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利用塑料薄膜大棚提早养殖罗非鱼研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本试验在水面为180m^2的塑料大棚内进行,3月20日投放越冬罗非鱼种12.9kg,尾数315尾。5月21日揭去塑料薄膜开始露生养殖,在塑料大棚中共饲养60天,收获罗非鱼48.9kg,尾数311尾,个体平均重157.5g,成活率98.7%,另外收获鲢鳙鱼10.8kg。  相似文献   

以红河州大屯海水体里尼罗罗非鱼为研究对象,利用微波消解法对罗非鱼的鳞、肌肉、肠、鳔、皮等组织进行消解,采用原子吸收分光光度计测定以上各器官中的铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)等重金属元素的含量.实验结果表明:大屯海尼罗罗非鱼不同组织器官对各种重金属的富集能力不同,锌元素在肝及鳃中含量较高分别为28.0±5.40 mg/kg、16.0±3.40 mg/kg,在肌肉和肠中含量最低分别为1.00±0.22 mg/kg、1.00±0.03 mg/kg;铜元素在肝、肠、鳞和鳃中的含量较高分别为6.80±0.21 mg/kg、5.20±0.52mg/kg、5.00±0.35mg/kg、4.10±0.30mg/kg,在肌肉中含量最低为0.10±0.01mg/kg.  相似文献   

一、利用葱本题,沟通知识联系,掌泪解法。2.某养鱼池,养鲤鱼 1500万尾,养鲫鱼的尾数比 第一类应用题:鲤鱼多20%,养鲫鱼多少万尾? 1.某果园里,有梨树150棵,桃树30棵,桃树是梨 3·某养鱼池,养鲤鱼1500万尾,鲫鱼比养的鲤鱼 树的几分之几(或百分之几)?少20%,养鲫鱼多少万尾? 2.某果  相似文献   

在计算中 ,经常需要判断一个数能不能被另一个数整除。我们可以根据数的一些特征来进行判断。怎样才能快速判断一个数能不能被另一个数整除呢 ?请看判断整除的口算法。一、尾除法看一个数的尾数能不能被另一个数整除 ,如果它的尾数能被整除 ,那么这个数就能被另一个数整除 ,这叫做尾除法。1.能被 2整除的数个位上是 0、2、4、6、8的数 ,都能被 2整除。例 1. 756 0÷ 2756 0的个位上是 0 ,所以 756 0能被 2整除。例 2 . 96 78÷ 296 78的个位上是 8,所以 96 78能被 2整除。2 .能被 4整除的数一个数的两位数 (或者大于 80时 ,减去 80后的差数 …  相似文献   

拜读了贵刊1993年第5期《能被尾数是1的数整除的规律》一文,很受启发。本文将介绍一种判断能否被尾数是9的数整除的方法,叫“割尾加法”,供同行们参考。一个整数能被10n-1(n 为自然数)整除的特征是:这个数的个位数字割掉后,再加上这个个位数字的n 倍,所得的和能被10n-1整除。  相似文献   

先把数字分为两类:热13579;冷24680。再看你的出生日期是属于"热"还是"冷"。具体的方法是把年月日的尾数取出。例如:1982年4月21日,1982年的尾数是2,那就是冷;4月的4又是冷;21日尾数是1,那就是热。根据结果将三个属性组合起来就得到:冷冷热。然后从下面找出自己的属性——  相似文献   

李锦全 《科技文萃》2004,(7):171-173
广州<羊城晚报>2004年2月10日有一篇报道,正标题:广州新车牌尾数没了"4".副标题:此种号牌已从选号库中删除,此举将陆续在全省各地推行.  相似文献   

尾数问题是数论的重要内容之一,在中学数学竞赛中经常涉及到,由于中学教材没有对其作深入讨论,不少学生对它不太熟悉,遇到这类题目常感无从下手.为了配合数学竞赛搞好数学课外活动,这里对mn(m,n∈N*)的尾数问题作简单介绍.为了叙述方便,约定:文中m、n都表示非零自然数;记号Mk表示k位不变尾数(如果一个数M的任何自然数次方的末k位数都与其本身的末k位相同,则称这个数为具有k位不变尾数的数,称这个末k位数为k位不变尾数);记号[M]k表示数M的末k位数;记号[Mk~n]表示个位是n的k位不变尾数;记号[Mlk~n]h表示[Mk~n]l取末h位.1 mn的末位数(即个…  相似文献   

