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1.网络环境下运动训练信息服务的基本途径(1)在新时期,运动训练信息服务的服务范围正在辐射扩展,信息服务将首先面向各级领导展开,为竞技体育方面的战略决策提供参考依据。(2)运动训练信息服务必须面向教练员的一线竞技训练活动,为其提供主动的、个性化的服务。(3)目前,运动训练科学研究的合作性正在打破地域、机构和学科界限,在多学科交叉的学术背景中突破目前国内较为狭窄的运动训练研究视野。这使得信息服务的服务对象不再局限于本学校的运动训练科研人员,而是以本学校的科研活动为轴心形成的一个遍布全国乃至全球的科研群体。(4)面对信…  相似文献   

探讨网络环境下对奥林匹克文献信.g-资源进行深层次开发和利用的方法与手段以及针对不同层次、不同类型的奥林匹克信息用户提供个性化信息服务的模式.网络环境下奥林匹克文献信息服务的实现方式有:利用专业网站开展信息咨询活动,开展电子信箱服务、网络资源导航等实时性网络咨询和非实时性网络信息咨询的虚拟参考咨询服务.同时还可提供奥林匹克文献信.特色服务,建立学科专业数据库和开展个性化的信息服务,包括建立各类不同用户档案、建立学科顾问和学科馆员机制等方式.  相似文献   

冰雪运动项目资料信息管理工作的对策与基本设想   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王琨 《冰雪运动》2007,29(4):63-65
从实际工作出发,阐述了冰雪运动项目资料信息管理工作应跟上时代的发展要求,扩大服务面,提高服务人员素质,更好地为运动训练服务;从管理手段、方法和载体等方面提出冰雪运动项目资料信息管理工作的基本对策;并从服务人员培训、图书资料馆室网络建设和对文献信息的深度开发等方面提出了冰雪运动项目资料信息管理工作的基本设想。  相似文献   

基于多传感器数据融合技术的水上训练监控系统通过利用GPRS网络传输、桨频计算、嵌入式系统、GPS等现代科学技术,在不影响运动员正常水上训练的前提下,能即时采集运动信息,并生成运动训练参数的监控过程图,便于教练员现场监控运动员训练时的船速、桨频、加速度、心率等运动学指标和生理指标。该系统已经应用于国家皮划艇队和武汉体育学院赛艇队的日常训练中,为教练员实时诊断训练效果,提高运动员专项训练的效率、进行有针对性的训练提供了科学的依据。  相似文献   

陈健  施泽 《湖北体育科技》2013,32(2):97-100
运用计算机信息技术构建篮球技术三维仿真系统,系统主要包括虚拟的篮球运动员、篮球运动技术信息的运动捕捉、篮球运动技术三维仿真和三维仿真数据库。该系统有利于知识与技能的获取,实现对教学与训练信息的有效组织与管理,为教学、训练提供良好的学习与训练环境。  相似文献   

王琨 《冰雪运动》2007,29(5):53-55
在网络环境中,面对智能化管理,如何更好地为我国冰雪运动专业队提供更好、更优质的图书流通服务,富有挑战性。阐述了如何运用信息集成管理系统搞好冰雪运动图书流通工作,提出了网络环境中做好图书流通工作的必要条件,从实际出发论述了冰雪运动图书流通服务工作的发展趋势与对策。  相似文献   

论证了体育信息的开发途径是依托体育院校的图书馆及体育科研信息机构 ,建立网络环境下的体育信息资源中心。认为体育信息服务的主要方式为 :开展定题、定点服务和信息分析服务 ;为撰写论文的师生及学术带头人服务 ;利用网上信息开展检索服务 ;制作和维护好本馆主页等。  相似文献   

体育信息为运动训练服务的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对山东省重点参赛运动队和运动项目(田径、游泳、帆船、射击、摔跤、自行车等)影响训练竞赛水平提高的瓶颈问题,通过现代网络信息化手段和其他多种方式,在“十运”周期为山东省重点运动队、重点运动项目教练员和下队科研人员开展信息服务,有针对性地及时向山东省重点运动队按  相似文献   

数智赋能科学训练是指在数智训练环境下,运动训练主体以数智化训练装备设施为赋能载体,以训练大数据和科学训练知识理论为赋能要素,以智能算法为赋能工具,旨在促进竞技训练科学化水平不断提升的实践活动。当前,国际诸多竞技体育强国正在围绕数字运动员(Digital Athlete)、运动员管理系统(Athlete Management System)、综合运动表现中心(High Performance Centre)等方面积极开展数智赋能科学训练实践。数智技术、训练组织、环境空间与行为实践是影响数智赋能科学训练成效的4大因素系统。因此,数智赋能科学训练的本土实践需从夯实“数智技术系统”的保障水平、增强“训练组织系统”的认知协同、完善“环境空间系统”的支持服务、提升“行为实践系统”的能力素养等方面持续精准发力,以营造有利于数智赋能科学训练的良好生态。  相似文献   

