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体育教学是一门科学,同时也是一门艺术.体育教学艺术是对体育教师综合素质的高度概括和体现,特别是在我国全面推行和实施素质教育的今天则显得更加重要.体育教学艺术的构成包括诸多方面,我们所要讨论和探索的是体育教学中的激励艺术.因为,"教学的艺术不在于传授的本领,而在于激励、唤醒、鼓舞".激励是调动人们积极性、主动性和创造性的重要手段.体育教学中的激励艺术尤为重要,因学习体育的知识、技术和技能需要激励;启发思维、开发智力也需要激励;培养勇猛顽强、敢于拼搏的意志品质更需要激励.体育教师必须掌握教学中激励学生的方法与技巧,建立一套教学激励机制,努力提高体育教学艺术水平.  相似文献   

体育教学艺术形成是体育教师有效的专业化方式。体育教学艺术是实践性存在方式的一种表达,实践性是其基本属性。在具体的教学实践中,体育教学艺术主要表现为个性化、集成性、创新性、高效性和动态性等五个基本特征。在体育教学艺术形成过程中,体育教师需要考虑体育教学艺术分层,掌握体育教学艺术原则,确立与养成教学设计的观念与习惯,进行体育教学艺术推广。  相似文献   

体育教学是一门科学,又是一门艺术。激励,是体育教师的其中一门教学艺术。能够加强这门教学艺术的修养,就可以充分调动学生学习的积极性,把体育课上得生动、活泼、实效。而在当代社会中,素质教育已成为学校体育教育教学的主旋律,素质教育要求我们体育教师要更加注重对学生健全人格的尊重和扎实的技能技术,适应社会能力等各方面的培养。为此,本人就近几年来在体育教学中开展激励教育的尝试,取得了较好的成效,大致归纳如下。  相似文献   

中小学体育教师的技术技能标准是中小学体育教师在体育教学活动中,运用知识和经验规范完成体育教学任务的动作方式或心智活动方式.它是中小学体育教师对理想体育教学的追求和体育教学规律的认识,更是中小学体育教师完成体育教学任务应具备的一种质量意识和管理手段,构建中小学体育教师的基本技术技能标准对于推动中小学体育教学改革有重要意义.  相似文献   

高校体育教师能力发展的要求及培养   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34  
体育教师能力素质的高低直接影响到人才的培养质量。全面提高高校体育教师的综合能力,是形势发展的需要,是搞好高校体育教学的关键。本文就高校体育教师所需具备的能力进行逐一探讨,旨在建立高校体育教师能力的标准模式,提高教学质量,更好地完成高校体育教学任务。  相似文献   

体育教师专业发展是体育教育改革的重要议题.体育教师在自在自发的日常教学生活中,经验消解了理性,重复消解了创新,从众消解了个性.体育教育改革与发展迫切要求体育教师成长为反思型、研究型教师,这需要体育教师摆脱自在自发的生存样式,理性地生存,创造性地生存,个性化地生存,走向自由自觉的生存样式.要实现专业自觉,需要体育教师在反思中收获理性,在学习中实现更新,在探究中形成个性.从自在自发走向自由自觉,这是体育教师专业发展不断获得突破和超越的过程.  相似文献   

合理组织与有效管理体育课堂教学,是确保有效教学的关键。作为体育课堂教学的组织与管理者,体育教师需要关注课前授课计划的精心制定,需要关注课中教学过程的合理控制,需要关注课后的系统总结与评价。体育课堂教学的组织与管理技能与体育教师的责任心、能力、经验和意识密切相关,体育教师需要不断探索与发展体育课堂教学的组织与管理技能。  相似文献   

笔者从体育教学的角度对构成素质教育的五大块(即思想品德素质、文化科学素质、健康素质、审美艺术素质、 劳动素质教育)进行了深入研究,旨在通过本文的探讨与研究,使广大中学体育教师在体育教学中,面向全体学生注重 学生全面素质的提高,使中学体育教学更适应我国教育改革和发展的需要.  相似文献   

体育教师在体育教学中的角色   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
体育教学是实现学校体育目的,完成学校体育任务的基本途径。它是在体育教师的指导下和学生参与下共同完成的。在这一过程中体育教师扮演了特殊而重要的角色。体育教师是人类社会科学文化的传播者,在人类社会文化科学的继承和发展中起着桥梁和纽带作用。体育教师是以对学生身心发展施加特定影响为其职责的人。从社会学意义上说,体育教师代表了社会年长的一代,是一定时代与社会意志的代理人。社会期望体育教师成为理性的典范,道德准则的楷模,体育文化科学的权威,特定社会价值标准的维护者。体育教师应该反映历史和现实中最美好的东西。…  相似文献   

