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[目的/意义] 睡美人文献是指那些发表初期遭遇长时间的冷遇,随后突然引起广泛关注的文献。这些文献往往蕴含着重大科学发现,对其进行识别研究具有重大意义。通过对现有识别方法的梳理和分析,提出识别睡美人文献方法的改进思路和做法。[方法/过程] 明确以高被引文献作为睡美人文献识别研究的对象,选取文献年被引频次累积变化趋势作为研究切入点,提出累积被引速度和累积被引加速度两个指标,明确自引的处理方法。[结果/结论] 提出睡美人文献识别方法的改进思路与实证路线,在一定程度上优化了识别方法,同时为睡美人文献预测方法的研究提供一定的基础。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过对Mendeley阅读数据的分析,探讨引用行为之外更广范围的论文使用行为,以进一步完善学术论文的影响力评价体系。[方法/过程]选择社会学、历史学、生态学和应用物理学四个学科领域,从Scopus、Altmetric.com采集被引数据和阅读数据,并进行相关性分析。从身份、国别以及学科三个角度对Mendeley阅读数据Top100的文献用户身份和行为特征进行深入的探究。[结果/结论]在四个学科文献集合中,Mendeley阅读数据均比被引频次的覆盖率高,说明引用行为只是论文使用的冰山一角。对于不同使用动机的用户,其使用行为都存在学科差异;不同国家使用者对论文的使用习惯有地域差异;学术论文的跨学科使用情况与自身学科特性密切相关。  相似文献   

单篇论文学术影响力评价指标构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的/意义] 基于评价指标设计原理,建立可扩展到多篇论文评价的单篇论文学术影响力评价指标体系,为多角度评价单篇论文学术影响力提供多种指标。[方法/过程] 兼顾施引文献的数量与质量,建立包含TVF、TVF(n)以及VF(t)等单篇论文影响力评价指标的指标体系,提出将TVF指标扩展到多篇论文影响力的分析方法。通过实证研究,计算TVF、TVF(3)与被引次数C及施引文献的h指数的皮尔森相关性,并与他人的评价结论对照印证。[结果/结论] 对TVF及TVF(n)等指标不同的用途进行了探讨:TVF是累计综合影响力,用于全面评价论文的影响力;TVF(n)可用于比较不同年份论文间的影响力,且可预测它们未来的TVF表现。TVF还可被扩展应用到多篇论文学术影响力的评价中。  相似文献   

睡美人与王子文献的识别方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 研究睡美人与王子文献的识别方法。分析唤醒机制,为未来在学术交流体系中发现"王子"作者,发掘、唤醒低被引和零被引文献的潜在价值提供理论依据。[方法/过程] 采用被引速率指标和睡美人指数两种客观指标识别1970-2005年临床医学四大名刊上发表的睡美人文献;基于以下4个原则寻找唤醒睡美人的王子文献:①发表于被引突增的附近年份;②本身被引次数较高;③与睡美人文献的同被引次数高;④在年度被引次数曲线上,王子文献对睡美人文献的"牵引或拉动"作用非常显著,即至少在睡美人文献引用突增的附近年份,王子文献的年度被引次数应高于睡美人文献。[结果/结论] 由于考虑了全部引文窗的引文曲线,被引速率指标能够识别出那些被引生命周期长、至今仍持续不断高频被引的论文;睡美人指数能够快速识别出睡美人文献,但却无法反映年度被引次数达到峰值之后的引文曲线;将被引速率+发表最初5年年均被引次数两个指标结合起来能够更好地识别睡美人文献。分析发现,综述、指南、著作等"共识型"的文献对于引发那些提出了新思想但尚未被认可的睡美人文献的被引突增起到了关键作用。建议事后识别睡美人文献可采用客观指标与主观界定相结合的方法,事前预测睡美人文献要注意追踪其是否被"共识性"文献推荐和引用,学术评价要特别关注被引速率低的论文。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 构建多维指标的综合影响力评价模型,为不同层次挖掘高价值文献提供新途径。[方法/过程] 选取临床神经病学、化学与物理、地球科学作为自然科学的代表学科,信息科学与图书馆学、经济学、教育研究作为社会科学的代表学科,在Web of Science核心合集中收集引文指标数据,在Altmetric.com平台中收集Altmetrics计量指标数据,通过指标覆盖率和指标间相关性进行指标筛选,然后利用主成分分析方法建立不同学科的论文综合影响力指标模型并对比分析。[结果/结论] 不同学科的差异使论文影响力评价模型采用的指标有所区别,自然科学和社会科学论文影响力评价模型中共同保留的指标为被引频次、Mendeley、Blogs。在论文综合影响力评价中,学术影响力依然占据主导地位,社会影响力的测评研究发展迅速,两者结合的定量评价能挖掘出综合影响力较高的文献。  相似文献   

