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自闭症谱系障碍是一种高异质性神经发育障碍,多发于儿童早期,影响个体生活。静息态功能磁共振成像技术由于其无创、高时空分辨率和采集方便等优点成为自闭症临床辅助诊断和寻找生物标志物的有力工具。本文通过激活似然估计元分析识别自闭症儿童自发神经活动异常脑区,为自闭症早期诊断和临床应用提供指导和参考。检索中英文数据库中基于局部一致性方法分析自闭症儿童静息态脑功能的研究,对12篇文献进行元分析,发现自闭症儿童颞中回、颞上回、岛叶和顶下小叶局部一致性减弱,舌回、梭状回、后扣带回和扣带回局部一致性增强。自闭症儿童社会认知和行为功能缺陷可能与这些脑区功能异常有关。静息态下自发神经活动异常脑区研究可为寻找自闭症客观生物标志物提供依据。  相似文献   

自闭症((autism,又称孤独症)是一种因神经心理功能异常而导致交流、社会交往和行为三方面同时出现严重问题的综合征。自1943年堪纳(Kanner)将这类儿童命名为“自闭症”以来,半个多世纪的追踪研究表明:早期诊断和早期干预,对于减轻自闭症儿童症状,充分发挥其潜能,争取较好的预后是至关重要的。而要成功地对自闭症儿童进行早期干预,[第一段]  相似文献   

自闭症((autism,又称孤独症)是一种因神经心理功能异常而导致交流、社会交往和行为三方面同时出现严重问题的综合征.自1943年堪纳(Kanner)将这类儿童命名为“自闭症“以来,半个多世纪的追踪研究表明:早期诊断和早期干预,对于减轻自闭症儿童症状,充分发挥其潜能,争取较好的预后是至关重要的.……  相似文献   

自闭症是一种发展障碍,会削弱人的社会交往能力、语言能力和认知能力的发展。自闭症男孩的发症数量超过女孩已是一个不争的事实。神经心理学认为自闭症患者存在潜在的脑区域结构异常,包括胼胝体、海马、杏仁核、眶额皮层、基底神经节等,新近的研究发现自闭症患者的镜像神经元系统也与普通人有所差异。今后的研究将更加着重于研究自闭症产生和发展的神经机制,以及遗传和环境等多方面原因对自闭症患者的影响。  相似文献   

近年来社区相继开展儿童自闭症的早期发现工作,尽管所使用的工具不同,但是对早期发现自闭症儿童提供了一个非常好的途径,本文将对国内社区开展儿童自闭症早期筛查中所使用的工具情况进行综述,以期更进一步地完善和发展国内社区儿童自闭症的早期发现工作。  相似文献   

自闭症是一种由多种生物因素引起的广泛发育障碍所导致的异常行为综合症。患儿语言发育迟缓、情绪行为异常、社交困难、注意力不易集中等特点是人所共知的。对自闭症儿童进行符合其能力、特点的有针对性的训练势在必行。我校以分类教育基本理论为指导,运用分类教育理念、教育方法和分类教具,有计划地开展对自闭症儿童的研究和科学教育实践,引导自闭症儿童走出自我封闭的小天地。  相似文献   

视障教育教师团队使用了 5个评定表 ,对一名刚入学的自闭症视障儿童进行评估和分析 ,发现 :该学生功能性听力异常、触觉有过敏倾向、言语无法表达、情绪和行为异常 ,但智力正常、人际关系良好、身体发育正常 ,该学生被诊断为自闭症视障儿童。针对个案评估结果 ,提出了合理的教育对策。  相似文献   

一、关于自闭症儿童   1990年世界卫生组织(WHO),对自闭症的概念作了如下表述:自闭症的临床表现是一种广泛性发育障碍的其它类型,具有继发性的社会的、情绪的问题,表现为接受性言语的特异发育障碍,同时伴有一些情绪、行动障碍的精神发育迟滞,3岁以前就有的发育异常和障碍,有些症状虽与精神分裂症相似,但不是非常早期发病的精神分裂症.……  相似文献   

