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付曼 《海外英语》2012,(23):127-128
该文的目的在于调查男女生在英语听力课堂中的参与模式是否有显著性的差异,并找到这些差异和英语听力成绩之间的关系。研究以Elisabeth Hayes的课堂表现调查问卷为研究工具,抽样对南昌工程学院国际教育学院2010级94名专科学生(其中男生61名,女生33名)在英语听力课堂的表现进行分析,结果为:男女研究对象在"口头参与"、"学习取向"、"寻求帮助"、"自信"这4个方面有显著性差异。通过相关性分析,女生的"学习取向"和英语听力成绩有统计上的相关性,男生在"学习取向"、"寻求帮助"和"自信"方面和其英语听力成绩有统计上的相关性。  相似文献   

一、前言 课堂心理气氛是指师生在教学活动中表现出某种占优势的情感与态度,是课堂教学心理效应的总体反映,是学生之间、师生之间关系长期发展的结果,是生生关系、师生关系的一种潜在反映。它可以分为积极良好的课堂心理气氛和消极的课堂心理气氛。在不同的课堂心理气氛中,学生学习积极性、学习兴趣、学习情感的体验、学习注意力有很大差异,这些必然会影响学习效率。  相似文献   

1.课堂表现 (1)根据学生的课堂表现,判断学生是否了解和接受教师期望他们在课堂上做些什么. (2)教师是否能把握和组织课堂上的教学与学习过程. (3)是否所有课堂上使用的教学材料和教学辅助设备都是必要的,这些材料和设备是否都能充分与恰当地使用.  相似文献   

利用外语课堂学习焦虑量表(FLCAS)对英语专业学生的课堂学习焦虑进行实证研究,研究发现:(1)英语专业学生的整体焦虑水平并不是特别高,各年级之间的焦虑水平也没有显著性差异;(2)英语专业男女学生在课堂学习焦虑方面没有显著性差异;(3)非重点高中毕业的学生,其课堂学习焦虑程度显著高于重点高中毕业的学生。  相似文献   

课堂评价可以是对学生的课堂表现的评价,也可以是对教师的教学水平与质量的评价,本文指的是在具体的阅读教学过程中,教师对学生的学习状况进行的评定。这里的学习状况包括学生在学习中表现出来的学习态度、学习信心、  相似文献   

<正>构建高效课堂让学生进行有效学习是我们的追求和目标,而要构建高效课堂就必须处理好学习目标与学习效率的关系。学习目标是学生前进的灯塔和航标,离开了学习目标,学生不知向何处去,这样的课堂自然是低效和无效的。一、让学生明确课堂学习目标是提高学习效率的重要前提学生课堂学习目标不明确表现在以下四个方面。1.看书漫无目的,看过即忘。一天,笔者发现几个  相似文献   

采用听说策略培训的方式对学生进行研究,在此过程中,尤其关注男女同学的课堂表现的差异,对学生的差异进行分析,并且分别对听说成绩进行统计,最后对学生的课堂表现与成绩进行了相关分析。  相似文献   

有效的课堂教学模式与学生的学习成绩之间存在着密切的关系,学生的学习习惯、行为情感与课堂模式是相辅相成的.数学教学课堂中教师激发学生热情参与完成课堂教学任务中,引导学生积极学习,促进学习效果.有效的课堂模式有助于深化教学改革,有助于师生之间自主合作学习方式的建立.要构建和谐的以生为本的有效课堂管理,要顺应新课程要求,引导学生在基础性、拓展性学习之余,认真思考,开拓思维,主动探索和发现一些问题和对问题展开研究,并不断进行反思和革新,熟悉掌握各种有效的课堂模式方法,灵活运用到课堂管理的实践中.  相似文献   