常红  田野 《图书情报工作》2021,64(22):96-105
[目的/意义] 分析Wilson信息行为模型的扩散和影响力,即模型的每个组成元素是如何被其他文献引用,旨在探索用户信息行为研究的跨学科特性。[方法/过程] 采用引文分析和内容分析方法,揭示该模型在时间维度、文献类型、学科维度等的被引情况以及模型概念的共现关系,并利用Gephi进行可视化展示。[结果/结论] 研究发现Wilson信息行为模型的影响力随时间的推移不断增加,并且更倾向于被实证型论文引用。其次,由于该模型采用跨学科视角,其在社会科学、计算机科学和医学等非图书情报领域的影响力非常明显。最后,引用该模型的文献注重对模型内容的探讨,模型的各个方面都进行不同程度的扩散,但缺乏较为深入的分析。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 为探索图书的老化速度与引文特征,更客观地评价图书的学术价值和利用规律。[方法/过程] 对汤森路透WoS平台中图书引文索引(Book Citation Index)中2012-2014年间的图书情报学学科图书的引文数据进行引用半衰期、被引半衰期的计量,并与WoS中该学科的期刊引文半衰期、被引半衰期做分析比较。[结果/结论] 对比结果显示,该学科图书引用半衰期大于期刊引用半衰期,图书被引半衰期要小于期刊被引半衰期,并从图书的引文和被引规律分析造成这种差异的原因。  相似文献   

梁兴堃 《图书情报工作》2022,66(20):148-161
[目的/意义] 以我国图情领域为例,测量论文的新颖性和传统性并探究其对论文学术影响力的作用进而揭示学术创新的规律。[方法/过程] 采用基于马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗(Markov chain Monte Carlo,MCMC)的方法,对我国2000年至2019年20年间在中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)中收录的图书馆学情报学领域的70 207篇研究论文的新颖性、传统性进行测量,并分析论文新颖性和传统性对论文学科影响力的作用。[结果/结论] 结果显示,其他因素不变时,论文新颖性提高1个单位,论文成为高被引论文的优势比增加11%,而论文传统性提高1个单位,论文成为高被引论文的优势比增加33%。边际效应分析显示,同时具有较高的新颖性和传统性的论文较之于其他类型的论文具有更高的成为高被引论文的可能性。此外,随着时间推移,新颖性对论文成为高被引论文概率的影响逐渐削弱,而传统性的影响逐渐增强。同时,作者团队规模对于论文的新颖性存在显著影响,这种影响随着时间的推移而增强。这些发现凸显我国图情领域守正创新的特点,为理解我国图情领域的学术创新规律提供新的实证基础。同时,也提出一种不同于传统信息计量的基于贝叶斯统计的新方法。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]论文被引频次只能反映论文的宏观影响力,无法揭示论文在他人研究中的具体作用和影响,因此,本文提出从引用内容的主题和功能两方面对论文的影响力进行分析。[方法/过程]以2014年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者J.O'Keefe的高被引论文为实例,首先,采用文献计量学方法对引用内容主题进行分析;对其,影响范围及领域进行可视化分析;其次,从引用性质和功能角度,将引用内容分成正面引用、负面引用和中性引用;最后,将中性引用进一步划分为3类,分别是研究背景介绍、理论基础和实验基础。[结果/结论]结果表明,共词分析可以很好地表达论文影响的主题领域;引用内容的分类可以提供一篇论文被引用的多方面原因。在本实验中没有负面引用,多于10%的引用为正面引用,大约50%的中性引用都是作者在研究背景章节中介绍与施引文献相关的研究工作。  相似文献   