1983年4月20日,菏泽地区在原地区中心体育教研组的基础上,在省教育厅有关领导同志的关怀下,成立了“菏泽地区中小学体育教学研究会”。有关人员出席了成立大会,讨论通过了“地区中小学体育教学研究会章程草案”,并产生了领导机构。菏泽地区中小学体育教学研究会是学术性团体,是研究中小学体育教学的群众性组织。它的成立给我区的体育教学带来了新气象。 1.根据教学需要编写资料。研究会秘书组到基层调查研究,搜集资料,把体育教师在教学实践中的经验体会编成《中小学体育教学经验汇编》起到了交流经验和指导教学的作用。  相似文献   

文章针对当前苏北中学体育教学中计算机软件使用的情况和在校的体育教育专业的大学生的计算机水平进行调查分析,结果表明:苏北高校体育教育专业的学生的计算机水平已不足以胜任中学体育教学的要求,建议有关院校加强对体育教育专业计算机知识的培养与教育。  相似文献   

Background: Physical education teacher education (PETE) offers a context for students to learn about the promotion of active lifestyles in secondary schools through their interactions and experiences during the teacher education process. However, previous studies have found low levels of health-related fitness knowledge amongst PETE students, which is a concern given that there are high expectations of physical education (PE) to promote healthy, active lifestyles. In addition, international literature reveals a number of problematic issues associated with health-related teaching, learning and professional development in PE. Exploration of health-related experiences within the PETE process and consideration of the extent to which they address these previously identified issues were considered worthy of study because of PETE's potential to influence the health-related teaching of the students, and to ultimately impact the health-related knowledge and behaviour of the pupils they go on to teach.

Purpose: To explore PETE students' health-related physical education (HRPE) knowledge, perceptions and experiences during a PETE programme.

Participants and setting: Purposive selection of PE students on a one-year post-graduate secondary PETE programme at one University in England, working in partnership with up to 60 schools.

Research design: Case study.

Data collection: A qualitative approach founded on the interpretive paradigm was used, utilising a questionnaire completed by 124 PETE students.

Data analysis: Responses to the open-ended questions were analysed by means of the generation of themes using constructivist grounded theory methods.

Findings: At the outset of their programme, PETE students' knowledge of how active children should be was limited and confused. Their initial perceptions of the learning associated with promoting healthy, active lifestyles in PE were at variance with what they experienced in schools during their training. These experiences were diverse, the most common structure being discrete units of study with no health-related learning evident within the rest of the PE programme. The focus of the HRPE learning was predominantly physiological with minimal attention to physical activity recommendations or monitoring. Most students experienced school-based HRPE programmes, which they considered not particularly effective in promoting healthy, active lifestyles amongst young people.

Conclusion: It would seem that PETE is not adequately preparing future PE teachers to promote healthy, active lifestyles and is not addressing previously identified issues in health-related teaching and learning. Changes clearly need to be made to the health-related interactions and experiences within PETE and within any PE, and sports science degree programmes preceeding or associated with PETE. PE is unlikely to effectively promote healthy, active lifestyles without the health-related aspect of PETE being radically changed, especially and crucially the school-based provision. This requires professionals working together to draw upon and utilise up-to-date health knowledge, as well as the best available guidance on how to ensure that teachers are able to use such information.  相似文献   

从建构主义观点论体育教学评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建构主义理论认为,知识是不能传递的,教师传递的只是信息,知识必须通过学生的主动建构才能获得。也就是说学习是学习者自己的事情,谁也不能代替。因此,学生体育课学习的有效性主要体现学生是否积极主动地参加体育锻炼,以保证对健身知识的主动建构。提出了评价一节体育课的效果应从学生是否主动参加锻炼、是否获得对体育运动成功的体验与情感、是否形成对健康知识真正的理解等方面进行评价,对提高教学质量,以促进体育教育改革向纵深发展。  相似文献   

中小学体育教学的认识误区及其原因   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
黄仕健 《体育学刊》2006,13(1):103-104
当前中小学体育教学认识上存在着“非奥运项目不属于正规的体育教学,准备运动必须要排队做徒手操,一堂体育课教材安排要全面,放松运动必须简单有效”等认识误区,产生这些认识误区的原因是多方面的。要消除这些误区,必须要提高教师自身的素质,在教学中树立起创新意识,积极开展试验课改革,转变体育教学评价观念,同时要加快高等学校体育专业教育与中小学体育的衔接。  相似文献   

