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大数据环境下用户隐私顾虑日益加深。尝试从用户对威胁的评估以及组织的隐私政策方面研究当下隐私现状,有利于企业在保护个人隐私的前提下更好地发展。基于保护动机理论,实证研究威胁评估、网络隐私顾虑和组织隐私政策(重要性认知)的关系及其作用机理。研究结果表明:威胁评估和组织隐私政策都对网络隐私顾虑起正向影响作用;组织隐私政策作为调节变量,在威胁评估与网络隐私顾虑间的调节作用并不显著,只在威胁评估与隐私控制的关系中起显著反向调节作用。  相似文献   

基于利益相关者理论,对一组用于测评企业社会责任(CSR)的量表进行了修正并实证检验了其在中国情境下的信效度。通过因子分析,发现我国情境下企业社会责任量表是由员工责任、产品责任、诚信公正责任、慈善公益责任以及环境责任5个维度构成。通过检测,发现该量表具有良好的信效度,基于该量表所测评的企业社会责任对员工组织认同感有显著影响。  相似文献   

张茜  谢卫红  王忠 《情报杂志》2023,(5):175-183+199
[研究目的]为揭示用户隐私披露的本质,该研究从应对视角出发,剖析量化自我的隐私悖论现象,试图为量化自我相关企业获取用户信息、促进用户隐私披露提供理论指导。[研究方法]基于应对理论,以可穿戴设备用户为研究对象,通过问卷调查法,构建结构方程模型,探究用户如何应对可穿戴设备技术可供性带来的使用收益与隐私顾虑及其对隐私披露决策的影响。[研究结论]研究发现:第一,可穿戴设备的技术可供性正向影响隐私披露意愿。第二,可穿戴设备的技术可供性与隐私披露意愿之间的关系,通过感知收益、隐私顾虑起中介作用。相较于隐私顾虑,感知收益的正向中介效应更强。第三,用户在面临量化自我带来的风险时,认知评估(风险偏好和感知隐私控制)对隐私顾虑的形成有着重要的影响;而形成隐私顾虑后,隐私脱离的应对方式对隐私顾虑和隐私披露意愿之间的关系有正向调节作用。  相似文献   

霍明奎  朱莉刘升 《情报科学》2017,35(12):108-114
【目的/意义】移动社交网站深入到了每个人的生活,人类的网络化生存方式全面开启。考虑个体用户参 与动机,在把握用户隐私顾虑和信任基础上,从优化用户感知、提升用户参与度角度来设计和运营网站,可以有效 提升用户粘性和参与强度。【方法/过程】本文在构建了用户信任、隐私顾虑对移动社交网络参与动机和参与度影响 模型基础上,收集调查问卷所获数据,应用偏最小二乘法 (PLS)对提出的研究假设及其模型进行实证检验。【结果/ 结论】研究结果表明信任与隐私顾虑、隐私顾虑与参与动机之间存在负相关关系;信任与参与动机、参与动机与参 与强度之间存在正相关关系;研究结果为优化微博建设、细化客户群体提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