优秀运动员机能监控与恢复系统的建立和运作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在优秀运动队中建立运动员机能监控与恢复系统 ,形成运动训练———机能监测———机能恢复三位一体的科训结合模式 ,由教练员、科研人员、队医共同参与此系统的运作。在有条件的运动中心或运动队建立机能检测评定室 ,并在体科所的统一协调下 ,组成我省优秀运动员机能监控与恢复系统网络。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether theoretically relevant sources of coaching efficacy could predict the measures derived from the Coaching Efficacy Scale II-High School Teams (CES II-HST). Data were collected from head coaches of high school teams in the United States (N=799). The analytic framework was a multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis with ordered-categorical indicators and observed covariates. Applying this framework to the conceptual model of coaching efficacy (CMCE) resulted in a statistical model equivalent to a multiple-group multivariate regression with latent outcomes. Results provided evidence for the ability of measures derived from the CES II-HST to be predicted by theoretically relevant sources of coaching efficacy and suggested modifications to the CMCE.  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that young athletes as well as athletic administrators hold gender-role stereotypical beliefs about coaches that disfavor females. The validity of two such beliefs (lack of qualified female coaches and time constraints due to family responsibilities) was examined in a statewide survey of 256 female and 296 male interscholastic coaches and a nationwide survey of 2,719 male and 1,449 female interscholastic coaches. Statistical analyses (p less than .001) indicated that female coaches were (a) more qualified than their male counterparts with respect to coaching experience with female teams, professional training, and professional experience; (b) as qualified as male coaches with regard to intercollegiate playing experience; and (c) less qualified than male coaches with respect to high school playing experience and coaching experience with male teams. Findings also indicated that male rather than female coaches more often experienced time constraints due to family responsibilities.  相似文献   

采用文献资料及访谈调查方法,对我国当前体育训练工作中信息需求情况进行了分析,提出构建我国训练工作信息支持平台的设想、模式与结构,并提出以训练工作文献为基础、以信息管理技术为手段、结合现代网络技术等,为我国教练员和训练工作人员提供科技含量高、知识性强的资料数据库。  相似文献   

我国甲级队排球教练员执教效能的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用问卷调查、访谈和数理统计等研究方法,对参加2004年全国排球大奖赛和全国排球锦标赛教练员的执教效能、教练员的个人风格、执教业绩与执教效能的关系等问题进行研究。结果表明,我国甲级队排球教练员执教效能由专项训练效能、创新效能、教育管理效能、指挥效能、学习科研效能、协作效能以及思想修养构成;不同性别、文化程度、运动等级教练员的执教效能没有显著差异;不同执教年限、职称、职务教练员的执教效能有显著差异;年龄对教练员的执教效能有非常显著影响;执教效能与执教业绩相关。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、访谈法和问卷调查法等,对海南省10所中学排球运动队进行调查与分析。结果显示:海南省中学排球运动队运动员参加训练的主要动机是为了升学,“学训矛盾”严重影响了运动员训练的积极性;运动员的训练时间基本符合中学生训练要求.参加高水平比赛的次数较少.竞技水平得不到进一步提高;教练员带队年限较短,科研能力较低;学校训练经费不足.场地器材落后;运动队宣传、医务监督严重缺失;针对其中的若干总是提出相应的建议。  相似文献   


Previous research indicates that young athletes as well as athletic administrators hold gender-role stereotypical beliefs about coaches that disfavor females. The validity of two such beliefs (lack of qualified female coaches and time constraints due to family responsibilities) was examined in a statewide survey of 256 female and 296 male interscholastic coaches and a nationwide survey of 2,719 male and 1,449 female interscholastic coaches. Statistical analyses (p < .001) indicated that female coaches were (a) more qualified than their male counterparts with respect to coaching experience with female teams, professional training, and professional experience; (b) as qualified as male coaches with regard to intercollegiate playing experience; and (c) less qualified than male coaches with respect to high school playing experience and coaching experience with male teams. Findings also indicated that male rather than female coaches more often experienced time constraints due to family responsibilities.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of sports performance has been shown to produce information that coaches can use within the coaching process to enhance performance. Traditional methods for quantifying sport performances are limited in their capacity to describe the complex interactions of events that occur within a performance over time. In this paper, we outline a new approach to the analysis of time-based event records and real-time behaviour records on sport performance known as T-pattern detection. The relevant elements of the T-pattern detection process are explained and exemplar data from the analysis of 13 soccer matches are presented to highlight the potential of this form of analysis. The results from soccer suggest that it is possible to identify new profiles for both individuals and teams based on the analysis of temporal behavioural patterns detected within the performances.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of sports performance has been shown to produce information that coaches can use within the coaching process to enhance performance. Traditional methods for quantifying sport performances are limited in their capacity to describe the complex interactions of events that occur within a performance over time. In this paper, we outline a new approach to the analysis of time-based event records and real-time behaviour records on sport performance known as T-pattern detection. The relevant elements of the T-pattern detection process are explained and exemplar data from the analysis of 13 soccer matches are presented to highlight the potential of this form of analysis. The results from soccer suggest that it is possible to identify new profiles for both individuals and teams based on the analysis of temporal behavioural patterns detected within the performances.  相似文献   

This study extended validity evidence for multidimensional measures of coaching competency derived from the Coaching Competency Scale (CCS; Myers, Feltz, Maier, Wolfe, & Reckase, 2006) by examining use of the original rating scale structure and testing how measures related to satisfaction with the head coach within teams and between teams. Motivation, game strategy, technique, and character building comprised the dimensions of coaching competency. Data were collected from athletes (N = 585) nested within intercollegiate men's (g = 8) and women's (g = 13) soccer and women's ice hockey (g = 11) teams (G = 32). Validity concerns were observed for the original rating scale structure and the predicted positive relationship between motivation competency and satisfaction with the coach between teams. Validity evidence was offered for a condensed post hoc rating scale and the predicted relationship between motivation competency and satisfaction with the coach within teams.  相似文献   

高校高水平运动队教练领导行为与团队凝聚力模型构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对高校高水平运动队的问卷调查,分析我国高校高水平运动队教练领导行为、训练比赛满意感与团队凝聚力之间的关系,构建教练领导行为与团队凝聚力之间的模型,为进一步推动我国高校高水平运动队的建设提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

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