)建设三大任务,是实现班团工作目标的根本保证。班团工作以特有的意义和作用确立了它在中学教育中拥有不可取代的重要地位。  相似文献   

当代优秀中学教师职业素质要素的调查研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
该调查目的是了解目前中学教师,中学生,师范生对当代优秀中学教师素质要素的认识,为构建当代优秀中学教师职业素质结构提供依据。调查结果表明,师生们认为中学优秀教师的首要素质是启发式教学能力,语言表达能力,其次是教师的教育信念和敬业,乐业,献身精神,再次是科学化素质,最后是教师的心理素质,身体素质。  相似文献   

The article systematizes the results of an autoethnography that aimed at understanding the difficulties of the collective work of teachers, their culture and their experience in the context of a municipal public school in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The autoreflexive exercise showed that urban violence leaves profound marks on the culture of the local community, and generates effects on the subjectivity and organization of the work of teachers in this school community.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the understudied connection between teachers’ and students’ perceptions of school culture. Utilizing a longitudinal sample of approximately 130,000 students and 9000 teachers in 225 New York City traditional public schools, we investigate how professional culture among teachers intersects with students’ collective emotional engagement—that is, the extent students together view the school environment as trusting and respectful, both between teachers and students and among students (i.e., student learning culture). We find that when the teachers report a strong collaborative culture, believe they have adequate materials, and feel physically safe, students report a stronger and more positive learning culture. Our results thus fill a gap in prior research on school change that has looked at either teacher or student perceptions of school culture but not the two together. Here, because our results demonstrate such a positive relationship between the collective views of teachers and the collective views of students regarding the environment in which these groups work, they suggest new avenues for research to examine how such subcultures within a school may, together, act as critical and interdependent levers for school change.  相似文献   

Teacher self-efficacy and teacher burnout: A study of relations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this study was partly to test the factor structure of a recently developed Norwegian scale for measuring teacher self-efficacy and partly to explore relations between teachers' perception of the school context, teacher self-efficacy, collective teacher efficacy, teacher burnout, teacher job satisfaction, and teachers' beliefs that factors external to teaching puts limitations to what they can accomplish. Participants were 2249 Norwegian teachers in elementary school and middle school. The data were analyzed by means of structural equation modelling using the AMOS 7 program. Teacher self-efficacy, collective efficacy and two dimensions of burnout were differently related both to school context variables and to teacher job satisfaction.  相似文献   

合作性行动研究是促进农村中小学教师专业化水平提升,优化教师资源配置的有效途径.中小学教师有改变职业现状的强烈需求,迫切需要与理论工作者开展合作性行为研究提升自身专业化水平.在开展合作性行动研究中中小学教师自身行动是关键,理论工作者、学校、政府部门的支持是保障.在具体实施中应遵循“问题树-目标树-行动研究方案”问题聚焦模式和“目标-计划-行动(互动)-总结、反思-迁移应用”的问题解决基本流程.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between school organizational climate, collective teacher efficacy, and burnout in a sample of Korean middle school teachers. Using SEM, the results showed that school organizational climate reflecting higher levels of reflective dialogues was associated with both higher levels of collective teacher efficacy and lower levels of teachers' burnout. In contrast, school organizational climate reflecting higher levels of organizational politics was associated with lower levels of collective teacher efficacy, and did not have a direct effect on teachers' burnout. The relationship between school organizational climate and teachers' burnout was mediated by collective teacher efficacy.  相似文献   

高师教育是中小学基层教育的基础,中小学实际教育教学是对高师教育全面的检验和评定。要使高师体育教育专业更好地为中小学基层教育《体育与健康》课程服务,必须了解我国中小学基层教育的实际情况和发展动向。与中小学的改革同步,同时时高师体育教育专业的课程设置、学生知识、能力结构、教师的教育观念、教育手段等方面进行必要的调整。  相似文献   

This study explores how physics teachers in a high school negotiate the relationships between individual and collective agencies in the context of the on-going curriculum reform in China. Drawing on Bandura's social cognitive theory, the study employs ethnographical methods including observation, interviewing, and the researcher's and teachers’ reflective journaling through the researcher's involvement with various school activities. The findings indicate that collective teacher agency creates a platform for individual teachers’ professional development, a conducive culture for teacher collaboration, and provides concrete examples that individual teachers can constantly refer to, reflect upon, and learn from for reform implementation. The results offer an understanding of the influences underlying physics teachers’ agency deployment as they engage with curriculum reform processes, especially the negotiation between individual and collective agencies. The findings justify a case for preparing physics teachers on how to deploy both individual and collective agencies in the face of the complicated social structures and ultimately shed light on the desired curriculum decentralization in the Chinese school system.  相似文献   

Inquiry-based working by teachers includes working with an inquiry habit of mind, being data literate, contributing to a culture of inquiry at the school level, and creating a culture of inquiry at the classroom level. Inquiry-based working has been found to contribute to educational improvements and the professionalisation of teachers. This study investigates the relationship between psychological factors – attitude, experienced social pressure, self-efficacy and collective efficacy – and inquiry-based working by teachers. Questionnaire data were collected from a representative sample of 249 Dutch teachers. The results show a significant relationship between self-efficacy and all aspects of inquiry-based working. In addition, collective efficacy, attitude and experienced social pressure are all related to aspects of inquiry-based working. School leaders and teacher educators who aim to stimulate inquiry-based working should not only focus on increasing teachers’ inquiry skills, but also on psychological factors related to inquiry-based working.  相似文献   

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