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一、问题的提出在高中教学多年的物理教师不难发现,学生中物理成绩好的男生多于女生,物理学习困难的女生多于男生.笔者对男女生在物理学习方面的差异做了一定程度的研究,调查了高中500名学生的物理成绩情况.根据调查数据得出:男生物理平均分88.74,女生物理平均分83.38,优秀生中  相似文献   

高中学生中物理成绩好的男生多于女生,物理学习困难的女生多于男生。这是多年来困扰广大物理教育工作者的一个问题,也是全面提高物理教学质量的一个障碍。但目前的研究表明:男、女生在平均智商方面无明显差异,但在智能品质和类型上则存在一定的差异。因此,本人针对高中女生物理学习困难的成因及转化途径进行了研究和实践。  相似文献   

选取高考数据为研究样本,对男女学生数学成绩及能力优势特点进行探究。结论如下:男女生成绩差异显著,男生明显高于女生;高分段男女人数与试题难度有关;男女在数学能力上各有所长:女生在数据处理、运算求解、应用意识(知识方法的应用、综合应用)方面明显优于男生,在空间想象能力、抽象概括、创新意识方面男生明显优于女生。  相似文献   

利用文献资料法获得甘肃省7~18岁汉族学生身体素质六项指标数据,运用Excel2007、SPSS16.0统计软件对数据进行统计学处理.通过对2000年以来甘肃省7~18岁汉族学生身体素质六项指标进行研究,找出甘肃省汉族学生身体素质的动态变化特点,旨在为今后学生身体素质提升工作提供理论参考.研究认为甘肃省汉族学生50米跑的成绩总体上保持着缓慢增长的趋势,下肢爆发力总体上呈现出了明显的下降趋势;学生力量素质呈现增长趋势,7~12岁乡村男生增长幅度大于同年龄组城市男生,13~18岁年龄段乡村男生呈现缓慢下降趋势,而乡村女生力量素质增长优势明显;7~12岁的男生和城市女生耐力素质成绩呈现下降趋势;但13~18岁城市男生和城市女生的耐力素质增长趋势明显,同一年龄组的乡村女生耐力成绩出现了下降趋势;柔韧素质增长趋势缓慢,且城乡差异明显.甘肃省7~18岁汉族学生身体素质的各项成绩的城乡、年代差异显著,个别年代和年龄组成绩的突增或突减现象明显.  相似文献   

在小学教育中,男女学生的性别角色不同,在学习过程中的表现也有明显差异,为了更好地促进学生的发展,为其今后的学习与生活奠定坚实的基础,应该倡导因“性”施教。性别差异小学生在学习上的性别差异表现在许多方面,诸如学习成绩分布、学习成绩发展趋势、学习兴趣、课堂行为、学习动机等。1.学习成绩分布的性别差异研究表明,男生成绩分布较为分散,优、劣者人数都超过了女生,而女生成绩分布较为均匀,但男女儿童学习的平均成绩差异不大。2.学习成绩发展趋势的性别差异小学阶段女生成绩比男生好,进入中学后差异逐渐缩小,男生逐渐赶上并超过女生。…  相似文献   

数学成绩的性别差异是教育教学领域中的一个值得关注的问题,由于研究的范围、立场、角度、方法各有不同,目前学界对于男女学生在数学成绩上是否有差异仍存在分歧。本研究选取福建省福州市G中学高一年级学生作为样本,旨在通过量化分析的方法探讨福州市高一男女学生在数学成绩上是否存在差异。结果显示,福州市高一男生数学平均成绩与女生数学平均成绩之间存在显著差异,高一男生的数学平均成绩高于女生;福州市高一男生数学成绩的离散程度(标准差)与女生没有显著差异。  相似文献   

学生对数学学习的兴趣、态度,直接影响老师的教学效果和学生的数学成绩,调查发现农村学生与城市学生、男生与女生对数学的兴趣和态度有所不同,有一定比例的学生学习数学困难,更有一定比例的学生不喜欢数学,这对高中数学教改具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

自主学习是主动调节自己学习过程的一种学习,是大学生的主要学习方式。了解大学生自主学习特征对于有针对性地开展自主学习指导具有重要意义,但目前相关实证研究非常缺乏。对501位大学生自主学习开展的调查发现,(1)成绩好的学生在自我效能和外在目标上得分更高,在学习策略上强于成绩较差的学生;(2)在内在目标、学习管理维度上女生明显强于男生,文科学生明显高于理科学生,重点院校学生在学习管理上明显比一般院校学生表现更好;(3)在学习焦虑上,女生比男生强,重点院校学生比一般院校学生强。这些结果表明,在开展自主学习辅导时,需要结合学校本身的特点以及学生学习成绩、性别、文理科等的影响,进行差异性辅导。  相似文献   

