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英语中,有关“money”的习语丰富多彩。下面试举其中若干例。1.Money talks.金钱万能;金钱最有发言权。[例]I can't compete against rich old Mrs.Smith.She willget her way because money talks.我不可能同那个富有的史密斯老太太竞争。她可以随心所欲,金钱万能嘛!  相似文献   

提到钱,人们最熟悉的是“money”。如:Money makes the mare go,(有钱能使鬼推磨。)Time is money.(一寸光阴一寸金。)除了 money 外,还有其它许多词也可表示钱,选择若干介绍如下:1.Change 零钱(不可数)I have no change about me.我身边没有零钱。Don't leave your change on the shop counter.别把你找回的零钱  相似文献   

原文:Money Can't Buy Everything In The World Nowadays, the desire for money is universal. Indeed, money can buy many things, and people may be in trouble without money. However, there are many things which money can not buy. As a popular saying goes, "Money is not all-powerful." For instance, money can not buy friendship, healthy, happiness, love and so on. Money can not make a happy day long, nor can it make the unhappy day short. For example, people can be pleased with their success. The key to the success is effort, willpower and industry. People won't attain to the achievement if they  相似文献   

Money!课上,英语老师一再强调:“单词不仅要多写,还要多读,倘若每天你能反复读它20遍,它将是你的。”话音刚落,A君大声念开“money,money,money……”谁去开家长会爷爷退休了,报名上老年大学。正读一年级的孙子好奇地问:“爷爷,您还读书啊?”爷爷说:“我读书有什么不好吗?”孙子说:“好是好,就是万一学校通知开家长会,您没有爸爸妈妈,谁去呢?”校园幽默二则$江西永丰藤田中学@戴坚信  相似文献   

正美国南加州中学在一次数学考试中,有这样一题:"proof that girls are evil证明女孩是恶魔。"其证明过程如下:girls=time×money女孩等于时间乘以金钱,又已知时间等于金钱,于是:girls=money×money=money2女孩等于金钱的平方。同时金钱是万恶之源"money is the root of evil",这句话中的root英语是根源但在数学上表示平方根,因此又可以得出:money=姨evil金钱等于恶魔的平方根,但是女  相似文献   

JAKE: So it was you.ROGER:Yeah. It was me. The travel tape. The singing lesson. All the technical difficulties at the station were my fault.JAKE:But why?ROGER:Money. I needed money. But it wasn't supposed to be like this, Jake. It went too far.JAKE:Money?ROGER:Yes. I left the big television networks and started  相似文献   

教人珍惜时间,珍爱生命:Time is money.时间就是金钱。促人积极进取,精益求精:Good hand,good hire.手艺好,工钱高。激人大胆探索,求真务实:Truth is a lion.真理是一头雄狮。教人勤俭节约,廉正自律:Waste not,want not.俭则不匮。劝人洁身自爱,淡泊名利:Money is not every thing.金钱并非万能。  相似文献   

消 除 隐 患 上帝对地球的现状很不满意,便让时光倒流一千万年,地球上又出现了原始的森林、草地、兽类、昆虫等。 当上帝要离去时,对所有的动物说:“我把这个世界交给你们了,你们还有什么要求吗?” 动物们立刻一群群地朝上帝跪下,齐声叫道:“上帝呀!请您把猴子们灭绝吧!” (推荐者/杨鑫芳) Time Is Money As the taxi came to a halt at a trafficlight , I asked the driver , 褼o you agree that time is money 襑ell, it誷 a very com-mon saying . Who will care so much aboutthat…  相似文献   

没有它就等于没有了生存的权利,追求它就等于失去了生活的意义,拥有它就等于舍弃了生命的真实。是什么如此厉害?是Money——钱——因经济发展而生,曾被人类主宰,现在又主宰着人类的东西。它,推动了经济的发展,然而又扼杀了真实、善良,甚至是生命。为了争夺它,人类经历了无数的风风雨雨,战争不断,死伤不断。记得有首歌中是这样写的:Money,Money,Lie for it,Spy for it,Killfor it,Die for it.钱可以使人把左边的脸皮揭下来贴到右边,一边没脸皮,一边二皮脸;钱可以使人欺骗家人朋友如家常便饭,而把那一份真实轻易丢弃;钱可以使人没有人生无…  相似文献   

