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电子竞技比赛分为线上和线下,线上比赛指的是在网络上进行的比赛,以魔兽来说就是通过BN、VS、Garena等平台进行的赛事。线上比赛以战队联赛居多,如WC3L、NGL、WPL、G联赛等等。在国内业余界,战队联赛更是丰富多彩。首先,RTB中国魔兽超级联赛作为中国最权威的战队联赛已经持续了数年之久,一直是中国非职业选手一个极佳的表演舞台。另外还有W3W超级联赛、CWCL中国魔兽冠军联赛、ICE电子竞技战队魔兽争霸联赛等等一系列赛事也都是国内业余选手一展风姿的场所。  相似文献   

采用文献资料及录像分析等方法研究体育元素在春晚展现的状况.主要结论:春晚体育元素的展现内容既有竞技体育元素也有大众体育元素;展现形式多种多样,有体育明星作为嘉宾参与、体育明星参与节目表演、体育类节目表演、文艺节目融合体育元素等诸多形式;春晚体育元素的展现总是契合一定的时代背景,其文化特性主要有教育性、欣赏性和娱乐性等.  相似文献   

新生代体育明星违纪违法现象不是偶然个别的现象,具有普遍存在的特点。从文化哲学的角度看,导致体育明星违纪违法现象的根源在与神性体育文化和物性体育文化的冲突。在新的历史条件下,应该把竞技体育回归到体育的人性文化范畴里,从而消除体育明星违纪违法的文化根源。  相似文献   

体育赛事球场观众暴力由来已久,但是法律机构以英国理事会在近一二十年才对体育暴力进行立法规制,其中以《足球观众法》和《足球骚乱法》最为重要.采用案例分析、比较分析和逻辑分析法等,对两部法律的内容以及适用进行系统地阐述,并分析二者的关系及具体适用,旨在根据英国经验为我国足球体育赛事观众暴力相关立法提供参考.  相似文献   

体育明星是利用大众传媒打造并展现在大众面前的具有较高知名度、美誉度的运动员形象。随着我国竞技体育重心向高等院校转移,打造学校体育明星,可以促进学校体育竞技水平的提高,可用来吸引后备人才、筹集资金、提升品牌,为学校竞技体育的繁荣发展和学校精神文明建设服务。打造学校体育明星的过程要注意环境设计、形象设计、身份流动等几个环节,并且要建立一支与其发展密不可分的体育明星代理团队。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、访谈法等就我国体育明星热在社会学结构功能主义的视角下对青少年的影响进行分析和讨论,认为其影响之利在于:能够加强青少年心理和行为规范性,改善其与体育有关的活动方式与途径,提高自身学习、社交能力等方面;弊在于:体育明星的不当言行易使青少年对体育行业产生误解,青少年容易对一些社会现象做出轻易的判断认知,过度沉迷会影响青少年生活与学习等方面;建议从政府、社会、体育明星、青少年本身四方面来规范二者行径.希望从主体内在和外在的双重力度下不断完善体育明星效应,为青少年的成长带来至多正能量.  相似文献   

体育在当代社会中已经成为大众生活不可缺少的重要组成部分,许多国内外的品牌都在借运动题材来为自己进行宣传,体育明星自然成为代言人首选.而在商业利益的驱使下,出现了体育明星为虚假广告代言的不良现象,这不仅侵犯了消费者的权益,同时也有损于自身的公众形象.通过对体育明星广告的失范现象进行反思,并提出解决体育明星虚假广告的可行性对策,旨在为新时期我国广告的发展提供理论依据.  相似文献   

南宋临安民间“体育社团”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国古代民间体育社团 ,虽非宋代始创 ,但是真正称得上“体育社团”的民间结社 ,却是在宋代才得到一定规模的发展。特别是南宋临安城里的民间体育结社 ,更是空前活跃。这些社团既出现在百戏的表演队伍中 ,又时常出没于瓦舍、市肆和西湖岸边 ,为观众和游客表演 ,有的甚至被召进宫中在皇帝御帘前踢弄献技。南宋临安的民间体育社团可以说是宋代市民体育活动的集中反映。据《武林旧事》、《梦梁录》和《都城纪胜》等书记载 ,临安城里的体育社团如按体育项目和体育功能划分 ,则可分为武术和娱乐两种 ,所谓“武术社团”是指临安城比武献技、表演和…  相似文献   

