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提问是课堂教学最重要的活动之一,通过对四节初中代数课的课堂录像进行量化分析,归纳了教师课堂提问的类型及其与学生回答之间的联系,得出以下结论:课堂教学中,课堂教学提问数量较多,但各类提问运用的比例不同;学生回答问题所占时间较短,且学生机械性回答占了较大的比例;教师提问难度与学生回答水平没有直接的关系;教师合理使用追问的频度和密度将有助于提高课堂教学的有效性。  相似文献   

本研究以数学概念教学中提问实施过程主要环节为研究纬度进行量化研究,研究发现:(1)教师要适当控制提问的总量,在概念的形成过程中,要投入更多的提问机会、时间、复杂性的问题以及留给学生思考的时间,并注意使学生获得较公平的回答问题的机会;(2)有效提问教学过程中学生无答的情形较少,有更多的机会和时间回答复杂性问题;(3)教师理答要对学生予以适度的表扬,善于追问和鼓励学生提问;(4)有效提问的难度与学生回答的难度呈现统计意义上的显著相关.  相似文献   

在课堂教学中,教师的提问作为最重要的课堂活动环节,对一节课的授课效果有显著影响,本文就一堂高三一轮复习试卷讲评分析课进行片段教学实录和量化分析,结合教师课堂提问的类型与学生回答之间的联系,得出在课堂教学中:(1)课堂口头禅的危害要引起重视,教师应及时纠正自己的课堂口头禅。(2)教师提问的方式和学生的回答积极性有明显相关性,理解型提问的有效性影响学生思考的深度和广度,教师应精炼提问、规范提问,提高教师教学行为效率,从而提高课堂教学效率。  相似文献   

随着课程改革的逐步实施,对话教学成为新授课教学的主要活动形式之一。为揭示当前师生对话教学存在的问题,研究对湖北省H市某高中英语教师L进行新授课课堂观察。通过对该教师英语课堂师生话语时间比例、问题设置类型和教师对学生回答后的反馈、教师提问方式和学生回答方式等维度的分析,结果表明:高中英语课堂教师话语权仍占主导地位;教师对学生回答缺乏评价;课堂提问方式及回答方式单一。  相似文献   

本研究以小学数学教师所执教的课例为研究对象,通过录像分析法对专家型教师和新手型教师在课堂提问中思维导向性上的差异进行了研究。结果表明,专家型教师与新手型教师在课堂提问中的问题水平、提问方式、反馈方式、回答类型以及追问情况等方面存在着显著差异。专家型教师更倾向于提问高水平的问题;提问方式多样化;更倾向于直接反馈;回答类型上"创造型"的比例更高;在追问情况上,更倾向于逐层追问,并有效控制重复追问的次数。进一步的分析表明,问题水平、提问方式、反馈方式、追问情况等方面对课堂教学的效果构成了必要的影响因素,而学生回答类型对教师教学效果不构成必要的影响因素。  相似文献   

谭铭 《海外英语》2015,(3):90-91,95
课堂提问一直是课堂教学的主要教学手段之一,是师生之间进行信息和情感交流的重要环节,是激发学生学习兴趣和培养学生思辨性思维的重要中介。该文采用观察法、数据研究分析法,拟从(1)课堂提问的类型;(2)提问等待的时间;(3)提问对象;(4)提问技巧;(5)教师反馈这五个方面对一节英语教师技能大赛的比赛视频进行研究分析,旨在初步探究英语课堂教师提问情况和英语教师掌握课堂提问技能角度分析,希望能为英语课堂的有效教学提供有用的建议。  相似文献   

郭大俊 《考试周刊》2013,(19):62-63
<正>课堂提问是指教师在课堂教学过程中通过指出问题,针对学生的回答,及时了解学生的学习状态,适时调整教学策略,启发学生思维,促使其主动思考,理解和掌握知识及发展能力的一类教学行为。那么如何在初中数学课堂教学中进行有效提问,演绎更多的精彩课堂教学呢?1.结合教学环节的特点,准确把握课堂提问的类型,不失  相似文献   

