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《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》提出“基本实现青少年熟练掌握一项以上运动技能”和“《国家学生体质健康标准》达标优秀率25%以上”的目标任务,但中小学生的运动发展却面临着“上了12年体育课什么都没学会”,而中小学生的健康促进则面临着“体质连续40年下降”的局面。科学运动和健康促进的主要途径是学校体育和体育课程,科学运动与健康促进是新时代体育与健康课程的历史责任。但运动发展与健康促进之关系素有争论,甚至有“技术与健康之争”的极端观点。研究认为,科学运动与健康促进是相互促进和融合发展的关系,在当前新课改形势下,体育“大单元教学”对有效提高运动能力具有方向性意义,“可选择性的专项化体育教学”即“体育走班制”教学更是代表着未来科学运动课程的教改方向。大幅度大面积地提升体质是青少年健康促进的前提,有效提升体质要求着“三精准”的新策略与新工作。在“健康第一”的体育课程教学指导思想下,体育与健康课程教学改革必将科学运动与健康促进相融合发展,其融合发展的主要途径体现课程教学目标的融合、课程教学内容的融合以及教学方法的融合。  相似文献   

日本学校体育的《学习指导要领》与我国学校体育的《体育(与健康)课程标准》都原则性规定了对体育课程内容要求,但日本与我国相比其最大特点就是增加了“放松身体运动”的内容及要求。从1998年到1999年,日本文部省修订了日本中小学《学习指导要领》,并于2002年和2003年分别实施了小学初中和高中新的体育《学习指导要领》。新的体育《学习指导要领》中,强调身心一体化,密切体育与健康生活之间的关系,所以把过去《学习指导要领》中的“体操”部分改成了“增强体质运动”,并把增强体质内容分为两部分,一部分是放松身体运动,一部分是提高身体素…  相似文献   

身体活动的健康运动阈与健康体质运动阈的比较及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对“健康”与“健康体质””和“健康运动阈””与“健康体质运动阈”概念及研究状况的比较分析表明,在新世纪体育工作以“增强体质“为目的的这种提法不仅没有过时,而且还对体育工作提出了更高的要求。它将是指导我们体育工作永远不变的航向。  相似文献   

2005年,在《教育部关于基础教育课程改革实验区初中毕业考试与普通高中招生制度改革的指导意见》指导下,浙江省首批国家基础教育课程改革实验区(以下简称“国改区”)对体育中考进行了全方位的改革,通过对《运动与健康》中的学习品质、运动技能、健康水平三方面的综合素质测评代  相似文献   

以世界卫生组织(WHO)提出健康是身体、精神以及社会活动中的完美状态的涵义作为终极目标,认同美国运动医学会(ACSM)"运动就是良医"的视阈下,提出相应的大众健身的最佳运动模式,相关的运动项目、运动时间、运动负荷、注意事项等诸多问题,指导大众科学健身,以期从运动锻炼中实现个体健康效益最大化。  相似文献   

张万永 《体育教学》2013,33(6):28-30
本文从《义务教育体育与健康课程标准(2011版)》(以下简称"《课标》2011版")在"运动技能"学习方面的下二位目标"掌握运动技能和方法"分析入手,从不同水平段目标要求及学习内容的选择变化找出影响目标解读的几个关键概念并加以分析,试图通过对关键概念的认识初步厘清"掌握运动技能和方法"的目标脉络,为义务教育段运动技能教学内容的科学构建提供有效的建议与启发。并依据对目标脉络的认识与对各水平段内容体系做了简单、初步的内容例举。  相似文献   

2011年版《体育与健康课程标准》指出体育课程是以身体练习为主要手段,以学习体育与健康知识、技能和方法为主要内容,以增进学生健康,培养学生终身体育意识和能力为主要目标的课程。在这一理念实施的过程中,老师们的理解还有偏差,大量的为了技能而技能的体育课存在于一线体育课堂。本文以多年的体育教学实践和探索为基础,以2011版体育新课程标准为依据,阐述了运动技能与运动能力的关系,以便于一线教师更好的理解这一理念,为推进体育新课程的实施服务。  相似文献   