体育课该教什么?怎样教?这是体育老师、学校和社会都应该关注的问题,它关系到每一位学生的健康成长和体育教学的改革。本文从如何上好一节体育课,研究和探析体育教学改革,以求推动体育教学改革创新。  相似文献   

The current study sought to explore the relationship between personal school physical education (PE) experiences and current PE teaching practices of classroom teachers. Questionnaires were completed by 189 teachers from 38 randomly selected schools. Additionally, semi-structured interviews of 31 classroom teachers were conducted. The results indicated that many teachers had negative memories of school PE and believed that they were not taught anything. Interestingly, teachers involved in the study held reasonably positive attitudes towards teaching PE but examination of their current teaching practices indicated that little ‘teaching’ was evident in their PE programmes. A hierarchical regression model was used to examine key predictors of PE programme quality and accounted for 32% of the variance. Personal school experiences in primary school PE, quality of preservice education and attitudes to teaching PE were established as significant predictors. A key finding of the current study was the significant relationship evident between personal school experiences in PE and current PE teaching practices which has not been previously established with classroom teachers. The implications of these findings for preservice education and professional development will be discussed.  相似文献   

采用实地考查法、文献资料法、逻辑分析法阐述了21世纪诸多方面对民族传统体育文化的需求是发展民族传统体育教育的前提;西部大开发和科教兴国战略为发展民族传统体育教育事业提供了前所未有历史机遇,是极其重要的外部条件;解放思想、综合创新是发展民族传统体育教育的关键。只有这样才能将武陵地区丰富的民族传统体育项目推向规范化、科学化、普及化。同时还提出应建立武陵地区民族传统体育研究机构、构建民族传统体育与现代体育并重的课程教育新体系、加快民族传统体育教育的人才培养和民族传统体育的基础设施建设的具体思路。  相似文献   

旨在依据智力障碍学生教育需求的特殊性,透过学生动作技能学习的外在表现特征,借助于脑科学、教育科学、体育科学的研究成果,探讨智力障碍学生全脑体育教学与运动机能、智力发展之间的潜在关系,为智力障碍学生体育教学的设计、体育教学过程效果的控制与评价提出进一步验证性研究的理论设想。  相似文献   

Morgan and Hansen suggest that further research is needed to explore how non-specialist primary teachers approach and teach physical education (PE) based on their personal school PE backgrounds, teacher education experiences and ongoing professional development. This paper adopts Lawson's socialisation model, a theoretical framework subsequently used by many other researchers, to explore how primary teachers' experiences in various contexts ‘shape [their] knowledge and beliefs about the purpose of physical education, its content and teaching approaches’. Examining teachers' beliefs and attitudes towards PE is arguably important as it highlights how they approach the profession and enact particular teaching practices. We examine the views of 327 non-specialist primary teachers who participated in a postgraduate certificate in primary PE run by the Universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh. This article reports findings from the baseline data of our longitudinal research—arguably crucial in ascertaining teachers' starting point and useful in monitoring the programme's impact. Our findings suggest the prevalence of negative PE experience during primary and secondary years, which we considered part of Lawson's ‘acculturation’ phase. Experiences during initial teacher education (ITE) or ‘professional socialisation’ showed that teachers were only given a basic starting point, which was inadequate for teaching PE effectively. The initial teaching experience or ‘organisational socialisation’ stage also presented major challenges for teachers who endeavoured to apply knowledge and skills acquired during ‘professional socialisation’. We suggest that how teachers' conceptions about PE are formulated and the accounts of challenges they encountered upon school entry are vital for the design and delivery of effective ITE and PE-CPD. Additionally, these findings underpin the need for more critical and reflective learning experiences at all levels of PE.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、逻辑分析法对高校毕业生健康体适能理论缺失的原因及干预措施进行研究。结果显示:目前健康体适能理论尚未被引入普通高校体育课教学内容;"三自主"体育课程模式存在缺陷;体育教师理论知识更新不及时;以及目前高校对于毕业生是否达到课程目标缺少把关等都是高校毕业健康体适能理论缺失的原因。针对性干预措施为:在国家层面,应出台政策倡导普及健康体适能理论;在学校层面,应深化体育课程改革,规定健康体适能为必修内容;加强高校毕业离校前对健康体适能理论掌握的把关;加强体育师资在健康体适能理论方面的培训。  相似文献   

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