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美国高等教育中达到4年制学院初级水平要求的"2/4转学"教育在经过百年历史后得到了始料不及的发展,在"2/4转学"教育的基础上日益出现了反向转学"、旋转"注册及中等后教育与高中教育相结合的基于学分的过渡计划等转学活动。这些转学教育共同促进了美国高等教育的多样化。  相似文献   

美国的双重注册计划(Dual Enrollment Programs)是指为在校的高中生提供选修大学课程、获得高中及大学双重学分的机会的计划。双重注册计划最初只为那些学习成绩优秀的高中生提供一种选修大学课程,在获得高中与大学学分的同时挑战自己的机会。自佛罗里达州1973年通过颁布法令来推动双重注册计划以来,各州纷纷制定各种政策广泛推行双重注册计划,以促进高中生由高中到中等后教育的过渡。  相似文献   

"学院高中课程"计划产生于20世纪70年代的美国,该计划的核心是在大学校园里对贫困的、濒于辍学边缘的高中生进行课程教育,旨在帮助他们顺利完成高中学业,并为以后的中等后教育打下基础。学院高中课程的实施有效地降低了美国高中的辍学率又为高中生继续深造奠定了基础,对我国高中教育以及高中教育和大学教育的衔接有重要的启示。  相似文献   

"美国文凭计划"是二十一世纪初美国为提高其高中毕业生的学业能力而推行的高中教育改革方案.它是美国政府、企业和社会团体试图重建美国高中教育,将高中教育的现行标准与大学和企业对毕业生的能力要求衔接起来的努力成果.对"美国文凭计划"的发展过程、现状、目标、举措和特点的探讨,旨在为我国高中教育乃至基础教育的改革与发展提供借鉴.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,美国推行的"双重注册课程"是在高中阶段为高年级学生开设大学课程的项目,学生注册此类课程可同时获取高中与大学的学分,这有助于激励学生的学习热情,帮助学生提前过渡到中学后教育阶段,并获得学业成功.该项目凭借双重学分累计的特点和低廉成本的优势,赢得了广大低收入家庭和少数族裔学生及家长的青睐,成为当前美国最受欢迎的课程项目之一,在衔接美国中学与中学后教育方面发挥着重要作用.  相似文献   

21世纪初,为实现美国高中为未来社会做准备的目标,美国联邦教育部举办了全美高中教育峰会,发起了高中倡议计划,要求在全美开展一系列高中教育改革活动,主要包括美国职业资源网项目、大学与职业过渡倡议计划、州高中改革赠款项目、学校预防辍学项目、小型学习社区项目、州学习者倡议计划等.高中倡议计划取得了较大成效,有些项目至今沿用.  相似文献   

20世纪50年代以来,美国推行的“进阶先修课程”是在高中阶段为学生开设大学水平课程的项目,学生选修此类课程并通过统一考试可以获得大学学分,这有助于学习成绩优异者提前过渡到中等后教育阶段并获得学业成功.时至今日,进阶先修课程仍因其课程内容的严谨性与挑战性、考试成绩的普适性与权威性在全球范围内备受优秀学生推崇,是学生挑战自我、获取学分、申请美国名校的有效途径,在衔接美国中学与中学后教育方面发挥着重要作用.  相似文献   

美国高中特色发展是美国联邦政府基于创新时代背景及美国的多元文化价值观对高中如何创新发展做出的一种高中发展战略与高中改进策略。创新时代以来的美国高中特色发展战略主要体现于联邦政府制定的"新美国高中"计划、为美国未来做准备的"高中倡议计划"和"重新设计美国高中"计划的三大发展战略上。美国高中特色发展的学校改进策略主要体现于以下几方面:重塑高中办学理念,"培养创新人才+为升学或就业做准备";提升高中办学效能,创建并沿用高效的办学模式,重新设计教学组织;优化高中的课程内容与教学方法,提高教学质量;强化教育机构的合作与衔接,推进普职教育的合理、有效融合;增强优质师资建设,关注高中教师的专业性发展。  相似文献   

美国中等后教育领域学分转移实践机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国中等后教育领域的学分转移实践已经形成了较为完善和成熟的机制.本文系统梳理了美国中等后教育领域学分转移实践机制的八个主要特点,即:学分转移与社区学院及副学士学位的产生有历史渊源;转学有政策法律保障;以州或地区为单位进行学分转移;学分转移有完善的文件和协议制度;注重基层具体细致的工作;转出学校是否通过认证对学生能否转出具有很大影响;学分转移工作注重电子化、网络化;远程教育机构与社区学院之间的学分转移得到重视.  相似文献   

AP课程是美国为推进优质教育提出的一项重要教育举措.旨在加强美国高中与大学之间的联系,并在两者之间实现课程上的合理过渡。该课程提供机会让学生在高中阶段就能接触大学水平的课程内容,并提前获取相应课程的大学学分。对这一课程的研究对目前我国加强高中与大学在课程上的衔接具有一定启示意义。  相似文献   

