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体育与电视有着不解之缘,电视媒介是体育爱好者获取体育信息的主要途径之一,同时,电视也通过体育节目吸引更多的观众,提高收视率。文章运用文献资料法、问卷调查法和数理统计法对石家庄市居民对电视体育信息的需求与评价作了调查、分析和研究,为电视传媒如何更好地满足人们的体育需求提出了建设性意见。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料、对比研究和逻辑思维等方法,通过对20年来特别是近10年来国内电视播出体育节目时数和内容的分析,展示了中国电视体育节目的飞速发展,并旨在根据体育赛事播报找出研究体育电视文化的切入点,为体育文化的发展提供对策。  相似文献   

试论我国电视体育节目分类及舆论引导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育新闻节目、体育专题节目和赛事直播构成了电视体育节目的三驾马车.中国体育报道中存在着以竞技报道为主、以胜负论英雄、过分追求"杀"、过度娱乐化和低俗化等现象,在体育节目越来越兴盛的当下,强化电视体育报道的舆论引导功能不言而喻.通过对电视体育新闻节目、体育专题节目、体育赛事直播节目的规律研究,并根据它们传播的特点进行舆论引导功能的研究,将对实现电视体育节目舆论引导功能、促进体育电视节目发展都有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

符巍 《体育学刊》2011,18(4):67-70
现代电视体育节目不断发展,北京奥运更是将我国电视体育节目的发展推向了顶峰。电视体育节目对城市居民体育健康观形成及参与体育活动的意愿、内容、时间有促进作用。但以技术体育传播为主的大众体育传播,导致人们对体育作为文化的误读。  相似文献   

电视体育节目是通过电视播出体育比赛的实况画面、报道与体育有关的新闻评论、展现体育内涵的传播活动.中国电视体育节目面临着各方面的竞争压力,同时在传播理念、政策制度和管理模式等方面也存在诸多的问题.在查阅大量资料的基础上分析了我国电视体育节目的主要特征并对其进行分析.  相似文献   

主要通过文献资料法、访谈法和观察法,对我国电视体育受众的心理特征进行研究。研究目的是试图找出正处在全面转型时期的我国电视体育节目受众的心理特征。研究结果表明,现阶段我国电视体育受众的心理特征主要表现在日常化、仪式化、审美化和从众化。建议:电视体育节目要根据受众的心理特征正确引导受众的心理需求,如合理编排电视节目、提高现场直播的效果、注重画面的视觉美感以及提高舆论引导水平等。  相似文献   

近20年来,随着体育事业和电视传播事业的发展,体育节目在电视节目中所占的比重越来越大。而观众欣赏水平的不断提高,对体育节目主持人的要求也越来越高。合格的体育节目主持人必须具备丰富的体育专业知识和播音专业知识。目前,我国这样的体育节目主持人很少。这与我国高校没有开设体育节目主持人专业有关。优秀的体育节目主持人除了要具备丰富的知识、良好的口才、播音的技巧之外,还应具有运动的体验,这样的解说和评论才会深刻,恰如其分。因此,可以尝试从体育知识较为丰富、运动体验较为深刻的人群(如退役运动员)中选拔一些人,通过系统地播音培训然后成为体育节目主持人。  相似文献   

近年来,体育节目在世界范围内得到了广泛的欢迎,大型体育赛对电视体育市场有显著的拉动作用。足球是世界上最受观众喜爱的体育运动,在欧洲、南美和亚洲地区足球赛事的收视率占绝对优势地位,F1赛车是欧洲观众除足球外最喜欢的赛事;美国、澳大利亚、新西兰等国家的观众往往更热裒于本土的体育赛事,而对足球赛事兴趣不大。冬季运动在北欧、东欧、北美等气候寒冷的地区受到了欢迎,俄罗斯、美国是其中的代表。亚洲电视体育市场缺少本土品牌赛事的强力支撑。重大体育赛事电视转播权费用呈大幅攀升的趋势;电视转播权销售方式呈连锁化、捆绑销售的趋势;电视转播权产品类型呈细分、分类出售的趋势;重大赛事收视全球化的趋势明显。  相似文献   

