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延安时期中国共产党的体育观以唯物论为科学基础,积极吸收近代先进体育思想和创造群众体育经验,具有大众性、军事化的特点.  相似文献   

贺龙体育思想是贺龙在对中国革命和建设的伟大实践中深刻认识和科学总结的结晶,主要包括体育人才思想、全民体育思想、贺龙的体育伦理思想、贺龙的体育交际思想、民族体育思想和军事体育思想6个方面。这些思想充分体现了贺龙体育思想的精髓,对中国体育事业的发展起着重要指导意义,对当代体育教育体育工作具有很强的指导作用。  相似文献   

采用文献法,对抗战时期陕甘宁边区体育运动开展情况进行研究,结果发现抗战时期陕甘宁边区的体育事业在中国近代体育史上独树一帜,是新中国体育的基础,包括了学校体育、军事体育、群众体育和竞技体育四个方面的内容,其特点主要表现在军事化、大众化、经常化.边区的体育活动,取得了较大的成绩,它为社会主义体育积累了经验,培养了干部,开拓了道路,为新中国社会主义体育运动的建设和成长发挥了积极作用.  相似文献   

运用文献资料等方法,对自鸦片战争以后到近代新学制确立前这半个多世纪我国学校体育课程的发展进行分析,从西方体育的传入、军事体育的开设、维新时期新体育的发展、留学生对体育的推广、民族体育的传承等方面进行研究.在新学制确立前,学校已经开展多种形式的体育活动,具有了体育课程的雏形,这对于总结近代体育的传入与发展具有历史意义与参考价值.  相似文献   

韩燕 《体育世界》2014,(9):37-38
张謇,近代著名的实业家、教育家。在他从事教育的过程中,对体育做出了大量的贡献,构建了较超前的中国近代学校体育教育体系和南通近代社会体育体系,是南通体育的"开拓者",近代南通体育事业的"第一人"。本文着重论述了张謇体育思想的形成和演变。  相似文献   

张謇是我国近代史上著名的民族实业家,也是杰出的教育家,他在向封建科举制度挑战、大力倡导推进近代教育的实践过程中,提出了德、智、体全面发展,培养“健全之国民”等教育思想与主张;张謇不仅思想上重视体育,更重要的是在教育实践中身体力行,不仅重视学校体育与卫生,也重视社会体育,还重视军事体育、兵式体操,为中国近代体育的发展做出了重要的贡献;他的体育思想与当时的时代主题相契合,具有很高的现实性,对我们今天的教育与体育改革仍具有十分重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法等分析唐代长安城市区域体育文化"群"的形成原因、文化特征及其在生态中的功能。唐代长安体育生态具有"镇集化"形态,体育文化具有"群"特征,其体育文化区域主要可以分为军事体育文化区域、宫廷体育文化区域、文化体育文化区域、食邑体育文化区域以及宗教体育文化区域等。提出民族的文化传统和时代创造精神是民族体育文化发展内在的、特有的动力源泉,呼吁加强对民族体育文化历史的研究,以探索我国民族体育发展独特的文化道路。  相似文献   

试论中国民族体育体系的重构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国自古以来就是多民族的国家,以汉族为主体的各民族共同创造了古老绚烂的中华文化,也包括创造了中国的民族体育。中国民族体育是别于西方体育和其他国家体育的中国的本土体育,是一个内容博大而结构复杂的文化体系,它源远流长,多姿多彩,蕴藏着丰富的文化信息和人文精神。但是一百多年来,中国经历了艰难的现代化历程,中国民族体育也走过了一条曲折的道路。由于外患频仍,国事多艰,政治和其他因素的干扰等原因,中国民族体育在近代化转型中的许多问题没有得到很好解决,以至在社会实践中,不断出现草率处理和指导偏颇的现象,还出现了相当严重的浅薄化倾向。时至今日,中国民族体育的体系化问题没有得到很好的解决,还应该做深入的理论探研和思考,并实践上进行大幅度调整。总之,以改革为动力,重新建构中国民族体育的理论和技术体系,这是当前中国体育面临的一项重要工作,是一个向全世界展现中国体育文化的重要任务,也是推进中华民族复兴事业的一个组成部分。总之,中国需要有自已的本土体育运动会,需要民族体育的系统化。这对保护甚至是抢救中国民族体育、传承与完善具有中华文化特色的中国体育体系而言具有深远意义,对发展多彩的世界体育文化和打破西方体育一统天下的局面有积极意义。  相似文献   

