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李静  马红霞 《体育学刊》2007,14(3):37-40
以511名3~10岁儿童为测试对象,探讨了大肌肉动作发展测试(TGMD-2)的信度和效度,结果表明测试者信度系数为0.436~0.876;内部一致性信度系数为0.607~0.925;重测信度系数为0.608~0.876;内容效度、结构效度、效标效度也都令人满意。TGMD-2可作为3~10岁儿童大肌肉动作发展状况的测评工具。  相似文献   

目的对现有的幼儿粗大动作发展测量工具(TGMD-3)进行改良,补充稳定性动作测试内容并检验稳定性动作进入新模型后的信效度。方法通过文献资料、德尔菲法、测试法等。结果 1)最终确定了3个稳定性动作测试项目:单脚平衡、侧向滚动、登高跳跃,这3个项目具有较好的信效度;2)新模型的难度和区分度适宜(0.35~0.59,D=0.40),重测信度(r=0.91~0.96)、修正后的内部一致性(Crobanch's α=0.718~0.793)、评分者间信度(r=0.91~0.93)较好,修正模型CFA结果显示结构效度良好;3)改良后的幼儿粗大动作发展评价工具包括移动性、操作性和稳定性3个分量表。结论改良后的幼儿粗大动作发展评价工具具有较好的信效度,适合应用于国内3~6岁幼儿粗大动作发展评估。  相似文献   

目的旨在研究学龄儿童基本动作技能测试工具AST在国内使用的理论基础与可行性,通过测试技术操作和数据分析实证该测量工具的可信度、有效性与经济性。方法通过实验测试、数理统计等方法验证AST和KTK测量工具的信效度,通过转换后的大肌肉动作协调能力商数(KTKMQ)校标基本动作技能AST测试的同时效度和区别效度。结果受试儿童年龄为7~12岁,平均在(44±11) s的时间完成了AST-1全程测试,在(45±12) s的时间完成了AST-2全程测试;AST-1测试成绩与KTKMQ的相关系数r=0.474(P<0.01),而AST-2测试成绩与KTKMQ呈现中度相关系数r=0.502(P<0.01);除7岁年龄组的AST-2测试与KTKMQ相关性较低外,其他年龄组的相关性均较高(r=0.469和r=0.767)。结论小学学段的体育教学环境中AST测试工具可以快速、便捷、有效的评估儿童的基本动作技能;运动技能轨道AST测量工具在本次研究中表现出较强的测试适宜性,具有重测信度;各年龄组测量结果的区分度和测试项目的鉴别力验证了测量工具的同时效度和区别效度。  相似文献   

李博  刘阳 《体育科学》2022,(4):31-42
目的:儿童基本动作技能(fundamental motor skill,FMS)测量是体育素养评价的重要组成部分,是评估、诊断、监控个体动作发展的重要指标。依据经典测量理论和动作发展理论,结合我国的语言和文化背景,研发基于体育素养评价的我国儿童基本动作技能测试体系,该体系具有简洁高效、操作性强等特点,适用于测量我国儿童的群体情况。方法:应用德尔菲法建构3~5岁和6~9岁2套儿童基本动作技能测试体系;应用测试法对651名中国上海儿童进行测量体系的可行性、信度和效度进行验证。结果:3~5岁阶段分测试项包括:10 m往返跑、双脚连续跳、踢球过障碍物、单手塞硬币、走平衡木、单脚站立;6~9岁阶段分测试项包括:侧向滑步跑、单脚连续跳、踢球过障碍物、原地换手拍球、走平衡木、倒退走直线。可行性验证中各年龄儿童的测试成绩随年龄增加而提升(P<0.05)。重测信度系数分布为0.66~0.94;内部一致性信度系数分别为0.66和0.62。结构效度中验证性因子分析的结果表明2个年龄段的模型均适配良好;同时效度显示不同年龄的分测试项有95.24%的指标与美国粗大动作发展测试(TGMD-3)存在显著相关关...  相似文献   

