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20世纪80年代,领导力教育就已经成为西方高校教育中最为活跃的领域,许多学者对领导力教育的作用都给予了极大的肯定.而在我国,大学生领导力教育的积极意义并未得到充分认识,只有几所高校进行了理论研究和实践,但是也不能就此抹杀领导力教育潜在的价值,它必将成为未来教育的趋势,因为发展领导力教育符合中国国情,是高校自身发展的迫切需求,是提高大学生综合素质和就业创业能力的实际需要.  相似文献   

上世纪80年代以来,大学生领导力教育在以美国为代表的西方国家悄然兴起并日趋活跃,形成了21世纪高等教育发展中一个值得关注的新兴领域,但目前国内学界对此尚未予以充分关注。鉴于此,本文考察了本领域的研究现状,并提出了推进我国相关研究的建议。  相似文献   

随着领导理论的发展,领导力越来越成为关注的焦点。近年来,教育领导学的出现和兴起,教育领导力也将成为教育领导学研究的核心领域之一。通过文献分析发现,教育领导力研究多停留在校长领导力的研究层面。然而,教育领导力研究远非如此疆域。在领导学、政治学、历史学、人类学和教育管理学等多学科视野下,教育领导力研究是由体系、领域和范式三个子系统组成,他们以特定的排列组合方式内聚和耦合成庞大的研究系统。  相似文献   

美国工程领导力教育的理念与实践为培养21世纪未来工程领军人才树立了典范.从理念与实践方面介绍美国工程领导力教育的现状与未来,分析工程领导力教育理念如何转化为具体的能力并通过课程、项目或活动得以实施.  相似文献   

大学生领导力教育研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上世纪80年代以来,大学生领导力教育在以美国为代表的西方国家悄然兴起并日趋活跃,形成了21世纪高等教育发展中一个值得关注的新兴领域,但目前国内学界对此尚未予以充分关注.鉴于此,本文考察了本领域的研究现状,并提出了推进我国相关研究的建议.  相似文献   

朱蒙 《中国教师》2010,(15):23-23
<正>2010年6月20日,"商务印书馆教育论坛"在北京涵芬楼书店召开。该论坛围绕"学生快乐成长与领导力的培养"这一主题,展开深入广泛的探讨和交流。18世纪后半叶欧洲出现了由校园、课程、教材、职业教师、课堂教学、考试等主要元素组成的现代意义上的学校,称为"第一次教育革命"。现代教育发展到20世纪70年代,正如美国教育学家施瓦布所说,  相似文献   

正一2011年10月中旬,笔者在美国范德堡大学参加了一个"为美国而教"(Teach for America)的宣讲会。从会议散发的材料到循环播放的幻灯片,出现最多的一个词就是"领导力"(leadership)。他们在为美国经济与社会地位不利的学生、偏远地区招募教师,所要求的首选素养就是领导力。在他们的网页上,清晰地表明了其立场:"谁是我们在寻找的?我们在寻找一位具有多维领导力的领导者……  相似文献   

高校开展大学生领导力教育的分析和思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
领导力教育是一种以领导力为主题或专业,重在培养学生具有领导知识与技能的跨学科教育。本文从大学生领导力教育的内涵入手,分析了我国开展大学生领导力教育的现实意义,并在借签美国大学生领导力教育的经验基础上,对我国高校开展大学生领导力教育提出了的几点建议。  相似文献   

学生领导力教育旨在提高学生的领导能力。麻省理工学院是美国系统性探索学生领导力教育经验的著名高校之一。麻省理工学院学生生活部门专门负责此项工作,该部门借助社会变革理论和关系型领导理论,结合以培养工科及相关行业领军人才的实践需要,开发并完善了一套由校内的"领导力教育"系列项目、校外"校友导师制"系列活动和奖项评议三大模块构成的教育体系。为确保学生领导力教育取得良好成效,该校高度重视理论与实践的双向互动,不断整合校内外教育资源,并提供资金支持。这为我国高校探索学生领导力教育提供了一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

领导力教育是国际一流大学关注的热点,但在国内并未得到普遍的重视,特别是以社团为阵地开展领导力教育更缺乏关注和实践。本文尝试梳理美国高校领导力教育的经验,结合国内高校社团实际,探讨如何以社团为阵地推动领导力教育,如何以领导力教育为牵引促进社团的更好发展。  相似文献   

Recently, many educational institutions across the globe have implemented engineering leadership programmes either as a part of a formal engineering curriculum or where leadership development is embedded into separate in-house programmes. This shows the clear intent of these educational institutions to prepare their engineering students for solving real-world problems, recognising that both technical and leadership skills are valuable for tomorrow's engineers. Leadership programmes in engineering education have been implemented in various formats with varying degrees of success. It has already been identified in research studies that 80–90% of engineering leadership programmes offered explicitly across the globe were based in the United States of America. However, in Europe and Australia, there is a noticeable lack of engineering leadership programmes, particularly in undergraduate curricula. The programmes that are offered across Australia and Europe have distinct design and delivery styles but there are certain key features that are common to most of the programmes, including professional partnerships, mentoring, engineering design and project-based approaches.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the ability of two educational leadership university programmes to improve the cognitive agility of their graduates. The research looked to discover whether the aspiring principals exited the programmes with an increased ability to employ cognitive agility – the ability to use the multiple thinking skills of systems thinking, reflecting, and reframing – when engaged in their professional work and solving problems. Both Masters programmes were in School Leadership, offered through the same university department and following the same core curriculum leading to Level 1 educational leadership certification. The results indicate that of the two programmes studied, the Principal Rapid Orientation and Preparation in Educational Leadership (PROPEL) programme, designed to prepare leaders for turnaround schools, produced more cognitively agile graduates than the traditional Master’s programme. The mediating variables of participants’ years of experience and budget responsibility increased the level of cognitive agility of both programme’s graduates.  相似文献   

