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中学生逆反心理的表现及疏导   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
青少年正处于心理独立的过渡期,逆反心理是其独立意识和自我意识日益增强的心理表现,逆反心理引导不当会对青少年的心理健康带来危害,消极的逆反心理的产生与青春期生理和身心发展迅速有关,也与教师和家长的教育不当有关。对青少年的逆反心理不能一概而论,应加以分类,只有针对不同形式的逆反心理进行疏导,才能促进青少年心理的健康发展。  相似文献   

青少年的逆反心理一直是学校教育工作者比较关注的问题之一,探讨逆反心理的成因、类型和矫治,对于做好教育工作、保护青少年心理健康有着十分重要的意义。一、逆反心理的成因青少年逆反心理的形成是多种主客观因素长期交互作用的结果。主观方面的因素主要有: 心理受挫青少年一般都具有强烈的自尊心,总希望被老师、同学重视和欣赏。如果他们的这种心理需求长期得不到满足,心理上就会产生受挫感,就可能发牢骚、闹情绪,甚至转而用“非常方式”寻求关注。好奇心驱使青少年对未知事物充满强烈的好奇心,总想揭开它们的“神秘面纱”来探个究竟、看…  相似文献   

逆反心理是一种比较普遍的社会心理现象。在青少年成长时期,由于生理成熟与心理成熟的不平衡以及自我意识觉醒等因素的影响,青少年心理发展呈现错综复杂、矛盾重重的局面,逆反心理表现更是十分突出。  相似文献   

本文从青少年逆反心理的一般心理机制和心理构成来帮助青少年建立正确的的心理系统,以及如何调试逆反心理.  相似文献   

逆反心理是一种比较普遍的社会心理现象。在青少年成长时期,由于生理成熟与心理成熟的不平衡以及自我意识觉醒等因素的影响,青少年心理发展呈现错综复杂、矛盾重重的局面,逆反心理表现更是十分突出。[第一段]  相似文献   

在青少年自我意识形成过程中,"逆反心理"是十分常见的现象,它对青少年心理的发展有着重要的影响.当前教育实践特别是青少年思想政治教育中如何处理青少年"逆反心理"问题也日益显得重要.文章从逆反心理的实质、表现、成因和调适几个方面进行了探究.  相似文献   

青少年时期是人生发展中的一个极其重要而又充满危机的时期.由于生理和心理发展的内在需要与其实际能力、心理状态及个人地位等方面存在矛盾,易出现挫折、悲观等心理不平衡现象.这种心理冲突和心理危机是青少年时期必然存在的,是青少年的某种心理发展的阶段特征.本文通过分析逆反心理的特点、表现形式,探讨青少年逆反心理产生的原因,从而有针对性地采取教育措施进行科学教育,以促进青少年身心健康成长.  相似文献   

韦焕能 《职业技术》2006,(12):55-55
逆反心理是指人们对对方的要求采取相反的态度和言行的一种心理状态,是对客观事物的抵触、不顺从。具有这种心理的青少年学生往往听不进正确意见乃至忠告;对人对事多疑、偏执、冷漠,理想泯灭、意志衰退、学习被动、生活萎靡等。这些对青少年学生的健康成长极为不利。本文就青少年学生逆反心理形成的一些原因,谈谈化解的对策。一、逆反心理的成因(一)学生的生理和心理特点。青少年学生正处于成长的过渡期,生理和心理发育都处于未完全成熟时期,好奇心强,辨别是非能力较差,易冲动,好感情用事,做事不计后果,且极易受外界因素的影响。同时,其独立…  相似文献   

浅析影响青少年逆反心理的家庭因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭因素是影响个人成长和心理发展的重要因素,家庭对于个体心理发展的影响是发展心理学研究领域的重要课题,它对青少年的心理健康发展有着直接的作用。逆反心理作为青春期心理发展的重要组成部分,它受来自家庭因素的影响。在青春期这个自我意识觉醒的时期,青少年的社会化得到发展,亲子冲突日益激烈,家庭因素对青少年的逆反心理的影响得到体现。其中,不完整的家庭结构、不得当的家庭教养方式、不良的家庭内部氛围,都会促进青少年逆反心理的消极影响的表现。  相似文献   

导致青少年犯罪的因素很多,其中青少年自身所特有的逆反心理、性心理、闭锁心理和归属心理等主体心理因素中的不利成分,则是导致青少年犯罪的心理根源.  相似文献   

从埃里克森自我同一性理论探析我国青少年心理健康发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
同一性问题是青春期人格发展的核心。我国的青少年在时代的快速发展和变化下,普遍存在着自我同一性混乱的现象和问题。本文试图以埃里克森的自我同一性的心理学思想为理论基础,阐明该理论与青少年心理健康的重要关系,并提出埃里克森的自我同一性理论对当代青少年心理健康教育发展的深层启示。  相似文献   

