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This study sought to investigate the effect of adapted physical education (APE) courses and practica on pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy (SE) towards inclusive physical education (PE) for students with intellectual disability (ID) and autism. Three hundred and fifty-six students (male?=?254, female?=?102) enrolled in adapted physical education teacher education (APETE) programmes in Korea participated in a specially developed survey which was analysed using multilevel modeling. The results of a multilevel modeling analysis revealed that APE courses and practica do indeed have a significant effect on the pre-service teachers’ SE towards teaching students with ID and autism in general PE classes. Study participants reported that taking more than 15 APE credits significantly improved their level of SE.  相似文献   

通过对南京市普通高校三四年级男女大学生的调查研究,得知男女大学生在参与课余体育活动时都有强身健体、娱乐消遣的动机,男生主要需求“消遣”,女生主要需求“美体”;在男女大学生钟情于有组织的或半组织的课余体育锻炼形式中,男生更需求“自由活动”,女生更需求“俱乐部”;男女大学生课余活动内容需求与教学内容基本一致,但男生趋向于需求“竞争性”、“激烈性”项目,女生趋向于需求“活跃性”、“协调性”的项目;学习压力、场地器材影响男女生参与课余体育活动,但男生更表现为“自身思想”原因,女生对活动的“组织和指导”需求更高。  相似文献   

采用心境量表(BFS)对255个彝族大学生活动前后的心境变化进行了调查,旨在探讨不同活动类型对彝族大学生心境影响的效果.结论显示:身体活动对彝族大学生的心境变化具有一定的效果;锻炼类型活动对彝族大学生心境具有积极的改善效果;竞技类型活动获胜结果对彝族大学生负性心境具有积极的影响;参加竞技类型活动失利的结果对彝族男女大学生心境的影响呈现不同的特征.  相似文献   

随机抽取60名女大学生实施17周篮球教学训练,对她们锻炼前后身体形态指标和体质指标进行测试。结果表明:长期参加篮球运动可以消除体内多余脂肪,降低体脂,减少身体各部位的围度,使体形更加健美、匀称;同时有效地改善心肺功能,对提高女大学生的握力、腹肌力量、弹跳力等身体素质具有显著作用.  相似文献   

韩国首个以服务于数学和科学超常生的京畿道科学高级中学自1983年成立以来,至今已经发展到19所。韩国的科学高级中学具有若干特点,如严格的入学要求、提供两类特别的课程、培养学生的创造力、对国际奥林匹克竞赛的重视和注重学生的全面发展等。韩国的科学高级中学已经在韩国和国际上产生了一定的影响,它们的一些做法对于我国的英才教育会有一定的启发。  相似文献   

江西省高中一年级学生体质现状的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了江西省高中一年级学生的体质现状。方法利用1997年江西省普通高中体育教材试验对象的测试资料,样本为男生1060名,女生784名。结果发现学生的身体形态发育处于中等水平,男女生的身高、体重、胸围指标均低于全国同龄学生的平均水平(P>0.05);学生的身体机能状态欠佳,肺活量男女生均显著低于全国同龄学生的平均水平(P<0.05),脉搏和血压均值都在正常范围,学生近视发病率较高,为48.54%,且男生(37.20%)低于女生(52.68%);学生身体素质水平较低,基本能力差,力量、耐力尤为突出,体育不合格率达32.42%,且女生(43.23%)高于男生(26.60%)。提示对中学生的体育锻炼应有特殊的干预措施。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法和数理统计法对徐州市高中生开展阳光体育运动情况和影响因素进行研究。结果:大部分高中生对开展阳光体育运动已经知晓;大部分学校存在着挤占体育课课时的现象;很多高中生没有达到“平均每天活动1小时”的阳光体育运动要求;大部分高中生不经常参与自己喜爱的运动项目;大部分高中生对学校开展的课外体育活动的满意度不高。父母的体育态度、父母的体育锻炼习惯、高考升学压力、学校体育氛围、课外体育活动等对高中生体育行为的影响较大;社区对高中生体育行为的影响不大。并对贯彻实施学校体育文件、规章制度及意见提出了一些发展对策。  相似文献   

