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本文以TIMSS2015数据为依据,运用多层线性模型,探讨教师变量对学生数学成绩的影响。教师变量包括教师特征变量、教师教学变量和教师专业发展变量。其中教师特征变量有教龄、性别、学历、数学专业、数学教育专业;教师教学变量有教学期望、教学合作、教学热情、课堂讨论、多媒体使用、对作业的重视、对考试的重视;教师专业发展变量有数学知识培训、数学教育培训、数学课程培训。多层线性分析发现:在教师特征变量中,教师的教龄、性别、学历、数学专业对学生数学成绩有显著作用;在教师教学变量中,教师的教学期望、教学热情、课堂讨论、多媒体使用对学生数学成绩有显著影响;在教师专业发展变量中,参加数学知识培训和数学教育培训对学生数学成绩有显著正向影响。  相似文献   

为探索教师知识对小学生学业成绩的影响,在中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心2013年教育质量监测项目支持下,对中国大陆东南沿海、中部、西北部三省1140所小学82510名四年级学生的数学学业成绩,和与之对应的2915名数学教师的数学教学知识(MKT)进行相关分析和回归分析,得到如下结论:1.教师的数学教学知识与学生学业成绩呈显著性正相关,并且是独立于教师人口学变量的影响因素。2.教师数学教学知识的三个分维度都与学生学业成绩显著相关,其中内容和学生的知识(KCS)对学生学业成绩的贡献率最大。3.教师的学科知识(CK)是影响学生学业成绩的重要的隐性因素。  相似文献   

运用大陆地区义务教育阶段三年级和八年级学生大规模数学学业测验数据,抽取31个省(市、自治区)140个区县的38312名三年级学生和21105名八年级学生,2008位小学数学教师和1648位初中数学教师,1184位小学校长和597位初中校长,对大陆地区义务教育数学学业水平达标情况进行分析,并通过建立多层线性模型探讨影响学生学业成绩的因素。结果显示:(1)大陆地区义务教育数学学业水平达标程度较好,分别有高达86%的三年级和80%的八年级学生达到课程标准的基本要求;学生在“问题解决”维度的达标程度低于“知识技能、数学理解、运用规则”等维度,三、八年级分别有1/4和1/3学生没有达到课程标准的基本要求。(2)不同群体(东部、中部、西部,城市、县镇、农村)之间的学业水平存在一定程度的差异,三年级更为显著。(3)小学生数学学业差异中有54%来自学校间的差异,中学生数学学业差异中有29%来自学校间的差异。(4)造成学校间数学学业成绩差异的影响因素是多方面的。在学生层面,中小学都一致的表现出学校的人文因素(师生关系和学习者自信心)对学生数学成绩影响较大;在学校层面,小学阶段“学校归属感”对学生成绩影响较大,而在中学阶段,学校归属感同样对学生成绩有着较大影响,但教学方式对学生成绩影响更大。(5)义务教育阶段数学教育,提高学生数学学业水平,教师应努力改善师生关系、尊重每一位少年儿童、增进学习者自信心;学校需要创造良好的人文环境、促进学生对学校的归属感,中学阶段提高教师专业水平能力、改进教师教学方式非常重要。  相似文献   

本研究采用修订后的大学生完美主义问卷(李建伟等编制)、自尊问卷(SES)等对吉林省四所省属高师院校的714名学生进行测验。结果表明:1.性别、专业和年级等变量对高师生完美主义、自尊水平存在一定程度的影响;2.完美主义、自尊与学业成绩存在显著相关关系,完美主义、自尊能够有效预测学业成绩34.6%的变异量。因此,适度提升高师生完美主义和自尊水平有助于其学业成绩提升与进步。  相似文献   

关于寄宿制学校,学界存在着许多争议.西部地区农村寄宿制学校对小学生的影响更令人关注.在考察小学四年级寄宿生与四年级学生总体的学业成绩与学校适应性的差异后,发现小学四年级寄宿生的数学成绩好于四年级学生总体,语文成绩、学校适应性没有显著差异,但寄宿生对学校的喜爱度低于四年级学生总体.通过两水平线性模型发现学校间投入差异对寄宿生发展情况影响较大,学校投入,尤其是学校寄宿条件、教师具有任职资格比例对寄宿学生语文成绩、数学成绩、学校适应性和对学校喜爱程度的影响显著;寄宿生的某些个人因素,如父母是否外出务工、所属民族、师生关系等对其数学成绩、语文成绩、学校适应性和对学校喜爱度有不同程度影响.可见,学校因素、寄宿生家庭状况对学生成绩、学校适应性的影响是不容忽视的,尤其是学校寄宿条件对此有着显著的积极影响.学校的投入对寄宿生发展情况有着重要的影响,因此,为促进学生发展,不仅对留守儿童的发展应给予足够重视,而且加强农村寄宿制学校的建设,保障校舍卫生安全十分必要.  相似文献   