Gerald Grace's (2000) paper Research and the Challenges of School Leadership: the Contribution of Critical Scholarship is applauded for making a powerful case for critical leadership studies to be taken seriously and for providing an exhortation for many educationists to think again about headship. However, this paper suggests that Grace's paper is weakened by: (a) traditionalism (e.g. a false equation of leadership with headship and neglect of more recent discourses of leadership, distributed leadership and complexity theory); (b) reductionism, oversimplification, selectivity and misrepresentation in his consideration of educational management studies; (c) neglect of the considerable overlap between critical leadership studies and educational management studies; (d) an untenably negative view of educational management studies (neglecting their potential for realising the same agenda as critical leadership studies); (e) eurocentrism; and (f) his neglect of foundational issues in, and authors on, critical theory.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(3):417-433

A number of schools in South Africa appear to be struggling with the changes that the government is introducing to improve the quality of education and lay a strong foundation for the country's societal transformation. Leadership has been found to be one of the factors that are associated with how schools cope with change and its complexities. This article focuses on a conceptual examination of the national Advanced Certificate: Education (School Management and Leadership) programme's capacity for promoting sustainable leadership in schools. The findings from the critical analysis of the qualification's documentation suggest that the current formulation of this school leadership development programme does not address the complexities of leadership and change, and is thus unlikely to adequately contribute towards leadership effectiveness or its sustainability in schools. It may, however, contribute to short- term school improvements, policy compliance, management effectiveness or economy and/or administrative efficiency.  相似文献   

校长领导力要素测评在学校管理中具有重要的意义,它是甄别校长素质和质量的有力工具。本研究使用马来西亚校长领导力评价指标体系量表,通过因素分析发现,中国教师最看重的是校长的人际领导力,其次是技术领导力和教育领导力,最后是象征领导力和文化领导力。  相似文献   

教育局长是我国区域教育行政管理的基本领导群体,其领导行为直接影响着区域教育发展的内涵与进程。按照权变领导理论框架,教育局长的领导力与教育局长的工作情境直接相关。由于教育局长的工作情境具体由教育局、政府和学校系统三个开放的工作系统构成,因此,教育局长的领导力呈现出三维结构,即行政领导力、政治领导力和教育领导力。相应地,教育局长要提升领导力,应该从三个维度入手:领导领导者,有效提升教育局长的政治领导力;认识教育组织特征,有效提升教育局长的教育领导力;发展组织文化,提升教育局长领导的有效性。  相似文献   

While there has been considerable research activity in the area of middle management / middle leadership since the late 1990s, the concept remains under-theorised and ambiguities persist in relation to who middle managers or middle leaders are and what they do. The recent shift in terminology in the literature from ‘middle management’ to ‘middle leadership’ alludes to evolution in the roles these leaders play in schools. However, without a theoretical model to use as a point of reference it is difficult to describe the nature of such evolution and even more difficult to identify implications for teacher productivity, student outcomes and school effectiveness. This article proposes a model of middle leadership in schools based on an extensive review of the literature. The Middle Leadership in Schools (MLiS) model describes factors that influence middle leadership, possible influences of middle leadership on schools, a typology of roles middle leaders perform and how they might perform them. The article concludes with implications for research and theory building in a still-emergent area within the broader field of educational leadership.  相似文献   

Chelladurai developed the Multidimensional Model of Leadership, which was designed to be situation-specific to examine leadership behaviour and effectiveness in sporting contexts. Applying Chelladurai's concept to the Singapore sporting context, this study aimed to assess the impact of congruence between perceived and preferred leadership behaviours on satisfaction with leadership among college student-athletes in Singapore. Data were collected from 185 college student-athletes enrolled in the five local tertiary institutes. The questionnaire utilized in this study consisted of the perception and preference versions of the Revised Leadership Scale for Sports and seven items measuring satisfaction with coaching leadership. Confirmatory factor analysis and a series of hierarchical multiple regression procedures were carried out to test the psychometric properties of the leadership scale and the hypothesized relationship between congruence levels and satisfaction. Results revealed congruence of perceived and preferred behaviour in social support was a significant indicator of athletes' satisfaction. Possible implications from the findings were discussed in an effort to better understand coaching effectiveness in Singapore.  相似文献   

Trump’s vow to ‘make America great again’ seeks to usher in a policy agenda reminiscent of an era that served as a boon to the rich while devastating poor, working-class, Americans, particularly people of color. His education policy and budget blueprint prove no exception, signalling troubling priorities for those who value strong public institutions, civil rights, and investments in public schools. In this essay, I argue that the current political moment requires an educational leadership committed to making America’s schools great now by reclaiming public schools as pillars of democracy through resistance, taking a stand on issues, and actively leading change. I conclude with calls to (a) resist efforts to dismantle education as a public good, (b) reclaim a vision of education grounded in equality, liberation, and justice, and (c) revolutionise how education leadership is conceptualized, practiced, and sustained.  相似文献   

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