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内关注射VE加丹参液延缓运动性疲劳的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用7只新西兰纯种家兔进行自身对照实验,分别检测家兔在安静状态、疲劳状态和内关穴位注射VE加丹参液后疲劳状态时血中SOD、LPO、HCO3浓度和PH值的变化.并探讨了这些变化对运动能力的影响以及内关穴位用药后对延缓疲劳的作用。实验结果表明.家兔运动至疲劳状态时血中LPO显著升高,HCO3和PH值明显降低.内关穴位注射VE加丹参液后血中SOD、HCO3和PH值升高,LPO浓度显著下降,家兔运动至疲劳的时间延长,运动能力明显提高,疲劳的出现被延缓。  相似文献   

潘碧芳 《游泳》2002,(5):33-35
目的是在高校游泳队备战大运会期间 ,试运用运动营养帮助运动员机能恢复和消除疲劳 ,方法是通过运动员服用后的自身对照测试 ,发现在大负荷训练时期 ,所选用的运动营养对运动员训练后乳酸的积累有减少的作用 ,训练后CK偏高时但运动员的疲劳感反而减弱 ,运动营养对血红蛋白的维持或提高有一定作用 ,有降低蛋白质、氨基酸分解、减少血尿素氮的生成的功能 ;在提高机体的抗练性和抗疲劳方面有较明显的作用。  相似文献   

通过电镜观察和形态计量学统计 ,研究益气扶阳合剂对力竭性运动大鼠骨骼肌消除疲劳及运动能力的超微结构影响 ,发现服用益气扶阳合剂对机体机能的恢复具有一定的作用 ,值得进一步推广应用  相似文献   

艾灸对运动员运动时机体血清酶活性的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通过对运动员进行穴位施灸处理,并以服用西洋参组作为对照,观察定量运动时机体血清肌酸激酶(CK)活性的变化和血清超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性的变化。经过2个月的施灸处理,结果表明,艾灸可以明显降低运动员运动时机体血清肌酸激酶(CK)的活性,同时使SOD活性保持相对稳定。提示,灸法可以提高机体对运动的适应能力,减轻运动性疲劳。  相似文献   

运动中补充西番莲、奥华运动饮料的效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对运动员服用西番莲、奥华两种饮料前后的运动能力及生理生化指标分析测定,发现这两种饮料能使运动员运动至疲劳的时间明显延长,维持血容量,使运动中血糖水平保持正常,并使血清镁离子浓度维持正常水平。  相似文献   

以小鼠为对象,采用肌糖原血清乳酸的含量变化等指标观察了新的功能食品公牛I号的抗疲劳效果。表明,服用一定剂量,一定时间后的小鼠,其股糖原含量比对照组显著增加,运动后血清乳酸有明显降低,提示公牛I号有增强股体对运动负荷的适应能力,抵抗疲劳产生和加快疲劳消除方面具有较明显的作用。  相似文献   

通过给大强度耐力大鼠服用白藜芦醇,测试有关生化指标,研究白藜芦醇对大鼠运动能力影响的可能机制,为白藜芦醇在运动医学领域应用和运动保健饮料、食品的开发提供参考。以雄性SD大鼠为研究对象,递增强度跑台训练,建立大强度耐力运动模型,测定血清中ALT、AST、CK、LDH、ALP、TP、ALB、BU及Hb、肝糖原、肌糖原等反映机体机能、蛋白质代谢的指标。结果显示,服用白藜芦醇的运动组与单纯运动组相比,运动后大鼠体内Hb、肝糖原、肌糖原等指标均明显升高;白藜芦醇可明显减轻大强度运动对大鼠肝脏和心肌等组织细胞的损伤,运动+白藜芦醇组大鼠血清ALT、AST、LDH、CK、ALP活性显著低于运动组;服用白藜芦醇后的大鼠运动后血清BU含量显著低于相应的对照组,而TP、ALB含量则明显升高。本实验提示,大鼠服用白藜芦醇有利于能源物质的积累与储存,维持细胞的正常结构与功能,减少蛋白质的消耗和利用,可显著提高大鼠运动至力竭的时间,延缓运动性疲劳的发生。  相似文献   

