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概念的教学是基础教育教学的关键与核心。奥苏贝尔认知同化理论可为基础教育概念的教学提供理论指导,在实际教学中,教师应该有意识地吸取认知同化理论的成分。提出一些关于奥苏贝尔认知同化理论对基础教育概念教学的启示,以期增强基础教育概念教学效果。  相似文献   

浅谈同化论在中学化学教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 同化概念和“认知结构同化论”1 .1 同化概念“同化一词的基本意义是指接纳、吸收和合并为自身的一部分。”德国教育家赫尔巴特最早用同化概念解释知识的学习 ,他认为“学习过程是新观念进入原有观念团内 ,使原有观念得到丰富和发展 ,从而为吸收新观念做好准备的统觉过程 ,亦即新旧观念的同化过程。”而美国当代教育心理学家奥苏贝尔则用同化概念建立了知识学习的同化理论———“认知结构同化论” ,该理论中的认知结构就是赫尔巴特所指的“原有观念团” ,其心理学含义是 :“认知结构 ,就是学生头脑里的知识结构。广义地说 ,它是某一学…  相似文献   

心理学家和教育学家普遍认为,概念的习得是儿童认知发展的主要途径。为此,作为小学数学概念学习的两种基本方式的概念同化和概念形成必须重视学习者认知形态的分析与研究。由于小学生的认知特点,在概念学习中以概念形成的构建方式居多,但随着学生认知水平的发展,采用概念同化方式构建数学概念的教学内容逐渐增加,如比的意义、比的基本性质等。所谓概念同化,就是采用定义的方式,利用学习者认知结构中原有的概念,  相似文献   

从认知同化学习理论看物理概念的教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从认知同化学习理论出发,探讨了概念形成的内在心理学过程,就物理概念教学中如何构建学生的认知结构,有效促进新知识的同化与顺应,提出了七点建议。  相似文献   

同化论在教学中的应用章竞思认知心理学家奥苏伯尔对同化这个概念赋予了特定的内涵。他对学生的学习进行了具体的研究,提出了认知观的学习理论,即同化理论。他认为,学生的学习是认知结构的组织与重新组织。学生能否获得新知识,主要取决于他们认知结构中已有的有关概念...  相似文献   

<正>概念是学科知识的基本元素,是学科知识结构的基础。形成科学概念是深刻认识生命现象本质特征的标志,也是领会生命活动规律的基础。美国学者奥苏贝尔认为,概念的获得有两种基本形式:概念的形成和概念的同化。概念的形成是一个从无到有,建立新认知的过程;概念的同化是新认知与原有认知冲撞  相似文献   

同化,指学习者头脑中储存了某种认知结构,它可以吸收新的信息;新的信息被吸收以后,使原有结构发生某种变化。从某种意义上说,语文学习过程实质上是语文知能同化过程。认知心理学派经过多年的研究,概括出概念与命题学习的类型及其同化模式(参见邵瑞珍主编《学与教的心理学》)。探讨同化模式与语文学习的关系是语文教学的新课题,它有助于实现语文教学的规范化和科学化。一、派生的下位学习同化模式与语文学习如果学生认知结构中原有概念或命题的概括性与包容范围高于要学习的新概念或命题,则新学的内容属于下位学习;这种学习的下位概念或命题是从原有的上位概念或命题中派生出来  相似文献   

从认知心理活动的过程分析,学生建立数学概念的基本形式有概念的形成与概念的同化两种。正常的教学侧重于概念的形成。复习教学应侧重于概念的同化,即通过复习使概念的本质特征能在学生头脑中得到精确的分化。下面介绍使概念同化的两种方法。  相似文献   

初中物理教学中“力臂”概念,历来都被物理教师看作是一个难点,甚至在高中物理教学中也存在着困惑,这是因为: “力臂”作为物理概念,从皮亚杰的认知结构来看,学生的学习有同化和顺应两种方式.同化是把新学习的概念和规律整合到原有的认知结构中,使认知结构  相似文献   

概念基本教学的方式主要有两种,一种是概念的同化,即学习者利用原有认知结构中的观念来理解接纳新概念;另一种是概念的形成,即从大量的具体例子出发,归纳概括出一类事物的共同本质属性.对于认知水平较高的学生,可以用概念的同化方式来获得概念,对于认知水平稍低的学生,用概念的形成可能更加合适.而这两种概念教学的方式最终目标都是掌握同类事物的关键属性,使学生在头脑里建构起良好的概念认知图式[1].本文将以"几  相似文献   

结合认知理论和系统控制理论,构造了一种面向数学概念理解差错的观测分析模型,建立了对平面向量概念体系的理解进行实证研究的观测分析流程.通过对平面向量概念理解差错进行统计分析,认为数学概念学习中的理解差错,主要有两种模式:一类是概念模板差错,另一类是认知过程差错.基于观测分析,提出了改进设想:概念的表述;在练习中理解;重视教学的整体性;加强相关学科间的联系.  相似文献   