课堂提问一直是课堂教学的主要教学手段之一,是师生之间进行信息和情感交流的重要环节,是激发学生学习兴趣和培养学生思辨性思维的重要中介。该文采用观察法、数据研究分析法,拟从(1)课堂提问的类型;(2)提问等待的时间;(3)提问对象;(4)提问技巧;(5)教师反馈这五个方面对一节英语教师技能大赛的比赛视频进行研究分析,旨在初步探究英语课堂教师提问情况和英语教师掌握课堂提问技能角度分析,希望能为英语课堂的有效教学提供有用的建议。  相似文献   

在当前小学课堂教学中,老师们最常用的方式就是课堂提问。课堂提问绝非简单地提出问题,让学生回答提问,因为问题的质量直接会影响课堂教学效率,所以问题要有深度。围绕阅读教学的实际情况,针对存在的突出问题:即老师所提问的问题容易有重复交叉和缺乏系统的情况,学生们大多只是浅显地回答问题,没有进行有效的思考。这些提问对有限的课堂时间是极大浪费,而且降低了课堂教学的质量。面对这种情况,就要求老师们需要把握学生的实际情况,对教材认真钻研,抓住:(1)紧扣目标,指向明确;(2)内容丰富,形式多样;(3)掌握层次,循序渐进;(4)面向全体,难易适度。结合这四大方面展开提问,可以形成系统化的提问形式,真正地以小型的问题带动学生综合思考,激发学生的兴趣,让教学取得突出效果。  相似文献   

建构式生态课堂要求老师不得不有效提问.通过课堂有效提问,不仅能激发兴趣、启发思考,还能及时反馈知识的掌握情况,捕捉有效的教学信息,及时调控教学的过程,提高课堂教学的质量.下面从词的界定,现状,重要性,及策略谈谈课堂有效提问.一、课堂有效提问物理课堂教学中提问存在的问题主要有:(1)整堂课教师只管自己讲,不提一个问题.有的教师在提问时,盲目追求课堂气氛的表面热闹,提问停留在一问一答的低层次水平上,无益于启发学生积极思考.(2)所提问题与课堂教学的重点、难点距离较远,偏离了主题.(3)提问时间仓促,学生没有时问思考.(4)提问表达不言简意赅,有时学生不知所云,无法回答.对学生的回答不是完全正确,没有悉心地爱护学生回答的积极性,充分地肯定和热情鼓励.(5)提问不到  相似文献   

以"通过提问和理解促进学习和思考(QUILT)"为框架分析目前中小学教师课堂提问中存在的误区,发现:在准备问题环节,启动式问题引发的认知操作过于单一、引思式问题表述不够清晰;在陈述问题环节,随机发问的小问题数量过多、师生不明确需要运用的思维类型或认知方式;在激发学生回答环节,给予学生回答问题的机会不均等、学生缺乏回答问题规则的必要训练;在对学生回答进行加工和反馈环节,加工式问题提问质量不高、反馈大都没有产生积极意义。针对每一环节的问题相应地提出了改进的策略。  相似文献   

介绍一种理论力学课程辅助教学软件,该软件采用下拉式菜单结构,题型全面,有常见的概念题,还有作图题和计算题;软件还具有出错提示、一题多解、分步记分等智能化的功能。使用它,可减轻教师批改作业的负担,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

This article addresses two questions. The first question is this: ‘when ought teachers to encourage or discourage students’ belief of a given proposition on the one hand (call this ‘directive teaching’), and when ought teachers to simply facilitate students’ understanding of that proposition, on the other (call this ‘non‐directive teaching’) (cf. the work of Michael Hand)? The second question is this: ‘which propositional content should curricula address?’ An answer to these questions would amount to what I will call a ‘theory of propositional curricula content’, by providing both a means for choosing content, and a directive for teaching that content. While the answer that I give to the second question is unlikely to prove exhaustive, I still consider that it would form an important part of the answer, hence the title a ‘towards a theory of propositional curricula content’.  相似文献   

新形势下,线上直播教学成为新的教学形态。但线上直播教学也存在着教师无法对学生学习进行直接监督、持续长时间的在线讲授易使学生失去兴趣等问题,问题导入式教学法因具有引导学生积极参与课堂、教师能更加有针对性地开展教学等优点,成为提高线上直播教学质量的重要方法。在线上直播教学中运用问题导入式教学法需要任课教师重视问题的设计,要尽可能采用封闭式的问题、尽量针对具体案例进行设问、设置需要思考才能回答的问题、设置学生利用现有的知识和经验就能解决的问题。  相似文献   