上期介绍了南派魔术《米果交换》和北派魔术《小米搬家》,从表演流程看,后者是前者的简版,那么是不是所有北派魔术都比南派魔术简洁呢?也不尽然,此次介绍的变鸟笼就是南派的表演简单,北派的表演复杂。南派魔术《空盒鸟笼》见于傅天奇、熊大绂出版的《文娱幻术》第四集,表演现象为:魔术师向观众展示一只空的盒子,待观众看清盒内无物后,使助手高举,随即举起发令枪,向盒子鸣枪发令,再打开盒子时,里面竟装着一只充满空间的黄铜鸟笼,  相似文献   

中国教育电视台于2008 年开设了《体育评书》栏目,栏目重点讨论体育赛事及相关的社会问题。节目以东北籍的老梁为主持人,他将传统 评书融进竞技体育评论领域,延续了古代评书中以男性观众为主流的格局,并以此沟通了当今竞技体育的基本审美倾向。《体育评书》灌注了东 北二人转风尚中特有的拙性、刚性和丑角性的元素,借以反抗英雄主义、完美主义及精英主义传统,在体育传播领域内注入一种非主流的评论风 格,借以消解和解构传统的电视体育评论秩序,因而也面临实验性的危机和困境。《体育评书》可看做是一种伴随演艺与体育界东北风强势崛起 现象的商业性跟风行为,尚缺内在原创力。老梁的主播风格时而呈现出模式化、程式化和节奏单一的缺陷。《体育评书》过于迁就大众的市场定位 模糊化了专门化、小群体化以及固定对象化的电视传播规律,其酷评式的压迫感赢得了广大叛逆性人格观众的认同却冷落了大批顺从型人格的 观众群体。丑角介入竞技体育评论领域现象仅是全民皆丑阶段性心理需求的产物,很难经受起电视媒介市场的长期检验。《体育评书》见证了中 国文艺娱乐化时代到来后的特殊境遇。  相似文献   

Much has been published on sport in Britain's private schools of the Victorian and Edwardian eras, but no research of modern policy, practice and outcomes has been conducted since the 1970s. Assessment of the contribution of these schools to Team GB at recent summer Olympic Games – and to international sport in general – by politicians, sports leaders and physical education lobbyists has thus largely been informed by speculation. Future government policy on physical education and sport in schools may therefore be influenced by flawed evidence. This article examines the schooling of all members of Team GB for the summer Olympic Games of 2000–2012, and compares the contribution of its privately educated and state-educated members in terms of performance in competition and medals won. Online research using the websites of schools, sports associations, governing bodies of sport, Olympic associations and the media, together with biographies of sportsmen and sportswomen, provided information about each team member's schooling, sporting background and Olympic record. The speculation was inaccurate – exaggerating the proportion of privately educated members of Team GB but underestimating their contribution.  相似文献   


Sports fans sometimes feel shame for their team’s moral transgressions. In this paper, we investigate this phenomenon. We offer an account of sports fan shame in terms of collective shame. We argue that this account is superior to accounts of sports fan shame in terms of shame for others and shame for oneself. We then argue that accepting the role that sports stars play in bringing about the collective shame amongst their fans provides a new way of justifying the claim that sport stars are subject to special moral obligations.  相似文献   

新型民族传统体育——西夏“泼喜”旋风炮开发构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西夏“泼喜”旋风炮是古代攻战武器 ,具有潜在的体育价值和深厚的西夏文化底蕴 ,笔者试图将我国古代这一优秀的科技成果开发为新型的、富有民族风情和传统特色的体育项目能在民运会上表演比赛。研究表明 ,这一构想、创意具有可行性 ,也有着良好的开发空间和发展前景。  相似文献   

试图通过对2005年中国足球超级联赛武汉队全年比赛数据的统计分析,结合运动员的个人特点以及武汉队本身的技战术传统,根据2005年我国足球超级联赛的具体情况,对武汉队在本年度所表现出来的攻防特点进行分析研究.望能为武汉职业足球的发展提供借鉴.  相似文献   