中外图书馆学科服务研究对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]以WOS和CSSCI中收录的1998-2015年间学科服务领域的研究论文为样本数据,对国内外学科服务的理论研究现状进行定量化比较分析,以期为国内相关研究提供参考。[方法/过程]借助CiteSpaceⅢ、Ucinet、NetDraw等可视化工具分别绘制国内外学科服务研究的文献共被引时区视图、高频关键词共现网络图谱与共词聚类知识图谱,对国内外学科服务理论研究的时间分布、知识演化路径、研究热点与主题进行比较分析。[结果/结论]研究结果表明,国内外学科服务研究在研究重心、研究方向、文献影响力、引文性质、研究内容等方面存在差异。  相似文献   

The disruption (D) index is a network-based indicator to quantify the extent to which a focal paper disrupts its predecessors. This study focuses on what disruption means by examining example articles related to “sleeping beauties in science” and frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF). We investigated the structure of the citation network and subsequent papers’ motivations for citing the focal papers. Based on the observation that conceptual work is more likely to disrupt science than technical work, we hypothesize that disruption reflects the mechanism of how paradigms shift in the development of science. We also assume that the disruption identified by the D index indicates more than generating a new direction. Disruptive contributions include revolutionary studies such as Nobel-prize-winning papers, as suggested in previous work. However, disruptive contributions also include scientific dissemination of new terminology created by popular proposals, such as “sleeping beauties in science.” Such contributions redefine and popularize phenomena in science.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]回顾现有的睡美人文献识别方法,梳理不同方法的优缺点,尝试兼顾准确性与易操作性来改进睡美人文献的识别方法。[方法/过程]基于目前发展较为成熟的Bcp指数识别法,借鉴其利用引文曲线"离散程度"进行识别这一核心思想,引入统计学中的"变异系数"概念,将其应用于不同引文曲线类型的区分,从而提出用以识别睡美人文献的PCV指数。[结果/结论]识别结果显示,PCV指数能够较为简单、准确地识别睡美人文献,且该方法对总被引次数具有较低的依赖性。  相似文献   

Delayed recognition is a concept applied to articles that receive very few to no citations for a certain period of time following publication, before becoming actively cited. To determine whether such a time spent in relative obscurity had an effect on subsequent citation patterns, we selected articles that received no citations before the passage of ten full years since publication, investigated the subsequent yearly citations received over a period of 37 years and compared them with the citations received by a group of papers without such a latency period. Our study finds that papers with delayed recognition do not exhibit the typical early peak, then slow decline in citations, but that the vast majority enter decline immediately after their first – and often only – citation. Middling papers’ citations remain stable over their lifetime, whereas the more highly cited papers, some of which fall into the “sleeping beauty” subtype, show non-stop growth in citations received. Finally, papers published in different disciplines exhibit similar behavior and did not differ significantly.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the extent to which patent citations to papers can serve as early signs for predicting delayed recognized knowledge in science using a comparative study with a control group, i.e., instant recognition papers. We identify the two opposite groups of papers by the Bcp measure, a parameter-free index for identifying papers which were recognized with delay. We provide a macro (Science/Nature papers dataset) and micro (a case chosen from the dataset) evidence on paper-patent citation linkages as early signs for predicting delayed recognized knowledge in science. It appears that papers with delayed recognition show a stronger and longer technical impact than instant recognition papers. We provide indication that in the more recent years papers with delayed recognition are awakened more often and earlier by a patent rather than by a scientific paper (also called “prince”). We also found that patent citations seem to play an important role to avoid instant recognition papers to level off or to become a so called “flash in the pan”, i.e., instant recognition. It also appears that the sleeping beauties may firstly encounter negative citations and then patent citations and finally get widely recognized. In contrast to the two focused fields (biology and chemistry) for instant recognition papers, delayed recognition papers are rather evenly distributed in biology, chemistry, psychology, geology, materials science, and physics. We discovered several pairs of “science sleeping”-“technology inducing”, such as “biology-biotechnology/pharmaceuticals”, “chemistry-chemical engineering”, as well as some trans-fields science-technology interactions, such as “psychology - computer technology/control technology/audio-visual technology”, “physics - computer technology”, and “mathematics-computer technology”. We propose in further research to discover the potential ahead of time and transformative research by using citation delay analysis, patent & NPL analysis, and citation context analysis.  相似文献   

