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对通识教育构造的一种认识   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
舒志定 《江苏高教》2003,1(1):15-18
通识教育已被认为是大学教育的重要的教育观念 ,在教育实践中得到了体现。但对通识教育的理解存在着偏误。本文认为 ,讨论通识教育 ,必须认识通识教育内在的层次结构 ,但要揭示内在结构 ,本文主张应该以马克思关于人的生存结构思想作为理论基础 ,从人与世界、主体性、主体能力三个层面揭示通识教育 ,反对把通识教育解析成是各种知识的拼贴  相似文献   

通过综合诸多相关研究文献,从通识教育的内涵、通识教育存在的合理性、通识教育课程的内容、通识教育和专业教育的关系等不同侧面介绍美国通识教育基本理论,以期让人们对通识教育理论有更全面、更准确、更深入的理解,为计划开展通识教育课程改革的院校提供理论参考。  相似文献   

以边界理论的视角研究通识教育,可还原出一个清晰的通识教育样态,能够更为明确地指导通识教育实践,并有效提升通识教育在大学教育中的独立地位。根据通识教育的理论与实践,可抽象出知识边界、价值边界、国家边界、学校边界等四种边界类型。通识教育边界的维持,应做到明晰通识教育与专业教育的辩证关系,依据大学实际情况开展通识教育实践,以及把握通识教育内涵的时代转变。  相似文献   

马克思在异化论中指出,物质世界中的人必须通过教育途径才能克服异化、实现自身的全面发展,同时强调了人在教育过程中的主体性地位。根据马克思关于“人的异化”理论的相关论述,高等教育工作者应当重新认识通识教育的内涵,通过合理选择通识教育的授课内容、积极推进通识教育教师队伍的建设、从相关制度上对通识教育予以保障来实现当代高等教育现实环境下通识教育的重构。  相似文献   

通识教育与大学特色   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述通识教育、博雅教育与专业教育之间的关系。博雅教育的目的是提升学生对身处人文与自然世界中的个人自觉与自主。通识教育是博雅教育的一部分,专业教育蕴含在通识教育之中。无论是培育博雅人才还是专业人才,通识教育是重要的一环。  相似文献   

通识教育起源于古希腊罗马的博雅教育,在耶鲁大学被继承和发扬光大,由蔡元培先生在改革旧北大期间引入中国高等教育系统。本科通识教育作为世界一流大学普遍践行的最先进的教育理论,在课程体系和拔尖创新人才培养方面有其独特的历史和内涵。分析国外一流大学本科通识教育的有益经验和我国有关高校的探索性做法,可以为我国创建世界一流大学、培育拔尖创新人才提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

探讨我国高校通识教育的内涵,以及当前实施大学通识教育的重要性;以通识教育理论为基础,分析我国高校通识教育能力构成要素与制约因素;依据大学通识教育理论与实践,探讨我国高校通识教育能力评价指标体系构建的模式与意义。  相似文献   

正本清源:走出通识教育内涵混乱的怪圈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当下对通识教育的研究虽然方兴未艾,但对通识教育内涵的认识和通识教育概念的界定却是莫衷一是,这既不利于构建中国本土化的通识教育内涵,也不利于通识教育实践的探索。本文试图从根本上肃清通识教育的历史根源,从实质上理清通识教育与专业教育的辩证关系,从高等教育本质出发构建本土化的通识教育理论。  相似文献   

通识教育现已成为高校教育改革的重点内容,通识教育目标的实现要以通识教育课程为依托。台湾是为数不多的较早开展通识教育的地区,经历了萌芽、发展、普及与深化4个历史时期,具有丰富的理论与实践经验。文章从通识教育课程模式、通识教育课程设置、通识教育课程实施及通识教育课程评鉴4个方面,对台湾高校通识教育课程的发展现状进行概述,以期为大陆高校通识教育改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

时代发展和社会需求的变化呼唤大学加强通识教育。北京大学在加快创建世界一流大学的进程中,始终坚持深化教学改革,探索开展通识教育的新路径。通识教育的开展,需要发挥第一课堂的作用,但第二课堂作为第一课堂的延伸和补充,其作用同样不容忽视。文章从通识教育的理念入手,通过对照第一课堂和第二课堂育人功能的异同,从理论和实践层面探究第二课堂在通识教育开展中的比较优势,并对如何发挥第二课堂在通识教育中的作用提出了建议。  相似文献   