Findings from physical education research conducted over the last two decades suggest that girls' experiences in and perceptions of physical education in many team sport‐based programs are less than satisfactory. Team sports taught within a traditional multi‐activity format often permit dominant aggressive male players to control the game, marginalizing and alienating low‐skilled girls and boys. This paper critiques the circumstances often found in sport based physical education and reports the use of an innovative approach to team‐sport curriculum entitled, ‘Sport for Peace’, to enhance girls' levels of engagement and satisfaction in urban high school physical education. In this research, seven teachers and 15 girls were involved in the curriculum innovation in three urban high schools. Teachers trained and mentored using the curriculum implemented the program in two classes in each school. The implementation process was described using observation protocols and the teachers and girls were interviewed formally at the conclusion of the observation period. Data were analysed using constant comparison. Findings suggested that the Sport for Peace curriculum improved the sport environment for girls by enhancing their perceptions of success, promoting ownership of the sport content and the class processes, creating authentic cooperative environments for boys and girls, and encouraging the use of second chances to promote understanding and learning. Boys' altitudes towards girls' ability and motivation became more positive and girls indicated that they enjoyed participating with boys in these sport programs. The findings were analysed within Ladson‐Billings' conceptualization of culturally responsive


“和谐”是中华民族的传统价值观和行为准则,在当今中国社会的发展中处于重要的精神主导地位。建设体现以“和谐”为核心价值观念的篮球文化与处理我国职业篮球现阶段各利益主体的关系、创建CBA品牌、拓展CBA发展空间都有很好的契合点。2008年北京“人文”奥运、发展CBA主场文化、培养明星及国际球员等是发展、传播我国篮球“和谐”文化的主要途径与契机。  相似文献   

美国SPARK项目对我国开展"阳光体育运动"的启示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
重点介绍美国开展范围广泛、时间持久、成效显著、对学生和社会均产生深远影响的全国性的体育教育运动——SPARK项目。该项目的特点是教学内容新颖、强调终身体育、学生自主选择体育项目和实施综合性学校体育计划。SPARK项目对我国学校开展“阳光体育运动”有积极借鉴作用。“阳光体育运动”重点要协调和解决的问题:运动能力早期性与持续性、整体性与个体性的关系;传统教学内容和现代教学内容的结合;体育课堂与课外体育活动的协调促进;体育理论课与实践课相辅相成;运动竞技性与健身性的协调统一。  相似文献   

体育营销的作用机制与应用模式选择   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
张锦年  梁强 《体育学刊》2006,13(1):30-32
界定了现代企业体育营销的基本内涵,剖析了体育营销的沟通特性与商业价值,最后总结了现代企业体育营销模式选择,即体育媒体营销,体育赛事营销,体育团队、明星营销和体育组织营销等4种基本模式。  相似文献   


This study is to analyse how the Japanese have traditionally received and currently perceive the Super Bowl, and for this purpose, it aims to locate the position of American football in Japanese history, society, and culture. It explores the game’s history and then examine the degree of its spread among Japan’s sporting population. A two-dimensional approach of historical study and inter-game comparison gives context to the analyses of reference frequency and contents of news media, followed by speculative discussions of what the near future of Japan’s American football would be like. To conclude, it clarifies the ways the Super Bowl has been received and is now being perceived by two groups: The first group is the general people who see the Super Bowl as the convenient and useful medium by which they could learn effectively about American culture through the one-night mania for ‘conspicuous consumption’. The second group comprises American football experts and enthusiasts, including 13,000 athletes and their OBs, coaches, trainers, and other staff members of the leagues and associations as well as the general sports fans. For this group, the Super Bowl is the apex of their favourite sport to which only a selected talented few could join.  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国体育法》中几个基本问题的探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,从法律实务的角度,对我国体育事业的新途径、新体育主体、新体育社会关系及体育基本概念进行了探讨。认为:《体育法》应明确体育的基本概念、基本制度、国家对体育事业管理的权力结构、体育纠纷的内外部裁决途径和体育运营中各类主体的基本权利与义务内容。建议《体育法》明确与违法行为相对应的法律责任条款,通过法律责任支撑行为的规范与调整。  相似文献   

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