目的:初步探索农村地区学前儿童基本动作发展情况,以Newell的约束模型(constraints model)为理论基础,为学前儿童设计发展适宜性的身体活动,并检验为期8周的体育教学活动对幼儿基本动作发展的影响。方法:以山东省潍坊市某农村幼儿园学前儿童(n=109)为研究对象,以班为单位随机分配到实验组(n=54)和对照组(n=55)。实验组儿童参与为期8周的动作技能发展课程,对照组儿童参与幼儿园正常的教学活动。课程开始前和结束后一周内,采用TGMD-2对受试儿童进行测试。结果:1)研究中农村儿童的移动技能和物体控制技能的基线均显著低于TGMD-2的常模。2)经8周基本动作教学,实验组的后测GMQ显著高于对照组(P<0.001),对照组的GMQ在实验前后没有显著差异(P=0.087)。3)性别对教学干预无显著影响(P=0.703);实验组的后测移动技能和物体控制技能得分均显著高于对照组的后测成绩(P<0.001)。结论:研究中农村幼儿的基本动作发展相对滞后,物体控制技能发展水平低下是主要来源;为期8周的基本动作教学活动能够有效地促进农村学前儿童基本动作技能的发展。  相似文献   

多维运动完美主义量表在中国运动员中的信效度检验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以496名中国不同项目运动员为测试对象,对多维运动完美主义量表进行信效度检验.结果显示,探索性因素分表明,各条目在所属因子的因子负荷为0.561~0.860之间,4个因子可解释总变异的62.86%;验证性因素分析显示,拟合指数为:x2/df=2.693、GFI=0.932、CFI=0.894、RM-SEA=0.043,IFI=0.907、NNFI=0.903.量表的内部一致性信度和重测信度比较理想:4个分量表的内部一致性系数分别为0.738、0.772、0.736和0.762.间隔时间5周的重测信度为0.769.效标关联效度检验表明,多维运动完美主义与自我定向、个体失败焦虑、躯体焦虑以及社会期待焦虑等负性情绪有显著性低正相关,而与任务定向和自信有显著性负相关.量表的信度和效度符合心理测量学要求,可以用于中国运动员的运动完美主义研究.  相似文献   

运用美国的评价儿童基本运动技能测试工具——大肌肉动作发展测试第二版(TGMD-2),对山东省济南市随机抽取的3~10岁的629名儿童(平均6.612.22岁)进行测试,并将结果与美国测试手册进行比较研究,发现济南市儿童操作性运动技能中踢球和地滚球动作的熟练性与美国儿童相差无几,而击固定球、上手投球、双手接球和原地拍球动作的熟练性远低于美国儿童.通过对每个动作具体评价标准的得分情况与美国常模样本进行比较,发现了济南儿童与美国儿童的具体差距,并为体育教学提出一定建议,以弥补济南市体育教学的不足,以期为我国儿童基本运动技能评价体系的建立做出贡献.  相似文献   

目的基于肌肉等长收缩原理,设计研发一款数字化等长肌肉收缩功能检测系统,并对其信度及效度进行研究,验证测试系统的信度和效度。方法 13名大学生经同一检测者2次使用等长肌力测试系统,进行最大力量测试,测试间隔时间1周,使用组内相关系数(ICC)对结果进行信度分析;采用独立样本t检验对校标后,肘、膝不同力臂位置测量值与固定载荷(小、中、大)进行效度检验。结果信度检验结果表明,除膝关节右侧伸肌第1次与第2次相关系数低于0.75,为0.695,其它相关系数均在0.75以上;效度检验结果表明,除肘关节伸肌力臂位置27 cm实测值与固定载荷150 N之间存在显著性差异外(P<0.05),肘关节屈肌力量及膝关节屈、伸肌力量力臂位置实测值与大、中、小固定载荷之间均无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论研究设计研发的等长肌力测试系统具有较好的重测信度及效度,可实现对肘膝关节肌肉力量的精确测量,同时具有实时性的特点。  相似文献   

为验证8~9岁儿童基本运动技能、中高强度身体活动与身体感知能力之间的关系,研究以206名男生与201名女生为对象,选用TGMD-2测试量表、ActiGraph GT3X+三轴加速计以及PSPC-P身体感知能力子量表来收集相关数据。在此基础上,采用SPSS(20.0)进行描述性统计,并运用Mplus(7.4)结构方程模型来检验变量之间的关系。结果发现:(1)基本运动技能对中高强度身体活动的直接效应检验模型的整体拟合指数良好[χ~2=9.771(df=2,P<0.001),CFI=0.899,SRMR=0.042],且具有正向的预测作用(β=0.256,P<0.001);(2)身体感知能力中介效应检验模型拟合较好[χ~2=0.000(df=0,P <0.001),CFI=0.976,SRMR=0.014]。使用Bootstrap进行中介效应检验,身体感知能力并没有介导基本运动技能与中高强度身体活动之间的关系。  相似文献   

