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分析了大众化教育背景下大学物理教学遇到的困难,以及实施分层次教学的改革背景。着重介绍了宿州学院按不同专业学生的物理基础及不同专业培养计划对大学物理的要求,采用"平台"+"模块"组成物理理论课程内容体系,实施分层次教学的具体实施过程以及取得的效果。按专业采用"平台"+"模块"对大学物理课程实施分层次教学是一项值得推广的教学改革经验。  相似文献   

构建社会主义和谐社会是一项事关社会全面发展的总体性任务,思想政治工作是构建社会主义的中心环节。高职学生是社会的主要群体之一,学生的思想政治教育是党的思想政治教育工作的重要组成部分。在构建社会主义和谐社会的时代背景下,构筑纵向分层次、横向分群体的学生工作体系是教育系统思想政治教育的前提。  相似文献   

本文对篮球专选课"分层次"教学从不同方面进行了调查分析,结果表明"分层次"教学是一种切实可行、行之有效的教学方法,对提高教学质量,满足不同学生的学习要求,建立学生自信心和激发学生学习兴趣有着显著效果。  相似文献   

邢台职业技术学院顺应高等教育变革需要,在探索高职教育的"邢台模式"和创建示范性高职院校过程中,以贫困生群体为学生教育管理工作的主要抓手之一,积极探索进而实践科学认定贫困生资格,建立、健全和完善贫困生群体资助体系和资助方式,建立贫困生教育和关爱机制,实现了资助和育人的双重目标。  相似文献   

高校特殊群体学生在思想、行为、就业等方面存在困难或有特殊需求,具有复杂性和个性化的特点。高校教育管理应针对不同类型特殊群体学生的特点,以"做精、做细、做实"为工作原则,形成以"摸排分类、规范建档、精细辅导、共促成长"为主要思路的精细化辅导体系,促进不同群体学生的健康成长。  相似文献   

高等学校的学生是一个复杂的多层次的群体,要使我们的思想教育工作 取得成效,必须有目的分层次地做好思想教育工作。  相似文献   

"层次教学法"是指建立在尊重学生个体差异的基础上,着眼于打造面向全体学生的课堂,使每一个学生都有所收获而采用的一种教学方法。教师本着这样的目的把学生群体分成不同层次,同时进行教学分层。语文教学中的层次教学以班级授课制为主要形式,有层次、有针对性地制订教学目标,设计教学形式以及教学内容,  相似文献   

分众教学是以“问题”划分群体,对不同受众施以不同方式与内容的教学模式。针对高职学生生源多样性现状,坚持“问题”导向,将学生划分为若干小众群体,分别在“面向全体学生的基础思政内容体系”“面向同质群体的差异化思政内容体系”“面向优质学生的特色引领思政内容体系”三个层级开展分众教学。在授课中注重师生互动,使用多元反馈,坚持因材施教,最大限度满足高职不同层次学生差异化需求,提升思政课教学效果。  相似文献   

分层次实训:师范教育人才培养模式的实践探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用层次教学理论,按照因材施教的原则,提高数学教育专业学生的职业能力,实行分层实训是高校数学教育实训工作的一个创新.要实施分层次实训,就要建立分层实训的内容体系和模式,并采取相应的实施策略.  相似文献   

金徽 《文教资料》2011,(24):234-235
本文基于现行高职高专学生的特点,通过对建立系部"四位一体"的学生管理模式和反馈机制,建立特殊群体库,开展积极有益的学生活动,开展励志教育四种模式进行探索,得出如下结论:学生管理应根据学生当中出现的不同问题给予针对性的引导和教育,充分调动学生学习的主观能动性。  相似文献   

高校应重视和加强学生社区党建工作   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着高等教育改革不断深化,完全学分制的推进以及学生生活社区化等新情况的出现,高等教育的管理模式也随之变革,高校学生社区的党建工作已日益引起人们的重视与关注。因此,高校党委应当根据学生社区的特点及其对社区党建工作的要求,将学生社区党建作为高校党建工作创新的突破口。通过建立健全社区党组织的工作网络体系,建立制度和明确工作职能,构建科学高效的学生社区党建工作运行机制,强化学生社区党建工作的服务职能,增强学生社区党建工作的育人作用,从而为社会主义现代化建设事业培养和造就合格的建设者和接班人。  相似文献   

创新教育管理机制 提升高职学生党员质量   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
提升学生党员质量是高职院校学生党建工作的重中之重。高职院校要从学生党建工作需要出发,结合高职教育特征、高职学生特点,通过学生党组织的设置模式、学生党建制度、教育管理方式、教育管理队伍的创新.形成科学的教育管理机制,促进学生党员质量进一步提高。  相似文献   

