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5月教育网整体运行平稳,未发生重大安全事件。高考临近,各类高校的网站,特别是学校的招生网站和各院系的二级网站,又将成为黑客们攻击的重点目标。网站的管理员应该加强对相关网站的安全扫描和监测,对那些存在严重安全隐患(如存在SQL注入漏洞或是存在上传权限配置错误漏洞等)的网站应该及时进行修补,  相似文献   

近期教育网运行平稳,未发生严重的安全事件。近期多个相关部门对教育网内的网站进行安全扫描时发现,仍然有大量的网站存在严重的安全漏洞。最突出的还是我们之前多次提到的Apache Struts远程命令执行漏洞。存在该漏洞的网站很多都是学校的信息系统,如学校的迎新系统、贫困生资助管理系统等。  相似文献   

针对当前Web应用漏洞攻击方面常见的SQL注入与溢出、ASP攻击与破坏,使得Web网站系统时刻都在面临着各种威胁,通过列举Web应用程序中不同的入侵漏洞及造成的危害程度,详细分析应用程序代码存在的不足及防范措施,试图从代码设计上提出解决漏洞修补的安全技术与方法,总结出一套完整的防御Web应用漏洞攻击的解决方案,确保整个网络应用服务系统的安全运行。  相似文献   

针对当前Web应用漏洞攻击方面常见的SQL注入与溢出、ASP攻击与破坏,使得Web网站系统时刻都在面临着各种威胁,通过列举Web应用程序中不同的入侵漏洞及造成的危害程度,详细分析应用程序代码存在的不足及防范措施,试图从代码设计上提出解决漏洞修补的安全技术与方法,总结出一套完整的防御Web应用漏洞攻击的解决方案,确保整个网络应用服务系统的安全运行。  相似文献   

介绍了视频网站的三层架构模式以及目前开发网站涉及到的主流技术和数据库等。从用户对此类网站的操作使用、网站的业务逻辑和网站程序的运行方式等角度,对在这些开发技术下实现的视频网站系统的程序安全性进行了分析,根据目前已知的技术漏洞指出存在安全隐患的各个环节。随后根据这些环节提出了加强视频网站安全性的相应对策。  相似文献   

【文题设计】 阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。 漏洞是硬件、软件、协议的具体实现或系统安全策略上存在的缺陷,黑客和病毒制造者利用漏洞让病毒或木马侵入他人电脑,从而在未被授权的情况下访问或破坏系统。  相似文献   

Blog是Weblog的简称,常被意译为“网志”、音译常为“博客”。作为一种快捷易用的知识管理工具,博客网站的人气越来越高。Blog也越来越受到教育工作者的关注:教师们利用Blog开展教育叙事研究,反思、记录自己的教学经历;利用Blog整合本学科、本校、本区域的教学资源,实现校内或者区域内教师知识的共享与交流。但蓬勃发展的博客网站也存在三大漏洞,黑客可在博客日志系统中随意嵌入恶意代码。而利用这些恶意代码,可以迅速传播间谍软件、木马等有害程序。博客系统存在的三大漏洞主要存在于以下三个环节中:1.内容发布系统管理:基于博客倡导的自…  相似文献   

正6月教育网整体运行平稳,未发现严重的安全事件。6月乌云网络报来的各类网站漏洞中有两类需要引起关注。一类是多所高校使用一个叫做随缘学校管理系统搭建的学校教务系统存在权限绕过漏洞,攻击者只需伪造相应的cookie参数就能绕过系统限制,直接获取后台管理权限而无需用户名和密码。随缘学校管理系统官方已经在3年前就停止对这款产品的更新维护,就是说如  相似文献   

【文题设计】阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。 漏洞是在硬件、软件、协议的具体实现或系统安全策略上存在的缺陷.那些黑客和病毒制造者就是利用漏洞.让病毒或木马侵入你的电脑.从而可以使攻击者能够在未授权的情况下访问或破坏系统。  相似文献   

有些高校因为缺乏网站建设方面的人员,在制作网站时甚至连数据库的文件名和初始密码都不作修改,这样的网站安全是无法保障的。当然.网站自身的一些漏洞也导致其存在安全隐患。针对当前常见的网站安全隐患.本文将提供相应的解决方法。  相似文献   

Background: Data-based decision-making in education often focuses on the use of summative assessment data in order to bring about improvements in student achievement. However, many other sources of evidence are available across a wide range of indicators. There is potential for school leaders, teachers and students to use these diverse sources more fully to support their work on a range of school improvement goals.