知识的普适性与境域性:课程的视角   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
知识有普适性与境域性之别。普适性知识是世界范围内各民族国家共同承认的知识体系,是目前占主流地位的科学知识。境域性知识是指地方性知识、情境性知识及缄默性知识等,它是特定人文情境与范围内有价值的知识。普适性知识由境域性知识发展完善而形成,境域性知识有其自身独特的价值与生命活力,二者相互支持。与普适性知识相应的课程是主流文化中心课程,它统治着整个课程世界,并成为各国国家课程的核心;与境域性知识相应的课程是地方课程和校本课程,它们正在补充着国家课程的不足。  相似文献   

基诺族在以"刀耕火种"为主,采集、狩猎为辅的传统农业体系中,发展出了一套完整的农业祭祀礼仪,其涉及了从备耕到收获的各个阶段。农业祭祀礼仪除表达了人们祈求丰收的愿望之外,还调整和重新安排了人们的生活节奏,促进了社会的整合;同时在仪式举行的过程中也完成了社会成员的社会化。从传统来看,基诺族在这些生产活动的仪式性表达中,呈现出自己的宇宙观和价值观,明确了自己在生态系统中的位置,也通过这些仪式传承了农业生产知识,加强了群体认同,维系了社会的存在与发展。然而,随着社会大环境的改变,基诺族的农业及其祭祀礼仪也发生了巨大变迁。  相似文献   

基诺族在以“刀耕火种”为主,采集、狩猎为辅的传统农业体系中,发展出了一套完整的农业祭祀礼仪,其涉及了从备耕到收获的各个阶段。农业祭祀礼仪除表达了人们祈求丰收的愿望之外,还调整和重新安排了人们的生活节奏,促进了社会的整合;同时在仪式举行的过程中也完成了社会成员的社会化。从传统来看,基诺族在这些生产活动的仪式性表达中,呈现出自己的宇宙观和价值观,明确了自己在生态系统中的位置,也通过这些仪式传承了农业生产知识,加强了群体认同,维系了社会的存在与发展。然而,随着社会大环境的改变,基诺族的农业及其祭祀礼仪也发生了巨大变迁。  相似文献   

University knowledge in an age of supercomplexity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
For various reasons, it is becoming felt that the knowledge function of the university is being undermined. Some, indeed, have come to suggest that we are witnessing 'the end of knowledge' in higher education. The 'end of knowledge' thesis takes three forms. Substantively, it is felt that the knowledge sustained by the university has no particular status: it simply takes its place and its chances amid the proliferating knowledges that society has now to offer. Ideologically, it is felt that the knowledge for which the university stands lacks legitimacy: it can simply be understood as a set of language games of a rather privileged set of occupational groups ('academics') that reflects their interests and marginal standing to the rest of society. Procedurally, it is implied that the university can now only secure its future by becoming entrepreneurial and by marketing its knowledge wares in forms of academic capitalism; in the process, its knowledge becomes performative in character and loses its power to enlighten. Much of this analysis is correct – even as the theses cut across each other – butthe conclusion is wrong. The modern world is supercomplex in character: it can be understood as a milieu for the proliferation of frameworks by which we might understand the world, frameworks that are often competing with each other. In such an age of supercomplexity, the university has new knowledge functions: to add to supercomplexity by offering completely new frames of understanding (so compounding supercomplexity); to help us comprehend and make sense of the resulting knowledge mayhem; and to enable us to live purposefully amid supercomplexity. Knowledge, as a pure, objective reading of the world does have to be adandoned. But the university is not, thereby, delegitimised. In an age of supercomplexity, a new epistemology for the university awaits, one that is open, bold, engaging, accessible, and conscious of its own insecurity. It is an epistemology for living amid uncertainty.  相似文献   