在近一百多年以来中国所经历的近代化转型过程中,如何应对西方文化是中国一直面对的主要问题。早期我国的民族体育学者为此做出了不懈的努力。这些勇敢的尝试都深深印砌在我国近代体育发展的道路上。本文以近代中国体育术语的变迁与演化为切入点,对我国近代中西体育文化的交融碰撞进行了相关的阐述。  相似文献   

王正廷是中国近代体育史上著名的体育外交家,也是我国近代体育的开拓者。文章以王正廷一生所从事的体育活动为基础,着重论述了他对中国近代体育发展的突出贡献。同时根据中国近代体育发展为线索,从历史角度对王正廷不同时期体育思想的形成及发展进行分析解读。研究认为:王正廷体育思想的形成和发展,与其一生的经历密切相关。在近代体育与中国传统体育碰撞的特殊历史环境下,王正廷通过对中西方文化的深刻理解以及对体育事业的参与热爱,逐步形成了一套较为成熟的体育思想,并为中国近代体育的健康发展做出了巨大的贡献。  相似文献   

The First World War is traditionally considered in history as a temporary halt for cultural and sporting activities. If the Olympic Games and the Tour de France were actually cancelled, football and rugby were in fact stimulated by the circumstances of war. Indeed, the gathering of allied nations behind the Western Front emerged as the main factor in the development of these two sports. Reading the sporting press and military archives shows that international sporting exchanges were stimulated during the Great War. To be specific, France benefited from the golden opportunity provided by the presence of the masters of the game to strengthen its practices and affirm its status as a sporting nation. Inter-allied sporting exchanges were primarily characterised by informal encounters between military selections. Then, following the recognition of these sports by the military authorities, the number of exchanges increased. At the end of 1917, the official status acquired by sport within the military forces created the conditions for the structuring of the French sporting elite. From that point, we can witness the birth of the first French military rugby and football teams, as they demonstrate, through their good performances during the demobilisation period, the progressive build-up of the international dimension of French sport during the war years.  相似文献   

蔡元培妇女体育思想是蔡元培教育思想的重要组成部分 ,其核心是“解放妇女”、“男女平等”。蔡元培妇女体育思想是在一定的社会历史背景下产生与发展起来的。蔡元培是从妇女和民族的发展与竞争的关系、德智体美全面发展和尚武的角度来认识与倡行妇女体育的。蔡元培妇女体育思想在近代中国教育史与体育史上具有重大的历史意义  相似文献   

现代战争的性质在发生变化,军事体育训练中需要加入心理应激的训练。了解心理应激的特性和机制,提高官兵的心理应激能力,适应新形势战争的要求,提高我军应对现代战争损伤的能力。本文从心理学和生物应激理论角度入手,对现代战争中军事体育训练的心理应激与防御应对进行一些探讨。  相似文献   

As practitioners of the imperial sport of the Victorian age, cricketers rallied whenever war descended upon England and its colonies. The South African War of 1899-1902 was no different. Adding to existing work on cricket's imperial development within South Africa, this study marks a significant contribution to research on the link between masculinity, war and sport during the Victorian era. A concept emerging from the English public schools of the mid- to late nineteenth century, the masculine ethos of sport and military honour had reached colonial South Africa by the outbreak of war in 1899. In its analysis of cricket and masculinity, this essay examines the events surrounding the war in South Africa and provides an example of the distinct relationship that existed between the military and the masculinity of sport and its organisation during this era.  相似文献   

This article examines the connection between sport and the First World War. It challenges the conventional wisdom that the athleticism associated with a public school education made a significant contribution to the British war effort. Additionally it argues that athleticism had a negligible influence on elementary school pupils who comprised the bulk of the military forces. It also suggests that while army authorities eventually accepted that sport had a positive role to play and made it a compulsory element of military training, it also existed as an escape from hostilities rather than just preparation for them.  相似文献   

