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This study examines the network neutrality debate, as represented online. The research begins by conducting network analysis to identify key websites, followed by retrieving the relevant documents and using content analysis. Results demonstrate that the online version of the debate skews heavily toward the pro-network neutrality side. The web debate also includes much higher proportions of voices from nonprofit sectors, especially nongovernmental organizations. Telecommunications companies and trade groups, which anchor the anti-network neutrality coalition, are relatively quiet online. These findings show groups that are less powerful making heavy use of online communication and, in light of the political history of the issue, they also suggest online mobilizing may help reshape the dynamics of issue advocacy.  相似文献   

文章对全球主要经济体的碳中和战略取向、目标设定、政策措施等进行系统梳理。研究显示,由于社会基础、经济基础和政治基础各不相同,主要经济体的碳中和战略取向也不同,可分为引领型、增长型、跟随型、摇摆型4类。这些经济体基本按照“目标路线图+关键领域目标”的框架构建碳中和目标体系,但引领型通常完成立法并制定严格的减排目标,其他类型往往弱化减排目标约束而关注新兴行业增长目标等。其主要根源在于,现有技术不足以支撑实现碳中和。因此,碳中和科技创新得到各国普遍重视,力求占据产业竞争制高点,但欧美追求“本土制造”的做法可能不利于降低新技术成本;在市场激励上,碳排放权交易市场被普遍采用,但碳定价机制仍有待进一步优化。全球主要经济体碳中和相关措施对我国制定完善碳中和政策有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

Clean air policies in China have substantially reduced particulate matter (PM2.5) air pollution in recent years, primarily by curbing end-of-pipe emissions. However, reaching the level of the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines may instead depend upon the air quality co-benefits of ambitious climate action. Here, we assess pathways of Chinese PM2.5 air quality from 2015 to 2060 under a combination of scenarios that link global and Chinese climate mitigation pathways (i.e. global 2°C- and 1.5°C-pathways, National Determined Contributions (NDC) pledges and carbon neutrality goals) to local clean air policies. We find that China can achieve both its near-term climate goals (peak emissions) and PM2.5 air quality annual standard (35 μg/m3) by 2030 by fulfilling its NDC pledges and continuing air pollution control policies. However, the benefits of end-of-pipe control reductions are mostly exhausted by 2030, and reducing PM2.5 exposure of the majority of the Chinese population to below 10 μg/m3 by 2060 will likely require more ambitious climate mitigation efforts such as China''s carbon neutrality goals and global 1.5°C-pathways. Our results thus highlight that China''s carbon neutrality goals will play a critical role in reducing air pollution exposure to the level of the WHO guidelines and protecting public health.  相似文献   

碳达峰、碳中和政策框架与技术创新政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
构建有利于碳达峰、碳中和的政策体系对如期实现碳达峰、碳中和目标(以下简称“双碳”目标)至关重要。文章对“十一五”以来的168项低碳领域政策文本进行了梳理分析,摸清了我国低碳政策的总体情况,以及政策的数量、效力、手段等特征,明确了当前低碳政策的缺口所在。在此基础上,围绕“双碳”目标实现的阶段性特征,绘制了未来我国碳达峰、碳中和政策框架。最后,重点分析了碳达峰、碳中和背景下社会发展路径从资源依赖向技术驱动转变面临的挑战,提出“十四五”时期推动实施“双碳”目标的总体政策和技术创新政策。  相似文献   