Purpose and sources of evidence: To explore data-based decision-making for school improvement, this theoretical paper discusses recent research and literature from different areas of data use in education. These areas include the use of formative assessment data, educational research study findings and ‘big data’. In particular, the discussion focuses on how school leaders and teachers can use different sources of data to improve the quality of education.

Main argument: Based on the literature reviewed, an iterative model of data use for school improvement is described, consisting of defining goals for data use, collecting different types of data or evidence (e.g. formal data, informal data, research evidence and ‘big data’), sense-making, taking improvement actions and evaluation. Drawing on the literature, research insights are discussed for each of these components, as well as identification of the research gaps that still exist. It is noted that the process of data use does not happen in isolation: data use is influenced by system, organisation and team/individual level factors.

Conclusions: When it comes to using data to improve the quality of teaching and learning, it is evident that some of the most important enablers and barriers include data literacy and leadership. However, what is less well understood is how we can promote the enablers and remove the barriers to unlock, more fully, the potential of data use. Only then can data use lead to sustainable school improvement.  相似文献   


Data use is becoming more important in higher education. In this case study, a team of teachers from a teacher education college was supported in data-based decision making by means of the data team procedure. This data team studied the reasons why students drop out. A team's success depends in part on whether the team is able to develop and apply new knowledge based on data. To investigate this, we focused on the depth of inquiry within the data team's conversations, because successful teams discuss data in depth. We observed the data team for 2 years, investigating factors that affected the depth of the conversations in the data team. The results show that depth was influenced by factors related to data and data systems (such as access to relevant data), individual factors (such as belief in data use), and organisational factors (guidance from the data coach).  相似文献   

This conceptual study uses dynamic systems theory (DST) and phenomenology as lenses to examine data privacy implications surrounding wearable devices that incorporate stakeholder, contextual and technical factors. Wearable devices can impact people's behaviour and sense of self, and DST and phenomenology provide complementary approaches for emphasizing the subjective experiences of individuals that occur with the use of wearable data. Privacy is approached through phenomenology as an individual's lived bodily experience and DST emphasizes the self-regulation and feedback loops of individuals and their uses of wearable data. The data collection, analysis and communication of wearable data to support learning systems alongside privacy implications for each are examined. The IoT, cloud computing, metadata and algorithms are discussed as they relate to wearable data, pointing out privacy risks and strategies to minimize harm.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic

  • Data privacy is a complex topic and is approached through different perspectives, influencing the degree of an individual's data autonomy.
  • Wearable technology is increasing in the consumer market and offers great potential to learning environments.

What this paper adds

  • Extends extant literature on dynamic systems theory and phenomenology, contributing these perspectives to educational research in the context of student data privacy and wearable technologies.
  • Provides a framework to understand the complex and contingent ways that privacy can be understood in the collection, analysis, and communication of wearable data to support learning.

Implications for practice and/or policy

  • Higher education faculty and educational policymakers should consider various interactions in systems and among systems of how wearable data collection may be analysed, communicated and stored, potentially exposing students to privacy harms.
  • Multiple actors in learning systems must engage in continuous and evolving feedback loops around data security, consent, ownership and control to determine who has access to student data, how it is used and for what purposes.
  • The EU's General Data Protection and Regulation offers one of the most comprehensive frameworks for higher education institutions and faculty around the world to follow for protecting student data privacy.

对非精确数据包络分析(IDEA)的研究进行了简要的归纳与总结.首先,简要回顾了有关I—DEA的研究进展;其次,给出了非精确数据的定义与分类,将非精确型数据分为:边界数据、弱序数据、强序数据和比值有界数据;同时给出了几个基本假设和相关模型;接着,构建了一个适用于非精确型数据的IDEA模型,并且给出了尺度变换法和变量交替法以实现将非线性规划问题转换成线性规划问题;最后,为了提高求解效率,对Zhu提出的简化变量交替法进行了改进,指出这将减少实际应用中的计算复杂度.  相似文献   