G80-32 20033977信度的正用与误用=Use and misuse of reliability[刊,中,A]/张力为(北京体育大学)∥北京体育大学学报.-2002,25(3).-348-350 表3参16(LF)信度∥效度∥标准∥关系 讨论了信度检验的出发点以及信度和效度的关系。信度是效度的必要条件但非充分条件,效度则是信度的充分条件但非必要条件。介绍了判断重测信度、同质信度和评分者一致性信度的方法和数量标准。讨论了克隆巴赫α的问题和解决办法。特别指  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine aspects of validity and reliability of the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 (TGMD-2) in Filipino children with intellectual disability. Content and construct validity were verified, as well as inter-rater and intra-rater reliability. Two paediatric physiotherapists tested 81 children with intellectual disability (mean age = 9.29 ± 2.71 years) on locomotor and object control skills. Analysis of covariance, confirmatory factor analysis and analysis of variance were used to test validity, while Cronbach’s alpha, intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) and Bland–Altman plots were used to examine reliability. Age was a significant predictor of locomotor and object control scores (P = 0.004). The data fit the hypothesised two-factor model with fit indices as follows: χ2 = 33.525, DF = 34, P = 0.491, χ2/DF = 0.986. As hypothesised, gender was a significant predictor for object control skills (P = 0.038). Participants’ mean scores were significantly below mastery (locomotor, P < 0.001; object control, P < 0.001). Cronbach’s alpha was 0.830 for locomotor and 0.792 for object control components. ICC for locomotor and object control scores ranged from 0.995 to 0.998, suggesting excellent intra-rater and inter-rater reliability, confirmed by Bland–Altman analysis. This study provides evidence of sufficient content and construct validity, internal consistency and rater reliability of TGMD-2 for Filipino children with intellectual disability.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to develop a valid and reliable tool for use in assessing motor skills in preschool children in field based settings. The development of the CHAMPS (Children's Activity and Movement in Preschool Study) Motor Skills Protocol (CMSP) included evidence of its reliability and validity for use in field-based environments as part of large epidemiological studies. Following pilot work, 297 children (3-5 years old) from 22 preschools were tested using the final version of the CMSP and the TGMD-2. Reliability of the CMSP and interobserver reliability were determined using intraclass correlation procedures (ICC; ANOVA). Concurrent validity was assessed using Pearson correlation coefficients to compare the CMSP to the original Test of Gross Motor Development (2(nd) Edition) (TGMD-2). Results indicated that test reliability, interobserver reliability and validity coefficients were all high, generally above R/r = 0.90. Significant age differences were found. Outcomes indicate that the CMSP is an appropriate tool for assessing motor development of 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children in field-based settings that are consistent with large-scale trials.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to assess the test–retest reliability and criterion validity the Self-Administered Physical Activity Checklist (SAPAC) translated into the Greek language. To evaluate reliability, 72 students (35 girls and 37 boys) of the fifth and sixth grade completed SAPAC on two separate occasions, two weeks apart. Internal consistency was determined with Cronbach alpha coefficient and test–retest reliability with the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). To evaluate criterion validity, the RT3 Research Tracker accelerometer was used as standard measure, in 90 randomly selected Greek children (51 girls and 39 boys), aged between 10 and 13. Each subject participated for two consecutive days. On day one, an accelerometer was fitted when school started. On day two, the accelerometers were returned and each subject completed the questionnaire. The internal consistency and the test–retest reliability of SAPAC on total metabolic equivalent (MET) score, MET score of low physical activities (LPA) and MET score of moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPA) were very satisfactory (all Cronbach's alpha > 0.87, and all ICC > 0.85, P <0.001). The Kendall's tau-b test revealed that the degree of agreement between SAPAC and RT3 accelerometer on total MET score and MET score of MVPA were 0.31 and 0.37, respectively (P <0.01). It was concluded that the Greek translated version of SAPAC is a reliable questionnaire that provides valid estimates of total, as well as moderate to vigorous activities MET scores.  相似文献   