青少年网络成瘾干预研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网络成瘾是青少年经常发生的一种特殊类型的成瘾行为,它对青少年的身心健康发展具有很大的伤害性。对青少年网络成瘾行为进行有效干预具有十分重要的意义。本文从心理干预、药物干预、社会干预三个视角考察了国内外近年来青少年网络成瘾干预的研究成果,在此基础上提出了现有研究的问题与未来研究的展望。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The study had two aims. First, it sought to examine the incidence of interparental psychological aggression and physical violence witnessed by Arab adolescents. Second, it sought to assess the implications of such exposure on adolescents' feelings of hopelessness, psychological adjustment problems, and self-esteem. METHOD: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among a sample of 1640 Arab adolescents from Israel. Different forms of the Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS) were utilized to measure the extent of interparental psychological aggression and physical violence witnessed by adolescents. The Hopelessness Scale for Children (HSC), the Psychological Adjustment Scale (PAS), and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE) were used to measure the above-mentioned psychological states. RESULTS: The results indicate that Arab adolescents witness high rates of psychological aggression and physical violence between their parents. Furthermore, regression and multiple regression analyses revealed that significant amounts of the variance in adolescents' hopelessness, psychological adjustment problems, and low self-esteem are explained by witnessing different patterns of interparental psychological aggression and physical violence, beyond the amounts of variance in these criterion variables that can be attributed to some sociodemographic characteristics of the adolescents, their parents, and families. CONCLUSIONS: The results provided strong support for the hypothesis that witnessing interparental aggression and violence has a strong detrimental impact on adolescents' psychological states. Furthermore, the results emphasize the need for further research into the effects of witnessing other patterns of psychological aggression and physical violence in adolescents' nuclear and extended families. It would also be worthwhile to investigate the risk factors that predispose violence in the family and the consequences of those factors.  相似文献   

西方父母控制研究的新特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近十年来,研究者们把父母控制划分为心理控制和行为控制两方面,心理控制是强加在儿童心理和情绪发展过程中的控制意图,行为控制是父母为儿童行为制定的规则、限制以及对其活动的觉察。有研究表明,心理控制与青少年的外显和内隐问题有关,行为控制与青少年的外显问题有关;青少年认为,父母对个人领域的控制是心理控制;父母过量使用心理控制会阻碍青少年自主的发展;父母的完美主义能够预测心理控制。进一步的研究将呈现实证研究增多、范围扩大和对父母人格特点研究等新的特点。  相似文献   

美国大学生健康行为风险调查指出,随着信息化时代的飞速发展,网络成瘾、迷恋电视等不良的久坐行为正严重地威胁着青少年的身心健康。美国青少年参与休闲性身体活动的程度正急剧下降,这一问题已经引起美国社会和相关人员的高度重视。目前,美国依据"自我决定理论"和"跨理论模型"理论,深入开展了关于青少年休闲性身体活动影响因素的研究,并提出了旨在促进青少年休闲性身体活动的措施。我国因升学压力学生课业负担普遍过重,学生身心健康状况和运动状况更令人担忧。基于此,应对我国青少年健康教育开展有价值的研究。  相似文献   

家庭功能理论从系统的角度来研究家庭,强调家庭成员间的双向作用。其主要代表理论有两类:结果取向理论和过程取向理论。结合这两类理论对青少年心理健康进行考察,得出三个结论:家庭功能发挥得越良好,青少年的心理越健康;家庭功能中的"沟通"和"角色"因子对青少年心理健康有较大影响;家庭功能视野下的青少年心理健康存在性别和年级的差异。  相似文献   

Shyness is not unlike many psychological constructs in that it connotes a rich cluster of behaviours, cognitions, feelings and bodily reactions. But when adolescents' shyness creates keen sensitivity to cues of being rejected, preventing them from speaking up for their rights and expressing their own opinions, thereby encouraging self-consciousness and excessive preoccupation with their emotions, it becomes a problem for both these adolescents and their surroundings. This paper presents 10 adolescents' experiences of being shy in a school context to such a degree that it is regarded as being a behavioural and emotional problem. In light of elements from an existential-phenomenological understanding, challenges and remedial measures for these adolescents as well as their peers and teachers are discussed. Finally, focus will be placed on how teachers can promote good relationships and working environments and in this manner prevent shyness from becoming a behavioural and emotional problem in school.  相似文献   

This study examined links between processes of establishing autonomy and relatedness in adolescent-family interactions and adolescents' psychosocial development. Adolescents in 2-parent families and their parents were observed in a revealed-differences interaction task when adolescents were 14, and adolescents' ego development and self-esteem were assessed at both 14 and 16. Developmental indices were strongly related to autonomy and relatedness displayed by both parents and adolescents. Significant variance was explained even after accounting for the number and quality of speeches of each family member as rated by a different, well-validated family coding system. Increases in adolescents' ego development and self-esteem over time were predicted by fathers' behaviors challenging adolescents' autonomy and relatedness, but only when these occurred in the context of fathers' overall display of autonomous-relatedness with the adolescent. The importance of the mutually negotiated process of adolescents' exploration from the secure base of parental relationships is discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study assessed the direct relation between young adolescents' regulated noncompliance and mothers' democratic childrearing practices as well as the potential mediating role of mothers' perceived influence during the transition to adolescence. DESIGN: Three years of self-reported adolescent noncompliance, perceived influence, and parenting democracy were gathered from 166 mothers and their firstborn children (55% female), ages 9 - 11 years at time 1. RESULTS: Longitudinal path analysis indicated a total effect between adolescents' regulated noncompliance and higher maternal democracy. In addition, the total effect was mediated by mothers' perceived influence, such that adolescents' regulated noncompliance at time 1 was associated with greater perceptions of influence at time 2, which, in turn, was associated with greater maternal democracy at time 3. CONCLUSIONS: Mothers with young adolescents who resist in a relatively mature, regulated manner tend to have more positive perceptions of their influence on their emerging adolescents' behavior. In turn, mothers expecting to maintain their influence despite normative adolescent resistance are more likely to use democratic parenting strategies, granting their adolescents more input in decisions.  相似文献   

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