实现碳达峰、碳中和是以习近平同志为核心的党中央做出的重大战略决策,将带来经济社会广泛而深刻的系统性变革。科技是支撑碳中和目标的核心驱动力。文章在梳理碳中和相关概念基础上,分析了发达国家/地区和国际组织碳中和的战略行动和科技布局特点,发现:各主要国家通过立法监管、能源战略、技术路线图、碳市场等政策行动全面推动碳中和目标;在科技方面,重点布局可再生能源、氢能、储能、先进核能、碳捕集利用与封存(CCUS)等变革性绿色低碳技术,抢占未来绿色工业革命科技制高点。文章针对实现碳中和的“减排”和“增汇”两条根本路径,围绕“构建零碳能源体系”“再造低碳产业流程”“生态固碳增汇/负排放”三大方向提出了需要重点布局的14个重要科技问题研究,以引导超过70项关键技术突破。在分析碳中和国际行动和关键科技问题基础上,围绕加强碳达峰、碳中和行动顶层设计,强化面向碳中和的科技研发体系,建立零碳能源体系和新型电力系统,构建低碳产业体系,前瞻部署生态固碳等负排放技术,以及加强系统性解决方案在碳中和行动中的应用6个方面,提出了加强我国碳中和战略科技布局的建议。  相似文献   

依据建国以来我国基础研究政策目标的变化,将我国基础研究政策的发展历程分为重点项目突破、瞄准国家目标、提升原始创新能力三个阶段.运用多源流理论分析框架,阐释我国的基础研究政策如何实现了三次目标变迁.结论表明,问题源流的发展变化是我国基础研究政策目标变迁的拉力,政策源流的互动是我国基础研究政策目标变迁的推力,政治源流的变化引领基础研究政策目标变迁的方向,三者共同促进我国基础研究政策目标的变迁.  相似文献   

本文以宁夏西吉县三岔小流域为对象,应用线性多目标规划方法对黄土梁状丘陵区的土地利用结构及其生产潜力的发挥进行了探讨。结果表明,按目前参数模型结果实施后,人均年收入将由193.36元提高到515.18元,土壤流失量将减少42367t,需投资7.95万元;按潜力参数模型实施后,人*土地利用结构、生产潜力、目前参数、潜力参数  相似文献   

基于消费者效用理论,分别讨论了市场中存在垄断和双寡头内容提供商在网络非中立时与服务提供商的合作策略,研究了不同策略选择对内容提供商广告投放数量和利润的影响,得出满足两者合作均衡策略的条件.研究表明:市场中存在双寡头内容提供商情形下,内容提供商与服务提供商的合作会扩大市场总需求,且随着合作的内容提供商数量增多,市场总需求也随之增大.服务水平增加值和单位服务成本会对内容提供商的合作策略选择产生影响.服务水平增加值较小时,内容提供商都选择不与服务提供商合作;当服务水平增加值较大时,内容提供商不会同时选择与服务提供商合作,而是其中一个内容提供商选择合作另一个就不合作.  相似文献   

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to an inevitable surge in the use of digital technologies due to the social distancing norms and nationwide lockdowns. People and organizations all over the world have had to adjust to new ways of work and life. We explore possible scenarios of the digital surge and the research issues that arise.An increase in digitalization is leading firms and educational institutions to shift to work-from-home (WFH). Blockchain technology will become important and will entail research on design and regulations. Gig workers and the gig economy is likely to increase in scale, raising questions of work allocation, collaboration, motivation, and aspects of work overload and presenteeism. Workplace monitoring and technostress issues will become prominent with an increase in digital presence. Online fraud is likely to grow, along with research on managing security. The regulation of the internet, a key resource, will be crucial post-pandemic.Research may address the consequences and causes of the digital divide. Further, the issues of net neutrality and zero-rating plans will merit scrutiny. A key research issue will also be the impact and consequences of internet shutdowns, frequently resorted to by countries. Digital money, too, assumes importance in crisis situations and research will address their adoption, consequences, and mode. Aspects of surveillance and privacy gain importance with increased digital usage.  相似文献   

时代和教育的发展要求当代研究生思想政治教育必须逐渐实现科学化。本文将以思想政治教育的学科体系为框架,以近年研究生思想政治教育科学化的实践为依据,从教育环境、教育对象、教育目标、教育者和教育方法五个方面出发,探索实现研究生思想政治教育科学化的路径。  相似文献   

陆明青 《科教文汇》2011,(22):16-17
时代和教育的发展要求当代研究生思想政治教育必须逐渐实现科学化。本文将以思想政治教育的学科体系为框架,以近年研究生思想政治教育科学化的实践为依据,从教育环境、教育对象、教育目标、教育者和教育方法五个方面出发,探索实现研究生思想政治教育科学化的路径。  相似文献   