为了解运动后运动营养物质的补充对体能恢复和消除疲劳的作用 ,本研究对广东省 36名高水平跆拳道、柔道和摔跤项目的运动员赛前 3个月内 ,在模拟比赛训练后 30 m in补充 30 0m l英国产葡萄适 (L ucozade )并进行观察 ,结果发现 ,服用 L ucozade(实验组 )与服用安慰剂 (对照组 )比较 ,实验组的生理指标 (晨脉、运动时最高心率、恢复期心率、血压等 )、生化指标 (血红蛋白、运动后血乳酸和安静时血乳酸浓度 )、心血管系统机能 (台阶试验指数 )和运动心情都优于对照组 (P <0 .0 5或 P <0 .0 1) ,实验组疲劳消除和体力恢复得到改善 ,运动能力相对提高。  相似文献   

健脾生血中药对消除小鼠运动性疲劳的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文研究了健脾生血中药对长期训练小鼠运动性疲劳的影响。结果表明:训练的同时服用健脾生血中药能显著提高小鼠负重游泳时间以及超氧化物岐化酶,并能显著降低血尿素、肌酸激酶,同时还有升高血红蛋白、降低血乳酸的趋势,说明健脾生血中药在消除运动性疲劳、提高运动能力方面有显著作用。  相似文献   

针炙三阴交穴对小白鼠运动能力与某些免疫指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许多研究已经证实:中医药对提高运动能力、消除疲劳有一定效果。然而,有关针灸抗运动性疲劳的实验研究报道尚少。为此,我们通过采用小白鼠游泳训练模型,观察针灸三阴交穴在提高小白鼠运动能力、减少或延缓运动性疲劳的发生、纠正运动小白鼠神经——内分泌——免疫调节紊乱等方面的作用,以期为针灸在体育训练和运动保健中的实际应用提供实验依据。  相似文献   

We examined the hypothesis that congruence between motivational dominance and state results in optimal psychological responses and performance during exercise. Twenty participants (10 telic dominant and 10 paratelic dominant) rated their stress at 5 min intervals as they cycled on an ergometer at gas exchange threshold for 30 min in both telic and paratelic state manipulated conditions. Participants then performed a test to exhaustion at a resistance equivalent to 110% of VO(2max). The hypothesized interaction between condition and dominance was significant for internal tension stress, as paratelic dominants were more stressed than telic dominants when exercising in the telic state and telic dominants were more stressed than paratelic dominants when exercising in the paratelic state. Similarly, the condition × dominance interaction for internal stress discrepancy was significant, as paratelic dominants reported greater internal stress discrepancy exercising in the telic compared with the paratelic state. Findings are discussed in relation to the application of reversal theory for understanding stress responses during aerobic exercise.  相似文献   


This study investigated the effects of oral taurine supplementation on cycling time to exhaustion at a fixed-intensity and thermoregulation in the heat. In a double-blind, randomised crossover design, 11 healthy males participated in a time to exhaustion test in the heat (35°C, 40% RH), cycling at the power output associated with ventilatory threshold, 2?h after ingesting: Taurine (50?mg?kg?1) or placebo (3?mg?kg?1?maltodextrin). Core and mean skin temperature, mean sweat rate, heart rate, rating of perceived exertion (RPE), thermal comfort and thermal sensation were measured during exercise and blood lactate concentration (B[La]) was measured after exercise. Taurine supplementation increased time to exhaustion by 10% (25.16 min vs. 22.43 min, p?=?0.040), end sweat rate by 12.7% (687?nL?min?1 vs. 600?nL?min?1, p?=?0.034) and decreased B[La] by 16.5% (5.75?mmol?L?1 vs. 6.85?mmol?L?1, p?=?0.033). Core temperature was lower in the final 10% of the time to exhaustion (38.5°C vs. 38.1°C, p?=?0.049). Taurine supplementation increased time to exhaustion and local sweating, while decreasing RPE and core temperature in the later stages of exercise, as well as reducing post-exercise B[La]. This study provides the evidence of taurine's role in thermoregulatory processes. These findings have implications for the short-term preparation strategies of individuals exercising in the heat. Based on these findings, a single dose of taurine 2?h prior to training or competition would provide an ergogenic and thermoregulatory effect.  相似文献   