This article argues that knowledge is not a passive product of learning that can be possessed, but rather that it represents an active engagement with ideas, arguments and the world in which they reside. This engagement requires a state of ‘knowing’ – a complex, integrative, reciprocal process that unites the knower with the to-be-known. Exploring the notion of knowledge, this paper considers the roles of truth and belief in knowledge production, the relationship between knowledge and the disciplines, and knowledge as a social and cultural product. These ideas are contextualized in higher education practice with an example of a course designed to help science and engineering students develop criticality and a sense of ‘knowing’ about the world. The students are challenged to consider what it requires to turn facts and information into knowledge, and to unite their knowing with their own personal experiences and ideas about the world.  相似文献   

中国饭店业与世界接轨较早,在投资、管理和服务方面都已全面对外开放,实现了国内竞争的国际化,加之信息变化速度加快,这就要求从业人员的知识也要不断更新。所以,仅仅是教给学生知识是远远不够的,更重要的是要教给学生学习知识的方法,提高其综合素质,让其终身受用。  相似文献   

In the first part of this article the author recalls and emphasizes the way in which education and society are interrelated. It is considered impossible to pose a problem of education without referring to the social framework in which its solution is to be found. Education involves preparing the child for tomorrow's world — knowledge of this world being the point of departure of all pedagogic reflection — and at the same time not cutting it off from its roots. Presenting personal experience rather than launching into technical demonstrations the author recalls some of the changes over the past fifty years. The different educational milieus which the child and adolescent encounter, such as family, school and professional life, are affected by such technical changes. As far as the school environment is concerned, technological revolutions modify the relationships between pupil and knowledge, and create new relationships between teachers and pupils as also among pupils themselves. In addition, a new type of creativity has arisen as a result of the utilization of computers and databases. Schools have in fact experienced a series of revolutions which deeply transformed the access to knowledge: books, daily papers and the mass media, informatics. According to the author the book presents the ‘day before yesterday's knowledge’; the daily paper brings you up to ‘yesterday’; radio and television up to ‘today’. Informatics will make the pupil accustomed not only to seek knowledge but also to reconstruct or even construct it. Where does the school stand amidst this vast reconstruction? What is its present role? What will become of the teacher and his new roles? If the school wants to prepare itself for tomorrow's world it has to change radically today.  相似文献   

当今世界,科技进步日新月异,国际间的竞争日趋激烈,其表现形式主要是综合国力的竞争,而综合国力的竞争已由过去对自然资源和市场的竞争,转变成了今天对人才和知识的竞争,而人才和知识的竞争实质上就是对教育的竞争。因此,当今世界各国比以往任何时候都重视教育。对教育进行改革,理所当然成了世界各国的首要重任。而仅仅依靠学历教育来实现国际间的竞争是远远不够的,也满足不了如今信息社会时代的发展需求。笔者认为,作为教育子系统的继续教育,则在国际间的竞争中成为一支不容忽视的力量。  相似文献   

陈向明  赵康 《教育研究》2012,(4):108-114
教师实践性知识的"知识"地位一直是一个颇具争议的问题。杜威的实用主义知识论在理论层面为教师实践性知识的"合理合法性"提供了支持。这种知识论视角超越了传统的心灵—世界二元知识论框架,在人类行动范畴中看知识,揭示了人类是不断变化的世界的参与者,而不是独立于意识之外的世界的旁观者。这种知识论认为知识源自探究,由认知性经验而获得,是关于行动及其导致的结果之间关系的知识,体现在教师身上是有关教育教学行动及其带来的结果之间的关系的"实践性知识",具有引导未来行动的功能。杜威关于知识的工具性观点,还在一定程度上化解了教师的理论性知识与实践性知识孰高孰低之争,因为二者都来自经验,并最终服务于实践,这也使得教师的"知性主动性"显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

教师职业是一种专门职业,教师专业发展已经成为全球教育改革的主要趋势。职业教育教师专业发展是当前我国教师教育的焦点问题,是时代发展的必然,是实现职业教育目标的必然条件。完善职教教师管理制度,实施“产学研”结合教师素质培养途径,强化职教教师培训与进修,职教教师进行教学反思,职教教师开展教育教学研究等是实现职教教师专业发展的策略。  相似文献   

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