数学成绩的性别差异是教育教学领域中的一个值得关注的问题,由于研究的范围、立场、角度、方法各有不同,目前学界对于男女学生在数学成绩上是否有差异仍存在分歧。本研究选取福建省福州市G中学高一年级学生作为样本,旨在通过量化分析的方法探讨福州市高一男女学生在数学成绩上是否存在差异。结果显示,福州市高一男生数学平均成绩与女生数学平均成绩之间存在显著差异,高一男生的数学平均成绩高于女生;福州市高一男生数学成绩的离散程度(标准差)与女生没有显著差异。  相似文献   

选取来自城市和农村学校的1546名初一到初三学生作为被试,对初中生科学态度发展的一般特点及影响学生科学态度因素进行研究。结果显示:(1)各年级学生在"对科学的态度"量表各维度上得分存在显著的年级差异,年级越高,对科学的态度越积极;性别差异显著,在科学价值维度上,女生得分高于男生,科学探索及科学学习维度上,男生得分高于女生;城乡差异显著,各维度上城市学生得分均高于农村学生;(2)教材因素是影响学生对科学态度最重要的因素,其次是教师、学生的自我效能感。  相似文献   

本研究利用大规模学业水平测试数据,分析8年级学生科学学习困难学生学业相关因素的特点。研究发现:城乡学生科学学习困难检出率没有差异,但科学学习困难检出率的性别差异因城乡而异。城乡科学学习困难学生的学业相关因素水平与正常学生的差异因城乡和性别不同也有不同。师生关系是学生科学学习困难最有效的预测因素,并不随城乡、学生性别而异。家庭社会经济地位对科学学习困难的预测作用亦不能排除。  相似文献   

Science motivation is an important factor that directly influences students’ science learning. Numerous studies have been undertaken to develop and validate questionnaire items for measuring students’ motivation in science learning. This study is the first longitudinal examination of the Chinese version of Science Motivation Questionnaire II (SMQ II-C) in a Chinese cultural context. Using two waves of surveys, we evaluated its internal structure validity and criterion-related validity. Results showed that at each time point, scores were internally consistent and the hypothesized five-factor model was confirmed as the best model fit for the data. Results of multigroup invariance revealed the structure of the SMQ II-C was equivalent within gender subgroups. Furthermore, the present study added longitudinal invariance evidence of the SMQ II-C by sampling two-time points. Overall, this study suggests the SMQ II-C is a robust instrument for evaluating Chinese high school students’ motivation to learn science. Furthermore, boys yielded higher scores than girls among all five subscales of science motivation and significant gender differences were observed in both waves. Implications and limitations of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

This study employs the 2004 School Achievement Indicators Program (SAIP) data to examine whether academic effort manifested by greater investments in school and homework does result in higher literacy scores in science for Canadian students. The study compares four gender–immigrant profiles: Canadian-born males, immigrant males, Canadian-born females, and immigrant females on their scores on teacher-assigned grades in science and on the SAIP science literacy test, and across a range of dispositions, beliefs, and behaviors suggested in the literature as predictive of achievement in science. Study findings show that Canadian-born students, particularly boys, have higher performance in the science literacy test despite their lower achievement in the science classroom and the least investments of time in doing science homework. In contrast, immigrant female students demonstrate the highest academic effort and achievement in science courses which are not matched by similar results in the science literacy test. We discuss these results in relation to different socialization experiences with science and technology that limit female and immigrant students’ abilities to transfer knowledge to new situations that have not been learned in the classroom.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop and validate an online contextualized test for assessing students’ understanding of epistemic knowledge of science. In addition, how students’ understanding of epistemic knowledge of science interacts with learner factors, including time spent on science learning, interest, self-efficacy, and gender, was also explored. The participants were 489 senior high school students (244 males and 245 females) from eight different schools in Taiwan. Based on the result of an extensive literature review, we first identified six factors of epistemic knowledge of science, such as status of scientific knowledge, the nature of scientific enterprise, measurement in science, and so on. An online test was then created for assessing students’ understanding of the epistemic knowledge of science. Also, a learner-factor survey was developed by adopting previous PISA survey items to measure the abovementioned learner factors. The results of this study show that; (1) by factor analysis, the six factors of epistemic knowledge of science could be grouped into two dimensions which reflect the nature of scientific knowledge and knowing in science, respectively; (2) there was a gender difference in the participants’ understanding of the epistemic knowledge of science; and (3) students’ interest in science learning and the time spent on science learning were positively correlated to their understanding of the epistemic knowledge of science.  相似文献   