针对第8次体育课程改革前和实施中体育教师在运动技能教学存在的问题进行简述,并结合自己对《体育与健康课程课标(2011版)》的理论认识和教学实践思考,从"要不要教""教什么""怎么教"3方面入手对运动技能教学进行探析。旨在为一线体育教师理清运动技能教学提供参考建议,共同推进体育课程改革朝着健康方向发展。  相似文献   

作为一名基层体育教研员,有幸参与由《中国学校体育》杂志社组织的2006年全国优秀体育教学课时计划高中组教案的评审活动,实感是一次非常好的学习和问题探讨的机会。众所周知,高中《体育与健康课程标准》设置的“模块”教学方案,制定了五个方面的水平学习目标与内容标准。而《高中体育与健康课程标准(实验)解读》中,把课程学习目标分成了两类,一类是结果性目标(主要用于“运动技能”和“身体健康”学习领域),一类是体验性目标(主要用于“运动参与”、“心理健康”和“社会适应”学习领域)。怎样将体验性目标有机渗透在运动技能教学之中,来有…  相似文献   

郭恩强 《山西体育科技》2006,26(1):126-127,90
《中共中央国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》指出:"健康体魄是青少年为祖国和人民服务的基本前提,是中华民族旺盛生命力的体现。学校教育要树立健康第一的指导思想,切实加强体育工作。"全日制义务教育普通高级中学体育(1———6年级)体育与健康(7—12年级)课程标准(实验稿)》(以下简称新《体育课程标准》)正是在这一思想的指导下指导下制订的。它制订了体育课程的性质、目标、内容和评价范围。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was (1) to describe physical activity prevalence, categorised according to the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans (2008 Guidelines), using different accelerometer cut points and (2) to examine physical activity prevalence patterns by reported cut points across selected characteristics. Cut points from 9 studies were used to estimate physical activity prevalence in a national adult sample (n = 6547). Estimates were stratified by validation study activity protocols used to derive cut points – ambulatory (walking/running) and lifestyle activities (e.g. gardening, housework, walking). Results showed that the prevalence of meeting the 2008 Guidelines ranged from 6.3% to 98.3% overall and was lower for cut points derived from ambulatory (median = 11.5%, range = 6.3–27.4%) compared to lifestyle (median = 77.2%, range = 60.6–98.3%) protocols. Prevalence patterns across protocols differed for age, but were similar for other characteristics. In conclusion, prevalence of meeting the 2008 Guidelines varied widely, indicating that choice of cut point had an impact on prevalence. To generate future accelerometer cut points one may consider developing cut points for demographic subgroups using a variety of lifestyle physical activities.  相似文献   

学生体质状况关系到学生乃至整个国家的未来与发展,然而目前中国学生体质呈下降趋势,必须要高度重视这一社会现象。对学生体质下降的原因进行剖析,认为国家体育职能没能充分发挥,教育体制改革还亟待深入开展;经济社会的发展造就了现代社会的不良生活方式;学校对体育教学重视不够,个别教师责任和事业心缺失;家长对体育锻炼的意义认识不足,独生子女受到畸形“呵护”和学生自身的体育锻炼习惯和健康意识缺乏是造成学生体质下降主要归因。并针对性地提出发挥政府职能,改革现有高考制度;加大舆论宣传,倡导“健康第一”的社会生活方式;加强学校体育工作,发挥其提高学生体质健康的主渠道作用;更新家长的健康意识和观念,重视家庭的教育作用;增强青少年体育意识,疏离远大理想和长远目标等干预措施和对策,为全面提高学生身体素质,提升学生未来竞争能力以及国家的长治久安提供理论支持。  相似文献   


