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In this article, I examine the social and pedagogic context of the 11 September tragedy. Although a good deal has been written about the national and international politics of 11 September, I focus on the most local of levels: the complicated ways in which 9/11 was experienced phenomenologically by teachers such as myself, and on the little known effects it had on pedagogy and on the urge to have schools participate in a complicated set of patriotic discourses and practices that swept over the United States in the wake of the disaster. Given this focus, parts of my analysis are personal, while others parts are more institutional and ideological. I describe one instance in which the 'compulsory patriotism' that arose in schools after 9/11 had damaging effects. The discussion demonstrates that no analysis of the effects of 9/11 on schools can go on without an understanding of the ways in which the global is dynamically linked to the local. Such an analysis must more fully understand the larger ideological work and history of the neoliberal and neoconservative project and its effects on the discourses that circulate and become common sense in society. And no analysis can afford to ignore the contradictory needs and contradictions that this project has created.  相似文献   

“转型期的敦煌学——继承与发展”国际学术研讨会于2006年9月7日—11日在南京师范大学举行。这次会议共收到论文51篇,与会的60多名敦煌学专家围绕敦煌文献的考释、唐五代宋初敦煌政治经济史、敦煌宗教史和敦煌文学等方面展开了热烈的讨论。这次会议将大大促进转型期的敦煌学研究深入发展。  相似文献   

“9·11事件”极大地影响了当代国际关系,它改善了国际间的关系,重新调整了中美俄三角关系,并改变了南亚次大陆的战略态势。  相似文献   

THE RIGHT PRESCRIPTION FOR LEFTIST INDOCTRINATION: A DOSE OF THE FOUNDERS A thesis concocted by right-wing ideological watchdogs and advanced with elevated urgency in the wake September 11, 2001, claims that America's college and university students are hostage to a leftist, “moral-relativist” and multiculturalist professoriat.  相似文献   

After April 16, 2007, Hokies United needed to heal itself and the Virginia Tech community. About Campus editorial assistant Brianne MacEachran interviewed Steve Schneiter, a faculty co‐creator of the campus group that has organized responses to tragedies since the events of September 11, 2001, about managing suffering, this time their own.  相似文献   

Democracy and Education after September 11   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Millions of words written in the wake of the horrific terror of September 11, 2001 appear to reinforce the feelings of despair at the current state of the world politics. Most analyses seem to offer little hope for the prospects of peace. Indeed, if the so-called 'war on terror' is designed to achieve peace then it is difficult to see how it could be won in any determinate sense, yet the popular media and others in the position of influence seem reluctant to explore alternatives to war. In this essay I argue that many of the current analyses of September 11 and discourses of national security are incapable of delivering the cosmopolitan resources of hope we need to have a better chance of securing peace. I maintain that these resources of hope will not be located in the austere and intrusive regimes of national security; rather, they are more likely to be found in the possibilities of transnational democracy and education.  相似文献   


Terror, war, death and destruction are on the lips of politicians, commentators, observers and activists concerned with the ‘war against terror’. Since the tragic events of 11 September, 2001 various intellectual struggles, tensions and controversies have arisen as writers, often from hostile and competing camps, seek to understand and interpret the nature, meaning and consequences of the attack. This article focuses on three genres of post‐'9/11’ textual discourse that have arisen in book form: ‘critical contextual’, ‘moral philosophical’ and ‘reflective parochial’. Each body of work is distinguished broadly by a shared analytical and intellectual trajectory that defines its discursive parameters of analysis and interpretation. We argue that given the prevailing political context in the wake of 11 September — typified by a deep sense of insecurity, risk, suspicion of uncertainty, and denial of ethical dilemmas ‐ and many of the policy measures that have resulted from these, critical contextual texts have been largely relegated by the powerful to the margins of heretic ‘irrelevance’. Despite this, critical contextual works have undoubtedly had a profound and lasting effect upon ‘public opinion’, in spite of attempts to diminish the credibility of such accounts.  相似文献   

The appeal of Bush's post-September 11 discourse lies in its similarities with the Puritan rhetoric of covenant renewal by which ministers brought second- and third-generation Puritans into the church. Through this epideictic discourse, Bush implored younger Americans to uphold the national covenant of their “elders,” the World War II generation, through support of the war on terrorism, and he revitalized the faith of the older generation. Bush's covenant renewal rhetoric in the context of September 11 inaugurated him into the presidency. It also explains his predilection for unilateral and/or pre-emptive action and his call for acts of local community service.  相似文献   

Americans students' awareness of the world's complexity was suddenly sharpened on September 11, 2001. A large basic course on world regional geography was used to introduce students to ten maxims that encourage constructive learning about the many factors that help define a place's character. Student reactions to the maxims were largely positive. There were also indications that cross-disciplinary learning was enhanced.  相似文献   

2002年4、5月和9、10月分两次调查了雅砻江锦屏一级水电站及其影响区的浮游动物多样性概况.结果表明:雅砻江中、下游浮游动物由3门、4纲、11目、23科、28属、46种组成.其中原生动物31种,占总种数的67.39%;轮虫12种,占总种数的26.09%;节肢动物3种,占总种数的6.52%.  相似文献   