We first introduced interesting definitions of “heartbeat” and “heartbeat spectrum” for “sleeping beauties”, based on van Raan's variables. Then, we investigated 58,963 papers of Nobel laureates during 1900–2000 and found 758 sleeping beauties. By proposing and using Gs index, an adjustment of Gini coefficient, to measure the inequality of “heartbeat spectrum”, we observed that publications which possess “late heartbeats” (most citations were received in the second half of sleeping period) have higher awakening probability than those have “early heartbeats” (most citations were received in the first half of sleeping period). The awakening probability appears the highest if an article's Gs index exists in the interval [0.2, 0.6).  相似文献   

The sleeping beauties in science signify a unique knowledge diffusion trajectory created by citation after the publication of scientific literature. However, in social media, scientific knowledge creates a new diffusion trajectory through social media metrics such as View, Save, Discussed, and Recommendations. This study aims to define social media–based sleeping beauties S-SB in science by using social media metrics which we termed as citation-based Sleeping Beauties in science, C-SB. We constructed a quantitative method to identify S-SB and conducted an empirical study of all types of 4019 articles published in PLOS Biology. Comparison of the S-SB and C-SB results revealed that from the perspective of social media metrics, C-SB has become the literature of S-total elements early gradual awakening type, S-total elements delay gradual awakening type, and S-early sudden awakening type. Moreover, the awakening time of C-SB literature under the action of social media metrics was found to be 4–5 years earlier than that under the action of citation-based indicators. Both C-SB and S-SB included significant “Editorial Material,” establishing that “Editorial Material” type literature is noteworthy while promoting the diffusion of scientific knowledge. Overall, this study extends the perspective of sleeping beauties in science.  相似文献   

Inspired by “sleeping beauties in science”, we proposed that the awakening effect in knowledge diffusion is ubiquitous, whereas the “prince” paper has the strongest effect. To test this hypothesis, a three-layer super-network model depicting the knowledge diffusion trajectory is designed and the diffusion path of the awakening effect (defined on the basis of influential strength) is simulated. In detail, the model is built based on the citation network and collaboration network of 63785 publications in the library and information science domain. Through meta-paths in this super-network, the influential strength of a paper and the awakening effect from neighboring papers can be quantified into 36 numerical features. By testing the effectiveness of these features in citation counts prediction, we try to prove our hypothesis. Thus an effective predictor in machine learning is trained upon these features. Using this predictor, we showed that most neighboring papers in the super-network had effects on future citation counts. The effectiveness of these features is again demonstrated through experiments on papers with different publication years. We also did a case study on papers that were significantly affected by the awakening effect, and found that the model proposed in this paper can also be used to explain some common phenomena in knowledge diffusion. All results show that the awakening effect could be not only ubiquitous but also quantifiable.  相似文献   

丁文姚  李健  韩毅 《图书情报工作》2019,63(22):118-128
[目的/意义] 探索期刊论文科学数据引用特征与规律不仅有助于描述学科领域对科学数据的利用情况,还能够揭示学术成果表达中的数据引用模式。[方法/过程] 以我国图书情报领域6种期刊2017年与2018年第一期刊载论文为样本,结合国家标准《信息技术科学数据引用》的引用元素,采用内容分析法从9个维度对样本论文的科学数据引用行为进行数据编码,应用统计学方法描述图书情报领域期刊论文科学数据引用特征并探索不同维度特征间的关联关系。[结果/结论] 图书情报领域期刊论文广泛引用来自国内外的统计整理类科学数据,对期刊论文中个人研究科学数据的引用量较大;科学数据引用标注方式与科学数据类型存在一定对应关系,但多样化的标注方式缺乏统一性;二手引用现象较为突出,二手引用程度与科学数据创建者类型相关。  相似文献   

基于CSSCI的中国引文分析的可视化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以“引文分析” 为检索词在CSSCI中检索到 1998 - 2007年间527篇文献,3 328条引文。对这些数据进行统计和引文分析,利用NETDRAW、CITESPACE等可视化软件,绘制引文分析领域的重要作者和重要文献图,反映引文分析领域的重要人物和重要著作,展现引文分析领域的知识结构关系。  相似文献   

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