儿童自闭症是一种广泛性发育障碍,自闭症患儿存在着社会交往、语言发育、生活自理能力的缺陷,感知觉异常及一些问题行为。目前普遍采用一种治疗技术对其进行干预的研究较多,但事实上自闭症儿童往往存在多种障碍,需要发展的能力彼此之间又相互影响。因此研究以综合干预理念为指导,就自闭症儿童的感统训练提出在技术上将游戏疗法和行为疗法的理念融入自闭症儿童的感统训练,在内容上注重围绕感统训练的各个项目对其渗透进行其他能力方面的训练。  相似文献   

普通儿童家长对自闭症儿童参与早期融合教育的态度对早期融合教育的顺利开展有重要影响.本研究对上海市部分普通小学一年级儿童和幼儿园儿童的家长进行问卷调查,结果发现,普通儿童家长对自闭症儿童参与早期融合教育的态度总体上是积极的.不过,家长的学历、对自闭症的了解程度以及儿童的学段等对家长的态度有比较显著的影响.在提出完善相关管理制度等改进措施后,家长接纳自闭症儿童参与早期融合教育的态度会更积极.因此,建议增加普通儿童家长接触自闭症儿童的机会,提高家长对自闭症儿童的了解程度,同时认真考虑不同家长的需求,完善融合教育支持系统,从而提高普通儿童家长的接纳程度,以促进早期融合教育的开展.  相似文献   

Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) show differences in face processing abilities from early in development. To examine whether these differences reflect an atypical versus delayed developmental trajectory, neural responses to familiar and unfamiliar faces in twenty-four 18- to 47-month-old children with ASD were compared with responses of thirty-two 12- to 30-month-old typically developing children. Results of 2 experiments revealed that neural responses to faces in children with ASD resembled those observed in younger typically developing children, suggesting delayed development. Electrophysiological responses to faces were also related to parent report of adaptive social behaviors for both children with ASD and typical development. Slower development of the face processing system in ASD may be related to reduced self-directed "expected" experience with faces in early development.  相似文献   

脑神经联结异常-自闭症认知神经科学研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
本文在回顾自闭症行为研究、认知研究的基础上,介绍和分析了当前认知神经科学领域有关自闭症的有代表性的研究成果:脑神经联结异常假设及其相关证据。脑神经联结异常假设的主要观点是:自闭症个体同时并存脑神经“局部联结过度”和“长距联结不足”的现象。自闭症个体脑生理结构研究和脑功能研究的相关发现均对此观点分别予以了支持。脑神经联结异常假设的提出对于整合现有自闭症领域多层面的研究成果、深入认识自闭症、及早发现和干预自闭症提供了极为有价值的方向。  相似文献   

It is possible that many benefits may be found for all concerned in education and child development in understanding how knowledge of the brain and its development can inform early years practice. This article, written by Brenda Peters and Chris Forlin, both from the Hong Kong Institute of Education, reviews literature based on neuroscience to establish potential links with teaching and learning, in an attempt to identify the most appropriate pedagogical support for children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). Two key themes have emerged: firstly, neuroscience and education and translation between these disciplines, and secondly, the relevance of these developments for specific groups of learners. This article focuses on early educational intervention and how emerging evidence from neuroscience and collaboration with educators may support future developments for practice for these young learners with ASD.  相似文献   

对儿童阅读障碍的研究逐渐从心理发展和认知加工角度转向利用神经科学方法来对阅读障碍的神经机制(包括脑区定位和时间进程等)进行研究。在评析阅读障碍神经机制研究的基础上分析了儿童阅读障碍研究对早期教育的启示:应重视阅读障碍对儿童发展和学业成绩的影响;应及早发现阅读障碍并利用神经可塑性研究成果制定出相关矫治计划;利用脑成像技术可检测阅读障碍矫正效果。同时,本文对汉语阅读障碍提出预防措施。  相似文献   