“9·11”事件激发了美国人的民族主义和爱国主义情绪,但战争和危机期间民族情绪的高涨会随着战争的延长或危机的消退而逐渐减弱,因此,美国的国家认同需要建立长效机制.为了强化国家认同,“9·11”事件后,联邦政府因势利导,采取了一系列措施(制定政策、颁布法规、资助项目等)来加强公民教育.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to examine the Imam-Hatip schools and their basic features, the characteristic model of Islamic education in Turkey that was proposed as an alternative model for other Muslim countries during their madrasa reform movements in the aftermath of the September 11 events in the USA. In the continuation of the madrasa tradition during the Saljuki period under state supervision, along with the modernisation efforts in education since the late Ottoman period, these schools have been revitalised and adapted to the contemporary conditions of educational institutions. At the foundation of these schools, there lay a notion of reconciliation between the ‘traditional’ and ‘modern’. Throughout the years of the Turkish Republic, these schools have constantly become a controversial issue in terms of their number, structure, and student and alumni profiles. Especially after the opening process of the Turkish people and Turkish foreign policies to the world, the issue has become an international one since the 1980s. After the events of 11 September 2001, these schools were offered as an alternative model for madrasas in Muslim countries and therefore drew international attention to themselves.  相似文献   

Sections 3 and 4 of the 1988 Education Reform Act include English as one of the compulsory core subjects in the National Curriculum and empower the Secretary of State to specify attainment targets, programmes of study, and assessment arrangements for English for children of compulsory school age. The English Working Group appointed to advise the Secretary of State on English for ages five to 11 reported in September and its recommendations for attainment targets, programmes of study and statements of attainment were published in November alongside the English proposals of the Secretary of State for Education and Science and for Wales. The English Working Group will be reporting on English from 11 to 16 at the end of next month. Dr Barrie Wade, senior lecturer in education, Birmingham University, discusses the report on English for Ages 5 to 11 .  相似文献   

The specific problematic of this paper is the effects of the events of 11 September on English education policy, particularly policy surrounding faith schooling. One story to be told is one of an absence of effect, of policy discussions and directions continuing on the same trajectory before and after that date, a story of 'no U-turn'. However, this article presents an alternative account that recognizes important effects, but effects that have largely remained below the surface. The central focus of the paper is the symbolic power of 11 September operating around an axis of destabilization. It is argued that the event symbolizes a disruption of myths of urban order and of the 'safe' accommodations between modernity and postmodernity; and that there has been an analogous impact on the myth of liberalism as the all-encompassing voice of reason and civilization. '11 September', it is suggested, serves as a potent reminder of the fundamental tensions in models of liberal education, evident, in particular, in the paradox of 'liberal imperialism'. It can thus be effectively mobilized in policy discussions by either regressive or progressive thinkers. The paper draws attention to the way in which these tensions and mobilization practices can be seen behind current English policy debates on faith schooling. It concludes that intensified public anxieties about 'Osama Bin Laden academies' fundamentally undermining 'our way of life' have not coalesced into anything 'measurable'; but that the lack of a U-turn by New Labour on the faith schooling issue could be understood as an important 'intervention' designed to act as one stabilizing message in destabilized times.  相似文献   

“9.11”事件后,随着美国对阿富汗战争的进行,美国在中亚的军事存在已成为现实。问题的关键是美国的军事存在会持续多久?会像美国政要所说的那样仅仅是为反恐战争的需要而“暂时的”驻军,还是长期存在下去?美国进军中亚的战略意图又是什么?文章针对此进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

“9·11事件”后 ,北约迅速做出了反应 ,首次援引《华盛顿条约》第五款 ,在美国部署空中预警系统帮助美国防卫领空 ,向东地中海地区派遣海上力量。同时 ,为了有效地打击恐怖主义 ,北约还在 2 0 0 2年北约布拉格峰会上决定对北约进行改革并改组。北约也加强了与其他国际组织和包括俄罗斯在内的其他国家的合作关系  相似文献   

Described as “terrorist factories”, the South Asian madrasas have become the subject of great controversy since September 11, 2001. In Afghanistan, people commonly blame Pakistani madrasas for recruiting Afghan youth into militant groups. In response, the Afghan government has initiated a comprehensive reform of the Islamic education sector. Yet, little analytical attention has been paid to Afghan madrasas and their transnational links. This article examines more closely the role of religious education in Afghanistan, transnational connections with madrasas in Pakistan, the alleged links to militancy, and the scope for reform of the religious education sector in Afghanistan.  相似文献   

The author, the Executive Director of the Washington, D. C.-based Association of International Educators, makes a plea for the continuation and expansion of educational and academic international exchange programmes. The direct and indirect beneficiaries of such programmes develop all sorts of cross-cultural insights and skills that make them both valuable world citizens and enlightened citizens of their respective countries. Despite the dampening effect of the 11 September 2001 events, the United States is urged to continue encouraging international students to come to the United States and to facilitate their periods of residence. The United States can also learn from ongoing European efforts to internationalize its higher education.  相似文献   

A collaborative, interspecialty volunteer program extending for nine months after September 11, 2001, provided free support and service to pregnant women widowed by the attacks on the World Trade Center. Participating providers studied the physiological and psychological effects of stress. Group sharing, discussions about the effects of emotions on labor progress, and other techniques were incorporated into sessions. The program's success suggests that childbirth educators should prepare all pregnant women to cope with stress. Subsequent national and international events have reinforced the importance of such training. The childbirth educator can also help by maintaining a referral list of local trauma counselors and other resources.  相似文献   

With the development of globalization,and of high technology,especially information technology(IT),together with the adiUStment of the USA government's policy,New Economy came into being in 1990s in the United States.As a new economic formation. New Economy is information\knowledge economy in essence. New Economy can be divided into two distinctive periods marked off by the September 11 attacks.New Economy has its own characters and we should adopt an objective attitude towards it.  相似文献   

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