本文通过对五个师范院校思政专业培养目标的分析,得到我国高等师范院校思政专业在思想政治、知识技能、就业导向等培养目标上的异同,在此基础上提出高师思想政治专业培养目标制定的两原则:明确培养定位和突出教育教学,并进一步给出了高师思政专业培养目标的建议。  相似文献   

利用覆盖中国国土的Landsat遥感数据,本文监测了1986-2000年间耕地的变化态势,并利用农业生态区划模型,计算了耕地变化导致其生物生产力的变化。研究表明,1986-2000年耕地面积增加了265万公顷(或增加了2%),耕地的平均生物生产力下降了2.2%;研究还发现,耕地变化对中国粮食安全没有造成显著影响。适度的耕地非农化是不可避免的,人为遏制这一转移趋势会影响经济的健康发展。  相似文献   

A growing volume of scholarship and policy practice focuses on developing societal capacity to guide transitions of socio-technical systems toward more sustainable alternatives. Because several prominent modes of transportation are widely regarded as systemically problematic, the notion of sustainable mobility has received considerable attention from the standpoint of system innovation. Sustainability though constitutes only one of many contemporary political objectives and public commitment to goals consistent with such a future is highly equivocal. A related challenge arises from the ambivalence that sustainability champions often harbor on an individual level. It is probable that efforts to facilitate sustainable mobility will need to be reconciled with rival societal aspirations such as the pursuit of faster and more convenient forms of travel. Drawing on insights from the multi-level perspective, this article contrasts the relatively static automobility system with its more dynamic aeromobility counterpart and explores why evidence of an incipient transition is more apparent within the realm of aviation. In particular, the diffusion of “personal aeromobility” involving the use of small airplanes for on-demand, point-to-point air travel raises perplexing questions for the governance of sustainable mobility.  相似文献   

The high technology debate in Australia since 1981 is analysed using one of the most prominent features of the debate — he political rhetoric and symbols used in the debate. This form of analysis emphasises both instrumental and expressive political activity. The high technology debate is seen as having a significant expressive component and function. Most of the advocacy for high technology came as a result of institutional pressures and efforts of the Minister for Science and Technology, Barry Jones. High technology became a ‘maverick’ term in political debate but it has now become an accepted part of current economic language. The paper draws a number of conclusions for policy from the analysis.  相似文献   

碳中和是关系到解决全球环境问题、促进国家经济发展、推动社会可持续发展的重要议题。本文以1991—2021年间Web of Science和中国知网数据库收录的7192篇国际学者发表的英文文献、3778篇中国学者发表的中英文文献为研究对象,运用信息可视化软件CiteSpace,从时间分布、空间分布、研究热点冲积图、关键词共现图谱、关键词聚类图谱等方面,揭示了国内外碳中和研究现状与发展趋势。结果表明:①从时间脉络上看,国内外碳中和演进分为3个阶段:萌芽期(1991—2006年)、发展期(2007—2014年)和繁盛期(2015—2021年);进入21世纪后,国内外碳中和发文量均呈现快速增长趋势,2021年中国碳中和研究爆发式增长,年发文量超1500篇。②从空间分布上看,碳中和研究地区和研究机构呈现多极化发展趋势,美国、中国和英国等国家发文量较高,主要以高校和研究所为主。③从研究热点上看,围绕基础研究与动态监测评价、技术研发与应用、政策设计与路线图3个重大科学问题,碳中和研究主要从碳足迹、能源、碳捕获与封存技术、生命周期评价、碳交易市场和全球治理等热点展开。④从关键词聚类上看,碳中和相关研究可以从个体、行业、国家3个层面聚类成4个主题:个体碳中和态度与行为、碳中和技术、碳市场与碳金融体系、政策引导与全球治理。本文对每个主题的内涵和研究进展进行梳理,总结出碳中和的研究热点与演进趋势,为中国实现碳中和目标提供理论参考。  相似文献   