This study investigated the characteristics of effective English teachers as perceived by 169 teachers and 339 students in high school in Korea, with a self-report questionnaire consisting of three categories: English proficiency, pedagogical knowledge, and socio-affective skills. Overall, the teachers perceived significantly different characteristics than the students in all three categories with the teachers ranking English proficiency the highest in contrast to the students who ranked pedagogical knowledge the highest. The student subgroups also held different perceptions of effective teaching. High achieving students reported different characteristics than low achieving students in pedagogical knowledge and socio-affective skills, whereas the male students demonstrated different characteristics from the female students in socio-affective skills. The findings have implications for knowledge-based teacher education for current and prospective English teachers.  相似文献   

为了解畲族女大学生的体质状况和畲汉两民族女大学生的体质差异,随机选取丽水学院在校畲族女大学生204人和汉族女大学生136人进行体质测试,结果表明:畲族女大学生的舒张压比汉族女大学生高,其肺活量、肺活量体质量指数明显比汉族女大学生大。  相似文献   

业教育在一定程度上属于职业岗位教育,职业教育所要求培养的学生要具备直接适应某一岗位工作的素质和能力,在毕业之后就能以最快的速度顶岗工作。职业院校主要培养高素质劳动者,因此学生的职业体能十分重要。本文以职业学校体育体能创新教学为主题开展探讨,具有一定的现实意义和指导意义。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、调查问卷法和交叉分析法,对新疆喀什大学5149名大学生进行疫情期间课前、课中、课后各环节居家健身情况调查。研究结果表明:(课前调查)学生运动方式多种多样、男生肥胖多、女生偏瘦多且参加体育锻炼习惯较为明显;(课中了解)学生锻炼意志力弱、锻炼的次数较多、锻炼类型较单一;(课后反馈)学生锻炼效果较突出、影响锻炼的因素多、锻炼的意愿不明显。因此,根据学生锻炼的突出问题提出针对性建议,力争为喀什大学线上教学改革提供依据。  相似文献   

This paper provides a preliminary picture of teacher–student interaction in Korean senior high schools. In order to do this, the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) was translated into Korean and administered to 439 students (99 science-independent stream students, 195 science-oriented stream students and 145 humanities stream students). Based on the results from this survey, interviews with some students and teachers were also carried out and three science classrooms were also observed. It was found that the teacher–student interactions in Korean senior high school science classrooms reflect the general image of the youth-elder relationship in society as well as the senior high school's unique nature – portraying a scene of directing teachers and obeying students. It was also found that students experience unique interactions in their science classrooms with their particular teachers. It was considered that this difference comes from the overlapping of a teacher's personal characteristics with the nature of a stream (e.g., curriculum, expectation towards the students in that stream). This article reports part of a larger study conducted with Korean senior high school students and teachers. The aim of the main study was to investigate three different aspects of the high school science classroom environments in Korea, namely, the degree of implementation of constructivism, the pattern of teacher–student interactions, and the learning environment in laboratory classes. Based on the realisation that teacher–student interactions have not been systematically dealt with especially at the senior high school level in Korea, this article pays particularly attention to this aspect. The intention was also to provide useful insights for improving the current situation in senior high school science classrooms in Korea.  相似文献   

探讨体育锻炼对高中生生活事件应激的影响。结果:(1)男生的应激水平明显低于女生.男生的运动量明显高于女生;(2)应激水平存在城乡差异,市区学校较县城和乡镇学校应激水平低;(3)高三与高一应激水平整体上高于高二;(4)高二运动量显著高于高三,高一与高二无明显差异;(5)不同运动量对应激水平的影响均有明显的差别,大、中运动量的学生应激水平较低,小运动量的学生应激水平较高;(6)运动量与应激水平呈负相关。  相似文献   

调查表明,中职学校大多数女生对体育课是感兴趣的,部分对体育课不感兴趣的女生认为体育课枯燥、辛苦;最受女生欢迎的体育项目有健荚搡、武术等,女生最不喜欢的体育项目有足球、田径、游戏等。提高职校女生的体育学习兴趣,重点在于从思想上提高其对体育重要性与必要性的认识,增强体育课的新颖性、时代性,切合女生的生理及心理需要,强调教学气氛的愉悦性与教师示范的艺术性和美感。  相似文献   

