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This research was undertaken by five librarians from Deakin University Library Australia as part of a professional development project. The objective was to collect qualitative data on the perceptions of librarians by academics and library colleagues from Deakin University. The ways in which academics perceive librarians, as well as how other library staff perceive librarians, are relatively under-explored areas. This study investigates the topic through an analysis of drawing and other visual representations, based on a study design that applied a visual, arts-based methodological approach. Participants were invited to focus groups where they were provided with a variety of craft materials, asked to create a visual representation of liaison librarians, then discuss their artifact. The data consists of twenty-eight artifacts, which were content analyzed, and semi-structured interview recordings, which were transcribed and analyzed for themes. Participants expressed liaison librarians positively, as helpers and connectors, as a gateway to knowledge, with complex and varied roles, as trusted sources, and as relationship builders. By drawing attention to these themes, the participants highlighted that liaison librarians are invaluable to Deakin University.  相似文献   

This qualitative research project explores the specific ways in which 12 traditional television, print and internet news organizations in the United States integrated user-generated visual content into news coverage over the course of an ordinary week, June 8–14, 2014. Framed from a cultural materialist perspective, we found that user-generated visual content constituted a minimal part of the print, broadcast and online news coverage. Based on our research, we suggest that traditional media outlets marginalized the use of citizen photojournalism in an effort to control news production, maintain their influence and power, and to reinforce the reliance on ideological notions of accurate, responsible and relevant journalism.  相似文献   

This essay examines television news coverage of the August 2 6, 19 70 Women's Strike for Equality, the first major media event of the second wave offeminism in the U.S. It explores three levels on which the news reports on the three broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC), rely on notions of women and visual pleasure: first, in their positioning of the Strike as sheer spectacle; second, in their verbal and visual framing of the Strike as absurdist entertainment rather than reasoned protest, and third, in their emphasis on the issue of femininity under attack, an emphasis in which femininity is largely represented by women's bodies. I conclude with a discussion of the ways in which the framing of the events functions both to assert and to assuage a profound sense of gender anxiety on the part of the assumed male spectator for the coverage.  相似文献   

The original concept of gatekeeping within journalism was based on a particular research method, a particular sub-profession within the news media, and a particular—now extinct—technological platform. This article describes and discusses what has happened to the function of gatekeeping as new technologies have developed, and it suggests that three models of gatekeeping are present in the digital era. The first model is based on a process of information, the second model is based on a process of communication, and the third and last model is based on a process of elimination, where the function of gatekeeping is taken over by people outside the newsrooms. All three models have been part of the history of journalism from the very beginning, but their importance for news reporters and the news media have changed with the invention of new technological means, methods and tools. This reassessment of the principles, practices and new technological platforms for gatekeeping concludes by discussing the ways in which our models of journalism can affect not only researchers but also news reporters and audiences.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]移动视觉搜索能有效地帮助用户从海量的文本、图像和视频等视觉数据中快速找到其感兴趣的信息,对其进行系统研究,能丰富和深化数字图书馆信息检索理论和信息服务思想。[方法/过程]介绍数字图书馆移动视觉搜索的应用需求及表现形式,探讨移动视觉搜索研究历程及其在数字图书馆情境中的重要性,并对数字图书馆移动视觉搜索机制的内涵、分类与架构设计等进行分析。[结果/结论]提出应从移动环境软硬件资源局限性、用户需求多样性、移动用户体验质量、互操作性、协同管理等5方面着手建设数字图书馆移动视觉搜索机制。  相似文献   


Librarians and archivists face challenges when adapting traditional collection development practices to meet the unique characteristics of Web-published materials. Likewise, preservation activities for Web-published materials must be undertaken at the outset of collection development lest they be lost forever. Standards and best practices for Web-collection development are still emerging, and librarians are struggling with the often daunting financial, staffing, and infrastructure challenges posed by collecting and preserving these materials. The results of a needs assessment with librarians, information providers, and academic researchers informed the identification of key collection development activities for Web-published materials. This research was conducted as part of the Web-at-Risk project, a collaborative effort of the California Digital Library, the University of North Texas, and New York University.  相似文献   

There previously has been little research specifically about use of Open Access (OA) content in Ghana for information retrieval and for publication or information sharing, although several articles indicate that the infrastructure and the attitudes are in place. The objectives of this article are (1) to document research scientists’ awareness of OA journals, (2) to determine their attitudes toward OA journal use and publication, and (3) to determine the levels of use of OA materials. This article contributes to the growing body of literature on the potential of OA for the developing world in two ways: it provides information about OA adoption in Ghana, where little research has been done thus far, and it provides information about the beliefs of research scientists in a governmental organization, an area where little research heretofore has been done.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]文化遗产图像是人类文化记忆的重要资源载体和表现形式,是人文学科研究的关键研究材料和重要研究对象.数字人文视域下,对文化遗产图像远读可视化开展系统性调研,将有助于进一步理解远读的概念,推动对海量文化遗产图像的数字人文研究与实践,实现对其价值的挖掘.[方法/过程]首先,从数字人文的远读理念出发分析文化遗产图像...  相似文献   