Big data analytics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
V. Rajaraman 《Resonance》2016,21(8):695-716
The volume and variety of data being generated using computers is doubling every two years. It is estimated that in 2015, 8 Zettabytes (Zetta=1021) were generated which consisted mostly of unstructured data such as emails, blogs, Twitter, Facebook posts, images, and videos. This is called big data. It is possible to analyse such huge data collections with clusters of thousands of inexpensive computers to discover patterns in the data that have many applications. But analysing massive amounts of data available in the Internet has the potential of impinging on our privacy. Inappropriate analysis of big data can lead to misleading conclusions. In this article, we explain what is big data, how it is analysed, and give some case studies illustrating the potentials and pitfalls of big data analytics.  相似文献   

数字时代,司法程序越来越“智慧化”,大数据证据的运用也越来越广泛,但这种嬗变给审判场域被告人质证权的行使带来了许多障碍。一方面,对于大数据证据所属证据种类尚存争议,加之被追诉方获取数据渠道的闭塞性和分析数据能力的有限性造成了数字时代新的“控辩鸿沟”,甚至出现了“数据倾倒”,无法实现控辩平等武装。另一方面,法官过度信任大数据证据,对该类证据并不进行充分实质的质证,有违“以审判为中心”的要求。这就需要突破法定证据种类的藩篱,明确大数据证据作为独立的新证据种类的地位并适用补强证据规则,赋予被追诉方数据访问权,强制大数据证据收集方出庭接受质证并允许被追诉方聘请专家对大数据证据发表意见,从而实现对大数据证据的质证。  相似文献   

This article is an argument about something that is both important and severely underemphasized in most current science curricula. The empirical attitude, fundamental to science since Galileo, is a habit of mind that motivates an active search for feedback on our ideas from the material world. Although more simple views of science manifest the empirical attitude through relation of theories to data, we describe more recent philosophical scholarship that characterizes the relation of theories to data through phenomena (regularities in nature’s behavior that can be identified and characterized through data). This view highlights the centrality of material practice, in which scientists design data collection events to inform phenomena. Thus manifestation of the empirical attitude in science is characterized as a design endeavor that involves considerably sophisticated coordination among theories, phenomena, data, and data collection events. If we want students to learn how to participate in such work, curricula should break down these complex processes into more basic components at least at the outset. Our recommendation is to begin with design activities that can focus on the empirical attitude initially without the complex coordination with phenomena and data. We present an example of such an activity and share results that suggest design activities can target the empirical attitude and be built upon in curricula to gradually include coordination with phenomena and theories.  相似文献   

A multiple testing procedure for examining the assumption of normality that is often made in analyses of incomplete data sets is outlined. The method is concerned with testing normality within each missingness pattern and arriving at an overall statement about normality using the available data. The approach is readily applied in empirical research with missing data using the popular software Mplus, Stata, and R. The procedure can be used to ascertain a main assumption underlying frequent applications of maximum likelihood in incomplete data modeling with continuous outcomes. The discussed approach is illustrated with numerical examples.  相似文献   

系统以PTR2000+无线收发模块为核心,利用各分机控制传感器采集各点的数据,并通过无线信道将数据从各分机发送到主机端;主机对接收到的数据进行分析处理后,控制语音芯片ISD1760实时播报;并配合带中文字库的LED点阵屏显示模块,构建友好的人机交互系统.整个系统适合于工作环境恶劣的工业现场的数据采集、传输和播报与显示,具有快捷,可靠,使用方便等特点.  相似文献   

Despite the widespread popularity of growth curve analysis, few studies have investigated robust growth curve models. In this article, the t distribution is applied to model heavy-tailed data and contaminated normal data with outliers for growth curve analysis. The derived robust growth curve models are estimated through Bayesian methods utilizing data augmentation and Gibbs sampling algorithms. The analysis of mathematical development data shows that the robust latent basis growth curve model better describes the mathematical growth trajectory than the corresponding normal growth curve model and can reveal the individual differences in mathematical development. Simulation studies further confirm that the robust growth curve models significantly outperform the normal growth curve models for both heavy-tailed t data and normal data with outliers but lose only slight efficiency for normal data. It appears convincing to replace the normal distribution with the t distribution for growth curve analysis. Three information criteria are evaluated for model selection. Online software is also provided for conducting robust analysis discussed in this study.  相似文献   

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