Internationally, educational stakeholders are concerned with the high levels of student disengagement, evidenced by early school leaving, poor student behaviour, and low levels of academic achievement. The solution, student engagement, is a contested concept, theorised in a variety of different ways within academic literature. To further understand this concept, a phenomenographic study was conducted to map secondary school teachers’ conceptions of student engagement. Six qualitatively different ways of understanding student engagement were found. This research indicates that teachers do not hold similar understandings of what student engagement means. If the concept of engagement is to become educationally fruitful, the term must be more explicitly defined in educational research and government policy documents to promote shared understandings amongst stakeholder groups.  相似文献   

我国目前高等学校学生工作系统承担了很多学生教育的工作,学生工作系统内部存在着分工不明、工作专业性不强等问题.随着社会的发展、大学生的情况变化,原有学生工作的体系已不能适应以学生为本的教育要求,需要学校社会工作的介入.本文从高校社会工作介入的必要性入手,探讨高校社会工作介入的方式,研究学生工作系统的重新构建,以期使学生工作系统更适应其育人要求.  相似文献   

Planning activities can be found at all levels within the educational system, from the individual pupil and student to the background work for the government's long-term plan. In the following, we shall try to indicate some important planning activities, reflecting at the same time the actual—not necessarily the formal—structure of decision making within education in Norway.  相似文献   

高等学校特殊学生群体的教育和管理,是高等教育事业面临的困难和挑战,也是学生工作的重要内容之一。为了更加完善高校学生管理工作,本文通过问卷(调查)和结合工作经验,针对不同类型特殊学生群体提出相应的教育管理对策和有效性服务等问题。  相似文献   

In Sweden today, special educational needs coordinators (SENCOs) are educated at universities to help resolve educational problems related to children in need of special support at three levels, that is, the organisational level, the classroom level and the individual level. Before the education of SENCOs was created in the early 1990s, special teachers were the occupational group that worked primarily on an individual level. Children's school problems were then seen as individual deficits. SENCOs can be seen as vanguards in changing an educational system from primarily focusing on an individual perspective to a broader focus on the entire learning environment. How has the occupational role of SENCOs affected schools? The overall aim of this study is to investigate possible changes within a school system when the introduction of a new occupational group, SENCOs, challenges established structures. More specifically, this paper studies how different occupational groups view where and in what ways SENCOs work and should work. Three different questionnaires are the basis of this analysis of SENCOs' present situation within the Swedish educational system. A number of interesting findings were detected in this study. For example, several occupational groups respond that SENCOs should work with individually taught special education. Meanwhile, a pattern emerges in which SENCOs seem to have partly established a new work role. However, little is known about how these changes affect children in need of special support.  相似文献   

Investment in higher education facilities in terms of both hardware and software has witnessed significant growth on a yearly basis since the reintroduction of the college entrance examination known as the NMT in 1977. However, a social assessment of graduates’ qualities seems to indicate that the improvement in skill levels and graduates’ general qualities has failed to keep pace with the growth in investment. As a bridge to relate college environment to student gains in learning, student self-determined involvement in educational activities plays an important role in analyzing the educational effects of colleges. Based on a conducted through the survey of Chinese College Student Experience Questionnaire, with data collected from 647 valid respondents, universities can observe and evaluate the levels and quality of students’ involvement in the educational process. The students’ involvement of educational activities can be investigated through data analysis, employing statistical methods of a structural equation model. In observing student involvement in the educational system, it becomes apparent that the students’ capacity for building on and playing a key role in the improvement of the quality of education they receive is largely controlled by their involvement activities in the learning process. In addition, both of the college environment and student motivation have a combined and significant effect on student involvement behaviors. Student involvement can be divided into three gradual but distinct levels (controlled, identified and integrated involvement) in accordance with the varying degrees of internalization. Student involvement will exponentially magnify the positive effects on student gains when colleges invest in new and additional resources, particularly when students become more deeply involved in the educational environment. In addition, when colleges make a concentrated effort to recognize the importance of student involvement, and they encourage and incentivise students to become involved, the college itself will benefit greatly from the improved university environment. This combination of mutually beneficial activity, therefore, represents a virtuous circle of promotion between college and students.  相似文献   

文章基于作者自身在学生工作第一线的实践资料总结,发挥学科优势,应用管理学相关理论,首先对学生管理的研究对象从仿生学的角度进行界定,然后分析教育管理学中学生管理的两个层次,并将高职院校的学生管理界定在“成事”管理的层面。文章主体部分从管理学角度分析了高校学生工作中的强制和引导的矛盾、表扬和批评的矛盾、管理创新和发扬传统的矛盾。并结合实际工作对它们进行了实证研究。最后文章对辅导员考评机制的完善提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

独立学院因其特殊的办学机制和模式、特殊的学生来源,决定着其学生党建工作也存在着不同于公办高校的“特殊”因素。因此,如何从实际出发,改进独立学院学生党建工作的问题显得至关重要。  相似文献   

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