本研究从不同年级、性别和生源地进行调查分析探讨维-汉双语小学生推理能力发展规律以及推理能力对小学生数学学业成绩的影响。以瑞文标准推理测验为研究工具进行测查,得出以下结论:1.推理能力呈现年级的增长而上升趋势。2.推理能力不存在性别差异。3.城市学生推理能力高于农村学生。4.推理能力与数学成绩的相关度高于语文成绩的相关度。5.推理能力对数学成绩的预测系数高于语文成绩。  相似文献   

基于中国教育追踪调查基线数据,探究教师培训与城乡学生成绩的关系及对城乡学生成绩差距的影响.结果表明:第一,城乡学生间存在显著的学业成绩差距,且高分位点上、语言类学科中差距更大.第二,无条件分位数回归结果显示,教师培训能够提高城市不同学业水平和农村中等及以上学业水平学生的成绩,但无法提高农村中等偏下学业水平学生的成绩;此外,教师培训的影响效应在城市地区整体明显高于农村地区.第三,不同分位点的Oaxaca-Blinder分解发现,教师培训的禀赋效应和系数效应都是造成学生成绩城乡差距的重要原因,但是二者的相对大小因年级和学业成绩分布的位置差异而有所不同.因此,增加农村教师的培训机会、提高农村教师的培训质量、改善农村学生的资源转换率对于缩小学生成绩的城乡差距有着重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

基于中国教育追踪调查基线数据,探究教师培训与城乡学生成绩的关系及对城乡学生成绩差距的影响.结果表明:第一,城乡学生间存在显著的学业成绩差距,且高分位点上、语言类学科中差距更大.第二,无条件分位数回归结果显示,教师培训能够提高城市不同学业水平和农村中等及以上学业水平学生的成绩,但无法提高农村中等偏下学业水平学生的成绩;此外,教师培训的影响效应在城市地区整体明显高于农村地区.第三,不同分位点的Oaxaca-Blinder分解发现,教师培训的禀赋效应和系数效应都是造成学生成绩城乡差距的重要原因,但是二者的相对大小因年级和学业成绩分布的位置差异而有所不同.因此,增加农村教师的培训机会、提高农村教师的培训质量、改善农村学生的资源转换率对于缩小学生成绩的城乡差距有着重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

依托义务教育阶段大规模学业质量监测数据,采用交叉分类多水平模型深入分析学生性别、教师性别对语文、数学学业成绩的影响。结果表明小学生性别、教师性别分别对五年级语文、数学学业成绩有显著影响,且均表现为女生的学业成绩高于男生,女教师所教学生学业成绩高于男教师。小学生性别和教师性别对五年级语文学科大部分领域学业成绩的影响存在交互作用,表现为女教师所教女学生的学业成绩最高;而对五年级数学学科各领域学业成绩的影响基本不存在交互作用。此为教师教育政策制定以及性别差异教学实施提供了实证依据。  相似文献   

数学自我效能、数学自我概念、数学焦虑、数学价值认可是与数学学业成绩有密切关系的4个动机变量,它们之间存在显著的相关性.对于大一到大四的学生来说,不同性别、年龄的学生只在数学自我效能方面有显著差异;不同成绩水平的学生在4个变量上均无显著差异.数学自我效能和数学自我概念对数学学业成绩具有较强的预测作用,而且后者更具有优势.  相似文献   

This study explored the mediating effects of students’ perceptions of teacher enthusiasm and of peer enthusiasm on the relation between students’ initial interest and their situational interest at the end of the semester. Students’ motivation for affiliation with their teacher and with peers was also measured to allow for potential associations between these variables and the students’ perceptions of teacher and peer enthusiasm. In path analysis, data from 455 undergraduates showed that perceptions of teacher enthusiasm and of peer enthusiasm had direct associations with two kinds of situational interest, both hold and catch interest. Also, the relations between initial interest and both hold and catch interest were mediated by perceptions of peer enthusiasm but not teacher enthusiasm. Students’ affiliative motivation with the teacher and peers had direct effects on their perceptions of teacher and peer enthusiasm. This study contributes to clarifying the importance of contextual factors as well as students’ own individual variables in understanding the mechanisms by which students’ interest in a course develops and is maintained throughout the semester.  相似文献   

The relation between social dyadic variables such as teacher–student relationship quality (TSRQ) and student achievement have been well-documented within prior work; however, less research has focused on how TSRQ associates with achievement. We used longitudinal structural equation modeling to investigate the extent that teacher self-efficacy mediated the relationship between TSRQ and math achievement for 881 children in the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study. Teacher–student closeness had moderate to large positive effects on teacher self-efficacy, whereas teacher–student conflict had small to moderate negative effects on teacher self-efficacy, which then had small positive effects on math achievement. Closeness only had indirect effects on math achievement via teacher self-efficacy, whereas conflict had direct and indirect effects on math achievement. The results were consistent across grades, lending strength to the findings. This study provides researchers and practitioners evidence of an area that can be developed to potentially enhance student success in math.  相似文献   