The Test of Gross Motor Development – Second Edition (TGMD-2) is a widely used evaluation tool of children’s fundamental motor skills (FMS). This study illustrates how exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) addresses current limitations associated with TGMD-2 factor structure. Using the normative dataset from the TGMD-2 manual, we test alternative measurement models using ESEM and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and assess measurement invariance between boys and girls and across age. Findings highlight complexity and poor discriminant validity in the two-factor solution that is accentuated when relying on CFA independent clusters assumption. Results also demonstrate differential item functioning (DIF) across age for three of the 12 TGMD-2 indicators. Taken together, this study provides valuable information on the need to reevaluate the TGMD-2 factor structure and can guide revisions for the third edition of the TGMD.  相似文献   

The Injury Psychological Readiness to Return to Sport (I-PRRS) scale measures the psychological readiness of injured athletes to resume sports participation. The aim of this study was to translate and culturally adapt the I-PRRS scale into Dutch (I-PRRS-NL) and assess its validity, reliability, and stability in patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). The original I-PRRS was translated and culturally adapted from English into Dutch, and tested for clinimetric quality. To assess concurrent validity, 150 patients completed the I-PRRS-NL scale and five questionnaires measuring related constructs 3–16 months after ACLR. All predefined hypotheses regarding correlations between the I-PRRS-NL scale and these questionnaires were confirmed, indicating good concurrent validity. For test-retest reliability, 107 patients completed the I-PRRS-NL scale again two weeks later. The I-PRRS-NL scale showed good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha 0.94) and test-retest reliability (ICC 0.89). Standard error of measurement was 4.2 and smallest detectable change was 11.6. No systematic bias between test and retest was found. As the scale appears unstable at item level, only the total score should be used. Overall, the I-PRRS-NL scale showed sufficient validity and reliability to assess the psychological readiness to resume sports among Dutch-speaking patients after ACLR.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability and validity of wheelchair basketball field tests. Nineteen wheelchair basketball players performed 10 test items twice to determine the reliability. The validity of the tests was assessed by relating the scores to the players' classification and competition standard, and rating of coach and player. Six field tests' test-retest showed good reliability (Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) = 0.80-0.97), while the pass-for-accuracy, free throws, lay-up and spot shot showed weak to moderate reliability (ICC = 0.26-0.67). Most tests showed moderate to good validity (r > 0.60). The results suggest that wheelchair basketball field tests are reliable and valid with the exception of the shooting and passing items, which should be interpreted carefully.  相似文献   

In The Netherlands, the 4-Skills Scan is an instrument for physical education teachers to assess gross motor skills of elementary school children. Little is known about its reliability. Therefore, in this study the test–retest and inter-rater reliability was determined. Respectively, 624 and 557 Dutch 6- to 12-year-old children were analyzed for test re-test and inter-rater reliability. All tests took place within the school setting. The outcome measure was age-expected motor performance (in years). Results showed a small practice effect of .24 years for re-test sessions and assessment of motor skills was possible with acceptable precision (standard error of measurement = .67 years). Overall, intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was .93 (95% confidence interval: .92–.95) for test–retest reliability and .97 for inter-rater reliability. For the repeated measures, the smallest detectable change (SDC) was 1.84 and limits of agreement were –1.60 and 2.08 years. It can be concluded that the 4-Skills Scan is a reliable instrument to assess gross motor skills in elementary school children.  相似文献   

Failure to master age-appropriate fundamental movement skills (FMS) at a young age can limit motor skill competence affecting health. Assessments often have issues with feasibility and implementation in a field setting. As such, the purpose of this study was to investigate the validity and feasibility of the Athletic Skills Track (AST), in a pre-school setting. For the validation study sixty-five 3–6 year old children (25 boys and 40 girls) from five pre-schools across Adelaide, Australia participated. Correlations and linear regression analysis (adjusted for age and gender) were used to investigate the association between the time to complete the AST and the raw score of the Test of Gross Motor Development 2 (TGMD-2). For the feasibility study pre-school staff completed a semi-structured interview regarding the feasibility of the AST. The AST took less than a minute per child and the TGMD-2 around 20 minutes for two children. There was a strong negative correlation (r = ?0.63, p < 0.01) between the AST scores and the TGMD-2 scores. All five staff reported strengths of the AST to be its short administration time, setup and appropriateness. These results suggest that the AST could be a feasible and valid method of FMS assessment in Australian pre-schools.  相似文献   

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