课堂提问是教师在课堂教学中运用得最为广泛的教学手段,通过课堂提问,可以促进教师与学生之间的交流,可以提高学生学习的效率。但是,现在一些教师在地理课的教学中,却存在课堂提问失效的现象,主要表现为教师设计的问题不能引发学生的学习兴趣,教学组织总是采取一问一答的形式,使课堂成了问题的堆砌,调动不了学生学习的积极性,也不能点燃学生的思维。那么,在地理课的教学中,如何优化课堂提问呢?  相似文献   

在不少教师眼中,学生的学习差异明显表现在学习结果方面,如课堂学习和练习中答案的对与错、全面与片面等等,而我们对学生的学习过程进行研究时发现,导致学生学习结果差异的根本原因,是学生学习过程的差异。答案出现问题,是因为学习过程中出了问题。实践证明,对学生的学习过程进行调控和指导,能够帮助学生有效地获得正确答案进而学会学习。  相似文献   

以北京和西安两所城市四所中学初一、初二、高一、高二年级1592名中学生为被试,采用学业行为问卷、人格五因素问卷和师生关系问卷,考察中学生学业行为的特点,并探讨人格、师生关系对学业行为的影响。结果发现:(1)中学生学业行为具有显著的性别和年级差异。(2)中学生的师生关系可以划分为亲密型、一般型和冲突型,师生关系不同类型的个体在学业行为各维度差异显著。(3)学业行为与人格五因素、师生关系各维度具有显著的相关。(4)人格五因素和师生关系的亲密性、冲突性能够显著预测学业行为,谨慎性在师生关系的亲密性和学业行为间起完全中介作用。  相似文献   

教师行为与学生行为的关系解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高巍 《教育研究》2012,(3):100-106
教学行为同时涵盖教师教的行为与学生学的行为。教师的教是改进课堂教学质量的关键,是学校教学改革的着力点,是促进学生学的最重要因素,也是影响学生身心发展的关键。教学行为具有外显性、动态性、个体性、目的性、情境性等特性;根据不同维度,教学行为有多种分类。教师与学生能结成稳定的、持续的、牢不可破的关系就在于二者的活动与行为趋向具有相关性,有不可或缺且无法割裂的内在必然联系;但教的行为与学的行为是不同的行为,具有各自特有的性质与特点,故应以学定教、以教促学。  相似文献   

在学生工作中,班主任的言行会体现出对学生期望的差异,学生也能够通过班主任的言行感受到老师对自已的期望值,平时表现不突出的学生更加需要来自班主任的积极的期望。班主任期望的表现形式是自我实现预言期望和维持性期望。班主任应该在教育、管理中建立对学生积极的期望并通过各种方式间接表达出来,激发学生的积极性。  相似文献   


The flipped classroom pedagogy has been widely used recently. Despite many researches have paid attention with the learning outcome of flipped classroom, there has been limited attention in regard to investigate the relationship between learning behavior and learning outcomes in a flipped classroom. In this paper, we proposed to investigate the influence of online learning behaviors on short-term and long-term learning outcomes in a flipped classroom. This study used Calculus and grade point average (GPA) scores to represent short-term and long-term learning outcomes, respectively. Multiple linear regression indicated that students’ online learning behavior does not have a significant effect on short-term learning outcomes, but has a significant effect on long-term learning outcomes. For applying multiple correspondence analysis, students were divided into groups according to five grade levels based on their scores. According to GPA grade level, students’ online learning behaviors had a significant effect on long-term learning outcomes for the five groups (GPAa, GPAb, GPAc, GPAd, GPAe). According to their Calculus grade level, students’ online learning behaviors had a significant effect on short-term learning outcomes for three groups (CALa, CALd, and CALe), but two groups (CALb and CALc) did not demonstrate this trend. For exploring the effects of online learning behaviors on future learning outcomes, GPA can be considered representative because the GPA was calculated for the entire academic year 2015. Students in the CALa group exhibited the highest frequency of online learning behaviors and obtained the highest GPA grade levels (GPAa and GPAb). For the CALb, CALc, CALd, and CALe groups, students with a higher frequency of online learning behaviors obtained a higher GPA grade level. These results indicate that students’ online learning behaviors have a positive effect on future learning outcomes.  相似文献   