Data were collected from female junior high school students (N=94) to identify the determinants of their intentions to enroll in at least one elective physical science course (e.g., physical science, chemistry physics) in high school. The model used in the study was Fishbein and Ajzen's Theory of Reasoned Action. According to the model it is supposed that the intention to perform a certain behavior is a function of the weighted attitude toward performing the behavior and the weighted subjective norm. The effects of external variables (e.g., science grades, academic ability) on females' intentions to enroll in at least one elective physical science course in high school are mediated by the model's theoretical constructs. The findings provide support for several hypotheses derived from the model. The females' intentions to enroll in at least one elective physical science course in high school were found to be a function of both attitude toward performing the behavior and subjective norm. Attitude toward performing the behavior and subjective norm, in combination, were found to predict behavioral intention with a high degree of accuracy. Attitude toward performing the behavior was also found to carry more weight than subjective norm in the multiple regression on behavioral intention. In contrast, academic ability, science grades, and attitude toward science failed to predict behavioral intentions, just as they were unrelated to the females' attitudes toward performing the behavior and subjective norms.  相似文献   

This study analyzed a stratified random sample of 1,707 senior students at 60 four-year universities in South Korea to explore the gender-specific pathways to Korean students?? development of generic skills??analytical thinking and problem-solving skills. Multiple regression analyses were performed to investigate the involvement factors differential effects on the development of students?? generic skills. The findings suggest that college student involvement plays a critical role in developing the important generic skills. Furthermore, male and female students do have different routes to the development of such skills. In the case of Korean students, at 4-year institutions of higher education, male students tend to develop generic skills more through formal and independent activities in and out of the classroom, whereas female students do so typically in an informal and interdependent way. These results call for additional scholarly investigation into gender influence on college impact and gender-dependent activities during college; moreover, they encourage institutions of higher education to adopt more gender-specific approaches to relevant institutional policies and practices.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法和访谈法等,对太原市高校女生的体育意识和体育行为现状进行调查研究,结果显示,太原市高校女生对于体育的多元功能有较高层次的需要以及正确的认识,但是在具体实践过程中还占有较大的被动性;缺乏主动锻炼的自主性;锻炼主要动机为应对体育考试的达标;被调查的高校女学生运动负荷都无法达到体育教学目标的要求。缺少场地器材和师资力量,以及年级不同的课余时间是影响太原市高校女生目前所选择的体育项目与其真正所喜欢的体育项目存在差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

运用Horwitz等设计的外语课堂焦虑量表对某省级示范高中不同年级、不同性别学生在四个维度(听说、负评价、考试、课堂环境)英语学习焦虑状况进行了问卷调查。研究结果显示高中生总体焦虑状况是令人欣慰的;高中生的焦虑程度随年级的升高而下降;男女生的焦虑在不同年级各有不同,总体上女生焦虑程度重;在四个维度中听说焦虑程度最深。并就如何调控高中生的焦虑水平、降低听说焦虑、减轻负评价焦虑、克服考试焦虑、减少课堂环境焦虑等提出了相应的教学策略。  相似文献   

家养鹌鹑由野生鹌鹑驯化而来。我国、日本、朝鲜、法国、意大利、前苏联、英国、美国、新加坡、菲律宾、澳大利亚等国都培育了许多卵用、肉用鹑的新品种,并使养鹑业朝着专业化、集约化和商品化的方向发展。鹌鹑由于个体小、生长快、成熟早、耗料少、产出多、投资少、获利高等优点,又研究出“自别雌雄”的新技术,给养鹑业注入了强大的生命力,使其孕育了广阔的发展前景,并必将成为二十一世纪养禽业的支柱产业。  相似文献   

近年来,物理学术竞赛作为物理理论教学与实验实践的创新形式,已在各大、中学校广泛开展,形成了一定的社会影响力.针对当前大学与高中物理实验教学中尚存的衔接性不强、协同培养不足的问题,南开大学基础物理实验教学示范中心以物理学术竞赛作为牵引,以实验能力培养的各项要求作为标准,结合物理学科自身特点,形成基于物理学术竞赛平台的大-...  相似文献   

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