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自从高考改革以来,数学这门学科就占有了举足轻重的地位,其重要性不言而喻.在高考中数学能否取得好成绩是决定学生能否考进好大学的重要条件.但在高考中不是每个学生都能取得理想的数学成绩.学生在为此忧愁,教师也在为如何提高班级数学成绩而烦恼.影响数学成绩的因素有很多,本文笔者从以下几方面来进行阐述.  相似文献   

影响学生数学成绩的人格因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乐群性、聪慧性、兴奋性、有恒性、敏感性、幻想性这6种人格因素与高考数学成绩的相关性显著.聪慧性和有恒性对学生高考数学成绩有正向影响,而乐群性、兴奋性、敏感性、幻想性对学生高考数学成绩有负向影响.人格因素与高考数学成绩的相关性系数与多元回归方程的偏回归系数具有高度的一致性.  相似文献   

黄亮 《时代教育》2014,(10):166
高中课程的教学主要在于提升学生对基础知识的掌握和加深,丰富学生的课外见识与自主学习能力,全面提高学生的学习成绩。对我国高考模式下的高中学生而言,高中数学课程的教学效果,直接影响到他们高考的数学成绩,关系到学生能否取得满意的高考分数来考上自己理想的大学。文章就高中数学教师专业能力的提升进行了论述,结合相关实例,分层论述了教师应该在专业能力上进行提升的各个方面,以期能对我国高中数学教学质量的提高在教师专业能力上获得保障,从而有效提升学生的数学成绩。  相似文献   

做学习型、反思型教师,是我们每位教师的毕生追求,也是教师职业生涯中不可或缺的.不学习,不知道别人在做什么,不反思就会认为自己是天下第一.大家都知道,高考是一项系统工程,教师、学生、社会环境、地域经济缺一样都不行,高徒出名师与名师出高徒是相辅相成的.就高考数学学科来说,学生投入的学习时间、教学课时、练习的数量与密度,教师的课堂教学、复习备课的方略都是决定高考数学成绩的因素.在这些因素中,有些  相似文献   

大学生在校学业成绩与其高考信息中诸多因素有密切关系。研究发现高考成绩中各要素对学生大学学业成绩的影响程度有显著的差异,学生大学学业水平受到学生生源地差异、应届或往届差异、性别差异等因素及在大学学习过程中诸多因素的影响。  相似文献   

1 问题提出 谈到每年的数学高考,广大考生和高三数学教师往往体会很深,刻骨铭心.其实高考的激烈竞争已经下移到高一、高二年级的单元模块测试中,不少学校将数学单元、模块检测成绩作为考核数学教师教学水平和工作绩效的唯一依据,学生将单元模块测试成绩作为自己数学学习效果的最终评价,甚至成为学习数学的目标.因而平时的单元模块测试成了教师教学的"指挥棒"和学生学习的"紧箍咒".  相似文献   

三角函数是高考数学中的重要考点,也是难点。学好三角函数不仅能取得好的成绩,还能对以后大学数学学习打下良好的基础。本文从学生和教师的角度分析了在三角函数教学过程中存在的问题,并从教师教学的角度提出了改善的建议,为三角函数教学提供参考。  相似文献   

数学是高考中一门重要的科目,数学教学的效果与学生的高考成绩有着直接的关系。而当前学生在数学学习当中还存在不少问题,影响到其学习成绩的提高。这既有学生自身的原因,同时与教师教学也有着密切的关系。在改进高中数学教学的过程中,运用反思性教学,通过从教师本身与引导学生两个方面进行深入的反思,可以有效改善教学的效果,为高中数学教学的改革提供一个有效的途径。  相似文献   

高中数学教学的最终目标是学生在高考中取得理想的成绩,考上梦想中的大学,因此,学生数学能力的培养变得十分关键,教师要从他们的数学学习需求着眼,对传统的教学模式进行优化和调整,提供多样化的数学探究途径,保证数学综合素养的提升。教师要打破固有的教学观念,一步步引导学生挖掘数学潜在内涵,激发数学学习兴趣,用高效的教学方式完成学生数学能力的培养。本文结合高中数学教学现状,探究如何有效培养学生数学能力。  相似文献   

本文借助强大的数据统计分析工具SPSS软件,通过相关性分析和进行两个独立样本的非参数检验,结果显示数学类专业学生的数学专业课成绩和其高考数学成绩具有显著相关性,说明入学时的基础对专业课成绩产生了影响,教师在教学中应该重视学生个体的差异,因材施教。  相似文献   

学习成绩评价是大学教学管理的重要问题,为使成绩评价更具科学性、客观性和合理性,通过应用主成分分析法进行综合评价与分析,能够客观反映学生的实际特征,并为教学研究和学生管理提供科学依据.  相似文献   

针对学生的大学成绩和高考成绩及学生自身的努力程度的相关关系问题,收集泉州经贸学院07级会计专业的某20名学生的相关数据,采用典型相关分析的方法,通过SAS9.1进行了分析。结杲显示,高考成绩及自身努力程度都对大学成绩产生影响,尤其是学生的个人努力程度对大学成绩中的学习成绩产生非常重要的影响。  相似文献   

