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Aiming to place disability studies in conversation with other antioppressive educational frameworks, this article “crips” human rights education (HRE), a field that, by definition, teaches people about equality, dignity, and respect. A theoretical sampling of HRE journals and an online library database uncovers that human rights scholarship largely overlooks disability outside a medical or legal framework, though disability scholars consistently reference human rights in their work. We argue that these absences exemplify the active erasure of disability at the ontological level, and in response we urge scholars to reconceptualize where and how politics, activism, and social change take place. This “visibilizing” project follows Baxi's dictum that HRE must constantly adapt to people’s localized experiences and the needs of future generations. We offer a reading list to begin this “visibilizing” project in undergraduate university settings, proposing that teachers use “Disability and Human Rights Praxis: Intersectional, Interdisciplinary Readings for Educators” to conceptualize how they might pair disability studies in education and HRE texts to facilitate interdisciplinary class discussions and student projects.  相似文献   

This article suggests that religious education discourse in the future must be multilingual if it is to prepare people to participate in a postmodern world of religious diversity and secularism. Five “languages” are suggested, including those native to the religious education of particular religious communities, the language of interreligious education, the language of public religious education, a postreligion religious education language, and the language of academic religious education.  相似文献   

教育是人类社会文明发展的重要领域,人工智能在教育领域的应用,对教育产生了革命性的影响;同时,也给教育伦理带来了一系列风险和挑战。人工智能在教育应用中导致的伦理困境和可能面临的伦理风险,主要表现在人工智能与教育主体的权利嬗变、算法推荐与学生个性的发展异化、人工情感与人机互动的情感危机、智能感知与教育数据的价值困境这四个方面。为了防范和消除这些伦理风险,“以人为本”“以德为先”“以法为界”是人工智能在教育应用中的理性选择,教育责任则是“可信赖的人工智能应该做什么”伦理准则的实践指向。  相似文献   

Mastering the public school curriculum is so important to a child's occupational future that in many regions of the world “shadow” education outside of the public system has now become the norm. In one way, this is excellent news because private investment in human capital is a strong contributor to economic and social development. However, private demand is driving a separate and powerful private industry. According to the constitutional standards in many countries, education is supposed to be “free.” This suggests that, in some instances, shadow education might be unconstitutional. The United Nations Declaration on Human Rights also says that education should be free. This suggests that in some circumstances, shadow education may be contrary to the principles of human rights. The question addressed in this article is whether shadow education is wrong. This article summarizes the arguments in favor and against shadow education and ends with a series of recommendations to better manage what has become a worldwide dilemma.  相似文献   

劳动教育是人改造外部世界,满足人的物质文化与精神文化需求,实现人的自由全面发展的文化实践。"劳动崇拜论""劳动决定论""劳动终结论"和"劳动起源论"批判和中外教育史上有关劳动教育的论争揭示了,文化是劳动和劳动教育的本质,劳动教育研究需要文化研究。"劳动""文化"和"教育"在词源上有共通之处。劳动教育,作为文化实践,是通过物质、能量转换改造自然的"化育"和通过信息、符号改造社会的"教化"的统一,蕴含价值-规范、行为-作用、语言-符号、知识-技术等不同的文化层级和实践综合。劳动教育有文化唯物性,也就是具有物质生产性和面向社会现实的大众文化性。劳动教育有文化启蒙价值,它是解放所有人的文化启蒙,是反映和表现社会生活文化的知识文化启蒙。总之,劳动教育的文化本质和实践充分呈现了人与自然、社会之间进行的物质、能量和信息转换,以及物质文化和精神文化创造的过程,是劳动的"教育性"与教育的"劳动性"、体力劳动教育与脑力劳动教育、化育与教化、精英与大众、理论与实践之间历史的、现实的、社会的辩证统一。  相似文献   


This article discusses the current focus of education policies around the world on working with benchmarks, indicators and targets. Its aim is to increase knowledge of potential strategies to meet the fourth United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 4), which strives for quality education. The SDGs form part of the United Nations (UN) “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, which was unanimously adopted in 2015 by all UN Member States as a “plan of action for people, planet and prosperity”. Structure and agency theory form an important starting point of this article, allowing the ten targets within SDG 4 to be separated and viewed from micro-, meso- and macro-level perspectives. This analysis explores the idea that reaching the SDG 4 targets is a responsibility shared among individuals, education and training institutions, and regulating governments.