在二语学习的课堂中,有效的师生沟通有助于建立更亲近的师生关系,更有效地促进学生参与学习活动。本研究旨在从教师和学生两个角度调查教师主要的言语亲近行为以及这些行为如何对高职学生英语学习动机和学习成绩产生作用。在此基础上,本文提出了教师应该如何改进自己的行为以助于提高学生英语学习动机的建议。  相似文献   

学生对教师开展的教学活动的满意度将影响学生的学习行为和学业成绩。通过对地方高校学生学习行为、对教师教学活动的满意程度和学业成绩的问卷调查,采用斯皮尔曼等级相关系数,分析地方高校学生学习行为与对教师教学活动满意度间的关系,发现影响地方高校学生学业成绩的相关因素,最后提出提高地方高校学生的学业成绩的对策。  相似文献   

This study examined the types of learning behaviors students demonstrated while performing inquiry tasks. It also explored the relationship between the learning behaviors and students’ domain knowledge. We observed fourteen students in five groups during a ninth-grade biology course. Three types of learning behaviors (inquiry, collaborative, and minimally productive behaviors) were identified and time on each type was measured. The results suggest that students demonstrated different patterns according to the types of learning behaviors. Correlation analysis revealed that learning outcomes had a strong positive correlation with the inquiry behaviors but a strong negative correlation with the minimally productive behaviors. The results suggest that attention should be paid to facilitate the more meaningful inquiry behaviors while reducing minimally productive behaviors.  相似文献   

We investigated college students’ perceptions of instructor unfairness and their emotional and behavioral reactions to perceived injustice. Results obtained from 397 undergraduates from three universities in the United States indicate that anger and dissent were the strongest emotional and behavioral responses to injustice. Furthermore, disgust mediated the influence of injustice on student behaviors most damaging to professors—taking action, expressing verbal aggression, and dissenting to authority. Stress mediated the effect of injustice on the most constructive student behaviors—changing their approach and engaging in the class. We discuss the implications of the results of our study for the student-instructor relationship and learning in the contemporary higher education environment.  相似文献   

In flipped classrooms, lectures, which are normally delivered in-class, are assigned as homework in the form of videos, and assignments that were traditionally assigned as homework, are done as learning activities in class. It was hypothesized that the effectiveness of the flipped model hinges on a student’s desire and ability to adopt a self-directed learning style. The purpose of this study was twofold; it aimed at examining the relationship between two variables—students’ perceptions of the flipped model and their self-regulated learning (SRL) behaviors—and the impact that these variables have on achievement in a flipped class. For the study, 76 participants from a flipped introductory biology course were asked about their SRL strategy use and perceptions of the flipped model. SRL strategy use was measured using a modified version of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ; Wolters et al. 2005), while the flipped perceptions survey was newly derived. Student letter grades were collected as a measure of achievement. Through regression analysis, it was found that students’ perceptions of the flipped model positively predict students’ use of several types of SRL strategies. However, the data did not indicate a relationship between student perceptions and achievement, neither directly nor indirectly, through SRL strategy use. Results suggest that flipped classrooms demonstrate their successes in the active learning sessions through constructivist teaching methods. Video lectures hold an important role in flipped classes, however, students may need to practice SRL skills to become more self-directed and effectively learn from them.  相似文献   

在线学习平台的广泛应用为全过程学习质量监测与分析提供了有效途径。基于在线学习平台网络课程学生学习统计数据,分析学生学习行为的基本特征,并进一步采用聚类分析方法识别不同类型学生学习行为。通过相关性分析网络课程学生学习行为与学习质量间关系的研究,提出个性化的指导建议与教学质量提升策略。  相似文献   

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