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为考察体育教育专业本科生学校归属感与学习投入之间的关系及专业承诺在二者之间的中介,依据马斯洛的需要层次理论,采用学校归属感量表、学习投入量表、专业承诺量表对广东省三所高校的353名体育教育专业本科生进行调查,并运用T检验、相关、回归分析和bootstrap等方法对数据进行统计分析。(1)学校归属感、专业承诺、学习投入之间存在显著正相关;(2)学校归属感正向预测专业承诺,专业承诺正向预测学习投入,其中专业承诺在学校归属感和学习投入之间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

体育专业大学生学业自我效能感与成就动机关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用自我效能感的原理和麦克利兰的成就动机理论,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法和数理统计法,在体育专业大学生中进行自我效能感和成就动机的关系研究。结果表明,女生成就动机水平显著地高于男生;学业自我效能感两个因子均与追求成功的动机呈显著正相关,与避免失败的动机呈显著负相关;培养、激发体育专业大学生的自我效能感和成就动机水平对于提高大学生的学业成绩具有重要意义。  相似文献   

采用大学生体育学习观问卷、一般自我效能感量表(GSES),选取760名江南生源大学生为被试进行测评,探讨当代大学生的体育学习观及其与自我效能感的关系。研究结果:①大学生的体育学习观总体呈建构性特点,各维度间发展不同步;②不同性别的大学生在体育学习观的各维度得分上不存在显著差异;③大学生的体育学习观与一般自我效能感显著正相关;④学习能力观、学习过程观和学业自我体验是大学生一般自我效能感的有效预测变量。  相似文献   

自我管理一直是高校运动员有效平衡学习、训练和生活的能力,也是实现自我价值和成就目标的必要途径。本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法等研究方法对我国高校高水平运动员的自我管理、运动成就目标以及自我效能感的中介作用进行研究。研究结果:自我管理中的时间管理、学习管理、认知管理、情绪管理、压力管理、健康管理、绩效管理及激励管理八个维度两两之间呈显著正相关,并与自我效能感及运动成就的三个维度之间呈显著正相关;运动成就中的任务目标、自我关联目标及他人关联目标三个维度之间两两呈显著正相关,并且与自我效能感呈显著正相关;自我效能感在自我管理与运动成就之间存在部分中介效应,即高水平运动员的自我管理不仅能直接影响其运动成就,而且可以通过其自我效能感的中介作用间接影响其运动成就。建议:高校要因材施教,从高水平运动员的自我效能感的中介作用出发,改善高校的管理环境,在促进高水平运动员自我管理能力的可持续发展的同时,促进获得优异竞赛成绩。  相似文献   

采用龙燕梅编制的中国大学生择业效能感量表、徐方忠等人编制的目标倾向量表、凌文辁等人编制的职业价值观量表对体育院校545名学生进行了测量。结果显示:体育专业大学生的择业效能感整体水平显著低于非体育专业大学生,体育专业大学生的目标取向是成绩目标取向,体育专业大学生选择职业时,最注重发展因素和保健因素,体育专业大学生目标取向、职业价值观与择业效能感关系较密切。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,大学生心理压力越来越受到社会的关注。选取342名体育专业大学生作为测试对象,选用领悟社会支持量表、简易应对方式问卷和体育专业大学生压力测评量表进行测量,使用结构方程模型分析心理压力、应对策略、社会支持间的关系及作用机制,构建体育专业大学生领悟社会支持、应对策略及心理压力之间的结构方程模型。最终的理想模型为GFI、AGFI、NFI、IFI、TLI、CFI均大于0.90,χ2/df小于3,RMSEA小于0.80。研究结果还显示:消极应对策略与心理压力呈显著正相关;家庭支持、其他支持与心理压力呈显著负相关;积极应对策略与社会支持呈显著正相关;应对策略在领悟社会支持与心理压力间起到了部分中介作用。因此,应该培养体育专业大学生的社会交往和领悟社会支持的能力,培养他们采用积极的应对策略,进而缓解心理压力。  相似文献   