张之江对武术的贡献及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张之江是西北军系统的高级将领,他一生倡导武术。他曾经创办中央国术馆,举办国术国考,建立"国立国术体育专科学校",提议并组织三次武术出访,从而大大提升了武术的社会地位,促进了武术竞技的发展,并把武术纳入教育系统,而且拉开了武术走向世界的序幕。其国术思想使武术在失去军事发展重心时另辟蹊径,使武术从以军事技术和民间技击术为主的运动向近代体育方向转型,其国术思想对于武术的发展具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

安塞腰鼓是流传于陕北安塞县一带的一种群众性传统体育项目,其内容多以舞蹈、武术为主,以古代武舞、兵阵为主要表现形式,是集舞蹈、武术、体操、打击乐、鼓吹乐、民歌等于一体的传统体育项目.安塞腰鼓运动的起源、运动形式、运动内容等都与武术有着密不可分的联系.文章运用文献资料法、对比分析法等研究方法,从安塞腰鼓的起源、特点、内容、表演形式以及所包含的哲学思想等方面进行研究,对其体现出的武术文化元素进行分析和归纳.  相似文献   

缪佳 《体育与科学》2011,32(6):107-109,114
古兹姆茨是世界上第一个提出恢复古代奥林匹克运动的人。他对奥林匹克的热情呼唤,不仅铸造了强盛的日尔曼民族的体质,而且推动了现代学校体育的发展。他出版的世界上第一本学校体育教科书《青年少体操》为青少年的全面发展提供了手段和方法。本文利用文献分析法,就相关研究文献和资料进行理论分析,本文论述这位"近代体育之父"教育理想的渊源,分析其思想内涵价值和特点以及对现代学校体育的贡献,从中发掘对于完善我国学校体育产生积极影响的内容。  相似文献   

Heck S 《国际体育史杂志》2011,28(3-4):410-428
In the nationalistic atmosphere of the early twentieth century, a nurturing medium for sports practising martial manliness abounded throughout Europe. This framework supported the invention of a new multi-disciplinary sport, aided by Baron Pierre de Coubertin himself: modern pentathlon. Though the idea of a new form of pentathlon was already born in 1894, it took 30 years, until Paris 1924, to establish modern pentathlon within the Olympic Games. This study is concerned with the reasons for that delay. It will be assessed whether the active military preparations around the First World War and the contemporary image of masculinity had a decisive influence on the early history of modern pentathlon. By including historical documents from the IOC archives in Lausanne, Switzerland, the research office for military history in Potsdam, Germany, and the LA84 Foundation in Los Angeles, USA, as well as literature on gender, military sport and Olympic history, this study offers an entirely new view on the early history of a sport that was born in an atmosphere of glorifying manliness and apparent militarism. The history of modern pentathlon thereby provides a particularly appropriate area for the analysis of connections between sport, militarism and masculinity. It was not by chance that the implementation of a combined sport, which included besides swimming and running the three military disciplines of shooting, fencing and horse riding, arose in a pre-war context. Though in 1912 the Great War had not yet begun, the awareness of an upcoming battle was rising and led to a higher attention to Coubertin's almost forgotten assumption of a new sport. In 1924 the advantages were finally admitted on two sides: the army recruited modern pentathletes as future military officers; the sports community appointed skilled officers as successful competitors. Thus the lobby for an Olympic recognition of modern pentathlon was found.  相似文献   

Measuring the impact of sports experience as preparation for war, and especially leadership in war, is open to debate. Accordingly, this paper is intended to highlight the role that sport played in New Zealand's effort in the Second World War and the way in which sport prepared some of those who would have positions of command in the structure of the Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force. The paper explores the realisation of the Commander of the New Zealand Division in the war, General Bernard Freyberg, that he needed to reshape his command by utilising younger, more durable, officers to cope with the more mobile methodology of the German war machine, especially after the military disasters that occurred in Greece and Crete. By concentrating on a particular soldier, W. N. ‘Bill’ Carson, a double New Zealand cricket-rugby representative, it is intended to show that sport was capable of providing the sort of life experiences that could prepare him for command and the need to adapt under extreme pressure by utilising the exposure to both success and failure in sport to cope with what were for him unique demands of battle.  相似文献   

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