二氢吡啶对尼罗罗非鱼生长作用及血清T3、T4水平的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
二氢吡啶以三个不同水平(0、50、100mg/kg)添加饲喂雄性尼罗罗非鱼33d,探讨二氢吡啶的适宜添加水平及其对血清T3、T4水平的影响.结果表明,添加二氢吡啶(50、100ng/kg)可使日增重分别提高11.9%(p=0.063)、6.8%,体重特定生长率提高12.6%(p<0.05)、8.7%,饵料系数分别较对照组降低9.0%、6.9%,但对试验鱼平均存活率及背侧肌组成无影响;试验末,50mg/kg组血清T3水平极显著高于对照组(2.449±1.119,1.757±0.555 p<0.01),T4均处于不可测水平.  相似文献   

7月6日晚,带着书、衣服、药品、食物等诸多在这三天里有可能用得着的东西,搭出租车去赶考.我们很运气,女儿的考场排在本校,而且提前在校内培训中心定了一个有空调的房间,这样既是熟悉的环境,又免除了来回奔波之苦.信佛的妻子说这是佛祖的保佑啊 我也说,是的,这是佛祖的保佑. 坐在出租车上,看到车牌照上的号码尾数是575,心中暗喜,也许就能考575分,那样上个重点大学就没有问题了.车在路口等灯时侧目一看旁边的车,车牌的尾数是268,心里顿时沉重起来.  相似文献   

尼罗罗非鱼生长迅速,繁殖力强,在主体尼罗罗非鱼养殖池塘中,套养一定数量的加州鲈,可以吃掉达不到上市规格的尼罗罗非鱼苗种,试验结果表明:主体尼罗罗非鱼养殖池塘中套养加州鲈,在不增加饵料成本的前提下,每亩可增加加州鲈28.7公斤,经济效益明显提高。  相似文献   

以瓜蒌、石斛、白勺、川芎、生地、元参、牛夕、五味子、菟丝子、枸杞子、车前子、复盆子、益母草、泽兰、麦冬、当归组成的中药复方,其水提剂11.27、5.64、2.82g/kg与雷公藤多甙合用给大鼠ig,均可对抗雷公藤多甙所致的大鼠体重及子宫重量下降,5.64和2.82g/kg不影响雷公藤多甙所致大鼠胸腺萎缩的作用,且3个剂量对大鼠卵巢、肾上腺、脾脏、肝脏、肾脏重量均无明显影响。  相似文献   

Chapter 6     

Participants in this study were 221 female undergraduate students who completed the Eating Disorder Inventory-2 and the Parental Eating and Weight Messages Survey. As predicted, the results indicate there is a perception by young women with elevated eating disturbance and concerns with weight and body shape, and greater dissatisfaction with current weight that their mothers communicated negative verbal messages about eating and weight. It was also found that young women with a lower level of eating disturbance perceived that their mothers communicated positive verbal messages about weight and eating. Additionally, there appears to be a relationship between the perception of negative messages made by fathers to mothers about their mothers' weight, and daughters' elevated disordered eating scores.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is one of the most important orexigenic agents in central regulation of feeding behavior, body weight and energy homeostasis in domestic chickens. To examine differences in the hypothalamic NPY between layer-type and meat-type of chickens, which are two divergent kinds of the domestic chickens in feeding behavior and body weight, we detected mRNA levels of NPY in hypothalamic infundibular nucleus (IN), paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) of these two types of chickens using one-step real time RT-PCR. The meat-type chicken had more food daily (about 1.7 folds) and greater body weights (about 1.5 folds) and brain weights than the layer-type chicken at the age of 14 d. In the meat-type of chicken, NPY mRNA levels of the IN and PVN were significantly greater than those of the LHA, and were not significantly different between the IN and PVN. However, in the layer-type of chicken, NPY mRNA levels were significantly greater in the IN than those in the LHA and PVN, and were not significantly different between the PVN and LHA. In all these hypothalamic regions, the layer-type of chicken had significantly higher NPY mRNA levels than the meat-type chicken did. These results suggest the expression of NPY in the hypothalamus has a type-dependent pattern in domestic chickens.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of comorbid disorders of diabetes and hyperthyroidism in the adult male mice. In total, 32 ICR strain mice were equally distributed into four groups: control (C), diabetic (D), diabetic-plushyperthyroid (DH), and hyperthyroid (H). Mice allocated for diabetes received a single intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (STZ) at 200 mg/kg body weight. At the onset of diabetes, one group of mice was concomitantly injected levothyroxine (LT4; 0.3 mg/kg body weight) and the other set of animals received the same treatment independently on a daily basis. The body weight, as well as the testicular and epididymal weights, was reduced markedly in D and DH mice. Higher trends of blood glucose levels were seen in the DH group, in comparison to euthyroid diabetic mice. Thyroid hormones could exert a transient effect on blood glucose homeostasis by altering the serum blood glucose level in diabetic patients. Histomorphometric analysis showed increased luminal sizes of seminiferous tubules, along with decreased epithelial height and atrophic changes in germinal stem cells in the testis of DH and H mice. Caput epididymis of DH mice showed extensive compaction of principal cells, loss of stereocilia, lipid vacuolization, and inflammatory infiltrations; however, damaged tubular integrity, packed clear cells, exfoliated cells, and round spermatids were profoundly noticed in the cauda epididymis. Hyperthyroidism elevated the serum testosterone levels in H and DH mice and produced critical damages to the histoarchitecture of the epididymis. Collectively, this experiment endeavored to mimic the polyglandular autoimmune syndrome, which will be helpful to better understand the reasons for male infertility in diabetic-cum-hyperthyroid patients.  相似文献   