In this study, data in the form of (preservice teacher) student voices taken from mathematical autobiographies, written at the beginning of the semester, and end-of-semester reflections, were analyzed in order to examine why preservice elementary school teachers were highly motivated in a social constructivist mathematics course in which the teacher emphasized mastery goals. The findings suggest that students entered the course with a wide variety of feelings about mathematics and their own mathematical ability. At the end of the semester, students wrote about aspects of the course that “led to their growth as a mathematical thinker and as a mathematics teacher…” Student responses were coded within themes that emerged from the data: Struggle; Construction of meaning [mathematical language; mathematical understanding]; Grouping [working in groups]; Change [self-efficacy; math self-concept]; and the Teacher’s Role. These themes are described using student voices and within a motivation goal theory framework. The role of struggle, in relation to motivation, is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper shows that high school math and science teacher gender affects student interest and self-efficacy in STEM. However, such effects become insignificant once teacher behaviors and attitudes are taken into account, thus pointing towards an omitted variables bias. Teacher beliefs about male and female ability in math and science – as well as how teachers treat boys and girls in the classroom – matter more than teacher's own gender. The student fixed effects estimates also highlight that creating a positive learning environment and making math and science interesting are pivotal in engaging students in these subjects.  相似文献   

一种多维度的学生网上评教方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈磊 《现代教育技术》2010,20(11):130-133
通过对当前学生评教体系的分析,提出一种多维度的学生评教的方法。在横向上,教师能够判断本学期的教学质量与自身前三年相比是否进步,能够判断本学期和上学期问卷中每一个对应指标的得分差异,使教师能够根据问卷指标有针对性的改进。在纵向上使教师了解自身在本学期全校的排名比例。  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of teachers’ use of immediacy behaviors on students’ reported motivation to study over the course of a semester. Students’ state and trait motivation to study for a class was measured at three points during a semester. Reports of teachers’ use of verbal and nonverbal immediacy were collected at two points in a semester. It was hypothesized that not all students would respond similarly to a teacher low in immediacy. Support was found for this hypothesis. Students beginning the semester with either low or moderate state motivation to study were found to have increased levels of motivation later in the semester when exposed to a highly immediate teacher. Students beginning the semester with high motivation maintained high motivation regardless of the level of immediacy they reported their teacher of having.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the predictive relationship between initial student attitudes, admissions test scores, years of high school math taken, and subsequent achievement in introductory college chemistry. Included in this study was a sample of 179 students who began as new freshmen during the same fall semester and took an introductory chemistry course during their first year of college. The results of this study indicated that noncognitive variables were significant predictors of student performance. These findings also indicated that, for some types of academic outcomes, noncognitive variables may be better predictors of achievement than traditional measures such as admissions test scores.  相似文献   

Increasing teacher quality is a major objective of recent Cambodian education policy. In mathematics education literature, pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) has emerged as a critical component of teacher quality that is strongly linked to student achievement. In this study I use data from a large survey of Cambodian schools to investigate the effect of math teachers’ PCK on third grade student achievement. I use ordinary least squares and Quantile Regression analyses to examine this aspect of teacher quality. I find that pedagogical knowledge is a strong predictor of student math achievement in Cambodia in comparison to other student, school, and background variables, but that the effect is concentrated among higher achieving students. Quantile Regression with this dataset also exposes gaps and thresholds in achievement associated with other explanatory variables. In addition, I investigate the proportional distribution of teacher PCK in Cambodia and find that lower quality teachers are more likely to be teaching lower achieving students of lower socioeconomic status.  相似文献   

Students’ expectancy and value beliefs about math influence their academic choices and success in math-intensive study programs. Short-term declines in these motivational beliefs can serve as early warning signs of academic difficulties and dropout. However, such short-term motivational changes are underresearcherd. Based on Eccles et al.’s (2020) situated expectancy-value theory, this study analyzed within-person changes in the associations among students’ course-specific (summative) or week-specific (situated) expectancies and task values in gateway math courses for students in physics, math, or math teacher education majors (N = 773). Random intercept cross-lagged panel models showed increasing within-person alignment between students’ course-specific expected success and intrinsic/utility values (but not costs) over one semester. This alignment was linked to unidirectional spillover (i.e., cross-lagged) effects from expectancy to intrinsic/utility values. Students’ week-specific expectancy-value beliefs, reported at the beginning of the semester, showed no significant alignment and spillover effects. Differences in students’ course- or week-specific expectancy-value beliefs favored male and higher-achieving students and were largely time-invariant. Alignment between course-specific expectancy and value beliefs was higher for students who failed or dropped out of their math courses compared to those who succeeded. Greater motivational alignment can thus indicate greater disengagement from (math) coursework in challenging academic contexts. These findings highlight the importance of differentiating between-person and within-person motivational processes, suggest that summative versus situation-specific assessments of motivational beliefs may show different developmental patterns, and demonstrate that motivational alignment and spillover effects can be a sign of maladaptive motivational processes concerning students’ persistence in challenging STEM contexts.  相似文献   

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