重庆市青少年课外体育锻炼行为选择与制约因素的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗炯  唐炎  彭莉  公立政 《体育学刊》2011,18(6):94-100
通过对重庆市青少年课外体育锻炼行为选择及制约因素间的关系进行了探索,结果表明:家庭经济压力、健身的习惯与方法、健身兴趣及价值取向、学校体育政策、健身的环境与指导及课业压力是制约学生课外体育锻炼参与行动的6个关键影响因子,其中健身的习惯与方法、健身的环境及指导影响力最大,学校体育政策次之,健身兴趣及价值影响力最弱;传统学校比一般学校学生拥有更好的体育政策、更好的锻炼意识与价值认同感、更优的健身环境及健身指导;不同年级青少年中,小学生拥有最好的健身习惯与方法、最优的健身环境及指导、最小的课业压力,初中生这3方面次之,高中生最差。  相似文献   

随着人们的家庭收入增长,居民拥有私家车的数量也越来越多。伴随着汽车被开回家,其用途的多样性也显示出来,它不仅用于上下班代步,更多的是用于节假日出游,节假日开车出游的新型健身方式便悄然兴起。通过对武汉城市圈居民节假日参与体育旅游这种健身方式兴起的原因、条件及现实意义展开分析,借以说明,随着时代的变迁,新型的全民健身方式和健身文化会不断涌现。我们应该大力推广具有浓郁地方特色的健身文化及方式,真正满足人们锻炼身体,陶冶性情的需要,同时应思考如何应对新型健身文化带来的不利影响。  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to compare the decision-making performance of college soccer players on a soccer-specific, tachistoscopically presented test, at rest and while exercising at their adrenaline threshold and at their maximum power output. These were determined following an incremental test to exhaustion on a cycle ergometer. After the initial maximum power test, participants (n = 9) were allowed 10 habituation trials on the soccer decision-making test. Participants' decision-making performance was tested at rest, while cycling at a power output that had previously been determined to elicit their adrenaline threshold and while cycling at maximum power output. Accuracy and speed of decision were the dependent variables. A one-way repeated-measures analysis of variance showed no significant effect of exercise on accuracy, and showed speed of decision to be significantly affected by exercise. Tukey post-hoc tests showed that speed of decision at rest was significantly slower than in the other two conditions, which did not differ significantly from one another. Based on allocatable resources theories of arousal and performance, we conclude that the adrenaline threshold may be indicative of increases in the resources available to the individual. Furthermore, we considered that exercise at maximum power output may only induce a moderate rather than a high level of arousal.  相似文献   

采用"总体幸福感量表"、"PARS-3体育活动等级量表",对565名职业女性进行调查。结果表明:保持良好锻炼习惯的职业女性较少。职业女性锻炼水平越高,主观幸福感水平越高,主观幸福感水平在锻炼频率、锻炼时间有特定的规律,而在运动强度上无特定规律。在锻炼频率、锻炼时间和运动强度对主观幸福感的影响作用中,锻炼频率、锻炼时间是决定性因素。  相似文献   

The effect of long-term endurance and resistance training on central fatigue has been studied using transcranial magnetic stimulation by exercising the biceps brachii to exhaustion and recording motor-evoked potentials from the non-exercised homologous biceps. Three groups of eight healthy individuals took part: two groups of individuals who had more than 8 years of athletic training in either an endurance or resistance sport, and a group of controls. The size of a motor-evoked potential (area of averaged rectified response) was significantly depressed in all three groups in the non-exercised arm after exhaustive exercise of the opposite arm. Recovery of motor-evoked potentials occurred earlier in endurance athletes (20 min) than in control participants (30 min) and resistance athletes (>30 min). Dexterity and maximum voluntary contraction of the biceps for the non-exercised arm were not depressed in any group. In a separate session, the limit of endurance time for the biceps was reduced significantly following exhaustive exercise of the biceps of the other arm for resistance athletes and control participants, whereas there was no change in the endurance athletes. Our findings suggest that athletic training has an effect on the mechanism of central fatigue that may be specific to the nature of training.  相似文献   