对参加全国大学生网球锦标赛的242名运动员采用成就目标和自我妨碍量表,运用相关分析和回归分析方法,研究不同水平网球运动员目标取向的4个维度、自我妨碍水平及运动成绩的相关关系.结果表明,运动员掌握回避目标、成绩回避目标与自我妨碍呈正相关,掌握接近目标与之呈负相关;运动员掌握接近目标、成绩接近目标与运动成绩呈正相关,自我妨碍与之呈负相关.成就目标取向通过自我妨碍对网球运动员运动成绩有影响;性别、年龄对掌握接近和成绩接近有显著性差异,对掌握回避及成绩回避的差异不显著;运动员性别及运动等级对自我妨碍的差异效果应不显著.  相似文献   

对体育专业大学生的成就动机与学业成绩及家庭因素的关系进行了研究。结果表明:体育专业大学生成就动机整体水平较高;成就动机与学业成就低相关;成就动机水平与其家庭教育方式有极大的关系,民主型教育方式家庭的学生成就动机水平显著高于权威型和放任型学生的成就动机水平;成就动机水平的高低与其父母文化程度(高方为主)相关不显著。  相似文献   

体育教学情境下学生学业求助行为的影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以258名大学1、2年级的学生为被试,根据交互作用原理考察了在体育教学情境下学生学业求助行为的影响因素.结果表明:自我效能、内在动机、任务定向目标等动机因素和课堂环境均与学业求助行为呈显著正相关.自我效能、内在动机、任务定向目标、课堂环境对学业求助行为构成显著回归效应。  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生学业成就归因方式和自信心的特点及相互关系,为大学生心理健康教育提供实证依据。方法:采用多维度---多归因因果量表(MMCS)中的学业成就归因量表和个人评价问卷(PEI)对252名大学生进行问卷调查。结果:(1)大学生的学业成就归因方式与自信心显著相关(p<.01)。(2)学业成就归因方式对大学生的自信心具有显著预测作用(p<.01),学业成就归因方式共解释了大学生自信心22.6%的变异。结论:学业成就归因方式与大学生自信心显著相关,学业成就归因方式是影响大学生自信心的重要变量。  相似文献   

The relationship between physical fitness and academic achievement has received much attention owing to the increasing prevalence of children who are overweight and unfit, as well as the inescapable pressure on schools to produce students who meet academic standards. This study examined 259 public school students in third and fifth grades and found that field tests of physical fitness were positively related to academic achievement. Specifically, aerobic capacity was positively associated with achievement, whereas BMI was inversely related. Associations were demonstrated in total academic achievement, mathematics achievement, and reading achievement, thus suggesting that aspects of physical fitness may be globally related to academic performance in preadolescents. The findings are discussed with regards to maximizing school performance and the implications for educational policies.  相似文献   

The recent professionalization of rugby union makes it an excellent achievement context in which to examine the relationship between achievement goal orientations and the perceived purposes of sport as a function of competitive standard. During the 1996–97 season, 73 professional and 106 amateur rugby players in England completed a series of questionnaires assessing their achievement goal orientations, beliefs about the purposes of rugby and demographic information. The results of a canonical correlation analysis revealed a conceptually coherent relationship between achievement goal orientations and purposes of rugby. Specifically, a high ego/ moderate task orientation was positively related to fitness, aggression and financial remuneration as significant purposes of rugby. Professional players scored higher on those purposes of rugby related to aggression, financial remuneration and fitness, but lower on sportspersonship than amateur players. Professional players also reported higher task and ego goal orientations than amateur players. The findings are discussed in terms of the differences in lifestyle and motivation of professional and amateur rugby union players.  相似文献   