本文从移动互联网大学生用户角度出发,针对大学生在使用移动互联网时隐私的情况,提出了隐私容忍度的概念,从使用敏感性维度、接受者敏感性维度以及信息类型敏感性维度三个维度对移动互联网环境下大学生用户的隐私泄露容忍度进行分析与测量,开发并设计了测量模型并对其进行了实证检验,结果表明,适用于移动互联网环境下的大学生隐私泄露容忍度测量。为移动互联网企业合理利用信息资源、提高大学生自我隐私信息的保护意识提供了建议和帮助。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]用户的风险感知程度会直接影响用户采纳健康信息的行为和效率。因此,探究用户对网络健康信息的风险感知维度及其影响因素,有利于制定更具针对性的网络健康信息服务策略以及公共政策,促进互联网健康信息服务业的发展。[方法/过程]研究对网络健康信息用户进行半结构化访谈,基于扎根理论对资料进行开放性编码、主轴编码和选择性编码。[结果 /结论]通过分析共得到134个概念,40个范畴和12个主范畴,解析出六维度网络健康信息风险感知结构(包括信息质量风险、信息来源风险、隐私风险、心理风险、系统质量风险和财务风险),并构建网络健康信息风险感知理论模型,为解读网络健康信息风险感知与健康认知能力和风险后果之间的关系提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]健康信息风险和用户隐私保护是健康大数据和移动健康时代的重要议题,从信息隐私和隐私计算视角,探究移动健康管理服务使用意愿的影响因素具有重要意义。[方法/过程]本文在分析移动健康管理服务特殊性和回顾相关研究的基础上,从信息隐私和隐私计算的视角,通过模型构建、问卷调查和假设验证等实证分析过程,重点探究信息隐私等相关因素对移动健康管理服务用户行为意向的影响。[结果/结论]研究表明:显著影响移动健康管理服务使用意愿的因素有感知收益和信任;隐私顾虑对使用意愿的影响并不显著,但并不意味着用户隐私保护不重要;此外,感知隐私控制是重要的心理要素,正向影响感知收益,负向影响隐私顾虑。对移动健康管理服务商来说,应该从信息隐私保护、感知收益提升、个人隐私控制强化以及用户信任建设等方面着手,从而促进移动健康管理服务的用户使用。  相似文献   

互联网环境中适合中国消费者的隐私关注量表研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从理论基础、维度、应用领域及主要贡献四个方面对西方成熟的隐私关注测量量表进行系统的评述,发现CFIP和IUIPC量表更加适合于中国情境下的研究需要.进而,采用418位在校大学生和年轻企业职员作为样本进行实证检验,结果显示,与CFIP量表相比,IUIPC量表具有更高的稳定性和收敛效度,更适用于中国情境.与国外研究相悖的是CFIP作为一阶模型的效果比二阶模型好.  相似文献   

祝娜  夏榆棋 《情报科学》2021,39(12):60-67
政府数据开放已经成为多学科交叉研究的热点。【目的/意义】为推进政府数据开放的降低公众隐私顾虑, 提高公众信息提供意愿。【方法/过程】本研究运用问卷调查法,同时采用相关性分析、逐步回归分析方法,从个体, 情境和平台三个层面剖析政府数据开放的公众隐私顾虑程度。【结果/结论】公众个人隐私保护教育经历越丰富,对 法律法规的满意度越高,对政府监管工作满意度越高,对政府数据开放平台的满意度越高,公众遭遇隐私侵犯经历 频率越低,其隐私顾虑程度越低。公众隐私顾虑程度越高,公众越注重保护隐私信息,公众信息披露意愿越低。【创 新/局限】本研究从公众视角出发,剖析公众隐私顾虑影响因素,探讨公众隐私顾虑对个人隐私信息提供意愿的作 用效果,从法律,监管,平台等层面,提出政府数据开放中公众隐私保护建议。  相似文献   

团队智力资本是智力资本研究的一个重要而又相对薄弱的分支,迄今为止关于创新团队(特别是突破性创新团队)智力资本测评的研究文献屈指可数。在文献回顾的基础上,本文界定了突破性创新团队智力资本的概念,基于前人相关研究成果和前期定性访谈结果确定了其量表的构成维度以及各维度的测量指标(题项),即完成了突破性创新团队智力资本量表的理论建构,进而对该量表的信度与效度(包括内部一致性、收敛效度、区别效度和律则效度)进行了实证检验,并最终开发出具有较高信度和效度的突破性创新团队智力资本量表。研究结果表明,突破性创新团队智力资本量表由3个维度(团队人力资本、团队关系资本和团队结构资本)和14个测量指标构成。  相似文献   