原文Government,Money and BankingBy raising and spending billions of dollars each yearand by employing millions of workers,it should not be sur-prising that the government can influence the economic lifeof the country.But,this is not the only way governmentcan affect the economy.In fact,the government affectseven the most basic parts of the economy-the money and  相似文献   

初中英语中spend,take,pay和cost都含有“花费”的意思,但用法各不相同。一、spend要求用“人”作主语,宾语可以是“时间、金钱”。句型:1.…spend(time/money)on sth. 2.…spend (time/money)in doing sth.此时in可省略。例如: Mrs Black has spent much money on  相似文献   

The whole village soon learned a lot of money hadbeen stolen.Sam had lost his wallet(钱包)while takinghis money to the post office.Sam was sure that the walletmust have been found by one of the villagers,but it wasnot returned to him.Three months passed,and then onemorning,Sam found his wallet outside his front door,in itwas half the Money he had lost,together with a note,which said,"A thief,yes,but only 50% a thief!"Twomonths later,some more money was sent to Sam with an-other note,"Only 25% a thief now."In no time all Sam'smoney was paid back in this way.The last note said,"I'm100% honest(诚实的)now!"  相似文献   

汉语的“流水”格局不是“数碗数碟”,“无形式”不等于随意,“无形态”不等于“落后”,直觉不意味着无理性,具象不等于纯自然。  相似文献   

英语中常见的“钱”说到“钱”,同学们都会想到单词“money”,但在英语中,对“钱”的表示是多种多样的。  相似文献   

A【阅读格言】书可以告诉我们什么是善,什么是恶,并防止我们作恶,指引我们从善。因此,博览群书是青年学生们最聪明的行为。【语篇导读】这是一篇关于“金钱与人生”的评论性文章。人们之间融洽的关系究竟该用什么来检验?是否可以用金钱来衡量?文章来源:《英语阅读周计划》难度星级里竺1字数卫鱼一第一节限时立分钟第二节限时里鱼分钟开始时间_正确数Reeenily,a professor of Philosophy in the United States has written a book ealled Money and the Meaning of Ufe.He has dis- eovered that how we deal with money in our d叮…  相似文献   

汉语是原子主义的,是流块建构的,但汉语的这种“流水”格局并不是“数碗数碟”。没有形式不等于随意,没有形态不等于落后;直觉不意味着无理性,具象不等于纯自然。语言的主体性和人文性是类型学的基础,而不是语言优劣论的论据。  相似文献   

丁玉华 《考试》2003,(3):21-22
近三年的高考作文,在“注意”里有三点是相同的,即“立意自定”、“文体自选”、“题目自拟”。“三自”的写作要求集中体现了话题作文自主性、开放性、灵活性的写作特点。一大批优秀的具有创新精神的考场作文因此脱颖而出。然而,自主性不等于随心所欲,开放性不等于胡思乱想。灵活性不等于“大象无  相似文献   

“Money is something,but not everything”,because there are manymany things better thanmoney.  相似文献   

从oney ean’卞buy friend‘hiP, Money ean‘十buy Iove, Money ean’卞buy peaee, Money ean‘t buy卞hought‘, ‘认oney ean‘十buy eduea卞ion Money ean‘十buy life, Money ean‘卞buy fQmily, Money ean‘卞buy hQrmony, Money Can’卞bUy a friend. Money eQn’卞buy卞he“e Prieele“s卞hings. 金钱无法买到友谊,金钱无法买到关爱, 金钱无法买到和平,金钱无法买到思想, 金钱无法买到知识,金钱无法买到生活, 金钱无法买到家庭,金钱无法买到和谐, 金钱无法买到朋友。金钱无法买到这些无 价的东西。金钱无法买…  相似文献   

理论引领是学科德育的前提 勤学习。学校组织教师学习《中共中央和国务院关于进一步加强和改进学校道德工作的若干意见》以及贯彻《北京市教育委员会关于进一步加强中小学各学科教学中德育的指导意见》的建议,引导教师转变观念,认识到“三个不等于”:第一是教学不等于智育,第二是分数不等于质量,第三是活动不等于德育。“三个不等于”的观点在全校教师中逐步形成,使旧的教育观、教学观发生转变。  相似文献   

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