The article describes and critically analyzes how Russian education researchers approached the topic of quality evaluation in education between 1990 and 2014. Evaluation and quality have grown into major policy issues in education across the world, simultaneously acting as powerful steering mechanisms on national and transnational levels. Russia is no exception to this global phenomenon, but little is known about how Russian education researchers discuss the topic in national academic journals. This article discusses four major periods, each characterized by a shift in the focus of discussion and/or the introduction of a completely new agenda. These periods capture the dominant themes, titled “effective management and customization of education,” “the rise of broad-scale assessments,” “systemic approach to quality evaluation,” and “toward a more nuanced usage of evaluation data.” We interpret the findings within two intertwined conceptual frameworks: governance at a distance and New Public Management. How these frames help us understand the academic discussion on quality evaluation in Russian school education is also discussed.  相似文献   

The article documents findings from a pilot study undertaken in 2012–2013 in a special needs secondary school in the England, that trialled the use of a multimedia advocacy tool, “The RIX Wiki”. The trial was part of the pathfinder programme, which aimed to reform existing Special Education Needs provision, from the system of statementing to one of developing education health care plans. The reforms became enshrined in the Children and Families Act (2014). The findings were overall positive and helped with person-centred planning processes. The discussion is framed within current and future policy directives. We argue that multimedia advocacy approaches and software tools, like the “RIX Wiki” will have a continued role to play in ensuring the needs, aspirations and choices of children and young people with learning disabilities remain central.  相似文献   

Some researchers and educators contend that distance education is the new, student-centered paradigm for future learning and one of the fastest growing areas in education. Despite its continued growth and popularity, distance education suffers from a number of problems. One of the most troubling is a much higher course “dropout” rate in online courses compared to traditional campus-based education. There are a number of factors that contribute to course noncompletion in Web-based distance education: feelings of isolation, frustrations with the technology, anxiety, and confusion. This article provides a discussion on certain tools used by the author to mitigate these negative factors, such as the use of electronic office hours. Explored in depth, however, is a tool that the author has had the most success using in reducing some of the chronic problems that seem to assail students taking online courses. This same tool promotes learner interaction and collaborative learning at a distance. This “magical” tool the author has created for his online classes is a fictitious virtual student who is “not an ordinary Joe.”  相似文献   

人工智能时代的不期而至将重塑教学的课堂形态。基于人工智能的课堂教学无论其教学手段、教学方式、教学内容、教学设计、教学过程乃至教学评价等都将以智慧性、泛在性和场景的融合性为表征,知识呈现的形式与场景的融合使教学的“现实场景”凸显,学生发展的“审美创造”成为可能。然而,人工智能时代的教育面临的挑战不容小觑,知识目的观的“祛魅”与人性目的观的“返魅”、单质主客体的“消减”与多元主体的“建构”、“授人以渔”的方法论转向“授人以欲”主体论、学习的“苦行僧”变为意义生成的“审美者”,等等。基于此,就其改进策略而言,教学中“人是目的”的根本要素依然需要持守并要不断弘扬,无论环节、情景、方式、模式等发生何等变换,都是为人的全面发展而服务的。因此,遵循“立德树人”的根本宗旨,以知识“塑造灵魂”;培养混合式、人机融合式的教学模式创构能力;创造“人际”“人机”与“人世”精神交往的教学关系;以劳动教育为基础,以审美教育为灵魂,“五育并举”,创造丰富多样的综合实践活动形式,共同形成一个相互联系的有机整体,培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义事业的建设者和接班人。  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of, and proposals for, international co-operation in higher education. It focuses on Latin American higher education, its current situation, and the expected transformation of the goals of higher education in the context of international co-operation. Education in the Twenty-First Century must be part of the world economic order. As such, it must attend to human necessities. One of the most important goals of the Twenty-First Century should be the building of a new kind of solidarity among human beings, one in which higher education systems will play an important role. The author describes the challenges that globalization poses to Latin American higher education.  相似文献   

This article describes six constitutive “senses” of the “Christian educator's imagination.” These dispositions toward knowing, being, and doing characterize competent leadership in educational ministry. They include a sense for vocational empowerment, a sense for teaching and learning, a sense for seeking God's presence; a sense for the contours of one's own soul, a sense for “what makes persons’ tick, and a sense for institutional leadership. The author contends that scholars of Christian religious education should seek to cultivate these senses in their students.  相似文献   

Current human expectations are too high and cannot be met in the finite world of conflicting interests and unevenly distributed resources. While human activity has caused the current global environmental crisis, education has not prepared people to handle systems of such size and complexity. In order to survive, the time has come to make rational and intelligent decisions and accordingly to take appropriate actions. Thus, environmental education (EE) has become an imperative component of both science and liberal education. STES (Science‐Technology‐Environment‐Society)‐literate people in terms of the “Problem Solving‐Decision Making Act” is advocated as a precondition for the responsible and rational management of the environment in order to ensure future sustainable development; however, STES literacy requires critical system thinking capability on the part of all who are expected to actively and responsibly participate in the democratic decision‐making process. The needed leadership and contribution of the university in the endeavour to attain the ultimate goal of EE, STES‐literate citizens, is contingent on its readiness to restructure education including course offerings, teaching strategies, and evaluation means, as well as to modify environmental research programmes.  相似文献   