论体育节目主持人的人文素养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
悉尼奥运会的圣火已经在全球体育迷依依不舍的目光中缓缓熄灭。四年一度的体育盛会通过电视主宰了我们的喜怒哀乐。对于无缘比赛现场的观众来说,与他们呼吸相连、哀荣与共的莫过于体育节目主持人了。在体育成为不可忽视的文化力量的今天,体育节目主持人的意义绝非仅仅在于作大型赛事中公众情绪的调节筏门,而应是充分利用大众传媒的力量,一方面引导体育文化健康发展,一方面促进我国广播电视事业进步的纽带。要做到这一点,体育节目主持人除必须具备主持人的基本素质以外,还必须拥有较高的人文素养。与“节目主持人”相对应的英文单词有…  相似文献   

体育暴力与体育节目观赏性的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
运用文献法,通过对体育暴力的根源的分析、对观众喜欢体育暴力节目的原因分析以及对相关实证研究的分析与综合,得出了体育暴力有助于提高体育节目观赏性的结论。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2016,19(3):319-331
Gambling promotions extensively punctuate contemporary televised sport broadcasts and concerns have been raised about their potential impacts on vulnerable groups. Research suggests advertising can shape individuals’ emotions, or affect, towards a product/brand and can subsequently influence purchasing decisions. Consequently, understanding how promotion of gambling influences sport viewers is an important although sparsely addressed area of research. This paper presents exploratory research on affective responses towards gambling promotions displayed during televised sport. Eight online focus groups were conducted with a sample of regular sports viewers in Queensland, Australia. Participants were exposed to a variety of gambling promotions used in National Rugby League match telecasts. Utilising adaptive theory, themes reflecting affective responses to each promotional technique were identified. A range of positive and negative affective responses were identified including arousal, joy, anger and worry. A conceptual model representing emergent affective response categories, message delivery techniques and moderating variables is proposed to inform a broader future research agenda examining how gambling promotions during televised sport influence affective response and concomitant gambling intention.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2017,20(3):309-321
Understanding sport consumer well-being is essential for enhancing the psychological experience and benefits of sport consumers. While watching a sporting event on TV or Internet is a key means of sport consumption, not much is known about the activity’s influence on well-being. Well-being improves when one’s hedonic, eudaimonic, and social needs are fulfilled. Need fulfillment occurs when hedonic, eudaimonic, and social values are experienced and perceived as one’s own. A pre-post survey and SEM-based research was conducted to examine individuals’ psychological experiences in sport event viewing and its link to well-being. The influences of the sport fanship and media consumption setting on the links were also examined. The results indicate that hedonic, eudaimonic, and social values experienced by sport event viewers fully or partially (moderated by sport fanship and media consumption setting) led to well-being improvement, supporting the notion of hedonic, eudaimonic, and social needs fulfillment as the mechanism of improving well-being in this context.  相似文献   

This study aimed at determining the amount of Italian television coverage dedicated to men's and women's sport and the number of male and female viewers during the 2004 Summer Olympic Games. AUDITEL-AGB Nielsen Media Research Italia provided the TV airtime data for the sport events broadcast, which were classified into three categories: men-only, women-only, and mixed-gender. The viewer sample was divided by age and gender and included three audience parameters: mean audience, share, and appreciation index. The last item is calculated from the program duration, audience permanence, and the share related to programs broadcast by other Italian channels. In particular, the appreciation index was used to investigate the relationship between (a) the viewer's and sport participants' gender and (b) the effect of Italian participation and expectations for sport achievement. The data showed that Italian male athletes outnumbered their female counterparts. Women's sport was allotted significantly less airtime than men's sport, but this imbalance was not proportional to the gender difference in the overall athletes' participation in the Games. Although the female audience represented 45% of the total, a significantly higher male mean audience and share were found. On the other hand, the appreciation of men's and women's sport events was balanced after equating for differences in media coverage. Moreover sport achievement might have a positive effect on the trend toward equality of gender coverage, indicating that a global multisport event such as the Olympic Games is central to communicating a national image and identity independently of the athletes' gender.  相似文献   

在开展阳光体育运动的背景下,文章运用文献资料法和调查法的研究方法,以太原市五所重点高中的高二学生为研究对象,通过对2006-2008年这三年高二学生体育达标成绩的对比分析,来反映阳光体育的实效,以期为阳光体育运动更好地开展提供帮助。  相似文献   