提出数学概念体系的特点。运用现代认知同化理论,分析了数学概念体系对数学概念的理解、保持及运用的作用,并得出了这一过程的结构关系。  相似文献   

“同化”与“顺应”是皮亚杰发生认识论中的两个重要概念,皮亚杰认为,在学习中正是由于主体和外界刺激之间不断的同化和顺应达到平衡,才促使主体的认知图式不断地发展,学习才得以实现。本旨在对这两个概念的准确把握的基础上,从开展活动教学法,发现学习法,根据学生年龄差异、个性差异选择教学方法、教学内容以及在教授新课前适当的“温故”几个方面,对如何在教学中实现最优的同化和顺应进行探讨,为最终创建适应时代发展、符合学生认知发展规律的教学方法提供参考。  相似文献   

空间概念是人在幼儿时期最早发展起来的概念之一,它是人理解其他概念的基础之一。本文以方位介词in为例,论述其从空间意义到隐喻意义的认知过程,旨在揭示人类的自身经验在形成抽象概念意义中的作用和心理认知过程。  相似文献   

Many ideas in the biological sciences seem especially difficult to understand, learn, and teach successfully. Our goal in this feature is to explore how these difficulties may stem not from the complexity or opacity of the concepts themselves, but from the fact that they may clash with informal, intuitive, and deeply held ways of understanding the world that have been studied for decades by psychologists. We give a brief overview of the field of developmental cognitive psychology. Then, in each of the following sections, we present a number of common challenges faced by students in the biological sciences. These may be in the form of misconceptions, biases, or simply concepts that are difficult to learn and teach, and they occur at all levels of biological analysis (molecular, cellular, organismal, population, and ecosystem). We then introduce the notion of a cognitive construal and discuss specific examples of how these cognitive principles may explain what makes some misconceptions so alluring and some biological concepts so challenging for undergraduates. We will argue that seemingly unrelated misconceptions may have common origins in a single underlying cognitive construal. These ideas emerge from our own ongoing cross-disciplinary conversation, and we think that expanding this conversation to include other biological scientists and educators, as well as other cognitive scientists, could have significant utility in improving biology teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Threshold concepts are a widely used idea, particularly in curriculum design and evaluation of student learning. However they can be criticised as being hard to identify, vague and teacher imposed. Using the cognitive theory of Bernard Lonergan we argue that his epistemology enables us to reframe threshold concepts by adding a learner focussed understanding. We extend this to include considerations of liminality and ‘stuckness’, as well as the multiple paths to the threshold learners may take. Adding an understanding of cognitive process to the idea of threshold concepts also enables us to understand how they can be identified in disparate subjects.  相似文献   

This article presents a developmental framework for interpreting and understanding how new digital technologies have been integrated into literacy instruction and research, and how they might be integrated in the future. The framework borrows the concepts of assimilation and accommodation from Piaget’s classical developmental theory of learning, applying them to how individuals and groups involved in literacy instruction and research conceptualize and implement new digital technologies in their work. It is argued that assimilation and accommodation define a developmental reality that helps explain a variety of issues pertaining to new technologies in relation to literacy research and practice, such as how new technologies come to be used or not used in literacy instruction, and what research questions are asked or not asked by literacy researchers exploring the implications of new technologies for instruction. The influence of this framework on the authors’ own work and on the work of others is illustrated.  相似文献   

本实验考察我国高阶英语学习者理解英语N+N组合概念时,对两个主要组合概念认知机制的调用情况。结果显示:此群体偏向于否定“结构对位”机制建立的“属性映射”N+N概念意义的合理性;主要调用“场景构建”认知机制对N+N概念进行“关系连接”释义。这种偏向性一方面表明“属性映射” N+N概念是英语学习者的认知难点,母语认知机制在英语组合概念理解中有负迁移作用,另一方面提示英语教学不仅要重视英语技能培养,也要加强英语文化体验。  相似文献   

词义扩展是人类认知思维的体现。隐喻和转喻是人类基本的认知思维,分别基于事物和概念间的相似性和邻近性而构建,是实现词义扩展的重要手段。传统的多义词教学往往将其各个义项独立,忽略彼此之间的认知关联,教学效果差强人意。从认知角度来分析词义扩展的内在机制,并对英语词汇教学中如何培养多义词的认知思维进行研究。  相似文献   

This article focuses on ion and ways in which students cope with abstraction. The article has two goals: first, it illustrates how the theme of reducing abstraction (Hazzan, 1999) is useful for analyzing students' thinking about abstract concepts in mathematics and in computer science; second, it demonstrates how theories based on mathematics education research can be applied to analyzing students' understanding of computer science concepts. The main section of the article analyzes the understanding of concepts from four fields – abstract algebra, computability, data structures and differential equations – through the lens of reducing abstraction. The analysis shows that a wide range of cognitive phenomena can be explained by one theoretical framework.  相似文献   

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