Young people in countries considered to be at the forefront of gender equity still tend to choose very traditional science subjects and careers. This is particularly the case in science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects (STEM), which are largely male dominated. This article uses feminist critiques of science and science education to explore the underlying gendered assumptions of a research project aiming to contribute to improving recruitment, retention and gender equity patterns in STEM educations and careers. Much research has been carried out to understand this gender gap phenomenon as well as to suggest measures to reduce its occurrence. A significant portion of this research has focused on detecting the typical “female” and “male” interest in science and has consequently suggested that adjustments be made to science education to cater for these interests. This article argues that adjusting science subjects to match perceived typical girls’ and boys’ interests risks being ineffective, as it contributes to the imposition of stereotyped gender identity formation thereby also imposing the gender differences that these adjustments were intended to overcome. This article also argues that different ways of addressing gender issues in science education themselves reflects different notions of gender and science. Thus in order to reduce gender inequities in science these implicit notions of gender and science have to be made explicit. The article begins with an overview of the current situation regarding gender equity in some so- called gender equal countries. We then present three perspectives from feminist critiques of science on how gender can be seen to impact on science and science education. Thereafter we analyze recommendations from a contemporary research project to explore which of these perspectives is most prevalent.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情的全球蔓延使得全世界人的生活受到极大影响。因疫情引发的观念、意识及各个领域的冲突和危机凸显。这样的情势使得我们有必要重温并激活人文教育传统,特别是中国儒家传统中的"为己之学"和西方自古希腊以来的人文教育,纠正当前教育中过多的功利主义倾向,在教育中实现"认识自我、理解他人",从而达到教育提升生命品质的"初心":培养人性之仁。  相似文献   

This article presents a discourse analysis of Kylene Beers’ presidential address to the 2009 conference of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE-USA). The address, titled “Sailing over the Edge: Navigating the Uncharted Waters of a World Gone Flat,” calls teachers to reject the standardized education of the industrial order and to harness the creativity at the heart of the “flat world” (i.e. global, knowledge-based capitalism). The discourse analysis focuses on the figure of the “flat world” – an increasingly common image in education research – and asks how the speech uses the figure of the “flat world” to reimagine the role of education under global capitalism. Mobilizing the ideas of Fredric Jameson, the Marxist literary critic, the article asks how the speech's story of education in the “flat world” offers “an imaginary resolution of a real contradiction” between industrial and knowledge-based capitalisms.  相似文献   

在卡夫卡的《诉讼》中,其人物形象颇具寓意,其本质是法的仆人。人物间的职务关系构建起文本的等级性关系以及小说的空间结构,为自上而下权力外化的锥形结构,是一种秩序分明的统治模式。这一空间结构可简化为作者着力描绘的人类关系“模型”,折射出人类宏观权力关系和人与人之间的微观政治,展现卡夫卡式文本中世界和人的存在面貌。  相似文献   

分析了新时期德育工作实效性不强问题出现的原因,提出了“做为人师表的表率,起好示范带头作用”、“走进学生的心灵世界,进行师生间精神对话”、“加强班级文化建设,铸造班级灵魂”等三个方面的做法,以提高德育工作的实效性。  相似文献   

Drawing on Ulrich Beck’s theory of “freedom’s children”, the present contribution examines contemporary concerns about educating young people for citizenship as well as educating them about citizenship. Under the first theme, the author focuses on the citizen as learner, highlighting some of the gender- and class-related inequalities that are typically associated with individualisation. Under the second theme, she looks at the learner as citizen in view of the fact that citizenship education courses often prepare learners for a gender-divided world — even though the processes of individualisation have themselves significantly reshaped contemporary gender relations. In light of current challenges facing citizenship education, the study concludes by reflecting on gender-related dimensions of individualisation and their implications for democracy and the learner-citizen.  相似文献   

Drawing on Ulrich Beck’s theory of “freedom’s children”, the present contribution examines contemporary concerns about educating young people for citizenship as well as educating them about citizenship. Under the first theme, the author focuses on the citizen as learner, highlighting some of the gender- and class-related inequalities that are typically associated with individualisation. Under the second theme, she looks at the learner as citizen in view of the fact that citizenship education courses often prepare learners for a gender-divided world – even though the processes of individualisation have themselves significantly reshaped contemporary gender relations. In light of current challenges facing citizenship education, the study concludes by reflecting on gender-related dimensions of individualisation and their implications for democracy and the learner-citizen.  相似文献   

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