大学英语精读课堂教学提问设计策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语的教学过程是师生双边活动的过程。它要求师生在课堂上互相配合,协同完成语言交际的教学过程。教师在课堂上合理地提问是引导学生积极思考,培养学生认识能力,分析能力和创新能力的重要手段。教师课堂提问应讲求一定的艺术性,重视提问的方法和策略。  相似文献   

设疑置问 训练思维   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
课堂提问是一种教学艺术,通过设疑置问,提高课堂教学效率,发展学生的能力,锻炼学生的思维,提升学生的素质。在数学课堂教学中,课堂提问是取得良好课堂效果的重要方面。本文总结了设置疑问的六种类型,主要有急问抢答型,质疑问难型,类比解析型,论争辨析型,启发建模型和回归本意型。  相似文献   

The following study investigated the effectiveness of comprehension preadjunct questions as a learning strategy for older adults in a classroom setting. Preadjunct questions are questions presented at the beginning of the to‐be‐learned material to guide what is learned and to increase the likelihood that learners will correctly answer criterion test questions. Fifty‐five adults from 55 to 70 years of age were randomly assigned to two groups: the preadjunct question group and a no‐question control group. The groups viewed a video on high blood pressure and completed a recall posttest immediately after viewing the video and 7 days later. Results demonstrated that there was no significant difference between groups. However, the no‐question control group obtained a higher mean score on both the immediate and delayed recall tests than did the preadjunct question group. Results were explained in terms of resource theory of cognitive aging. If educators plan to use preadjunct questions when teaching older adults, they are advised to build opportunities for training and practice into their teaching plans.  相似文献   

This article presents analysis of question–answer sequences during problem inquiry between a teacher and two children in an early childhood crèche in New Zealand. Conversation analysis is used to reveal which questions the teacher asks, how children answer the questions, and the teacher’s responses to the child’s answers. Although adults’ ‘effective’ questions were identified and promoted in the REPEY study much less attention has been given to how adults respond to children’s answers. It is imperative to investigate the sequences of talk which follow a question in order to establish how teaching and learning is co-constructed in context, one utterance at a time and as a joint project between teacher and child. The findings suggest that task problems and emotional problems are treated in a similar way during problem inquiry, highlighting the complexity of interactions when teachers are providing both emotional care and educational support for young children.  相似文献   

Using classroom observation and video recording methods, we performed a comparative study on the forms and content of dialogues in the classrooms between expert and novice teachers. Of the 55 lessons surveyed, it was found that expert teachers tend to use analytical and comparative questions more frequently to detect students’ mathematical reasoning. Students and teachers work together to determine the answer to a question and the dialogue in the classroom takes place in a way that students present an answer, the teacher and the other students question the answer, and then the students explain the answer. On the other hand, a novice teacher often tends to give students hints, or utilize simple questions to jog the memory. The novice teacher recognizes students’ logic but does not incorporate them into his/her teaching. In this case, the teacher becomes the sole judge for the appropriateness of the answers and the typical dialogue in the classroom occurs in a way that the teacher asks a question, students answer, and the teacher comments.  相似文献   

Using classroom observation and video recording methods, we performed a comparative study on the forms and content of dialogues in the classrooms between expert and novice teachers. Of the 55 lessons surveyed, it was found that expert teachers tend to use analytical and comparative questions more frequently to detect students’ mathematical reasoning. Students and teachers work together to determine the answer to a question and the dialogue in the classroom takes place in a way that students present an answer, the teacher and the other students question the answer, and then the students explain the answer. On the other hand, a novice teacher often tends to give students hints, or utilize simple questions to jog the memory. The novice teacher recognizes students’ logic but does not incorporate them into his/her teaching. In this case, the teacher becomes the sole judge for the appropriateness of the answers and the typical dialogue in the classroom occurs in a way that the teacher asks a question, students answer, and the teacher comments.  相似文献   

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