The recent professionalization of rugby union makes it an excellent achievement context in which to examine the relationship between achievement goal orientations and the perceived purposes of sport as a function of competitive standard. During the 1996-97 season, 73 professional and 106 amateur rugby players in England completed a series of questionnaires assessing their achievement goal orientations, beliefs about the purposes of rugby and demographic information. The results of a canonical correlation analysis revealed a conceptually coherent relationship between achievement goal orientations and purposes of rugby. Specifically, a high ego/moderate task orientation was positively related to fitness, aggression and financial remuneration as significant purposes of rugby. Professional players scored higher on those purposes of rugby related to aggression, financial remuneration and fitness, but lower on sportspersonship than amateur players. Professional players also reported higher task and ego goal orientations than amateur players. The findings are discussed in terms of the differences in lifestyle and motivation of professional and amateur rugby union players.  相似文献   

河南省高校体育教师成就动机发展特点与影响因素研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用文献资料、问卷调查、心理测量和数理统计等方法,对226名河南省高校体育教师的成就动机进行了深入的研究。结果表明:不同年龄段高校体育教师成就动机的特点差异显著,其中50岁是成就动机由积极到消极的转折点,男教师成就动机水平略高于女教师,职称、学历等对高校体育教师的成就动机有显著影响。  相似文献   

江西省小学体育教师职业倦怠现状为男教师个人成就感明显低于女教师;在情绪衰竭和去人性化上随教龄的增加呈降低趋势,在个人成就感上随教龄的增加先增强后下降;职称越低,情绪衰竭和去人性化程度越高;学历越低,情绪衰竭和去人性化程度越低;学历越高,个人成就感越高;城区和农村小学体育教师职业倦怠程度不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

师范院校体育教育专业作为高校教育专业的重要组成部分,为社会培养了大量的优秀体育工作者,而在今天也面临着就业难的困境。为提高师范院校体育教育专业学生质量,为其提供一个较好的就业平台,运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等研究方法,探讨师范院校体育教育专业学生职业生涯规划的构建,得出学生在专业水平、发展潜力、创新能力、沟通能力、实践动手能力、适应能力和组织策划能力等方面得到很大发展,这为学生择业与就业奠定了良好基础。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine relationships between activPAL?-determined sedentary behavior (SB) and physical activity (PA) with academic achievement. A total of 120 undergraduates (N = 57 female; 20.6 ± 2.3 years) participated in the study. Academic achievement was measured as the grade point average obtained from all completed courses. Participants wore on the right tight an activPAL? for 7 days to determine total sedentary time, total number of sedentary breaks, sedentary bouts, standing time, light and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Separate multiple linear regression models were performed to examine associations between SB variables and academic achievement. Light PA, MVPA, total sedentary time, total standing time, or total number of sedentary breaks were not related to academic achievement. Independently of PA, the amount of time spent in sedentary bouts of 10-20min during weekdays was positively related to academic achievement. Given that college students spend the majority of their workday in environments that encourage prolonged sitting, these data suggest that interruptions in prolonged periods of sitting time every 10-20min via short breaks may optimize cognitive operations associated with academic performance.  相似文献   

This study examined the extent to which 2 x 2 achievement goal constructs (Elliot, 1999) were associated with key relational perceptions (i.e., relationship commitment, relationship satisfaction) for members of athlete-athlete dyads. Both members from 82 regional-level partnerships (mean age = 22.72, SD = 3.83) were recruited from a variety of dyadic sports (e.g., tennis, badminton, rowing). Actor-partner interdependence model analyses revealed that greater dissimilarity between partners on mastery-approach and performance-approach goals was associated with lower commitment and satisfaction. Mastery goals displayed positive actor effects with respect to both relationship perceptions, whereas performance-avoidance goals were negatively related to commitment (i.e., actor and partner effects) and satisfaction (i.e., partner effect). These results indicate that achievement goal constructs may align with important interpersonal perceptions in athlete dyads.  相似文献   

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