脑功能成像研究对语言功能一侧化的新认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语言功能的半球一侧化是近一个半世纪以来科学研究的重要问题。近10多年来,运用fMRI、PET以及ERPs等脑功能成像手段,研究者发现语言功能的半球优势模式具有时间、空间的特异性和任务的相关性;它在个体发展的早期就已经显现,任务难度、生理成熟是影响一侧化年龄发展模式的重要中介因素;材料的语言属性而非物理特性可能是影响激活侧化的关键因素,语言功能的一侧化与大脑结构不对称性密切相关。这些结果大大丰富了人们对语言功能一侧化现象的认识,同时表明,运用脑功能成像技术,研究者已经开始触及到语言一侧化的核心问题,即其一侧化的内在认知与神经机制问题。  相似文献   

In typical development, emergent literacy skills predict successful reading abilities. Code‐related literacy skills may include letter knowledge, print concepts, early writing and early phonological awareness. Meaning‐related literacy skills may include lexical and grammatical ability, story retelling and comprehension. Children with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) show, on the most part, poor reading comprehension abilities, yet up to date, research regarding emergent literacy skills in ASD is limited. We conducted a study to investigate a naturalistic, standards‐based national literacy programme, for five kindergartners with ASD, of age 5‐8 years in their kindergarten setting. We implemented an ASD‐adapted intervention as an intensive group treatment over 6 weeks, with a pretest–posttest design to examine emergent literacy gains. The children with ASD demonstrated gains in both code‐related and meaning‐related skills following intervention. The clinical and theoretical implications are discussed regarding the importance of an intensive structured literacy intervention for children with ASD before entering school.  相似文献   

An experience expectable environment in child care classrooms is one in which teachers consistently provide positive and nurturing interactions within daily routines and activities to enhance children’s learning. Growing numbers of children are being enrolled in child care at earlier ages and staying for longer periods of time each day which is heightening the need to attend to the context of child care for very young children. Several large scale studies in social policy, biology, and human development have confirmed the links between children’s early experiences and later outcomes, and recent brain research and research in child care classrooms has highlighted the importance of these consistent, responsive, and respectful patterns of interaction, especially for very young children’s development. Yet, examination of the quality of child care has indicated interactions in these classrooms that may not support optimal development and/or that could be considered harmful. Given toddlers’ need for consistent and nurturing care, coupled with the current substandard quality of care for very young children, discussing the context of child care in terms of an experience expectable environment provides a perspective to understand the context of toddler child care. This perspective underscores the connections of routines and interactions to children’s development of neural pathways, thus setting the foundation for optimizing learning and development.  相似文献   

认知神经科学通过将脑成像技术和认知心理学的实验范式结合起来,探索人类的行为的深层机制.大脑作为学习的主要器官,是认识神经科学的主要研究对象.认知神经科学关注学习所激活的脑区、神经回路以及激活的时程,从神经活动的层面上阐述学习的机制.大脑学习机制的阐明可以帮助教育工作者改进教学方法,为教育学奠定科学的基础.认知神经科学还...  相似文献   

有关发展性计算障碍儿童大脑神经机制的研究是近些年才逐渐发展起来的.研究发现,发展性计算障碍与脑结构功能失调有关,主要表现在顶叶和额叶上.但从整体上看,发展性计算障碍儿童加工过程中的神经机制和正常儿童是类似的,只是皮层的激活程度要弱一些;为了弥补加工困难,有些皮层会表现出补偿性机制,如角回、前扣带皮层等;一些皮层的作用还...  相似文献   

Research Findings: To date, studies comparing the mathematical abilities of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and typically developing children are scarce, and results remain inconclusive. In general, studies on this topic focus on mathematical abilities learned from elementary school onward, with little attention for possible precursors at younger ages. The current exploratory study focused on the important developmental period of preschool age, investigating 5 early numerical competencies in 30 high-functioning children with ASD and 30 age-matched control children: verbal subitizing, counting, magnitude comparison, estimation, and arithmetic operations. Children were examined at 5 or 6 years of age, attending the 3rd and final year of preschool. Overall, rather similar early number processing was found in children with and without ASD, although marginally significant results indicated a weaker performance of children with ASD on verbal subitizing and conceptual counting. Practice or Policy: Given the pervasiveness and impact of ASD on other domains of functioning, it is important to know that no general deficits in early numerical competencies were found in this study. However, some downward trends in mathematics performance were identified in children with ASD, which can serve as the basis for additional research in this field.  相似文献   

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