The ‘Context and Culture’ unit of study contributes to visual arts students making informed decisions about sustainable preservation strategies in creative practice through participation in projects and activities that focus on preservation issues, and through the study of significant contemporary artists, curators and academics who engage with the archive in challenging and radical ways. This article gives an account of the complex nature of creative content created by artists, and the small acts of resistance we perform on a daily basis in creative practice.  相似文献   

The notion of what reference service ought to be continues to change as technology provides new ways to interact with users and alters their expectations of the library and librarians. As new tools for interaction become available, it is critical that librarians continuously evaluate their effectiveness at providing users with a valuable service that meets the needs of the community being served. By assessing tools and techniques in light of user expectations and satisfaction, librarians can come up with unique service programs that also incorporate their own knowledge and interpersonal skills.  相似文献   

Nonprint materials are rapidly becoming important information and learning resource materials for the health science library. Because of their long experience in organizing and utilizing informational materials, libraries represent highly appropriate repositories and sites for utilization of these new materials. Nonprint materials differ from printed materials in several ways, and this may account for the resistance of some librarians to dealing with them. One of the most important differences is that a machine must serve as mediator between the information and the user of nonprint materials. Also, the great variety of formats and machines can confuse the novice. The librarian must learn to deal with these differences in a creative way through a process of cooperation and collaboration with media and educational technology specialists.  相似文献   


This study examines information about the display of early Soviet visual anti-religious propaganda in the past in order to conceptualize its re-presentation in the digital future. Based on recent research conducted in the Hoover Institution Library and Archive and other American and Russian collections, it considers printed visual images of the 1920s–1930s, including posters. It also investigates the theory and practices that guided their display detailed in the specialized literature and disseminated in the anti-religious periodicals Bezbozhnik and Bezbozhnik u stanka. These materials make it possible to recover the structures and contents of historic propaganda displays and to replicate and re-exhibit them virtually with digital technologies.  相似文献   

广泛搜集了国内外的各种资料,希望能够使读者对Inktomi公司的概况及其提供的解决方案的特征、使用方法等有一个全面的了解。  相似文献   

随着公共图书馆数字人文研究成果应用实践的不断深入,以历史地图为代表的专题数字人文资源库呈现出多样化和精细化的特点。本文在借鉴国内外基于数字地图的数字人文项目的基础上,尝试建立一种通过兼容多种格式资源提升视觉效果的数字展览新模式——专题数字人文资源库。该模型利用在线数字地图工具取代地理信息系统,降低了建模的操作难度。专题数字人文资源库不仅具备叠加历史图层和链接参考文献等多种功能,其特点还在能令用户自行开展创作并参与修订他人作品,最大限度地调动了公众参与的积极性。  相似文献   

孔子是史料整理和档案文献编纂的伟大实践者,他所编纂的《尚书》是我国传统文化中的精华,从中体现了其档案文献编纂思想:要高度重视档案文件及其编纂,档案文献编纂要有明确的目的和意图、要坚持"述而不作"原则以及选材要精当、编排要科学。具有开拓和奠基意义,值得我们在今天的档案文献编纂工作中借鉴和学习。  相似文献   

数字资源整合方式研究   总被引:38,自引:5,他引:33  
介绍数据整合、信息整合和知识整合三种数字资源整合方式的概念,分析和比较其各自的特点,指出这三种整合形式存在于数字图书馆资源整合中,而且是逐次递进又互有交叉重合、相互不可替代的;知识整合作为数字图书馆资源整合的最高形态,将主导未来数字图书馆资源集成的发展。  相似文献   

This article is devoted to the career of Sergius Yakobson, a librarian, historian, and educator. Its first part focuses on his role in the development of the Slavic collections of the Library of Congress in the 1940s to 1950s after his emigration to the United States. In the second part, the author compares ways in which Slavica, Rossica, and Sovetica developed in America and France during and after World War II, using materials from Yakobson's survey of Paris Slavic collections made in 1953. The final part briefly discusses his work as a Sovietologist.  相似文献   

About 20 million students are currently enrolled in colleges and universities across the country taking courses that, the majority of the time, require some sort of publisher-provided print and/or digital course materials.’ Historically, these have been provided by traditional publishing companies such as Pearson, Cengage, and McGraw-Hill, but with the increase in technology usage in higher education, more companies have emerged in this space such as OpenStax, a company that provides digital texts in high enrollment college courses for free. Usage of materials in college courses, particularly digital ones, are extremely useful and allow students to engage with their materials in different ways. By understanding how these materials are used in their courses, historically and currently, by both professors and students, one can start to understand the importance of them and what is needed now and for the future to ensure students are given the greatest chance to succeed in their courses.  相似文献   

建立教育本体的常见矛盾包括:定义本体采取自上而下还是自下而上的方法;教材连续性与概念连续性顾及哪头;核心问题是自下而上路线能否表现教材结构。文章调和矛盾双方:在自下而上路线上批判地复用教材的半结构化知识组织元素,萃取术语集及关联;在自上而下路线上借用软件工程,在可视化顶部吸纳思维导图模式以顺应人的学习习惯,在概念下层接入本体,从而经济地推动机器思维和人类认识认知的统一,建成符合人类学习原理和认知特点的知识组织。  相似文献   

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