Although exercise training is unable to improve obesity-associated decreases in left ventricular (LV) diastolic function, as assessed using chamber function measurements, the effects on LV diastolic myocardial function, as assessed using tissue Doppler imaging (TDI), are uncertain. In 32 overweight (n = 11) or obese (n = 21), sedentary or recreationally active men and women (30–57 years), we assessed the effects of 6 weeks of exercise training either preceded (n = 16) or followed (n = 16) by a 6-week control period on TDI indices of LV diastolic function (e', e'/a' and E/e') (echocardiography). Diastolic function at baseline was comparable to that noted in overweight and obese participants from a community sample (n = 245), and 56% (n = 18) had e' values below the lower 95% CI of a lean and healthy cohort (n = 60) of the community sample. Exercise training increased peak oxygen consumption (27.4 ± 4.9 to 29.4 ± 5.8 mL · kg–1 · min–1, P = 0.0001), but had no effect on body mass index (P = 0.99). No changes in TDI indices of diastolic function were observed after exercise training in all the participants (e': P = 0.74, a': P = 0.98, e'/a': P = 0.85, E/e': P = 0.26), participants with abnormal e' values (n = 18)(e': P = 0.99, a': P = 0.96, e'/a': P = 0.91, E/e': P = 0.97) or obese participants (n = 21)(e': P = 0.67, a': P = 1.00, e'/a': P = 0.78, E/e': P = 0.11). In conclusion, exercise training, despite increasing cardiorespiratory fitness, is unable to improve obesity-associated decreases in LV diastolic myocardial function.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the relationship between the Chinese government and the globalization of sport. The analysis looks at how the Chinese government has developed and managed its national sport, table tennis, as the sport became more and more globalized. This research developed a theoretical framework and an analytical tool based on Houlihan's model for analyzing ‘global reach and local response in sport’ and adopted a qualitative approach of content analysis and semi-structured interviews. A total of 16 interviewees contributed to this study, consisting of officials from Chinese sports administrations and Chinese scholars specializing in sports studies. This study found that the Chinese government has responded to the challenges associated with the globalization of table tennis in the dimensions of ‘participating in international organizations’ and ‘commercialization’ in two and five different ways, respectively. As this case study of China shows, a country's response to the globalization of sport is not limited to just one of the three types of responses described by Houlihan: passive, participative, or conflictual. In fact, a combination of two types is also possible. In China's case, the response has been both participativeand conflictual, but never passive. This study concludes that since the Chinese government habitually prioritizes the interests of the state ahead of everything else, it has never loosened its grip on the development of table tennis. It has so far demonstrated its ability to control resources when dealing with the impacts associated with the globalization of table tennis. China's socialist market economy model, which features a ‘dual-track system’ and ‘socialism with Chinese characteristics’, has generated a unique set of values that serves to rationalize whatever conflicts arise between capitalism and socialism. Although the Chinese government currently handles its relationship with globalization effectively and flexibly, the reform and opening up policies in China are expanding and may expose conflicts of interest between the Communist regime, enterprises, and professional players in the foreseeable future.  相似文献   


In addition to the findings of related studies, four sources of information were selected as a basis for determining the health education needs of high school students. Data were obtained from a representative sample of 959 B10 and A12 grade students in eight Los Angeles high schools by use of the LeMaistre Health Behavior Inventory, the Mooney Problem Check List, information derived from appraisals by school physicians' examinations, and personal data questionnaires on health history which students were asked to complete. The LeMaistre Inventory showed greatest weaknesses to be in the health education areas of sleep, rest, and relaxation; prevention and control of chronic and degenerative diseases; safety education; and consumer health. The Mooney Check List showed most student concerns to be in the areas of sleep, rest, and relaxation; mental health; personal health; and nutrition. From the physicians' examinations, orthopedic, dental, visual, and skin defects were observed most frequently; these findings have implications for the instructional areas of personal health and dental health. From student personal health histories, nutrition; consumer health; sleep, rest, and relaxation; and stimulants and depressants were evident as the instructional areas needing greatest emphasis.