运动和不当运动是两个不同的概念,不当运动的恶果并非运动之过。不科学的运动方式,使运动者身体关键部位损伤,是运动猝死的主要原因。对海曼、朱刚、库珀的一位崇拜者等人的猝死以及北京国际马拉松赛3例猝死的分析表明,这些不幸都是可以避免的。“天年”学说和海弗里克理论未能正确表述人类衰老与寿命极限,“运动使体温升高并缩短寿命”的推测并无事实根据,“人体冷冻延长寿命”只是面临诸多难题的初步设想而不是现实,这些都不能用于科学论证。王嘉鹏、彭水林和北京玉渊潭公园抗癌乐园的动人事迹,展示了康复运动对社会的重要贡献。洪昭光的鹿与狼的故事从生存环境的角度来看是有教育意义的。  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to compare the decision-making performance of college soccer players on a soccer-specific, tachistoscopically presented test, at rest and while exercising at their adrenaline threshold and at their maximum power output. These were determined following an incremental test to exhaustion on a cycle ergometer. After the initial maximum power test, participants (n= 9) were allowed 10 habituation trials on the soccer decision-making test. Participants' decision-making performance was tested at rest, while cycling at a power output that had previously been determined to elicit their adrenaline threshold and while cycling at maximum power output. Accuracy and speed of decision were the dependent variables. A one-way repeated measures analysis of variance showed no significant effect of exercise on accuracy, and showed speed of decision to be significantly affected by exercise. Tukey post-hoc tests showed that speed of decision at rest was significantly slower than in the other two conditions, which did not differ significantly from one another. Based on allocatable resources theories of arousal and performance, we conclude that the adrenaline threshold may be indicative of increases in the resources available to the individual. Furthermore, we considered that exercise at maximum power output may only induce a moderate rather than a high level of arousal.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the 'anaerobic threshold' (AnT) of subjects determined during a continuous 2-min incremental exercise test until exhaustion and the 'maximal lactate steady-state' (BLaSsmax) determined during prolonged exercise at constant loads corresponding to the subjects' AnT and/or 5-25% above and below it. Seventeen subjects performed an incremental exercise test and 1-5 prolonged exercise tests on a cycle ergometer until exhaustion at intervals of 1 week, and work rates, oxygen uptake (VO2) values and brachial venous blood lactate (BLa) levels were measured. It was proposed that when exercising at a constant workload below AnT, BLa would fall after having reached its peak; at the level of AnT, BLa reaches maximal steady-state (BLaSsmax); and above AnT, BLa increases continuously. Altogether, in 34 of 45 tests with a constant workload between 80 and 125% AnT, BLa values were as expected. In those cases in which BLaSsmax was reached, BLa increased on average by 3.8 mM from resting levels. This increase was 2.0 mM greater than that seen between resting levels and AnT during incremental exercise. There was no correlation between BLa values at BLaSsmax and at AnT, both when expressed as an increase in BLa (delta BLa) and absolute BLa concentration. Altogether, 81% of the variation in BLa concentration at BLaSsmax could be explained by the subjects' age, the percentage of slow-twitch fibres and BLa levels at rest. The AnT and BLaSsmax did not differ significantly, and these values were correlated (r = 0.83). Together, AnT and age accounted for 85% of the variation seen in BLaSsmax. The BLaSsmax did not correlate with AnT when fixed at a BLa concentration of 4 mM (AnT4mM). The three hypotheses tested in this study were confirmed, and the present results demonstrate that AnT correlates with BLaSsmax. The few exceptions to anticipated BLa kinetics were small in magnitude and could be explained by physiological variations.  相似文献   

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