The control-of-variables strategy (CVS) is considered a hallmark in the development of scientific reasoning. It holds that informative experiments need to be contrastive and controlled. Prior evidence suggests that CVS is connected to the acquisition of science content knowledge. In a cross-sectional study involving 1283 high school students (grades 5–13), we investigate whether students’ mastery of CVS is related to their science content knowledge in physics. A latent variable model indicates that CVS is substantially associated with students’ science content knowledge, even when controlling for common effects of general reasoning abilities. Substantial differences in students’ CVS skills and their science content knowledge exist between the lower grade levels in secondary school when students receive physics education. A latent profile analysis shows that the most difficult aspect of CVS is understanding the impact of confounding. This sub-skill emerges in late secondary school and it requires that students master more procedural sub-skills of CVS. These findings indicate that CVS and science content knowledge are closely related within secondary school science contexts. In addition, the findings emphasize that students show various distinct patterns of CVS skills. The identified skill patterns can inform researchers and science educators about the CVS skills that students typically show and thus can be utilized in inquiry activities in different school grades, while the CVS skills students are lacking might be trained in focused interventions.  相似文献   

Working at scientists’ elbows is one suggestion that educators make to improve science education, because such “authentic experiences” provide students with various types of science knowledge. However, there is an ongoing debate in the literature about the assumption that authentic science activities can enhance students’ understandings of scientific practice. The purpose of the study is to further address the debate in terms of the ethnographic data collected during an internship programme for high school students right through to their public presentations at the end. Drawing on activity theory to analyse these presentations, we found that students presented scientific practice as accomplished by individual personnel without collaboration in the laboratory. However, our ethnographic data of their internship interaction show that students have had conversations about the complex collaborations within and outside the laboratory. This phenomenon leads us to claim that students experienced authentic science in their internships, but their subsequent representations of authentic science are incomplete. That is, participating in authentic science internships and reporting scientific practice are embedded activities that constitute different goals and conditions rather than unrefracted reflections of one another. The debate on the influence on students’ understanding of science practice is not simply related to situating students in authentic science contexts, but also related to students’ values and ideology of reporting their understanding of and about science. To help students see these “invisible” moments of science practice is therefore crucial. We make suggestions for how the invisible in and of authentic science may be made visible.  相似文献   

This year-long, quasi-experimental study investigated the impact of the use of netbook computers and interactive science software on fifth-grade students’ science learning processes, academic achievement, and interest in further science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) study within a linguistically diverse school district in California. Analysis of students’ state standardized science test scores indicated that the program helped close gaps in scientific achievement between at-risk learners (i.e., English learners, Hispanics, and free/reduced-lunch recipients) and their counterparts. Teacher and student interviews and classroom observations suggested that computer-supported visual representations and interactions supported diverse learners’ scientific understanding and inquiry and enabled more individualized and differentiated instruction. Finally, interviews revealed that the program had a positive impact on students’ motivation in science and on their interest in pursuing science-related careers. This study suggests that technology-facilitated science instruction is beneficial for improving at-risk students’ science achievement, scaffolding students’ scientific understanding, and strengthening students’ motivation to pursue STEM-related careers.  相似文献   

学习适应性本质上是一种生活适应能力,是影响学生学业成就和心理健康发展的重要因素。本研究采用问卷调查法对广西612名师专生的学习适应性状况进行调查,结果表明:师专生学习适应性总体得分偏低。不同性别、年级、专业师专生的学习适应性水平存在显著差异。女生的学习适应性优于男生;在学习态度和管理模式的适应性方面,大三学生不及低年级学生,在学习能力适应性方面,大一学生不及高年级学生;理科生学习适应性水平高于术科生和文科生。不同生源地师专生的学习适应性没有显著差异。高校需要结合师专生的学习适应性发展特点,开展有针对性地适应性教育。  相似文献   

In science education, students sometimes create and engage in spontaneous science-oriented play where ideas about science and scientists are put to use. However, in previous research, little attention has been given to the role of informal spontaneous play in school science classrooms. We argue that, in order to enhance our understanding of learning processes in school science practices, research that investigates play as an aspect of everyday culture is needed. The aim of this paper is to explore students’ informal play as part of activity in lower secondary school science. The empirical study was conducted in two Swedish compulsory schools in grade 6. Data were collected throughout a teaching unit called ‘The Chemistry of Food’ during a 10-week period using video and audiotape recordings of classroom work. Our analyses show that the play students engage in involves the transformations of given tasks. We find that students’ spontaneous collective play offers opportunities for them to explore the epistemic values and norms of science and different ways of positioning in relation to science. Our findings contribute to the understanding of how learning in the school science classroom is socially and culturally–historically embedded and how individual students’ engagement through play may transform and transcend existing classroom practices.  相似文献   

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