在碳中和背景下,我国能源系统需要深度转型,而发展新能源是能源转型的核心。文章利用综合经济社会效益评价模型框架,比较了当前能源系统转型力度下和未来能源系统加速转型下的经济社会成本和收益。研究表明,以新能源为主体的能源系统深度转型是实现2060年碳中和目标和美丽中国的空气质量要求的必要条件;风光发电的大规模发展将促进自身成本和我国用能成本的进一步下降,带动我国光伏和风电设备出口及其他出口行业的发展,驱动经济的持续增长。加速能源转型还将带动就业岗位的净增长和环境健康效益,避免大量因碳排放造成的社会成本。  相似文献   

发展光伏能源是构建清洁能源体系、实现社会经济发展绿色低碳转型的重要举措,明确光伏发电系统的碳中和路径,辨识其影响因素对于能源转型从而促进碳中和目标实现具有重要意义。本文基于生命周期评价,解析了光伏发电系统的碳排放特征,探讨了光伏发电系统全生命周期碳收支和光伏阵列下草地生态系统固碳增汇的影响因素。研究发现:①功率为500 kW的光伏电站从生产到废弃处理全过程碳排放量约为1.00×106 kg;②相比标准煤发电,其全生命周期中减碳量约为3.05×105 kg/a,节省标准煤约1.24×105 kg/a;③若光伏阵列下草地生态系统固碳速率以0.33 Mg C/(hm2·a)为参考,全生命周期内草地生态系统的固碳量约为8.25 Mg,考虑其相比标准煤发电的减碳量后,500 kW光伏发电系统约需3.27年可以中和其生产建造过程的碳排放。光伏组件和设备生产过程中各阶段的能耗、光伏场地气候特征等均会影响光伏发电系统碳中和目标的实现,采用节能环保材料、改进生产工艺、优化光伏场地选址、构建“光伏+生态修复”协同发展技术可以有效提升光伏发电系统的碳中和效率及固碳增汇能力。  相似文献   

我国作为碳排放大国,面临着碳达峰、碳中和(以下简称“双碳”)目标任务和国际碳减排压力。因此,准确的碳排放数据对于评估“双碳”目标和国际履约非常重要。联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)报告推荐将二氧化碳(CO2)观测与大气反演结合来“自上而下”地校验“自下而上”的碳排放清单,并指出加入大气14CO2观测可以更准确地校验碳排放清单。放射性碳同位素( 14C)是化石源CO2最准确的示踪剂,已被国际社会广泛推荐用于碳排放评估。文章基于大气14CO2观测的国际发展趋势和国内的紧迫状况,建议加大支持力度,建立大气14CO2观测网络;开展培训,统一相关标准,积极参与国际交流;尽快开展14CO2观测与大气反演相结合的研究。以此使我国的碳排放研究水平与国际接轨,并提高碳排放数据的可靠性,进而服务国家的“双碳”目标和气候外交谈判。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(6):104759
We analyse the effect of country-specific regulatory changes consistent with mandates included in the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement on patenting activities in Latin America (LA) with the aim of contributing to the ongoing debate on patent regimes, innovation and development. TRIPS implied tight negotiations between developed and developing countries. By analysing national legislation on IPR in 36 countries, we build a variable that captures when each country exhibits “the spirit of TRIPS”, which may occur before or after signing TRIPS. We follow two goals: i) to assess whether the impact of changing regulation was different in LA in contrast to developed countries; ii) to analyse specifically the impact on patent activities of residents and non-residents in LA in contrast to developed countries. Our results show that regulatory changes aligned with TRIPS increased patent activities in LA more than in developed countries, but only by non-residents. This is consistent with the political economy argument stating that the international agenda on intellectual property rights was pushed by large multinational corporations headquartered in developed countries as part of their globalisation strategies. Our results are also consistent with the economics of innovation literature that suggests that stronger patent regimes only have positive effects on innovation after some national income threshold is attained.  相似文献   

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