Analyses of attitudes and concerns about privacy from a national survey sample of 1,532 adult Americans in 1988 revealed several separate dimensions. A modification of Tryon's method of clustering variables (third‐order correlations) yielded groups of variables whose meanings were much more interpretable than they had been when factor analysis was initially used. We tested the validity of the clustering by a highly comprehensive system of item analyses. The main findings were that (1) respondent concerns over telephone privacy were not related to other aspects of privacy, (2) interest in devices like Caller ID that enable recipients to know the number of the caller were not related to other aspects of telephone privacy, and (3) general privacy concerns under conditions where the respondent and the other party know each other were independent of those conditions where they do not know each other. Implications for telecommunications policy and new services are discussed.  相似文献   

Toward a Typology of Internet Users and Online Privacy Concerns   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Traditional typologies of consumer privacy concern suggest that consumers fall into three distinct groups: One-fourth of consumers are not concerned about privacy, one-fourth are highly concerned, and half are pragmatic, in that their concerns about privacy depend on the situation presented. This study examines online users to determine whether types of privacy concern online mirror the offline environment. An e-mail survey of online users examined perceived privacy concerns of 15 different situations involving collection and usage of personally identifiable information. Results indicate that the vast majority of online users are pragmatic when it comes to privacy. Further analysis of the data suggested that online users can be segmented into four distinct groups, representing differing levels of privacy concern. Distinct demographic differences were seen. Persons with higher levels of education are more concerned about their privacy online than persons with less education. Additionally, persons over the age of 45 years tended to be either not at all concerned about privacy or highly concerned about privacy. Younger persons tended to be more pragmatic. Content and policy implications are provided.  相似文献   

【目的/意义】受新冠疫情的影响,在线求职面试已经成为高校毕业生就业的重要形式。然而,随着一系列 简历信息泄露事件的曝光,如何降低毕业生在线求职的隐私关注已经成为学界、媒体以及公众共同关注的话题。 【方法/过程】借鉴 APCO 框架和 IUIPC 量表等成熟的研究成果,以六个重要的前因变量构建了隐私关注影响因素 理论模型,运用 NCA以及 QCA模糊集分析方法,探讨了前因变量之间的多重并发因素和复杂因果机制对于求职 毕业生隐私关注的影响。【结果/结论】毕业生在线求职低隐私关注的驱动机制分为七条路径;制度影响对于降低求 职毕业生隐私关注有着至关重要的作用;作为一种主观可控条件,提高毕业生的网络素养是快速降低求职毕业生 隐私关注的可行性选择。【创新/局限】本文引入fsQCA的方法,选取六个变量,从组态的视角,探究在线求职毕业生 低隐私关注的驱动机制及变量间的关系。将来可继续加入时间维度进行更深层次的分析。  相似文献   

Recent privacy-related incidents of mobile services have shown that app stores and providers face the challenge of mobile users’ information privacy concerns, which can prevent users from installing mobile apps or induce them to uninstall an app. In this paper, we investigate the role of app permission requests and compare the impact on privacy concerns with other antecedents of information privacy concerns, i.e., prior privacy experience, computer anxiety, and perceived control. To test these effects empirically, we conducted an online survey with 775 participants. Results of our structural equation modeling show that prior privacy experience, computer anxiety, and perceived control have significant effects on privacy concerns. However, concerns for app permission requests have approximately twice as much predictive value than the other factors put together to explain mobile users’ overall information privacy concerns. We expect that our findings can provide a theoretical contribution for future mobile privacy research as well as practical implications for app stores and providers.  相似文献   

In light of mounting privacy concerns over the increasing collection and use of biometric and behavioral information for travel facilitation, this study examines travelers’ online privacy concerns (TOPC) and its impact on willingness to share data with travel providers. A proposed theoretical model explaining antecedents and outcomes of TOPC related to biometric and behavioral data sharing was tested using structural equation modeling with data collected from 685 travelers. The results extend the Antecedents – Privacy Concerns – Outcomes (APCO) framework by identifying a set of salient individual factors that shape TOPC. The findings provide empirical evidence confirming the context dependence of privacy preferences, showing that although travelers are concerned over their information privacy they are still willing to share their behavioral data; while in the case of biometric information, the disclosure decision is dependent upon expected benefits rather than privacy concerns. This study offers insights into privacy behavior of online consumers in the travel context and constitutes one of the few focusing on the social aspects of biometric authentication.  相似文献   