This study aimed at determining the amount of Italian television coverage dedicated to men's and women's sport and the number of male and female viewers during the 2004 Summer Olympic Games. AUDITEL-AGB Nielsen Media Research Italia provided the TV airtime data for the sport events broadcast, which were classified into three categories: men-only, women-only, and mixed-gender. The viewer sample was divided by age and gender and included three audience parameters: mean audience, share, and appreciation index. The last item is calculated from the program duration, audience permanence, and the share related to programs broadcast by other Italian channels. In particular, the appreciation index was used to investigate the relationship between (a) the viewer's and sport participants' gender and (b) the effect of Italian participation and expectations for sport achievement. The data showed that Italian male athletes outnumbered their female counterparts. Women's sport was allotted significantly less airtime than men's sport, but this imbalance was not proportional to the gender difference in the overall athletes' participation in the Games. Although the female audience represented 45% of the total, a significantly higher male mean audience and share were found. On the other hand, the appreciation of men's and women's sport events was balanced after equating for differences in media coverage. Moreover, sport achievement might have a positive effect on the trend toward equality of gender coverage, indicating that a global multisport event such as the Olympic Games is central to communicating a national image and identity independently of the athletes' gender.  相似文献   

篮球运动发展到今天,己不再是一项普通的体育运动,它之所以能够吸引众多的观众,就是因为其独具观赏魅力,给人们带来了无与伦比的激情。本文解读了运用审美意识观赏篮球运动的必要性,并探讨了篮球运动观赏的价值和正确引导观赏者观赏篮球运动的途径。目的就是认知篮球运动的观赏,正确的认识和看待篮球运动观赏的价值,以便人们更深入地了解篮球运动,促进篮球运动健康发展。  相似文献   

Little information exists about the causal relationships of sport and exercise participation with goal orientations, perceived athletic competence and intrinsic motivation in physical education. A longitudinal study was conducted involving 882 Greek students who completed questionnaires on three occasions: 3 - 5 weeks into the academic year, 3 - 6 weeks before the end of the academic year, and 7 months later. The data were analysed using structural equation models, controlling for age. Task orientation and intrinsic motivation in physical education at the beginning of the academic year predicted sport and exercise participation 7 and 14 months later. Perceived athletic competence both at the beginning and end of the academic year predicted sport and exercise participation 7 and 14 months later, while ego orientation did not predict sport and exercise involvement at either time. Previous sport and exercise participation had positive effects on task orientation and perceived athletic competence 3 - 6 weeks before the end of the academic year and predicted all cognitive-affective constructs 7 months later. These results imply that the cultivation of task orientation, intrinsic motivation in physical education and perceived athletic competence will help to promote sport and exercise participation in adolescence.  相似文献   

广州市大学生体育消费行为的调查研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
研究结果表明,广州市大学生的体育价值观体系较为全面,“体育为健康”这一理念在大学生中初步形成;广州市大学生对“体育锻炼”的概念认识比较清楚,对影响形成体育锻炼习惯的因素选项和对体育课及体育锻炼的作用认识上有着较大的趋同性;广州市大学生的体育消费动机合理,男大学生的体育消费水平在整体上要高于女大学生;广州市大学生的体育消费价值观逐年出现分化,适度的“需求消费观”在未来一段时期会被越来越多的学生接受;有近75%的广州市大学生在体育消费中出现过对商品的不满意情况,体育类商品质量差成为他们不满意的首要原因。  相似文献   


Research tracking sport participation from youth to adulthood is relatively rare, as is research that tracks youth sport participation with regard to adult physical activity (PA) levels, especially in the United States. Aims of this study were: 1) To investigate the degree to which sport participation tracked across youth, adolescence, and early adulthood in a sample of participants from the Michigan State University Motor Performance Study (MPS), and 2) Determine if differences existed in their levels of adult PA relative to prior sport participation. In total, 256 (60.8%) former participants from the MPS completed follow-up surveys regarding routine sport participation and PA across the previous year. Sport participation tracked consistently from youth to college. Further, regardless of the level of youth sport participation, adult leisure time PA was relatively consistent among groups. Although the study did not directly test the influence of the MPS on subsequent adult outcomes, our findings suggest that participants’ past sport participation was not a good predictor of adult PA for those who were involved in a program that emphasized fundamental motor skills in youth. Further investigation of such programs can help to better inform their influence on adult PA.  相似文献   

公共体育设施是影响和制约群众参加体育活动的重要因素,目前我国社会公共体育设施严重不足,学校体育设施对外开放可以缓解我国体育场地设施不足的矛盾。文章运用文献资料法、比较分析法、调查访问法对目前我国社会公共体育设施严重不足,学校体育设施相对较为先进的实际情况进行论述,为进一步推进我国《全民健身计划纲要》和阳光体育工程的深入实施,为学校体育设施能够真正对外开放提供新的思路。  相似文献   

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