A vast majority of colleges and universities have provisions for admitting high school students to special college programs (Robinson & Noble, 1992). These postsecondary enrollment options programs are vital because they link local higher education to the community by actively involving high school personnel, students, and parents in planning for college. Establishing and maintaining this link presents unique challenges to educators because it must meet the needs of a diverse population. The purpose of this study was to assess how students and parents perceived a suburban community colleges’ postsecondary enrollment options program. Basing marketing strategies on these perceptions provides colleges and universities an effective means to maintain the established community link.  相似文献   

Developed in response to concerns that too few students were enrolling and succeeding in postsecondary education, early college high schools are small schools that blur the line between high school and college. This article presents results from a longitudinal experimental study comparing outcomes for students accepted to an early college through a lottery process with outcomes for students who were not accepted through the lottery and enrolled in high school elsewhere. Results show that treatment students attained significantly more college credits while in high school, and graduated from high school, enrolled in postsecondary education, and received postsecondary credentials at higher rates. Results for subgroups are included.  相似文献   

This study examined the school perceptions and educational aspirations of 6,599 rural high school students, a sample that included 428 students with learning disabilities (LD). Regardless of disability status, rural high school students who had negative perceptions of school had less well‐defined postsecondary educational plans and less often aspired to complete college or pursue an advanced degree. Compared to nondisabled youth, rural students with LD were more likely to have negative perceptions of school and lower postsecondary aspirations. However, students with LD who had positive perceptions of school more often planned to pursue postsecondary education and aspired to complete college or an advanced degree. Implications for research and interventions pertaining to the educational attainment of students with LD are discussed.  相似文献   

Work-based learning interventions, particularly cooperative education, are a viable way to support the post-high school transition process, enhance work-related cognitive development, and increase the occupational engagement of at-risk youth. Using propensity score matching to analyze data from the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002), the impact of participation in cooperative education on two indicators of postsecondary transition readiness, including postsecondary education plans right after high school and importance placed on work, were examined for students deemed at risk of high school failure. Participation in cooperative education had a significant positive effect on at-risk students' postsecondary education plans right after high school. However, no significant effect was detected for the importance students placed on work.  相似文献   

Using data from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988, this study documented college attendance patterns of rural youth in terms of the selectivity of first postsecondary institution of attendance, the timing of transition to postsecondary education, and the continuity of enrollment. The study also examined how these college attendance patterns among rural students differed from those among their nonrural counterparts and which factors explained these rural–nonrural differences. Results showed that rural youth were less likely than their nonrural counterparts to attend a selective institution. In addition, rural youth were more likely to delay entry to postsecondary education compared to their urban counterparts. Finally, rural students were less likely than their urban counterparts to be continuously enrolled in college. Much of these rural–nonrural disparities in college attendance patterns were explained by rural–nonrural differences in socioeconomic status and high school preparation. Policy implications, limitations of the study, and future research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

Many college and SAT preparation programs are designed to improve the postsecondary success of traditionally marginalized students. In addition to academic preparation, students' social and emotional preparation is important for the transition from high school to college. Mentors can serve as role models and supports to aid students in this development. Using student survey data and hierarchical linear modeling, this study examines the influences of student–mentor relationships within an SAT program setting on students' college attitudes. Results indicate that these relationships can positively influence students' college attitudes, particularly for students who have lower baseline SAT scores. Recommendations for future research and practice are provided.  相似文献   

Twenty-one US states currently offer some form of merit-based postsecondary financial aid, although the generosity and eligibility requirements of merit aid programs varies from state to state. This article uses nationally representative data from high school students in the early 1990s and the early 2000s to evaluate the relationship between the design of merit aid programs and their effects on student achievement and college trajectories. The findings suggest that programs that guarantee full tuition to recipients have greater effects on students’ high school course-taking and college choice than less generous programs. Further, I find provisional evidence to suggest that programs with relatively simple merit-based eligibility requirements are more effective than programs with more complex means-tested eligibility requirements.  相似文献   

Data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 were used to examine the effect of academic and career or technical education course-taking in high school on deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) youth’s postsecondary enrollment in 2-year, 4-year, and career or technical education institutions. We examined the proportion of academic and career or technical education courses taken, completion of algebra, and completion of an occupationally specific course of study. Propensity model analyses indicated that academic course taking significantly increased the odds that DHH students would enroll in postsecondary school. Completion of a higher proportion of career or technical education courses was not related to enrollment in postsecondary education, including career and technical education schools. Implications for practice and future research are discussed, including the importance of secondary transition planning staff both encouraging DHH students who have a goal of future postsecondary attendance to take a rigorous, academically focused high school curriculum, and providing students with the support to complete these courses.  相似文献   

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