评价指标的权重是指该指标在整体评价中的相对重要程度,本文针对在沥青路面使用性能评价中,各评价指标在总体评价中的作用随评价指标的不同而改变的特点,采用变权分析方法,可有效地解决了由于评价指标多和常权而引起的评价不合理现象.  相似文献   

池塘氮、磷浓度及藻相水色的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对池塘氮、磷浓度及藻相水色进行研究.水质培育实验结果表明,氮、磷储存量接近的池塘,由于所处生物、化学动态循环阶段不同,水中铵态氮、磷酸盐磷浓度差异甚大.池塘藻相水色与水中铵态氮、磷酸盐磷浓度及浓度比值有关.养殖池塘平均铵态氮/磷酸盐磷(708)比TN/TP(229)更接近比值约为7的淡水藻类氮、磷重量比的平均组成(8).  相似文献   

在对现有的教师评价方法进行分析的基础上,结合模糊数学、信息熵、多目标决策相关理论提出一种基于改进的TOPSIS法的教师综合评价方法。文章用模糊数学的方法量化了具有模糊性的属性值,运用信息熵权法确定属性权重,较好地解决了权重分配受主观偏好影响的这一问题,最后结合多目标决策中的TOPSIS法对教师综合评价这一问题进行了求解。通过实例分析,证明该方法是切实可行的,能较好地体现评价的客观性、公正性和实效性。  相似文献   

The Admitted Student Questionnaire Plus (ASQ+) is a standardised measure that provides an analysis of the student's college selection process. Among other things, the instrument inquires about the importance of 16 college characteristics, followed by quality ratings of specific colleges that the student considered on these same characteristics. This study investigated the utility of importance weights in the assessment of college choice, examining how much the importance rating would improve one's ability to predict the student's actual college choice over and above what is possible with just the quality ratings. Another purpose of the study was to determine if importance ratings and quality ratings were independent of each other or associated in some way. Two types of weights were studied: (1) standardised weights created by averaging the importance ratings of the entire sample; and (2) subjective weights unique to each respondent. The weights were combined with quality ratings by either: (1) multiplying the quality rating by the importance rating; or by (2) subtracting the quality rating from the importance rating (gap score). Standardised weights did not improve prediction at all, and subjective weights only improved the predictability of college choice by a very miniscule amount (about 1%). Importance and quality ratings were found to be associated, especially in the ratings of the college that the student decided to attend. Some correlations were linear in nature, but many were non-linear, such that characteristics rated high or low were perceived as more important than characteristics assigned mid-range quality ratings. It was concluded that importance weights do not enhance prediction of college choice, but they may be useful for administrators in prioritising interventions.  相似文献   

从高校的根本任务出发 ,阐述了师范院校实验室评估工作的基本思想和正确导向 ;提出了高师实验室评估的标准、体系及权重 ,探讨了专科升为本科学校实验室评估的指导思想、指标条目及条目权重的导向  相似文献   

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