Although little or no statistically significant relationship was found among students' scores on the various techniques which were used to identify needs, it was possible to note an interrelationship among the rank order of certain areas. Moreover, statistically significant grade and sex differences (.05) were apparent in certain aspects of students' health behavior.  相似文献   

Myokines may play a role in the health benefits of regular physical activity. Secreted protein acidic rich in cysteine (SPARC) is a pleiotropic myokine that has been shown to be released into the bloodstream by skeletal muscle in response to aerobic exercise. As there is evidence suggesting that SPARC release may be linked to glycogen breakdown and activation of 5’ adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase, we hypothesised that brief supramaximal exercise may also be associated with increased serum SPARC levels. In the present study, 10 participants (3 women; mean?±?SD age: 21?±?3 y, body mass index (BMI): 22?±?3?kg?m?2, and V˙O2max: 39?±?6?mL?kg?1?min?1) performed an acute bout of supramaximal cycle exercise (20-s Wingate sprint against 7.5% of body mass, with a 1-min warm-up and a 3-min cool-down consisting of unloaded cycling). Serum SPARC levels were determined pre-exercise as well as 0, 15, and 60?min post-exercise and corrected for plasma volume change. To determine whether regular exercise affected the acute SPARC response, participants repeated the acute exercise protocol three times per week for four weeks, and serum SPARC response to supramaximal exercise was reassessed after this period. Acute supramaximal exercise significantly decreased plasma volume (?10%; p?<?.001), but was not associated with a significant change in serum SPARC levels at either the pre-training or post-training testing sessions. In conclusion, in contrast to aerobic exercise, a single brief supramaximal cycle sprint is not associated with an increase in serum SPARC levels, suggesting that SPARC release is not related to skeletal muscle glycogen breakdown.  相似文献   

Although exercise promotes beneficial effects in diabetic patients, some studies have questioned the degree of their importance in terms of the increase in total energy expenditure. In these studies, the decrease of physical activity levels (PAL) was referred as “compensatory effect of exercise”. However, our aim was to investigate whether aerobic exercise has compensatory effects on PAL in type 2 diabetes patients. Eight volunteers (51.1 ± 8.2 years) were enrolled in a supervised exercise programme for 8 weeks (3 d · wk?1, 50–60% of VO2 peak for 30–60 min). PAL was measured using tri-axial accelerometers in the 1st, 8th and 12th weeks. Biochemical tests, cardiorespiratory fitness, anthropometric assessment and body composition were measured in the 2nd and 11th weeks. Statistical analysis was performed using non-parametric tests (Friedman and Wilcoxon, P < 0.05). We found no significant differences in PAL between intervention periods, and participants spent the majority of their awake time in sedentary activities. However, the exercise programme generated a significant 14.8% increase in VO2 peak and a 15% reduction in fructosamine. The exercise programme had no compensatory effects on PAL in type 2 diabetes patients, but improved their cardiorespiratory fitness and glycaemic control.  相似文献   

Purpose: Prenatal exercise is a health behavior that is receiving growing attention amid concern that women in Western societies are gaining excess weight during pregnancy and contributing to future obesity in both the mother and child. In this article, we draw on insights from the fields of social epidemiology and social theory of the body to examine existing prenatal exercise interventions and to propose a multidimensional framework intended to guide future theorizing and intervention design. Method: A scoping review of existing prenatal exercise programs and interventions focused on controlling gestational weight gain was conducted. Articles published prior to January 2017 were obtained from PubMed and CINAHL, and relevant articles were identified (n = 62) using specified inclusion and exclusion criteria. Identified articles were further analyzed to classify the level(s) of the socioecological model targeted in the intervention or program. Results: The majority of existing interventions target intrapersonal factors during pregnancy and do not attend to the role that cumulative exposure of social and structural disadvantage over the lifetime—not just during the prenatal period—plays in shaping health outcomes. In response, a multidimensional framework is proposed that includes key concepts that facilitate a life-course perspective, as well as attention to the integration of biological and social factors as they relate to health and health-related behaviors. Conclusion: Efforts to promote prenatal exercise and to improve maternal and infant health should attend to how systemic inequality impacts women’s health.  相似文献   

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