H.W. Ker 《教育心理学》2016,36(2):254-276
Reports from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) consistently show that there is a substantial gap in average mathematics achievement between Singapore and the USA. This study conducts an exploratory comparative investigation on the multilevel factors influencing the mathematics achievement of students from these two countries. A conceptual framework together with an integrated model is proposed for the analysis. The TIMSS 2011 eighth grader mathematics data were chosen for this study. Results reveal that the common features influencing mathematics achievement for the students of both countries are student self-confidence, school composition by student background and teacher confidence in teaching mathematics. The cause of the different effects of American students’ mathematics achievement is more associated with resources, whereas the effects of Singaporean students’ mathematics achievement are more related to attitudes, expectations and motivations. The major elements that affect Singaporean student mathematics performances are at the teacher level. Suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

采用大学生自我控制量表和绩效评价量表对在校大学生进行测评,探讨大学生自我控制特点及其与学业成就的关系,结果显示,男女生在自我觉醒、自我规划、自我评估和自我校正等方面存在显著性差异;学生干部在自我觉醒、自我规划、自我执行、自我评估和自我校正等因素上显著高于非学生干部;本科大学生的自我执行、自我评估和自我校正显著的高于专科大学生;大二年级的自我控制能力最低,大三的自我控制能力最高;大学生自我控制与其学业成就水平密切相关,而且对其学业成就水平有一定的预测作用;影响大学生学习成就最重要的因素是自我执行、自我觉醒、自我校正和自我激励。  相似文献   

Using Ireland as an example, this paper explores the rationale behind various selection criteria currently used to select suitable candidates for initial teacher education courses. It investigates and discusses patterns of association between second-level student teachers’ background characteristics on entry to their teacher education programme Professional Diploma in Education (PDE) and their achievement in terms of their final academic and teaching practice grades. It draws on a longitudinal analysis of application and examination data collected from eight student teacher cohorts (2000–2007, N?=?1,023) who completed their second-level initial teacher education at one Irish university. Special attention will be paid to the predictive value of entrants’ prior academic performance and teaching experience for their success in the academic as well as practical components of their teacher education course. The quality rationale behind academic selection criteria is contested on the basis of findings from this study. The positive impact of prior teaching experience on teaching practice performance and the differences in achievement observed between students from different academic fields are discussed.  相似文献   

In sub-Saharan Africa, where there is limited financial and human capital, it is important to examine how social relationships may serve to promote or undermine human capital formation. However, little is known about the contributions of social relations to human capital development, especially in terms of academic achievement in Africa. This study examined how variations in key aspects of social relations among teachers; between teachers and students; between principals, teachers, parents and students affect achievement in mathematics among sixth graders in 70 schools in six districts in Kenya. We modeled mathematics achievement as a function of measures of social perception and support while adjusting for school-, classroom- and student level background characteristics. We found that net of teacher subject knowledge and background characteristics, teachers who display commitment to teaching by always correcting homework and keeping students engaged during math lessons had their students performing better. Teacher absenteeism and lack of interest in teaching were negatively associated with performance in math. Lack of parental involvement in the classroom also had negative effects on grades. At the school level, the level of engagement of the principal, measured by supervision of teachers and good interpersonal interactions with parents had positive effects on math achievement. Schools where parents provided material and financial support had better grades, while student delinquency and absenteeism negatively affected grades.  相似文献   

师生性别因素与英语教学效果的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高校英语专业学生对于同性教师和异性教师教学风格和效果的评价存在差异,师生性别的异同与学生学习成绩具有相关性。问卷调查和课堂观察的结果表明:在英语学习中,高比例的女教师授课应当是女学生英语成绩明显高于男学生的重要原因之一;成绩优秀的学生更能有效地减少教师性别因素对其学习造成的负面影响;性别不同的教师所擅长讲授的科目和内容有所不同。  相似文献   

分析高中生数学焦虑的现状,探究数学焦虑对高中生数学成绩的影响,为缓解高中生数学焦虑的心理辅导提供实证依据.采用自编的《高中生数学焦虑问卷》评估了207名高中生的数学焦虑水平,运用相关分析和回归分析探究高中生数学焦虑与学业成绩的关系.结果显示:高中生数学焦虑的平均得分为2.65;高中生的数学焦虑总体得分与其数学成绩呈显著性负相关(r=-0.322,P<0.01);高中生数学焦虑中的课堂学习过程焦虑和应考情景焦虑对其数学成绩具有显著的预测作用.  相似文献   

The issue of teacher expectation stability is crucial in understanding the self-fulfilling prophecies generated by teacher expectations. However, currently there is a lack of empirical evidence related to teacher expectation stability. The aim of the current study was to assess the temporal stability of teacher expectations of their students’ mathematics achievement within the timeframe of one school year. Random-Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Models were employed based on a sample of 2536 students taught by 89 teachers in New Zealand elementary and middle public schools. Strong rank order stability was found in teacher expectations at the between-student level. Expectation instability was present at the within-student level. Paths from student mathematics achievement to teacher expectations were stronger than the paths in the opposite direction, indicating that teachers adapted their expectations for students to fall in line with student performance and continued to do so throughout the year.  相似文献   

数学习题是教师传授知识的媒介,是学生巩固提高所学知识、培养数学思维能力的有效手段。本文在新课程理念的指引下,结合笔者在职中担任高职高考数学任课教师和习题设计课题组成员的经验,提出了供高职高考使用的数学习题编写设计的原则,旨在优化高职高考数学习题的编写设计。新课程给我们的教学留下更大的创造空间,要求我们教师创造性地使用教材,根据教学实际有针对性的重组教材,使我们的教学活动更有针对性,更能促进学生的数学解题能力。因此,数学习题的编写设计就成了我们日常教学不可缺少的一项工作。编写设计有效的习题,能提高课堂教学的效率,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的数学思维,提高学生的创新能力和解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

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