Biometric technology is rapidly gaining popularity as an access control mechanism in the workplace. In some instances, systems relying on biometric technology for access control have not been well received by employees. One potential reason for resistance may be perceived privacy issues associated with organizational collection and use of biometric data. This research draws on previous organizational information handling and procedural fairness literature to frame and examine these underlying privacy issues. Perceived accountability, perceived vulnerability, and distrust were distilled from the previous literature as the primary dimensions of employee privacy concerns related to biometric technology. This study assesses the effects of these privacy concerns, how they vary based on the cultural influences of Anglos and Hispanics.Fire ground accountability is a critical management objective in the firefighting domain. In multi-unit or multi-agency crisis response scenarios, the on-scene incident commander tracks and accounts for each first responder. This research designed and deployed a new fire ground accountability system that tracked firefighters through finger pattern-based biometric logins to their assigned positions on the firefighting apparatus. An instrument measuring level of privacy concern on three underlying dimensions and demographic data was developed, validated and administered in a quasi-experimental field study. A pre-test–post-test survey methodology was employed to detect potential differences in privacy concerns as familiarity with the system increased. The study shows that Anglo and Hispanic subjects frame privacy issues differently associated with use of biometric technology in a fire ground accountability system. Finally, the study showed that some privacy concerns such as distrust and perceived vulnerability can be alleviated through system use with changes in post-use privacy concerns moderated by ethnic affiliation.  相似文献   

采用多维尺度分析法,通过考察26位专家对组织文化结构的空间认知模式,确定了一个五维度的组织文化度量模型,包括人际和谐、开放创新、短期结果、竞争效率和严格控制。我们还在6家组织中进行了问卷调查,获得607份有效问卷。通过对数据进行验证性因子分析,初步建立了相应的测量量表(DOCQ)。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, social media technologies have become effective tools not only for entertainment, but also for online health communications. In virtual health communities (VHCs), the members often share their personal health information (PHI) with other members. These information exchanges provide benefits to both the information providers as well as the recipients. The PHI disclosure, however, may entail privacy concerns. Our study used the privacy calculus model to examine the trade-off between individuals’ expected benefits and privacy concerns when disclosing PHI in social media environments. Our results showed that age, health status, and affective commitment influence the balance between the information disclosure drivers and barriers in the privacy calculus model. More specifically, we found that among members of VHCs, healthier people expect to receive fewer personal benefits of communicating PHI in social media environments. Moreover, individuals who are emotionally attached to online communities expect to both receive and provide more benefits while communicating PHI in those communities. We also observed that individuals who are familiar with but not members of VHCs, especially those who are young and healthy, are more concerned about their PHI privacy in online communities.  相似文献   

Social commerce (s-commerce) has become increasingly impactful to e-commerce and has generated potential economic benefits. With the rise of online privacy concerns, we have seen the need to explain how concerns about privacy affect consumers’ social interaction behavior and purchase decision-making on s-commerce sites. Synthesizing the privacy-trust-behavioral intention (PTB) and consumer decision-making models, this study proposes a comprehensive model by specifically refining its privacy and trust from an institutional perspective and investigating the influences of social interaction on purchase intention and actual purchase behaviors. Our results found that institutional privacy assurance positively influences institutional-based trust, which, in turn, affects online social interactions, and consequently increases the likelihood of product purchases on s-commerce sites. Theoretical development of this research contributes to both marketing and information systems disciplines in the social media era.  相似文献   

网络隐私的概念、研究进展及趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
回顾了网络隐私的相关概念,并对其进行了界定;对消费者网络隐私关注、网络隐私行为意向、网络隐私关注和行为的影响因素这三个优先领域的研究进展进行了总结;最后讨论了网络隐私的研究趋势和前景。  相似文献   

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